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Bonded Telepaths

Page 5

by Enid Titan

  «Beyond upset,» Ajax said, «Her cheeks are red.»

  As their voices clamored in her head, Poppy wanted to leap to her feet and give them a hearty plea to shut up. Oz cleared his throat.

  “Is there something you want to say, foreigner? Your thoughts are… distracting the rest of the group.”

  The older students snickered. If Poppy had been red before, she turned purple now.

  “No,” she squeaked, “I’m sorry.”

  “You’ll have to do better if you want to hack it on the team,” Oz snapped.

  Poppy expected Jason, Ajax or even Castor to say something in her defense. They’d been the ones needling her and distracting her the entire time. They sat quietly, and innocently, after landing her in trouble with a debate captain who already hated her.

  Oz broke them up into groups for a practice discussion. Two juniors, captains-in-training, led groups as well as Lyric and Oz. Oz separated them, keeping Penelope in his group along with a pretty junior girl named Io and a frail-looking boy named Eros. Every time Poppy spoke up, Oz chided her sharply. Even Io and Eros noticed and withheld their kindness from her. Towards the end of their meeting, Poppy had enough.

  She’d been preventing herself from seeing what everyone was thinking. The noise would overwhelm her, she thought, and here, on Devor, she was desperate to forget what she could about the Fengari. She wasn’t a first-semester student anymore. She couldn’t let herself get pushed around by anyone, let alone someone she’d have to go on a three week trip with halfway through the semester.

  She let down the filter that kept her safe from the constant buzz of thoughts and saw Oz for who he truly was. Poppy kept what she’d learned to herself for the rest of the debate session. When Lyric decided the meeting had run long enough and dismissed everyone, Poppy rushed to catch up with the three boys. Oz grabbed her by the hood of her cloak and pulled her back.

  “Not so fast. We have something to discuss, foreigner.”

  Poppy whirled around fiercely. Oz’s eyes remained dull, emotionless amber.

  “What?” she snapped.

  “You’ll be respectful now,” Oz hissed, “Or I’ll make sure you spend three weeks this semester far away from those little mates of yours.”

  Poppy’s mouth hung open.

  “I noticed how they didn’t defend you today. Bit pathetic if you ask me.”

  “Mind your own business,” Poppy snapped.

  “I already warned you, that attitude won’t get you far.”

  Poppy grinned.

  “I know it won’t,” she shot back.

  “Wipe that stupid smile off your face.”

  “You should call me what you want to, you know,” Poppy said, unable to wipe the grin off her face.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  «Nothing in your mind is hidden from me, Poseidon.»

  «If you prefer to talk telepathically, I can oblige. I only used primitive speech because I was dealing with a primitive alien.»

  «You don’t scare me.»

  «Perhaps I should.»

  «No, you shouldn’t. Because I know your darkest secret, and if you cross me, I’ll use it against you.»



  Outside of the debate hall, Cas, Ajax, and Jason leaned up against the wall.

  «Why so glum, jazad?»

  «I don’t want to talk to you.»

  «Any of us?» Ajax asked, «I haven’t done anything to you!»


  Poppy tightened the clasp of her cloak and stomped away, slowed down by the snowdrift that blew in front of the path and presented no ready obstacle to the three boys who ‘gave chase’ by walking at a normal pace behind her.

  «Stop following me!»

  «She’s upset,» Cas said.

  «No shit, I think I figured that out,» Jason responded.

  «It’s not my fault.»

  «Maybe she thinks we were being pricks.»


  «You could try asking me!» Poppy huffed, nearly tripped as she took a step forward.

  «We just did, jazad.»

  Poppy’s lips pinched together in frustration. Jason had asked her. She huffed and turned around to face the three boys. She’d only made it a few feet away from the debate hall.


  Poppy screamed as a gust of wind picked up a hefty amount of snow and slammed it into her. She fell flat on her behind, legs flailing up into the air as another gust of wind piled more snow on top of her.

  The three boys, buffeted by the wind, remained steady because of their size.

  “I think she’s stuck,” Ajax said out loud.

  “Can you three stop staring and help me?”

  «I rather like her down there,» Jason continued, without lifting a finger to help, «She’s finally stopped complaining.»

  Castor reached for Poppy’s hand and she smacked it away.

  “You know what, I can get up on my own.”

  She pressed her gloved hands into the snow and grunted as she pushed herself up to a seated position.

  “Take my hand, jazad,” Jason said, rolling his eyes.

  “No, really. I’m fine.”

  She tried to stand up again when another gust of wind knocked her back over.


  «Come on, Poppy. Let us help you up. Don’t be so stubborn.»

  Poppy grabbed Castor’s hand, glaring daggers at him.

  “Mind telling us what has you so upset?” Castor asked.

  “You three…are so… oblivious!”

  The three of them winced.

  “You’re hurting us,” Jason whined.

  “Good! How do you think I’ve felt the past three weeks!”

  Poppy turned around and kept storming off through the thick snow, traveling at a pace that didn’t put enough distance between her and her pursuers. The three of them caught up. Jason grabbed the cloak of Poppy’s hood, yanking her back.


  “You can’t say something like that and walk off,” Cas responded in his infuriatingly calm voice.

  “Talk to us,” Ajax pleaded.

  “How can I talk to you three when I never see you! After this summer… I looked forward to seeing you three so much and now that we’re here you haven’t seen me! You haven’t spoken to me! You’ve hardly even touched me!”

  Jason grinned. His smile infected Cas and Ajax shortly after.

  “What are you three idiots smiling about!”

  Cas shoved his hands in his pockets, grinning madly.

  “What? It’s not funny!”

  “You’re mad at us because… you’re horny?”


  Poppy tried to escape again, but Ajax grabbed her hand this time.

  “Not so fast. We’re talking.”

  “You three need to wipe those smiles off your faces and listen to me. I’m not ‘horny’ I have a legitimate problem which is that—

  “You’re bonded to three Devoran men with insatiable appetites and you got used to being pressed up against walls with us between your legs.”

  “I didn’t say that!”

  “All you had to do was ask, jazad,” Jason said, grabbing Poppy’s hand and interlocking their fingers. Poppy yanked her hand but didn’t get free from Jason’s grasp. Cas grabbed her hand and Poppy yelled, “Don’t you dare!” before Jason teleported them off-campus illegally. Again. This semester, he was up to his same old tricks but instead of his parents' apartment, they were somewhere different.

  “Where are we?” Poppy asked, through gritted teeth.

  “My place,” Jason said.


  “It’s been our surprise for the past three weeks,” Castor said, “It’s technically ‘our place’.”

  “I picked the wall color,” Ajax said proudly.

  The mother of pearl walls and marble floors glistened and shimmered in the Devoran suns’ light. Poppy gasped and whirled aroun
d, taking in everything. This wasn’t just a tiny flat, it was a house. An entire house as big as Pallas and Uncle Monty’s place in the center of Vortha.

  “How? What? Why?”

  Poppy pressed her back against the shimmering walls which changed color around the places her body warmed.

  “Do you like it?”

  “I… I don’t believe it’s here.”

  “It is here, and it’s yours.”

  “How did you three pull this off?”

  “We haven’t slept in seven days. We wanted it to be perfect. A retreat for the weekends and for after we’ve graduated. We’ll live here together as mates. All of us.”

  “This place… it’s too nice. I can’t live here. I can’t accept this.”

  “You have to.”

  Poppy shot Cas a glare.

  “Please, Poppy. We did this for you. So we’d have a place to live. I collected my inheritance this summer when I turned 19.”

  “You turned nineteen?!”

  “Didn’t you?”

  Poppy bit her lip. She hadn’t thought about her birthday. If she calculated based on when she left Earth, the date must have passed some time when she was on Fengar.

  “I think so. I don’t know. It’s confusing. Leaving Earth.”

  “We’re all nineteen except Ajax.”

  “I missed your birthdays,” Poppy said, feeling suddenly a bit solemn. She hadn’t given birthdays a second thought and assumed Devorans didn’t care for them much either.

  “Don’t overthink it. Devorans don't celebrate them much. We have so many.”

  “I thought you three were being selfish but I’m the selfish one. Look at all of what you’ve done for me and all I can do is complain,” Poppy said, shrinking back against the wall.

  Cas took her hand and pressed it to his lips.

  “You’re ours. It’s our job to care for you and protect you. I’m sorry we made you feel otherwise.”

  “I’m the one who should be apologizing.”

  “Nonsense,” Jason interjected, “Don’t apologize. I only want you to be happy, jazad. I want you to love this place.”

  “Are we even allowed to be here now?”

  “I signed up out before debate,” Ajax said, “We can spend the night here.”

  “Do I want to guess what you three have in mind?”

  Jason’s eyes glowed yellow.

  “We have unfinished business that I intend to take care of.”

  Ajax swept Poppy off her feet and carried her into her new bedroom.


  Bedroom Confessions

  Poppy’s head hit the pillow of the giant, fluffy bed. Jason wasted no time prying her legs apart and sliding his unclothed torso between them.

  “I’m still dressed,” Poppy protested.

  “Not for long,” Jason whispered.

  Cas and Ajax peeled the layers of clothing around her legs off and tossed them aside. Jason pried her lips apart with his tongues and kissed Poppy, pressing her into the bed with the weight of his torso. His fingers looped between the strings of the corset warming her body.

  “You’ve gotten smaller,” Jason whispered, “You’re so tiny now. I’m afraid I’ll break you.”

  “You won’t,” Poppy murmured back, “I like your weight on me.”

  The stiffness in his pants shifted as she expressed her enjoyment. Castor had her left leg in his hand, stroking the length of Poppy’s pale leg.

  “Are you cold, Penelope.”

  “No,” she murmured, sinking back into another deep kiss with Jason.

  Ajax touched her arm and warmth spread through her body.

  “Now she isn’t.”

  «You’ve been withdrawn, jazad,» Jason said, running his hands between her legs.

  «I haven’t.»

  «Something happened to you on that moon. I sense it.»

  «Not now, Jason.»

  «I’m like you, Poppy. I’m stubborn. I won’t give you what you want until you tell me.»

  «It’s harder for men to wait,» Poppy teased, reaching down for Jason’s cocks. They were so big her palm could hardly wrap around the giant members in his pants. He shifted them and grinned.

  «Wanna bet?»

  «You’re hard. Between my legs. You’ve barely lasted six months.»

  «You don’t want to play these games with me, jazad.»

  Poppy worked her hand up and down the length of Jason’s cock. He groaned. Castor pressed his lips to the top of her thigh and Ajax took responsibility for the other one, kissing down the length of her thigh and teasing the top of her knees with his kisses.

  Poppy moaned and kept her hand wrapped around Jason’s cock. He remained steady, unmoved by her hand’s teasing.

  «What happened, jazad.»

  “Did you three trick me here to get this out of me?”

  Castor plopped one of Poppy’s clean, soft toes between his lips, tickling and exciting her. She squealed and Ajax took her other big toe into her mouth. Jason slipped his hand between her two slick lips.


  Jason slid his fingers inside her and Poppy moaned.

  “This is cruelty.”

  “Not yet.”

  Jason plunged his finger into her wetness and massaged Poppy’s spongy entrance before removing his finger again and pressing it between his lips. He pressed his head to hers, filling Penelope with every sensation of his desire, and Ajax’s and Castor’s. Now, this was torture, the psychological burden of three aroused alien males who wanted more than anything to drive their dicks deep inside her slippery entrance.

  Poppy moaned against her will and Jason pushed her hair behind her ears.

  «What happened.»

  «I can’t say.»

  «Then show me…»

  Poppy trembled in his grasp, the anticipation too much to bear any longer.

  «Fuck me, Jason,» she breathed, «Stop this torture and fuck me.»

  «Talk. Now.»


  Poppy squealed and wriggled away from him a few inches.

  «I can read your thoughts. Not just yours, everyone's. No matter how hard you try to hide from me, if I want to, I can tell what everyone thinks all the time. It’s exhausting. And terrifying. And… maybe you won’t love me anymore now that I’m not the naive human girl you met a year ago.»

  Silence. Too much silence. Poppy huffed and flopped back.

  “Great. I’ve spoiled it,” she grumbled.

  “No. You haven’t,” Jason whispered, “Thanks for telling me.”

  He kissed the top of her forehead, gently.

  “That’s it?”

  “We’ll never abandon you, Penelope.”

  “Nope,” Ajax offered, “We won’t.”

  “I don’t want to change things between us,” she said, “I don’t want to push you away.”

  “Then don’t,” Jason whispered, “Because I have no intention of letting you go.”

  Jason opened her corset and ran his hands over Poppy’s nipples. She gasped as he flicked them between his fingers and send a surge of electric desire running through them. Poppy pressed Jason’s cocks against her entrance.

  “Take me, Jason,” she whispered, “Now…”

  Jason pressed his turgid members against Poppy’s tightness and kissed her as he slipped the first inch inside her pussy. He left her ass alone as he slid the length of his first cock inside her. Poppy moaned, about to burst as Jason slid inside her. After so long, the muscles around her wetness ached for him. She moaned and grabbed Jason’s muscular back, pulling him deeper into her.

  “Take her ass,” Ajax goaded him, “She’s in need of a good thrashing.”

  Jason thrust his tongue deep in Poppy’s mouth and removed his dick from her entrance. She guided her thighs up along the length of his torso and hooked her ankles behind him to encourage him to press deeper inside her. Castor tickled the tops of her feet with gentle strokes and pried her legs apart.

  “Patience, Penelope.�

  Poppy didn’t want to be patient. She wanted to be fucked by Jason’s massive alien cocks and she needed him between her legs urgently. Jason readied himself to enter her ‘backward’ by Devoran standards, pressing the smaller of his two cocks against her tight backdoor as the larger one readied itself to stretch Poppy’s tiny human pussy around the enormous staff.

  Jason thrust his hips inside her slowly and Poppy moaned, exhilarated by every inch Jason moved inside her. He groaned and buried himself completely between her legs. Her juicy pink pussy erupted around his members, soaking her tight butthole with natural lubrication as both cocks thrust in and out of her holes.

  “Yes…” Poppy whispered, losing herself to Jason’s masterful thrusting as he propelled her to the edge of a climax.

  “Cum for me,” he murmured, “Cum for me, jazad.”

  Poppy cried out, cumming hard around Jason’s cocks, her ass clenching and squeezing him deeper inside her as her pussy gripped him like a vice.


  Sibyl Returns

  Jason finished and Poppy took Castor between her legs, then Ajax. Ajax lasted the longest, working out his filthy urges and weeks of sexual frustration, by taking Poppy in ten different positions until her entrance swelled to the size of a peach and dripped like a faucet. She fell asleep on his giant blue chest as Cas stroked her hair and Jason soothed her mind. She let them in then, reading their private thoughts as she drifted to sleep.

  They loved her so much it was nearly terrifying. Poppy felt guilty accepting this gift from them, even if she wouldn’t live here for another three, long, Devoran years, just knowing they’d gone this far for her scared her. How could she ever love three men the way three men could love her. Could one woman have that much love to go around?

  Poppy drifted to sleep happy for the first time since she’d left Vortha suddenly. Her time on Fengar wasn’t miserable, but it had been lonely. She was finally starting to get herself back and her boys too. When Poppy drifted into a dream, she assumed she shared it with the three of them.

  Cas, Ajax, and Jason were all there. She slipped her hands in theirs, enjoying the way their warmth pulsed up the length of her arms and settled in her chest. The hands in Poppy’s changed then, shapeshifting into a hairy appendage. Poppy shrieked and turned to look at the boy who held her hand to see he’d transformed to Sibyl.


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