by Bart Schultz
sensuousness and, ; Symonds on
and birth of S Group, –;
Greeks on, –, ; Symonds on
connections to S, ; debt to S as teacher,
Hegel on, ; see also aesthetics; art;
–; religious differences with S, ;
Greek love
family background of, –; and
benevolence: self-evident principle of, in ME,
seances at Carlton Gardens, ; belief in
–, ; and precise versus simplified
personal survival, ; and differences
versions of dualism, –; S on
within S Group, –; S’s desire for
distinction between persons and, –;
Symonds to meet, ; honorary degree
and personal identity, S and Parfit on,
from Cambridge, Newnham garden party,
–; Green on ME on, –;
; S’s correspondence with, ; S’s love
versus justice, PPE on, ; see also
of political gossip from, ; as Irish
altruism; axioms; charity; dualism of
secretary, –; and S’s worries about
practical reason; sympathy
Caesarism, ; and eugenics, –; on
Benfey, Meta, S and, –, ,
decadence, race, and eugenics, –;
Benson, A. C., conservatism of,
and T. Roosevelt on future of civilization,
Benson, E. G., Mother, , –
; to T. Roosevelt on Anglo-Saxon
Benson, Edward White: as S’s first mentor,
confederation, –; incoherence of
, ; and decision to send S to Rugby, ;
notion of race of, ; versus Morley, ;
background of, –; career of, ; lives
S’s work with, in nineties, ; and the
with S’s family in “Blue House,” ;
Synthetic Society, , ; and the Wilde
marriage to Minnie a tragedy, ; S’s
case, ; and S’s last Synthetic Society
judgment as naive, ; S’s difficulties with,
meeting, ; and obituaries of S, ; and
–; S on limitations of, ; S falls away
S’s posthumous communications, EMS,
from, ; orthodoxy of, ; differences
; and Milner’s scheme to import
with S over Essays and Reviews, ; and
Chinese labor,
Ghost Society, ; death of,
Balfour, Lady Blanche: and family, –;
Benson, Maggie, EMS travels to Egypt with,
prepared EMS for independence,
Balfour, Eleanor Mildred, see Sidgwick,
Benson, Minnie, see Sidgwick, Minnie
Bentham, Jeremy (Benthamism), ; Rawls on
Balfour, Gerald: and psychical research, ;
S and, ; caricatures of, ; complex
connections to S, ; family background,
nature of, –; and Greek love, ; L.
–; marriage to Lytton’s daughter,
Crompton on, , ; J. S. Mill distanced
; and O. Browning, -
from, –; W. Donner on, ;
February ,
Rawls links S to, ; J. Bryce on S’s
suspicion of, ; investigated by
qualifications of, ; S skeptical of artificial
Hodgson, –; reaction to Hodgson’s
harmony of interests, ; Maurice against,
investigation, ; Myers on, , ; S
; and early Apostles, ; and G. Grote
on Solovyoff’s account of, –; and
and Victorian Platonic revival, –; on
gendering of Victorian science, ; see also
Socrates and Plato, ; and Seeley’s Jesus,
psychical research; SPR; Theosophy
–; fear of ghosts, ; Russell on, ; S
Bloody Sunday,
on inclusion of in Cambridge curriculum,
Bloomsbury, , ; bred by Apostles, ;
–; S rejects empiricism, egoism,
criticized by F. R. Leavis, ; power of, ;
reductionism of, ; hedonism of, versus
indebted to S and Apostles, ; priorities of
S’s, –; S criticizes for defining
reflected in S’s early reception, –;
“good” as pleasure, ; versus S’s stress
too-narrow view of utilitarianism, ; and
on incalculable in human affairs, –,
Moore on S as wicked, ; as sharing S’s
; destructive utilitarianism of, ; S on
failings, ; and religion of future, ; and
philosophy and, ; and S’s defense of
influence of S, ; and Woolf’s spoof of
egoism, ; S compares to Hobbes, ; S
Newnham, ; and Principia versus ME
on Grote on, –; S’s acceptance of,
on lust, ; B. Webb on Principia and,
–; posthumous work of, ; versus
–; S, aesthetics and, ; see also
S on religion, ; versus S on moral
Keynes, J. M.; Moore, G. E.; Russell, B.;
democracy, Schneewind on, ; S on
Strachey, L.; Woolf, L.; Woolf, V.
intuition and, –; extraordinary
Bodley, G. F., architecture of,
originality of on pederasty, –; and
Boer War, S’s opposition to, –
S’s account of sexual morality in ME,
–; S on, on declining marginal
Bok, Sissela,
utility, , ; S versus, on analytical
Bosanquet, Bernard, on Moore’s debt to S, ;
method, , –; Ritchies on S’s
versus S, Donagan on, ; and London
Benthamism as tame and sleek, –; S,
School of Ethics and Social Philosophy,
EP on Austin and, ; S, EP reject egoism
; and Charity Organisation Society,
of, ; S’s view of civilization and, ;
see also hedonism; utilitarianism
Bosanquet, Gustavus, Symonds befriends at
Berkeley, Bishop, Noel on,
Bernard, Charles, S meets at Rugby,
Bowen, Charles: S meets at Rugby, ;
Besant, Annie, as rei
ncarnation of Bruno,
reminiscence of S,
Bowen, Earnest, ; invention of “Ural
bimetallism, S on,
Mountains” game, with S,
Birks, T. R., and Knightbridge Professorship,
Boyle, Cecil, Dakyns’s love for, ,
Bradley, F. H., , ; L. Strachey on, ; versus
Bismarck, Otto von: Hobsbawm on, ; and
S, Donagan on, ; and climate of unbelief,
Caesarism, welfare state,
; as rival to S, ; exchanges with S,
Blackheath, S attends school at,
; S’s critique of, –; Schneewind
Blackstone, William, Ritchie compares S to,
on Hegelianism of, –; James on
idealism of, –; see also Green, T. H.;
Blake, William, and Noel,
idealism; philosophy
Blanshard, Brand, on Renan,
Bradley, K., and alternative marriage,
Blaug, Mark: on S and Cairnes, Carlyle,
Brandreth, Henry, , ; on
Ruskin, J. N. Keynes, and Marshall,
; on S and Marshall, Pigou,
Brandt, Richard B., Theory of the Good and
the Right indebted to S,
Blavatsky, Madame Helena: impressed by S,
Brink, David: on S and externalism/
; S impressed by, ; and founding of
internalism, , ; critique of S’s
Theosophical Society, Oppenheim on,
intuitionism, –; Shaver’s rejoinder
–; and wisdom of mahatmas, ;
to, –; on S’s supposed
differences with spiritualists, –;
inconsistency, ; versus Shaver
courted by Myers, SPR, ; as medium,
on S’s epistemology, ; on friendship,
; called a “Great Woman” by S, ; S’s
February ,
British Association, S and, , ,
democracy, ; S to, about Olcott and
Broad, C. D., ; on ME, ; shared orientation
theosophy, ; as member of Old
with S, Moore, and Rashdall, ; on S’s
Mortality Society, ; S to, on EP as too
resignation crisis, ; on S’s theistic
English, ; S sends proofs of EP to, ;
postulate, ; on self-referential altruism,
on Boss Tweed, ; S’s love of political
–, ; versus Shaver on S’s
gossip of, ; and Home Rule controversy,
dualism, ; on S as neutralist,
, ; on best parts of EP, ;
–; on Census, ; on Phantasms of
surprised by DEP, ; S, EP indebted to
Living, ; on cross-correspondence
on party politics, ; compared to Seeley,
evidence, , , ; and Piper case,
on aristocracy, ; support for Imperial
Federation League, ; thanked in EP,
Broderick, G.,
; edits International Right and Wrong
Brooke, Albert, Symonds and, –
with EMS and endorses S’s views on
Brooke, Christopher, on Cambridge versus
international morality, ; S to, on
aborigines, ; background, career of,
Brown, A. W., on Metaphysical Society and
–; American Commonwealth of, and
Apostles, –
racial stereotypes, –; work as a key
Brown, Horatio Forbes: on Symonds on God,
to S on race, –; S to, on race, ; S
; and criticism of Symonds’s poetry,
versus, on socialism, ; Pearson cited,
–; S guides his biography of
; supports Pearson, –; compared
Symonds, , ; as part of Symonds
to S, Pearson on segregation, ; rethinks
circle, ; on Symonds’s religion,
ideas about race, ; Dicey to, on race,
–; and Symonds in Venice, ;
–; on S’s DEP, –; on Maine’s
biography of Symonds, ; friendship
antidemocratic writing, ; S to, on Boer
with Symonds, ; to Carpenter on
War, ; on the racial situation in South
homogenic love, –; S advises against
Africa, –; and Synthetic Society,
publication of Drift, ; to S on Symonds
; S to, on the SPR’s investigation of E.
biography, –; to Carpenter in
Palladino, –; and obituaries of S,
defense of Symonds biography, , ;
and the suppression of Symonds’s work
Brydger, E.,
with Ellis, –; exchanges with EMS
Buddhism: as possible solution to dualism,
about S’s correspondence, –; on
–, , –; as source for
male love and sympathy,
Theosophy, ; Maurice studies,
Browning, Oscar: as close friend of S and
–; Dickenson and,
champion of Greek love, , ; on S’s
Bulwer-Lytton, Rosina,
powers of concentration, ; as an Apostle,
Buol, Christian, and Symonds’s sexuality,
, ; and psychical research, ; S
explains political economy to, ; on S’s
Burke, Edmund, Seeley and,
sense of failure, ; S to, about death of
Burton, Richard, ignorance of, Symonds on,
Cowell, ; hosts Blavatsky, ; with S in
Dresden, ; legend of, Eton controversy,
Butler, Henry Montagu,
–; S’s diary on, ; S to, on
Butler, Bishop Joseph: on good, ME on, ;
working with women, ; S helps with
Irwin on S and, –; influence on S,
University Day Training College of, ; S
, ; compared to S on dualism, ;
to, on political philosophy, ; S to, on
and S’s philosophical intuitionism, ;
educating all classes, –; and
and prin
ciple of prudence versus
Cambridge references, ; and S’s
benevolence, –; S credits for
academic reformism,
dualism of ME, –, ; and S on
Browning, Robert: Noel on, ; S on “La
vulgar selfishness, ; on egoism, S on,
; and egoism of Christianity, ;
Bruno, Giordano: Besant as reincarnation of,
Darwall on S and, ; Frankena on S,
; Symonds’s admiration for,
OHE and, –; S on his differences
Bryce, James: on complexity of S’s
with, ; Schneewind on S and,
utilitarianism, ; on S as talker, –;
–; S on influence of on ME,
cited by Turner on S and Athenian
–; and history of autonomist
February ,
internalism, Darwall on, ; and dualism,
; and gospel of work, ; S on infinity
S to Noel on,
of duty and,
Butler, Josephine, Myers and, ,
Carpenter, Edward: on religion of the future,
Byron, Lord: as champion of Greek love, ;
; Symonds befriends, ; Symonds to,
Crompton on, –; Symonds and
on new religion, –; Sedgwick on,
return to,
compared to Symonds, ; and eugenics,
–; Brown to, about homogenic love,
Cairnes, J. E., ; S’s review of, on
–; Brown to, in defense of Symonds
colonization, –
biography, ; as hero to later gay
Calderwood, Henry, S’s critique of, –
liberation movement,
Carr, William,
Callicles, ,
Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), as
Cambridge Cabinetmakers Cooperative, S’s
member of SPR,
support of, , ,
Casper, M., ignorance of,
Cambridge Moralists, see Grote, J.; Hare, J.;
casuistry: Chapter passim, ; S’s ignored,
Maurice, F.
; Symonds’s, and Harrow, ;
Cambridge University, , , ; Mill criticizes,