by Bart Schultz
–, –, –; S compared
utilitarianism, –; Mill’s, versus
to Symonds on, –, –, ;
psychical research, ; S on Clough,
Symonds on theism, miracles, God and,
Wordsworth and, , ; and Mill and
; and Symonds’s conversion
Wordsworth, ; and Myers on poetry,
experience, –; Symonds to S on,
genius, , –; and Noel, –;
–, –; and S’s criticisms of
see also aesthetics; poetry
Schaffle, Spencer, and Comte, –; S,
Roosevelt, Theodore: to Balfour on race and
EP on political role of in promoting
future of civilization, ; Balfour to, on
morality, –; see also Christianity;
Anglo-Saxon Confederation, –
psychical research; theism
Rorty, Richard, on British idealism,
Renaissance: Dowling on Pater, Symonds
Rosebery, Lord (Archibald Philip Primrose,
and, –; Symonds on his immersion
fifth earl of): knights Seeley, ; supports
in, –
Imperial Federation League, ; and
Renan, Earnest: impact on S, ; and Strauss,
Wilde case,
; background and work of, –;
Blanshard on, ; Said on, –; S as
Ross, David, ; shared orientation with S,
critical of, ; Maurice on, ; set S’s
Moore, and Rashdall, ; versus S’s minimal
challenge, ; and charme des origines, ;
antinaturalism, ; Hurka on, –;
S’s debt to, , ; and history of philology,
rejectes egoism,
; supposed posthumous Myers
Rothblatt, Sheldon: on S’s first decade at
reference to, –
Cambridge University, –; on effect of
revelation: , –; Symonds and,
Apostles on S, ; on Maurice’s return to
Cambridge, ; on S as central to
February ,
reformism of s, ; on Seeley’s
maturation, –; S on internal,
achievements, methods, –
spiritual methods of avoiding strife,
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, , ; and publicity,
Savile Club, Lubenow on,
royal commissions, S’s work with, –
Scanlon, T. M., and S’s intuitionism,
Royce, Josiah, Rorty on,
Schaffle, A., S on future of religion and,
Rugby, ; S attends, ; S makes lifelong
friends at, ; Arthur attends, ; S lives
Scheffler, Samuel: and dualistic account of
near, ; ideal of, challenged by
reason, ; on Rawls on separateness of
Cambridge, ; and Goulburn, , ; and
persons, ; on agent-centered
Evans brothers, ; S declines position at,
; low moral tone of, ; S and Green
Schiller, F. C. S., on S’s last philosophical
friends from, ; see also Arnold, T.;
education; Greek love
Schneewind, Jerome B.: Sidgwick’s Ethics and
rules, see commonsense morality; moral
Victorian Moral Philosophy, brilliance of, ;
Eye of Universe engages, ; on Maurice, ;
Ruskin, John, and academic liberals,
versus Donagan on S’s CS, –; on
Russell, Bertrand, , ; admits unfairness to
philology, ; interpretation of ME, ;
S, ; as indebted to Methods, ; as wrong
on S’s departures from classical
about utilitarianism, ; finds S dull, ,
utilitarianism, –; calls attention to
; differs from S on religion, ;
Maurice and Grote, ; on changes across
Sidgwickian attitude of, ; mocks
editions of ME, ; and method of
Victorians, ; as Apostle, ; and religion of
avoidance in ME, ; on S on right and
future, ; and meaning of ME, ;
good, ; on central thought of ME, ;
compared to A. Gibbard, ; on idealism,
Crisp on, on S on good, ; on S’s
internal relations, –; atheism of,
confusion about nonhedonistic teleological
; student papers for S, –; tutored
principle, –; on S on Martineau,
by J. Ward, ; versus EMS, ; and
; and ancients versus moderns,
eugenics, –; as friend of Dakyns
–; on S’s Kantianism, –; on
family, ; S’s distance from, ; debt to
systematization and dependence
S, ; see also analytical philosophy;
arguments, –; on S’s intuitionism
Moore, G. E.
and innateness, ; on S’s minimal
Russell, Lord John,
antinaturalism, ; on S’s typical form of
Rutson, Albert, with Symonds on reading
argument for axioms, –; on S’s ideal
of practical reason, ; on S on
Ryan, Alan: on anxieties of modern
separateness of persons, ; on S, egoism,
liberalism, ; does not situate S, ; on
and common sense, ; on S on prudence,
J. S. Mill versus M. Arnold, –; and
–; and Schultz, on S’s egoism,
current relevance of Victorian debates,
–; on reading ME in context, ;
Rawlsian reading of ME, –, ;
and S’s missing essence of Kantianism,
Said, Edward: adapting his approach to apply
–; and problem of publicity, ; on
to philosophy, ; on orientalism of Renan,
different editions of ME, , ; on S on
–, ; and Theosophy, –; on
good, ; on negative results of ME, ;
Bryce’s account of race, character, ; on
on Green’s philosophy as religious, ; on
/> Curzon,
Bradley’s Hegelianism, –
Salisbury, Lord (Robert Cecil, third marquess
Schultz, Bart, ; Eye of Universe, aim of,
of Salisbury): Hobsbawm on, ; attends
; Eye of Universe began life as, ; Eye
Newnham garden party, S on character of,
of Universe, hidden history of
utilitarianism as a theme of, ;
sanctions, internal and external: and ME on
pragmatist orientation of, ; debt to Said,
dualism of practical reason, ; S, ME on
; and Shelley, ; and Goethean
limits of, in egoism, –; limits of
reconstruction, –; on S on egoism,
internal, and egoism, –; and moral
–; on Parfit, –
February ,
science/scientific method, , , , –;
Seeley, Sir John, ; S, MEA on Ecce Homo
S, MEA on meaning of “culture” and, ;
of, –; utilitarianism of his Jesus,
S’s as guided by sympathy, –;
–; cannot explain progress, ; S more
Cambridge and, , –; S versus M.
challenged by Renan than, ; rejected by
Arnold on, –; and intuition, ,
Apostles, ; S and utilitarianism of, ;
; and S compared to EMS, –; S
and Browning, history school, ; S to
on Tennyson and, –; versus
Pearson on his scheme for history and
religion, –; and S’s ideal, ; and
politics, ; and inductive political
Frankfurt School, ; and certainty,
science, ; as ideologue of imperialism,
–; and founding of SPR, EMS on,
; as one of S’s “competent authorities,”
–; S on SPR’s commitment to, ;
; background of, Cambridge and, ;
Myers on S, psychical research and
Rothblatt on achievements, methods of,
English mind, –; and Myers’s final
–; Prothero on method of, ;
faith, ; A. Balfour opposes, ; Myers
Prothero on liberal imperialism of,
on, –; and democratic nature of
–; S edits Introduction to Political
psychical research, Gurney on, ; and
Science of, –; on British rule in
S’s strictures for psychical research,
India, empire, –; on British Empire
–; and fraud, W. James on, –;
versus Roman, –; Woodcock on
Myers on psychical research and, ; S on
contributions of to imperial ideology, ;
importance of, –; Green on limits
Ensor on impact of Expansion of England
of, –; James on psychology and,
of, –; Shannon on Stein and, ;
–; Symonds on ancient Greek
and S’s worries about Caesarism, ; and
worldview and, –; S versus Green
racial identity, ; Shannon on education
on Tennyson’s poetry and, –;
and, ; on the confusion of the English
Symonds on, as deliverer, ; S and
mind, ; see also imperialism;
Symonds appeal to authority of, ; S,
orientalism; race/racism
Symonds on psychology and, –; and
self-evidence, see epistemology; intuition/
opposition to higher education for women,
; S’s social epistemology, feminism and,
self-interest, see dualism of practical reason;
; S on political economy, economics
egoism; perfection/perfectionism
and, –, ; S, EP on consensus test
self-realization, see perfection/perfectionism
in politics and, –, –; Pearson
settlement movement, , –; and issue
on future of, –; S on Pearson and,
of racism, –; and S’s socialism,
–; S to Ward on metaphysics and,
; see also Addams, J.; Green, T. H.;
–; S on authority and, –; and
Ward, M.
S’s notion of intimate inquiry, –;
Shaftesbury, Lord (Anthony Ashley
and Symonds’s work on male love, ;
Cooper, third earl of ): Frankena on S and,
Brown to Carpenter on homogenic love
–; and limits of internal sanctions,
and, –; and the suppression of
Symonds’s work on Sexual Inversion,
Shaipley, Edith, on EMS,
–; see also epistemology; psychical
Shairp, J. C., and Oxford Professorship of
Poetry, –,
secrecy: Rawls/Kant on morality and, ,
Shakespeare, William, ; Symonds and
–; Williams on S, ME and,
“Venus and Adonis” of, ; Dakyns on
–; Theosophy and, ; psychical
sonnets of, ; S knows meaning of,
research, Phantasms and, –; and
lectures on,
Oxford Hellenism, Pater, ; and
Shanley, Mary Lyndon, on Mill on
Symonds’s homoerotic poetry, –,
–, –; Apostolic, –,
Shannon, R.: on challenges to Liberal Party,
; and S’s handling of Symonds’s
–; on education for imperial service,
posthumous reputation, –
; on Seeley’s imperialism,
Sedgwick, Adam (distant relative of S’s),
Shaver, Rob: on S’s arguments in ME
Sedgwick, Eve: and epistemology of the
concerning good/goodness, ; on S’s
closet, ; on Symonds versus Carpenter,
minimal antinaturalism in ME, ; on
; see also Greek love
Brink’s critique of S’s intuitionism,
February ,
r />
–; on S’s weak defense of egoism in
of S Group, –; on Gurney’s initial
ME, ; reconstruction of S’s
reluctance to join, ; family background
intuitionism, ; on S and separateness of
of, –; mother prepared for
persons, ; critique of S’s defense of
independence, Oppenheim on, ; and
egoism, –; and S’s constructive
early educational interests, move to
account of egoism, –; critique of S,
Cambridge, –; S wooes at seances,
Hobbes, on egoism, –; on Moore’s
; on mathematics and afterlife, ; on
argument against egoism, ; fails to
afterlife, –; as not an original
explain S’s anxiety about civilization,
member of SPR, ; and SPR’s interest in
–; versus Schneewind on S and
telepathy, –; doubts of, ; S
Butler, ; on S on good, ; and S’s
advises on tolerance, ; on complications
religious interests,
of telepathy for psychical research in other
Shaw, George Bernard, and S on socialism,
areas, –; and Phantasms, ; and
Census, ; as superior to S at science,
Shaw, Norman, architecture of,
–; and patriarchalism of SPR, ;
Shaw, W., on Moore’s Principia versus S, ME,
and censoring of Symonds’s letters, ;
and S’s sexual life, ; and S’s depression,
Shelley, Percy Bysshe: and Greek love, , ,
; grows bored with SPR, ; and early
; and S’s metaphysics, ; and
support for Newnham, ; and equality of
Apostolic clerisy, ; and Noel, ;
women, ; Banks on feminism of, ;
meaning of, for S, Noel, and Symonds,
Tullberg on increasing role in Newnham
–; Dakyns on publication of, ; S
of, ; Ethel S describes mind of, ;
knows meaning of, ; Crompton
Symonds describes to B. Clough, –;
compares to Bentham, ; see also Byron,
Trevelyn admires work on M of, ; on
Lord; Greek love; Romanticism
relationship between EP and DEP,
Shorting, C. G. H., and attempt to ruin