The Shadow Patriots Box Set 2

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The Shadow Patriots Box Set 2 Page 21

by Warren Ray

  “Next time we’re in Canada, we need to get silencers,” said Bassett.

  Winters nodded. It would be helpful in this situation. They needed to keep quiet, but they couldn’t afford to wait for these two to exit the car.

  Winters threw on the thermal goggles and scanned the area looking for anyone else. He gave the all clear and the four of them approached the car from the back. They split up into three separate groups, with Burns and Scar to the passenger side and Bassett and Elliott to the driver’s side. Winters and Nordell crouched behind the car and Nordell reached up and clinked the trunk with his wedding ring.

  It took a few moments before the driver’s door opened. Nordell put his M4 down on the pavement and pulled out a hunting knife. He waited until the Jiji reached the rear of the car before springing up and thrusting the ten-inch blade into the man’s gut while wrapping an arm around his mouth. The man collapsed and Nordell laid him down gently. He then headed to the driver’s door and hopped in. Winters felt the car rock back and forth. He got up and noted the warrior’s expression on Nordell’s face as he exited the car.

  “Nice one, Gunny,” said Bassett leaping up from the side.

  “Don’t want you to have all the fun,” said Nordell.

  “Now, how do we want to get across this bridge?” asked Scar.

  “Hell, just turn these damned lights off and let’s see what happens,” said Nordell.

  Winters wondered if Nordell was always this impatient or was he trying to make an impression on their first operation together.

  “Go for it,” said Bassett. “We can’t have them on anyway when we come through here with our convoy.”

  Nordell reached in and turned them off. They all looked across the overpass through their goggles and waited to see if anything happened. Neither Jiji got out of the car and didn’t seem bothered by it, so they all started across the overpass with Bassett and Burns in the lead. They followed Nordell’s example and tapped the trunk. It took a couple of tries before it piqued their interest. Both got out at the same time, and both went down at the same time, as Bassett and Burns sprang on them.

  Winters pulled out a radio and gave the all clear to Meeks, who would lead the convoy into Ohio. Twenty minutes later, the convoy passed by and headed to safety. Winters was satisfied with the night’s operation and hoped it was a sign of good things to come.

  Chapter 66

  Grosse Pointe Michigan

  Cara woke up early, which surprised her because she and CC had arrived late in the night and drunk quite a bit on the flight to Michigan. She sat up dangling her feet off the bed and looked through the six-pane window at the clear blue sky. She walked over to the window and admired the lake behind a large grassy lawn.

  She was excited to meet and talk with Mordulfah. Mister Perozzi told her he was a great leader, and with her help would be able to finally bring her father to justice. The excitement of being part of this mission discombobulated her and she couldn’t decide what to do. She looked around the small room and thought maybe she should unpack but then decided to shower first. She threw on a pair of shorts and t-shirt to head to the hallway bathroom.

  The bathroom wasn’t nearly as big as the one back at the hotel, but much nicer than anything back home in Iowa. Nothing back home was as nice as that hotel room or this house, and she didn’t miss anything about it, except her mother, of course. She tried to think only of the good times, and not what had happened to her. She couldn’t wait to see the look on her dad’s face when he realized she helped to capture him. She took a quick shower and was back in her room drying her hair when there was a knock on the door. She opened it to see a dark complexioned young man standing there.

  “Miss Winters, my name is Thomas.”

  “Hi, Thomas.”

  “If you are ready, then you’re to go downstairs for breakfast.”

  “Oh, okay, I’ll be ready in just a minute.”

  “Very well. If you want or need anything just ask for me.”

  “Sounds great,” said Cara.

  She shut the door and put on the final touches in front of the mirror before heading downstairs. Thomas waited for her at the bottom of the wide staircase and escorted her to the large dining room where CC and Mordulfah were already sitting at the long table. She noticed they were engaged in a conversation when she entered the room.

  “Miss Winters,” said Mordulfah as he stood up. “Please, come in, come in.”

  She walked toward him.

  He took her hand and gave it a kiss. “I’ve heard so much about you and I’m delighted you are here to help us.”

  She admired his traditional Middle Eastern clothing and his mysterious dark eyes. His mannerisms seemed to cast a spell over her and she felt weak in the knees. She couldn’t stop smiling as he held her hand.

  “Please, please, sit down and eat.”

  Cara sat across from CC and couldn’t help but feel like a celebrity with all the attention that they were giving her. She filled her plate with all sorts of strange looking food wanting to try it all. Servants filled her glasses with orange juice and coffee. She started eating while listening to Mordulfah tell stories about growing up as a Saudi Prince.

  After breakfast, Mordulfah took them outside and gave them a quick tour of the estate. She especially liked the lake and hoped to be able to go out on a boat. She loved boats but didn’t get many chances to go on the water. The swimming pool also beckoned her and she asked if she could go for a swim.

  “Perhaps when we get done filming you could go for a swim,” said Mordulfah.

  “What are we going to film?” asked Cara.

  “Why, you, of course.”


  “Yes, I hope you’re a good actress because you’re going to be the star.”

  Cara began to get excited. “What am I gonna do?”

  “You’re going to play the damsel in distress,” said CC.


  CC put her arm on her shoulder. “We need to make it look like you’ve been kidnapped and are being held, hostage.”

  “Oh, okay,” said Cara nodding her head excitedly.

  “Then, we’ll send it to your dad. Pretty cool huh?” asked CC.

  “Hell ya. This is gonna be fun. We should get me looking pitiful.”

  “Like you’ve been roughed up,” said CC.

  CC took Cara by the hand and they ran inside to get her ready.

  Chapter 67

  Annapolis Maryland

  The phone rang until it went to voicemail, which is what Reed wanted it to do. How dare someone call him at home this early, he liked to sleep late on Sunday mornings. He rolled over to try to go back to sleep when the phone started ringing again. He looked at the clock, which read 8 am. Thinking it might be one of his kids in trouble, he pulled himself out of bed and reached for the cordless. A cold chill swept over him when he saw Perozzi’s name. What was he doing calling him at home on a Sunday morning? That never happened and he instinctively suspected something was wrong. Did he have the recording? Whoever sent it must have sent him one as well. He debated on whether to pick up or not and opted to make him wait. He needs to know he can’t disturb me this early in the morning.

  He leaned back on his pillow and looked over at his wife who hadn’t moved. She didn’t have her hearing aids in and never heard the call. He knew he couldn’t get back to sleep, so he got up and went downstairs to make coffee.

  Reed took a few sips of coffee before reaching for the phone to check his voicemail.

  “Lawrence, I need to meet with you tonight, make it seven at our usual place.”

  Reed clicked the off button. “He never calls me Lawrence, it’s always Larry,” he thought. He knew the tone in his voice was different as well. It sounded more annoyed than angry. Regardless, it was different, and besides, they rarely met on a Sunday. His wife liked to have him all to herself on Sundays. She wouldn’t be happy, but he had no other choice.

  He sipped his coffee thinking about what
he needed to do in case Perozzi had decided to push him aside. He didn’t worry too much about it because over the years, he gathered plenty of dirt on Perozzi to spread around and a trusted man to deliver it. He would contact him today and give him a heads up.

  He then remembered Cara Winters had arrived in Detroit last night. Perhaps that is what this was all about and he wanted to share good news about Mordulfah’s plans to capture Winters. He shook his head remembering the arrogant bastard had caught him once before and lost him. Now, with Winters’ daughter for bait, he didn’t think even Mordulfah could screw this one up. He wondered if he had bedded her yet. He shivered at the man’s proclivity for young girls and detested him for it. Even though Reed did many devious things, he had standards and drew the line at that particular perversion.

  Chapter 68

  Jackson Michigan

  It had been one week since the attack on the churches and Winters watched several hundred of the remaining citizens standing outside of one of them. He went out for a morning walk to clear his head and followed them as they headed downtown where they gathered on Washington Street and then marched across a parking lot to West Wesley Street. There were three churches on the same block and the crowd stopped by each one and held a small service before moving to the next. Not wanting to interfere, he stood across the street to watch.

  He was pleased with them wanting to come out and honor all those who had died last week. So much had gone on since Sunday and yet here they were standing tall. Watching them gave him a sense of confidence, and not just because they stood here, but because they had come together as a town and organized themselves. It was no longer every man for himself. Now they were looking out for each other. Mayor Simpson had done a superb job bringing these people together.

  Winters felt more confident they could get everyone to safety. They removed a hundred people last night without a hitch and were going to do another hundred tonight. The Jijis were in no hurry to attack, and they now knew who the spy was, which stopped the bleeding of information. He had been working on a few ideas and they would use Posey to their advantage soon enough.

  After a while, the crowd moved on down Mechanic Street where Winters figured there must be more churches. He had seen enough and started walking up Cooper Street to head back to the hospital. He was passing by the Amtrak station when an old white Chevy pickup pulled up beside him.

  “Hey, Sailor, need a lift?”

  Winters looked through the open window to see Reese at the wheel. He approached the passenger door and leaned in. “Isn’t this my truck?”

  “Is it?”

  “I believe so.”

  “You got the papers to prove it, Mister?”

  “Can’t say that I do.”

  “Well, maybe you shouldn’t leave the keys in it.”

  “Didn’t think any pretty girls would steal it.”

  “Pretty girl didn’t steal it. Remember, you said incredibly beautiful.”

  “Yes, I suppose I did now, didn’t I?”

  Reese nodded with a cheeky grin. “Now, do want a ride or not?”

  Winters hopped in and Reese floored the pedal.

  “Whoa,” said Winters.

  “This is the first time I’ve gotten to drive in like, forever.”

  Reese picked up speed and flew down Michigan Avenue past the hospital. The wind blew through the open windows blowing her long blonde hair around her face. She applied the brakes before swinging the old truck into an empty parking lot. Winters looked over at her. She had a big smile plastered on her face. She was flushing all the stress out of her system and definitely enjoying herself. He wasn’t going to try to stop her even if he could.

  She stopped the truck in front of a closed down department store. She spun the truck around before stopping again.

  “Think I can burn rubber in this old heap?”

  Winters laughed at her mischievous idea. “Gonna need to keep your foot on the brake while pushing down on the gas pedal.”

  “I can’t with my bad leg.”

  Winters slid across the bench seat next to her. “Put your foot on the brake and I’ll get the gas.”

  Her eyes lit up.

  Winters maneuvered his left foot on the pedal and gave it a couple of taps. The truck jerked forward against the brakes. “You ready?”

  Reese nodded excitedly.

  Winters slowly pushed the pedal. This time as he kept pushing down on the gas, the torque applied to the retrained wheels caused the rear of the truck to rise several inches. “Okay,” he hollered, “Let go!”

  She took her foot off the brake and the tires began to spin and scream, as white smoke encased them. Reese began to laugh and yell at the same time. The truck flew forward for about thirty yards before Winters let off the gas.

  “That was friggin awesome!” yelled Reese.

  Winters turned his head to see all the smoke. “Check it out.”

  Reese looked in the mirror to watch the smoke move against the building before dissipating. She then whipped the truck around pulling hard on the steering wheel, which threw Winters against her side. The wheels squealed on the pavement as the truck spun around burning more rubber. Winters melted in her intoxicating laughter as she pulled him into her exhilaration. The fun kept going until they ran out of breath from laughing so hard. Winters still leaned on her as he gasped for air.

  “Oh, man…I…so…needed this,” said Reese trying to catch her breath.

  Winters sat up. “Okay…that really was a lot of fun.”

  “Can’t say I don’t know how to show my man a good time?”

  “Oh, you certainly do. Is this, ah, all part of your hooks strategy.”

  “Heck, yeah it is. So, should we start necking now?”

  “Necking? How old do you think I am?”

  “Isn’t that what you old guys call it?”


  “Is sucking face, better?” she said with a cheesy grin.

  “Making out is just fine.”


  “Well, what?”

  “Oh, you shy, shy man,” said Reese, as she put her hands on his cheeks and began kissing him.

  The warmth of her mouth was addicting and Winters threw caution to the wind giving in to her. He devoured her essence as they locked arms around each other. She had ensnared him, but he was also a willing participant. He would let go of all his reservations and live a little as she just demonstrated. They existed in a world of uncertainty and you needed to take enjoyment when you could.

  Chapter 69

  Grosse Pointe Michigan

  CC smeared eyeliner on Cara giving her a disheveled appearance. She then worked product into her hair and wet it down to finish off a pitiful look. Taking scissors, she made a cut on her white tank shirt and then tore it just an inch.

  “This ought to do it,” said CC stepping back to admire her work.

  Cara stood up and looked in the mirror. “Oh, look at me. CC you’ve outdone yourself.”

  “C’mon, let’s get downstairs,” said CC.

  They bounced down the steps and Thomas directed them to the gallery where they moved all the furniture up against the wall clearing out a large space for their performance. A video camera sat on a tripod in front of a wooden chair. An oversized black blanket covered the floor. A dark gray curtain hung down from the ceiling hiding any sign as to where they were. Several men dressed in black, holding machine guns, stood off to the side and looked to be waiting to do their part in the film.

  “Cara, you certainly look the part,” said Mordulfah.

  “Thanks to CC.”

  “Now to complete the look I need to tie your hands together.”

  Thomas took a rope and tied them tightly behind her back.

  “Now Thomas, I’ll start speaking and when I nod at you, I want you to manhandle her over to this chair.”

  “Yes, your highness,” said Thomas.

  “This will give it full effect.”

  “Now Cara, when Tho
mas brings you over I need for to sit there and look sad.”

  “You want me to cry?”

  “If you can then all the better.”

  Cara had no problem turning on the tears when she needed, and within a few moments, tears ran down her cheeks.

  “Excellent. Wali start the camera,” said Mordulfah moving behind the wooden chair.

  Mordulfah dressed in his white flowing robe began speaking. “Mister Winters, you and your murdering rebels have fought valiantly, but it is time for you to put your weapons down.”

  Mordulfah nodded to Thomas.

  Thomas pushed Cara into camera view and shoved her toward the chair.

  Cara turned the waterworks on full force as she sat down. The two men dressed in black then moved up next to her on either side.

  “As you can see, we have your beloved daughter as a hostage. Miss Winters, look into the camera and say hello.”

  Cara slowly looked up and yelled. “Daddy, please help me. Daddy.”

  “Gag her now.”

  One of the men in black came around and threw a bandanna around her mouth. They didn’t say they’d do this and it genuinely frightened her. She twisted around pretending to be in distress.

  “Now, if you want your daughter to live, you will do as I say. Not only will you give yourself up, but you will also bring Corporal Bassett with you. You both will give yourselves up to Captain Vatter in Detroit. He will then set your daughter free.”

  Mordulfah placed his hands on Cara’s shoulders and began to rub them.

  “Now, I know I don’t need to tell you what else I will do if you disobey my instructions,” he said as he moved his hands to her tank top. He then grabbed the shirt and tore at the cut that CC put there.

  Cara tensed up and her eyes grew as big as saucers, thankful that she wore a bra for the shoot, as it had not been her habit of late.

  “You have just until Monday at noon to give yourselves up.”

  Wali turned the camera off and said cut.


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