Henry Sidgwick- Eye of the Universe
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Symonds’s, as result of Vaughan affair,
; S shares Mill’s view of, ; modern,
–; S and Symonds on, , ;
created by S and new school, ; as
Symonds on difficulties of new, –;
influence on S, –; S at Trinity College,
versus philosophy, S, PSR on, –;
; S appointed Fellow of Trinity College,
and S’s work with ethical societies,
; Rothblatt on S’s first decade at, ;
–; and S’s handling of Symonds’s
challenges Benson’s influence on S, ;
posthumous reputation, ; see also
versus Maurice’s Apostles, ; versus
ethical theory; intuition/intuitionism
Oxford classicism, –; S criticizes, ;
categorical imperative, see Kant/Kantism;
as S’s headquarters, ; S’s early
reformism and, –; S’s plans for staying
Cecil, Gwendolyn, and Newnham garden
at, ; and S’s resignation crisis, ,
–; Mill softens toward, ; and
certainty, see Descartes (Cartesianism);
Maurice’s resignation crisis, –; L.
epistemology; intuition/intuitionism
Stephen on dons of and Christianity, ;
Chadwick, Owen: on Maurice, ; on Renan
as S’s salvation, ; S puts Bentham and
and superstition, ; on S on religion and
Mill in curriculum of, –; Myers at
morality, –
Trinity College, ; Gurney at Trinity
Chaeronea, Order of,
College, ; A. Balfour at, –; and
Champneys, Basil (S’s friend and architect of
Oxford philosophical context, ; S on
leaving, –; and S’s work on General
Charcot, J.,
Board of Studies, –, ; and S’s
charity: S and, , –; B. Balfour and,
opposition to previous exam, –;
; and Green’s students, –; S,
slow to grant equality to women, ,
PPE on, versus justice, ; S, PPE on
–; as rival to Oxford in training
poor relief and, –; S, PPE on
imperial statesmen, –; Seeley at,
individualism and, –; S, EP on
, –; Maine at, –; Pearson
English system of poor relief and, –;
at, ; S’s financial schemes for, ; and
and right to labor, S on, ; see also
Ad Eundem Club, ; see also academic
altruism; benevolence; Charity
reform; “Apostles”; education; Oxford
Organisation Society
Cambridge spies,
Charity Organisation Society: S and, ,
Cannes, Symonds and, –
–; Loch and Bosanquet and,
capitalism: Chapter passim; and charity,
–; S, EP on English system of poor
–; Philistinism of, ,
relief and, –; EMS continues work
Carey, Major-General, S to, about silence on
religion, –
Chesterfield, Lord,
Carlier, M., ignorance of,
China: S on Western ignorance of, ; S on
Carlyle, Thomas: oratory of, ; Richter on
Pearson on, –; and Milner’s scheme
Green and, ; on “Hebrew old clothes,”
for importing labor,
February ,
Christ, Jesus: criticized by Strachey, ; and
resignation crisis, –; and J. S. Mill,
S’s private prayers, –; and Comtean
; and Maurice, –; A. Stanley on,
altruism, ; and Socrates in Victorian
; S to J. S. Mill about subscription and,
Platonic revival, ; historical approach to,
–; S, CS on free inquiry,
–; Renan on, –; Noel on, , ,
subscription and, –; and ghosts,
–; Seeley’s utilitarian version of,
–; S on Green’s hypocrisy and, ;
–; S on return of, ; Symonds on,
and the inferior man, ; S, EP on
; S on, –; see also Christianity
political role of, –; S on purpose of,
Christian socialism, see socialism
versus that of Ethical Society, –;
Christianity: Chapter passim; , ; E. W.
Apostolic opposition to influence of,
Benson on, –; A. H. Clough on,
–; and S’s funeral, –; see also
–; Coleridge on, ; and three
Christianity; religion
theological orientations, –; S on, ;
Cicero, ,
and Renan’s impact on S, ; and biblical
circularity, see idealism; perfection/
criticism, , –, –; Renan on,
–; Noel on, , ; and miracles, ;
civilization: S on moral maturation and,
and psychical research, S on, –; S
–; S nervous about direction of,
rejects miracle tales of, ; S’s distance
, ; S to Myers on direction of, ;
from, –; Maurice’s, and subscription,
and historical prophecy, ; and
–; and S’s mottos, ; L. Stephen
population issues, imperialism, –;
on Cambridge and, ; S to mother about,
and Walker’s feminist critique of S,
; and S’s utilitarianism, ; and
–; J. S. Mill and level of, ; Noel
self-sacrifice, S to Dakyns on, –; J.
on, –; Symonds’s rejection of, ;
S. Mill on, –; and egoism, , ,
S on slow progress of, ; S on advance of
; and dualism, future, ; latent
favoring combination, ; S on Chinese,
egoism of, ; S refrains from open attack
; S’s politics, and spread of, –;
–, –; S versus J. F.
Seeley on superiority of Western, –;
Stephen on, –; and interpretation of
and increased federation, S on, –; S
ME, ; and psychical research, ; and
on duty to spread, ; S on cosmopolitan
Myers’s final faith, ; differences with
ideal and, –, –; S on open
theosophy, –; S on psychical
immigration and, –; S on relations
research and, –; and Tennyson’s “In
to “uncivilized” peoples and, –;
Memoriam,” –; S’s late attitude
Pearson on future of, –; Balfour on
toward, ; Schneewind on Green’s, ;
future of, –; S on Pearson on
Green’s metaphysics as reflection of,
direction of, –; S, DEP on history,
–; versus Greek sensuousness, Pater
direction of, –; S’s incoherent view
on, ; Tyrwhitt versus Symonds on,
of, ; and growth of scientific authority,
–; and Symonds’s agnosticism,
S on, –
–; Pater versus Symonds on, ; S
Clark, E., S criticizes,
on egoism of, ; Symonds’s Whitmania
Clarke, Samuel: figures in early editions of
and, –; Noel on, ; Symonds on,
ME, –; influence on S., , ,
; S on Schaffle, Spencer, and Comte on
; Schneewind on S’s use of, –; S
future of, –; S, EP on political role
on philosophical intuitionism of, , ,
of, –; Myers versus Tyrell on, ;
; and statement of principle of
S on theism versus, –; S on aims of
Ethical Society and, –; see also
Classical Tripos, S on reform of, , –
Christ, Jesus; Church of England; religion
classicism, ; Cambridge versus Oxford and,
Church of England: Thirty-nine Articles of,
–, –; S rejects views of German,
, ; J. S. Mill on effect of on universities,
, ; S criticizes Cambridge approach to,
; and E. W. Benson, –; and Essays
, –, ; and M. Arnold’s
and Reviews, –; Mill on Maurice on,
perfectionism, –; S on M. Arnold’s,
; as bad influence on Oxbridge, ;
–; J. S. Mill on universities and,
Benson and, ; A. Balfour versus S on, ;
; S’s attitude toward teaching of, ;
S seeks freedom from, –; and S’s
Jowett and, versus religion, ; Symonds
February ,
to Jowett on Oxford and, –;
J. S. Mill on resistance to egoism of, ;
Symonds’s contributions to, –; see
Schneewind on S and, –; S, ME on,
also academic reform; Arnold, M.;
–; S on Whewell, Aristotle and,
Cambridge University; Plato/Platonism
–; S, ME on the different methods
clerisy: S’s transformation of, –, ,
of, –; Schneewind on S’s treatment
; Symonds’s transformation of, ;
of, –; S and J. S. Mill on, –;
and S’s view of intimate inquiry,
S on history of intuitionism and, –;
S’s critique of in ME as based on Cartesian
Clifton Hill House, , –
criterion, –; and support for
Clough, Anne Jemima: background of, when
egoism, –; Crisp on dual-source
recruited as first principal of Newnham
view and, ; Shaver on S on, –; S
College, ; and EMS, –
on religious content of, –; S on
Clough, Arthur Hugh: and sexuality in
latent egoism of, ; and S’s silence on
“Dipsychus,” , ; on Christianity,
religion, –; S’s Aristotelianism, ME
–; S on Socratic skepticism of, ;
and, –; and esotericism of ME,
life and work of, –; S to widow of,
–; and ME on the utilitarian
; as S’s poet, –, ; and S’s
reformer, –; S counsels Symonds
clerisy, –; Symonds compared to,
on, ; S’s actual attitude toward, ,
; Maurice’s admiration of poetry of,
–, , –; S, ME on sexual
; and spirit of age, ; S on Myers’s
morality and, –; S on suicide and,
admiration of, ; Jowett compares Green
–; and utilitarian politics, –;
to, –; S appropriates Bagehot’s
and S on socialism, desert, –; versus
description of, ; and M. Arnold and
commonsense politics, –, –;
Decade, –; S quotes to Dakyns, ;
racism of, in ME, –; and S’s later
Symonds criticizes, ; Symonds to S on,
epistemological work, –; and S’s
; as brother of Anne J., ; see also
later emphasis on social inquiry, –;
Greek love; poetry; Tennyson
S on aesthetics versus, , ; see also
Clough, Blanche: S to, about Clough as “wine
intuition/intuitionism; moral rules;
of life,” ; S to, about his resignation,
–; Symonds to, about his crisis,
communism: Salisbury’s fear of, ; S, PPE
–; Symonds to, about S’s visit,
on, –; as collectivism, S, EP on,
Coady, C. A. J., on S’s dualism and theism,
compassion, see charity; sympathy
comradeship, see friendship; Greek love;
Coase, Ronald, on Marshall,
Whitman, Walt
nitivism, see epistemology;
Comte, Auguste (Comtism): S admires
intuition/intuitionism; metaethics
principle of altruism of, ; S on his
coherence test, see epistemology;
conversion to, –; S agrees with on
intuition/intuitionism; metaethics
need for some form of religion, ; and
Coleridge, Samuel T., ; Richter on Green
progress, ; Dakyns and, –, ; S
and, ; Maurice as a follower of ; Mill
agrees with Mill against, ; S’s
set against Bentham, ; on Christianity,
ambivalence toward, –; and trend of
; and progress, ; and duty to hope,
S’s thought, ; and altruism, S on, ,
Symonds on,
; and direction of civilization, S on,
Collini, Stefan: on S as well-connected don,
, ; Symonds on, , –; S on
–; on Mill, public moralists versus
speculations of, , –; and
S, –
consensus-of-experts test, ; see also
colonialism: S, EP on, –; see also
science/scientific method; sociology
imperialism; race/racism
Congreve, R., Symonds on,
comity, see morality, international
Conington, John: and Oxford philosophical
common good, see good/goodness;
context, ; as Green’s tutor, ; inspires
Symonds, ; as teacher, influence on
commonsense morality: S, ME on the
Symonds and Vaughan affair, –; on
different methods found in, –; Mill
Symonds’s shady fluency, ; death of,
versus Whewell on, –; S and
; Pearson studies with,
February ,
conscience, ; S on Butler on, –;
Creighton, Bishop, S to, on moral judgment,
limiting dictation of, –; S rejects
Butler’s view of, ; Kantian
Crisp, Roger: naturalistic account of S on
reconstruction of, ; and Greek
good, ; on S as minimally