by Bart Schultz
Venn on, ; S on negative inaction and,
and S’s particular concerns, –; S
, ; see also agents/agency;
describes himself as, to J. S. Mill, –;
and Oxford, ; Green as, on the state,
Acton, H. B., Myers to, about psychical
–; R. Symonds on, ; S, Green as,
research and credible witnesses,
; S, Symonds, and appeal to science of,
Ad Eundem, , , , ; Lubenow on,
; and S’s work on General Board of
Studies, ; and women’s higher
Adams, Robert Merrihew,
education, ; and S’s political and
Addams, Jane, , ; and Mary Ward,
economic writings, ; S as elitist
settlement movement, –, , ;
Millian, ; Bryce as, ; Pearson as,
inspired by Toynbee Hall, ; on aim of
–; and new imperialism,
settlement movement, ; see also ethical
, ; see also academic reform;
culture movement; settlement movement
adhesiveness, see Greek love; Whitman, Walt
academic reform: Chapter passim; , –,
Adorno, Theodor, on occultism,
; of Classical Tripos, S on, , ; Todd
Aeschylus, Myers on,
on S’s, –, –; Brooke on S’s, ;
aesthetic intuitionism, see
and Apostles/Grote Club, –;
Rothblatt on S’s, ; S’s complex attitude
aesthetics: S and Swinburne on, ; S and
toward, –; the utilitarian reformer
Mill on, ; S and aestheticism in, ;
and, –; O. Browning and, –;
and Goethe, Winckelmann, ; and
Symonds on Essays on Liberal Education
Symonds, ancient Greeks, –;
and, ; and S’s worries about
Symonds versus Wilde on, ; S on
“Rhaetica,” ; Lidgett on S and,
morality versus, ; see also beauty; Noel,
–; S on General Board of Studies
R.; Pater, W.; Swinburne, A.; Symonds,
and, –; elitism of, , –; S’s
J. A.
many contributions to, ; S’s Millian
Afghanistan, Lytton and,
ideal of, –; S’s diverse work in,
Africa, realities of British imperialism in, ,
–; S and Seeley on, ; Apostles
February ,
African Americans, racist stereotypes of, in
Pater, Jowett, Hardinge, ; on
Bryce’s American Commonwealth, –;
O. Browning as educator, –
and Bryce’s work as key to S’s on,
Annas, Julia, on S, Stoics, and extended
–; see also race/racism
sympathy, –
agents/agency: S’s concern with, and
Anscombe, G. E. M., religious tirade against
influence of J. Grote, –;
Schneewind on S on,
Antoninus, Marcus: Myers on, –;
Albani, Cardinal, Winckelmann and,
Symonds on, ,
Albee, Earnest, on changes across editions of
“Apostles,” the Cambridge, ; and
ME, ,
Bloomsbury, ; upset by M, ; not
Albert University, S helps to plan,
nostalgic, ; Apostolic ethic of, –; L.
Allen, Peter, on Apostolic psychology,
Woolf on, ; Platonism of, ; S always
–; on Houghton and the Apostles,
faithful to, ; most important
development for S, –; history of, ;
Allingham, Dr., –
spirit of, ; and central problems, ;
Almeder, Robert, on Piper case,
practices of, –; versus S’s Rugby ideal,
Alpine Club,
; versus E. W. Benson’s influence, ; S’s
Alps, and Symonds’s religion, ,
Apostolic quest, ; and S’s religious
altruism: S admires Comtean principle of, ;
attitude, ; vision of as key to S’s
S versus Arnold on, –; and Millian
development, ; crucial to understanding
unity, –; and literature, ; trend
S, ; importance of Maurice for, ;
of S’s thought toward, ; and
Hallam on Maurice’s role in, ; and
perfectionism, –; and S’s defense of
Maurice’s Mystics, ; Allen on, –;
egoism, ; Broad on self-referential,
and educational theory, ; and Socratic
–; S on moral maturation and,
method, –, , –; and Platonic
–; and problems of utilitarianism, S
elitism, ; better side of, ; Deacon on S
on, –; Green on ME on, –; S
and, ; and Mill’s “On Liberty,” ;
versus Noel on, –, ; see also
members of, during S’s active period, ;
benevolence; charity; sympathy
and love of poetry, ; Socratic method as
“Amazing Randi,” and debunking of
the foundation of, , ; and Noel’s
paranormal, ,
orientalism, , ; as model for S’s
analytical method, S on limits of in
psychical research, –; and dislike of
economics, –, –; S’s
Myers, –; V. Woolf on, , ;
deployment of in EP, –, –;
succession of, ; various ethical views of,
see also historical method; science/
from S’s diary, ; S’s later criticism of, ;
scientific method
Maurice as returning, –; compared to
analytical philosophy, , ; see also Moore,
Grote Club, –; and academic reform,
G. E.; Russell, B.
–; Lubenow on secrecy of and Lord
ancients versus moderns, –; and right
Houghton, ; compared to Freemaso
versus good, –; and perfectionist
; and S’s use of literature, ; Noel on
alternative, in ME, –; and S’s debt
conceits of, ; and S’s paper on prayer,
to Plato and Aristotle, ; S on
; and S’s Cloughian reserve, ; and S’s
nonhedonistic egoism of ancients, –;
reformism, ; and S’s CS, ; rejection
Irwin on S, Schneewind and, –; and
of Seeley, , ; and Lowes Dickenson,
S’s defense of egoism, ; Pater on, ;
Deacon on, ; and S’s soul searching,
Symonds on, –; see also Greek love;
, –; and friendship, ; inquiry
Hellenism; Symonds, J. A.
of given formal expression in ME, ,
Andrews, Bishop,
; S’s subversiveness and, ; and
animals, ; Gurney and rights of, ; S,
tensions in S’s utilitarianism, ; and S’s
EP on prevention of cruelty to, ; see also
moral maturation, –; and J. F.
Singer, Peter; vivisection
Stephen, ; and the epistemology of
Annan, Noel: on education and friendship,
ME, –, –; feminist critique
; on Pusey against Jowett, Jowett’s
of, –; and S’s social epistemology,
reading parties, jumbles, –; on
–; and S’s psychical research, ,
February ,
; rejection of Myers, ; and religious
modernism versus, ; Symonds
introspection, ; and appeal of
compared to, ; S on pursuit of culture
theosophy, , ; and psychical
and, ; perfectionism of versus idealism,
research, personal knowledge, ,
; Decade of, and Old Mortality,
–, ; and S’s life project, –;
–; Pater versus, –; and
and Oxford context, ; compared to Old
Oxford Professorship of Poetry, –;
Mortality, –, ; compared to
Tyrwhitt invoked against Symonds, ; S
Symonds, Whitmania, ; Dickenson’s
quotes, to Dakyns, ; see also culture;
impact on, ; and O. Browning, –;
and S’s psychological research, ; and
Arnold, Thomas: and Rugby, ; Clough as a
Forster, ; ideal of, and Newnham, ;
student of, –; Richter on Green
ideal of, versus masculinism, ; Young on
and, ; and gospel of work, ; see also
arrogance of, –; elitism of, and S’s
academic reform; Rugby
socialism, ; and Maine, –; and
art: better than historical/biblical criticism,
S’s later epistemology, , , –;
for S, ; and S’s political economy, ;
secrecy controversy of, and Houghton,
S’s view of similar to Swinburne’s, ;
–; resemblance to Savile Club, ;
and Goethe, Winckelmann, Italy, ; for
and Metaphysical Society, –; S and
its own sake, Pater on, ; Symonds on
secrecy of, ; S and Bloomsbury
Greek ethical ideal and, –; as love,
generation and M, –; see also
for Symonds, –; and S’s reformism,
Bloomsbury; Maurice, F. W.; Sidgwick, H.
–; versus morality on evil, S on,
Apostle’s Creed: S to mother about, ;
; see also aesthetics
Lightfoot on, ; and S’s problem with
Arts and Crafts Movement,
Virgin Birth, ; S unable to utter, ;
Asquith, Herbert,
see also Christ; Christianity; Church of
associationism, ; versus psychology in
James, S, –; see also James, William;
architecture, S and Queen Anne style in,
Mill, John Stuart
Athanasian Creed,
aristocracy: S’s political economy and, ; as
Athenaeum: the literary paper, ; on S and
badly in need of education, ; and
Jevons, Cairnes, ; the club, S and,
democracy, EP on, –; S and Seeley
Audi, Robert, and revival of intuitionism,
on need for, –; see also clerisy;
democracy; elitism; politics
Austin, John, EP on theory of sovereignty of,
Aristotle: significance of, for S, ; and S and
authority, , –; religious, versus free
constructive Socratic method, –;
inquiry, S on, –; see also
Arnold’s idealization of, ; Rashdall on
reason/reasonableness; religion;
S, Moore and, ; S on debt to, circularity
science/scientific method
of, –; Irwin on S and, –; S on
autonomy: S on, –; Darwall on, ;
method of and ME, –, –; and
Rawls on publicity and, –
S on logical priority, –; on
axioms: and philosophical intuitions, ; S
magnanimity, ; Brink on S and,
allows existence of abstract, –; S’s
–; and S’s defense of egoism, ;
list of, –; Schneewind on S’s
Schneewind compares S to, ; and
arguments for, –; and precise versus
Symonds, renaissance, –; Symonds
simplified version of dualism, –; as
on S and, ; Symonds on the happy man
providing weak support for egoism,
in, ; S to Noel about Green on, ;
–; Schneewind on role of for S,
Seeley and, ; see also commonsense
–; and grounding of egoism, ;
morality; ethical theory;
Schneewind on S and prudence and,
–; Schneewind versus Shaver
> Arnold, Matthew: ; compared to J. S. Mill,
on S on egoism and, –; and
–; compared to S, –; friend
Schneewind’s Rawlsian interpretation of
of Clough’s, Clough superior to, ; and S
ME, –; and Skorupski’s
on poetry and clerisy, –; S’s
philosophical utilitarianism, ;
February ,
axioms ( cont.)
Balfour, James Maitland,
see also dualism of practical reason;
Banks, Olive, on feminism of S, EMS,
intuition/intuitionism; reason/
Barratt, Alfred, S’s response to on dualism,
Bacon, F.: Maurice on spirit of, ; Maurice
Barrett, William: and birth of SPR., –;
admires, ; Macaulay on, ; influence on
Gauld on research of, –; on S
S, ; and S’s four conditions, –
Bagehot, Walter, description of Clough,
basic moral notion, ; Schneewind on ME
Baier, Kurt: on S’s dualism, –; on
on, ; unique and irreducible, –;
meaning of ME,
and right versus good in ME, –; S’s
Bain, Alexander: S calls only honest
Kantian interpretation of, –;
utilitarian, ; S to, about conclusion of
Schneewind on S on, ; Hurka on S on,
–; see also good/goodness; ethical
Baker, L., on S and Davies,
theory; right/rightness
Baldwin, Thomas, on S and naturalistic
Bastiat, F., versus English political economy,
Balfour, Arthur J.: to Lady Elcho on death of
beauty: S versus Arnold on, –; and
S, –; as victim of S’s wit, ; on S as
perfectionism versus hedonism, –;
teacher, ; and psychical research, ;
indirect pursuit of, –; S versus
Pringle-Pattison on his influence on S’s
Green on, –; Pater on Greek
ME, ; Myers on his closeness to S, ;