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The Start of Time

Page 13

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  Aeyli jumped off the bed and pushed me onto my back where she had lain.

  She said, “Wait my lover, there are three of us.”

  I lay on my back. My pole in the air, and the three girls gathered around it. Aeyli said, “Girls, only one of us can feed at a time. Rani is the eldest. Belle, you will go next time. Rani, take him in your mouth and suck. Push it all the way down your throat. Your body will know what to do.”

  I interrupted, “Stop! I have a better idea. You can all feed together. All of you put your mouths on me at once. Take turns with your mouths, but all of you can use your hands and tongues. When the moment comes, one of you take the first bit and then give another a taste, and then the third. But hurry or I will finish before you start and I will grab the nearest and finish there!”

  The girls rushed to the task. Rani put the head of my penis in her mouth and the other two fondled me as they could. Rani did push me down her throat, and I think that she climaxed again at the sensation, and then she pulled off and Bell took her place. Belle stayed longer and I could feel the swallowing motion of her mouth wetly on me. I did my best to hold out for as long as I could. Aeyli was next, and being more adept, had me ready to blow very quickly. Just as I couldn’t stand anymore, she pulled back and thrust Rani’s waiting lips down over me.

  Rani had just gotten the head between her lips when the first stream erupted from me. Rani pulled back and Belle hesitated too long and the second stream shot into the air…and then Belle pushed me all the way in and sucked hard at the next stream. Aeyli put her face beside Belle’s and pushed Belle off and took me herself before another bit of the precious juice could escape. Then Aeyli sucked at me for a moment and then offered me back to Rani who eagerly took a turn and then Belle took her place and finished the job of making sure that every drop was gathered.

  As we finished, the girls lay down beside me and we hugged in a mass and rested. The combination of the great refreshing powers of the milk, plus the fact that to my Earth born muscles, each girl only weighed about 20 pounds, left me with plenty of energy to rise up to other activities.

  Aeyli said, “That was nice! Girls, didn’t I promise you?”

  Belle said, “You told the truth. Did you taste what I did? It was delicious. Salty and nutty.”

  Rani said, “The milk was different than I expected too. When we bathed him with our tongues after Belle showered him with her breasts! It was nice. Is it OK for a woman to taste milk from another woman?”

  Aeyli said, “It must be. Maybe not in the days before, but now, how could it not be? If we sleep in one bed, isn’t it what has to happen on occasion?”

  Rani said, “But, what if we were in the wilderness and dying of thirst? Would it be OK then?”

  Belle said, “It would be OK with me…I think…”

  I said, “I will settle this. We are mates. Our bodies nourish each other. If not, neither Aeyli nor I would be alive today. If necessary, I would have sucked the milk into my mouth and then fed it back to her from my lips. If we need it for life, then I insist on it. But it also brings us pleasure. It makes me strong. What effect does it have on you?”

  Rani said, “It made me feel fresh and kind of…tingly in my body.”

  I said, “Then, it’s good for that too. In our house, mates share milk; with me and if desired, with women as well. Think of it this way: if we’re making love, and it goes on for a long time, and a mate starts to get tired and fall asleep, even though they want to continue, would you drink some milk to revive yourself for my sake? Would you revive your sister for my sake and for hers?”

  Rani said, “I would. And, it is delicious.”

  Aeyli said, “I’ve said that I want to feed my prince from my breasts for breakfast every morning. I promised it to him.”

  Rani said, “I promise it too! That’s a splendid idea!”

  Belle said, “Well, it’s settled. We should have milk for each other and I’m never leaving this room!”

  Rani said, “What do you mean? You can’t stay here forever. Though it is a nice dream!”

  Belle said, “I can’t leave. I can’t go out without a belt. What if a visitor came to the door. Now, you might say, ‘then put on your belt’, but I won’t. Now that I know what it is to be naked with my prince, I will never wear my belt again! I claim the old custom: a maiden must be naked with her prince for 40 days!”

  Aeyli laughed and said, “There’s no such custom!”

  Rani looked at Belle and saw her wink and said, “Oh, yes, I think that I remember that as well. Perhaps you missed that day of instruction. I’m sure that we were told that we had to all stay under the furs for the first 40 days.”

  Belle said, “Yes, don’t you remember,

  40 days under the furs,

  Naked night and day,

  shalock with me once again,

  shalock another day.”

  Rani said, “That’s right,

  Take me prince,

  My pussy wet,

  Take me yet again.

  I hold your cock between my legs,

  Naked for 40 days.”

  Bell said,

  “Oh so tight and oh so full,

  My pussy stretched orgasmic,

  shalock me prince another time,

  40 nights of climax.”

  I said, “Oh yes, that is what I was told,

  Rani, Belle, Aeyli in bed,

  Naked and with Mark.

  They shalock so loud for 40 days,

  In daylight and in dark!”

  Aeyli said, “See, I told you that they make up their own bawdy rhymes, and you’re just as good.

  One pussy Mark shalocks behind,

  Pussy Two he takes his time,

  Of Pussy Three a mouth is made,

  Three pussies in a puss parade!”

  Rani said, “I sure like my pussy now!”

  Belle said, “I don’t have one.”

  Rani said, “What do you mean, you don’t have one? What did your master just shalock till you passed out!”

  Belle said, “Oh, that? That isn’t my pussy; that belongs to my prince. It feels wonderful when he uses it, but it’s his, not mine. I happily guard it for him, but isn’t mine. He can do what he pleases…day and night.”

  Aeyli said, “Belle, that’s how I feel too. I give my body to him and he does what he wants with it; and he’s very skilled, isn’t he?”

  Belle said, “He is. We have a wonderful master . The shrine maidens have a master!”

  I objected for a moment, “Girls, I’m your husband, and you call me your prince, but I’m not your master.”

  Aeyli said, “Sometimes you say stupid things! You are the master of our hearts and bodies. I understand your meaning, but you need to understand ours. I’m not a slave, but my body and my heart are. Many people are slaves to this thing or that thing. We three were slaves to the shrine as long as we served it. Now, our bodies and hearts are slaves to you. You are their master!”

  Belle said, “And, if you say, ‘come here my little slave girl’ I’ll run to you because my body and heart sing for joy at the reminder of how they love you! There’s no shame in it!”

  Rani said, “Um, he actually is from a portal beyond the shrine, isn’t he? It must be a strange place. He’s so good, and yet he acts as if he were stupid.”

  Rani grabbed my penis and pumped it as if emphasizing her point…and suddenly looked horrified at me and stopped, but did not actually remove her hand.

  I said, “Rani? Do you like your new penis? Did you want to play with it?”

  She smiled and said, “I do like it. I haven’t played with it yet, but I liked how it played with me!”

  I said, “It is yours. You can do whatever you want with it, but remember to share; it isn’t yours alone.”

  Rani stroked the length of my cock and smiled broadly, declaring “A fine token of marriage! Most girls only get a ring with a worthless stone. A fine cock is a better gift by far!”

  Chapter 16 The C
ouncil Meeting

  Aeyli jumped up and said, “Oh, that’s right!” and she took something from the pouch at the belt that she had dropped on the floor. “Mark, come and stand here while we sit on the bed.”

  I stood at the side of the bed and the three girls sat side by side in front of me.

  Aeyli said, “Now, kneel down and take these.”

  She handed me three small, thin gold bracelets, each with a ruby stone hanging from a setting on it. There was a hinge on one side and a clasp mechanism on the opposite side.

  “Put one on each of our left ankles. They are the jewelry tokens for declaring us your mates.”

  I took Aeyli’s ankle as she offered it to me and placed one of the bands around it. I closed it around her foot and with some force, snapped the latch together with a click.

  She said, “It will not come off easily. It has to be destroyed to remove it.”

  I did the same with Rani and then with Belle.

  Aeyli said, “There is a council meeting at sundown. We have a little time, but not much. We could eat some fruit,” and she went to the bag of fruit that we had brought and passed out a few pieces to each of us.

  She said, “We can eat here, but Belle will have to put on her belt for the council meeting. We all need to appear. Mark, the council is made up of the men with the most mates and the women they have. Three men of the village each have three mates, so three men plus nine women sit on the council. First they will call me and question me. It will be easy. Then they will call you, or Rani and Belle, or Rani and Belle may come after. They will ask you questions and you will just answer them. There are no penalties. It’s just to get to know you and your intentions and to welcome you and to determine how you will fit in the life of the village.”

  I ate my fruit and said, “How many people will be there?”

  She answered, “There are about 1000 people in the village. Maybe one hundred will come tonight, because no matters of importance are to be discussed. This is a special council, just to meet you and see the declaration the we three have taken a mate.”

  Belle said, “It’s easy. New couples are always nervous and sometimes the councilmen try to act gruff, ‘How will you support this woman? Tell us your plan!’, but it’s all good natured. It’s fun. Aeyli will have to talk the most. Women are trusted more to talk about mating matters.”

  We finished our fruit and joked about this and that and laughed. When time came to leave for the council hall, Belle did buckle her belt around waist, but she swore that it would come off as soon as possible.

  We walked out into the street together and headed for the town square where the council hall was located. The girls at my side were a sight to see. The voices that I had overheard earlier were correct: the girls were taller than the average woman in the village, but I certainly didn’t see anyone more beautiful. The matching anklets they wore accentuated their lovely features more than anything else that I could have dreamed up.

  Aeyli had explained that she had chosen anklets for several reasons. First, necklaces would get in the way of sword practices and she intended that all of them become proficient. She felt the same way about rings, but also said that she would feel more naked and more lovely without her belt if she wore the anklet rather than something else that might draw the eye away from her true form. The girls and I agreed. There was no need to convince me though. I thought that anklets were amazingly sexy. If you were going to do something to draw the gaze of an admirer, draw it down across the body and guide it down the leg, not directly away from all of that loveliness, to the face and head.

  There seemed to be more than the hundred people that Aeyli predicted heading for the council. When we arrived, Aeyli took us to seats near the floor and to the left of the platform that seated the council members.

  The hall was big enough to seat about 800 on stone bleachers that rose on three sides of the building. More and more people filed in and I estimated that the count was closer to 500 than 100.

  I heard various voices saying, “There are a lot here for a special mating council.”

  “It’s the shrine maiden. She has found a mate.”

  “The shrine maiden? Aeyli? That’s what I had heard. Can it be true?”

  “Who knows. We are having a meeting for some reason.”

  “This is a lot. I haven’t been to council for years.”

  “Nothing ever happens. They handle it fine. There’s no need for me to leave home in the dark.”

  “Hush, that must be him. He is very tall.”

  Yes, I was also taller than the other men. Aeyli had said that the average was about 5’8”, but I gaged it now at closer to 5’5” and the women at 5’3”. Maybe my conversion from Barsoom measurements to Earth measurements hadn’t been quite accurate enough at first. Aeyli and Rani were about five inches taller than the women and three inches taller than the men. Aeyli had assured me that she was no more than average height, but I remember a hint of a joke when she said it. And sure enough, it wasn’t true at all. Even Belle stood at least as tall as the men. I could see that in many cultures, this would make it more difficult to find a mate. I myself stood at least seven inches taller than most of the men.

  We waited in our seats and after several more minutes, the visitors had all taken their places and the councilman in the center of the platform held up his hand for silence. There were twelve seats arranged in an arc on the raised stone platform. Starting at the left there were two women, then a man, then then three women, one man, three more women, one man, and finally one more woman. Picture 3 groups of four chairs - each group with a man, two women at his left and one at his right with a small empty space between each group. These were the 3 councilmen, each with 3 mates who served as councilwomen.

  The center man spoke, “Village, this council is called to examine the mating of a member of the village and a new visitor who seeks to live among us. Um, I am surprised to see so many at the meeting tonight. It’s good to see a renewed interest in council work. I expect that we will be done quickly this evening because we have only the one matter, always a happy one. Let’s get started. Who is to be mated this evening?”

  The councilwoman at his right placed her hand over his arm and said, “Aeyli, step up and let us talk.”

  The councilman almost jumped in his seat, but the woman’s gentle pressure on his arm restrained him. He collected himself and said, “Aeyli, do I understand this? You have come to declare a mate?”

  The woman said quietly to him, “Do it properly My Prince.”

  The man sighed and started again, “Aeyli stands before us to declare a mate. Um, the circumstances I see are unusual, but not unprecedented. We will proceed as usual.”

  Aeyli bubbled and said, “Ask me anything and I will answer you truthfully!”

  The man said gruffly, “You will answer the questions asked of you by the councilwomen and the men will question the newcomer in turn. How you try me. Why have you been so rebellious from the time you were a child?”

  Aeyli smiled and said, “Because my grandfather was a rebel. Blame him!”

  He bristled, but I could see that he hid a smile, “Oh no! Blame your grandmother. You take after her!”

  The woman patted his arm and said, “You were a rebel. Don’t lay all the blame on me! Her mother came from your loins!”

  The hall laughed and the man slumped in his chair, but continued to smile.

  The woman took the lead at this point and said, “Aeyli, dear shrine maiden, let us here your petition. Is it true that you have found a mate?”

  Aeyli said, proudly, “I have councilwoman.”

  The woman asked, “And, you are bound already?”

  Aeyli said, “I am.”

  The woman said, “And, why do you come now, after the bonding rather than before as customary?” and she smiled warmly at the girl.

  Aeyli said, “Because, I was on my duty at the shrine when we met and I couldn’t contain myself in my love! I chose him and he chose me in h
onor as is proper, but not knowing when I would return, and being away I had no way of knowing if we would die by some beast in the wilderness, so we bonded according to the laws regarding mates who find each other a long way from home.”

  The woman asked, “And, you are truly and happily bound? You have found this mate capable of mating?”

  Aeyli exclaimed, “Many times!”

  The woman said, “Um, oh, um, good for you…um, and your milk? Aeyli, don’t give us too much information.”

  Aeyli said, “OK, yes, my body has produced milk and my prince has been fed as is the proof of my bond.”

  The woman said, “Now, it has not been 40 days, so we won’t ask those questions of frequency at this time. You will appear before us again in a few weeks. But, let us move on. Tanner, please step forward. Aeyli, please stay before us for now.”

  A man and two women stepped forward. One held the bundle of fur that Aeyli and I had brought to the village with us.

  The woman said, “Tanner, what do you have to show us?”

  The two women took the fur and unfolded it to its full length and laid it on the ground in front of the council members.

  A murmur rose from the crowd and the head councilman, apparently Aeyli’s grandfather, held up his hand and frowned and said, “Tanner, what is this?”

  The tanner said, “This is the skin of a great white ape, apparently killed very recently and delivered to me by Aeyli today for preparation as a sleeping fur.”

  The councilwoman asked, “Aeyli, what is this and what is its story?”

  Aeyli smiled very wide and said, “This is the fur of the great white ape that my prince killed as it attacked us in the wilderness. At the roar of the beast, my prince ran toward it and killed it. I skinned the thing and we left the carcass where it lay on the moss.”

  The woman said, “Weapon maker, step forward. Tanner, please stay.”

  A man stepped forward. I was surprised to see that he carried my sword and Aeyli’s in his hand.

  The man said, “Weapon maker, what have you to do with this? What are those in your hand?”


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