The Shadow Patriots Box Set 2

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The Shadow Patriots Box Set 2 Page 22

by Warren Ray

  “Excellent work,” said Mordulfah. “Cara, you were magnificent.”

  Thomas came around and took her gag off before untying her hands.

  “Wow, that was good wasn’t it,” said Cara excitedly.

  CC approached her. “Sorry for not telling you exactly what was going to happen, but the look on your face was priceless.”

  “No problem,” she replied haltingly.

  Wali then played the recording and everyone gave it approving nods.

  “C’mon Cara, let's go for that swim now,” said CC.

  They raced upstairs, threw on bathing suits, and jumped into the water at the same time. The water was cool and exhilarating as they swam across one end to the other.

  Cara stayed in the pool as CC got out and lied down on a lounge chair. Cara floated on her back thinking about the shoot and what Mordulfah had said. She wondered what he meant when he said, “I don’t need to tell you what I’ll do.” CC told her they had never met before, but it sounded like they knew each other. She then thought about him tearing open her shirt. That’s probably why he did it, to show her dad what he meant by that statement. Regardless, it was a little creepy and she now wished she had been warned about it. She got out of the water and sat down smiling at CC, but leaned back wondering what else she kept from her.

  Chapter 70

  Jackson Michigan

  Winters pulled away from Reese trying to contain the smile on his face. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d kissed a girl for so long, only that it was with his wife.

  He looked into her brown eyes, which seemed to be sparkling now, and brushed her hair away from her face. He leaned in again for a quick kiss, but it turned into another minute long session.

  “Okay, okay, I need to stop,” said Winters, pulling back again.

  She wore the same gratifying expression on her face that he knew was on his.

  “Just need a rest.”

  “I’ll give you a minute, but that’s it.”


  “You’re a good kisser, Cole, and I want more.”

  “I am?”

  Reese gave him a reassuring nod. “If you weren’t, we wouldn’t have been going at it for thirty minutes.”

  “It’s been a half an hour?” asked Winters in a surprised tone.

  “Yep,” said Reese pointing to the dash clock. “Time flies when you’re having fun. You are having fun aren’t cha?”

  “Oh, you could say that.”

  “Now aren’t you glad I put my hooks in ya?”

  “I suppose so,” he responded playfully.

  She smacked him on the arm. “Your minute’s up now get in here.”

  He leaned back in and drank in everything about her, including her beauty and high-spirited personality. He completely lost himself in time and space while they shared in each other’s passionate embrace.

  Winters pulled back up and looked at the clock. He couldn’t believe another half hour passed by. He turned back to Reese who grinned and nodded.

  “Better than you thought it would be, huh?”

  “Reese, I can’t remember it ever being like this.”


  Winters could see she wanted to please him. “I couldn’t possibly describe this and do it justice.”

  “That makes me so happy,” she said pulling herself up to give him a kiss. “I was really nervous.”

  “You were?”

  “Well, yeah, I wasn’t sure how I would respond to a man again or if I’d be able to.”

  “I get that,” said Winters.

  “But, you really made me work for it and that actually helped me.”

  “It did?”

  “Yeah. It made me face some demons right off the bat. First, I didn’t have to tell you about it, which was a big relief. And, you weren’t turning me down because of what happened, so, you know, instead of someone pretending it didn’t bother ya, you had a legitimate reason. You genuinely weren’t bothered by it and that allowed me to work at it for the right reasons.”

  “I’m really glad that worked out, then.”

  “Of course your shyness also helped,” she said stroking his shoulders.


  “Yep. It forced me to make the first move, which in a weird way, kinda made it better. Winning always makes something more worthwhile.”

  “I actually knew that. I was just pretending to be shy, so you know…just to help you out.”

  Reese put her hand on her chest. “Well, Doctor Winters, thank you very much.”

  “Eh, it’s no problem, it’s what I do.”

  She gave him a love pat on his arm. “I do need to thank you for not pawing at me though. I know I’m not ready for that.”

  “Well, I don’t paw on the first date; at least I don’t think I do. Actually, I don’t remember if I do or not. You know, it’s been a while.”

  “Has it now?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  “Worth the wait?”

  “Eh,” he said with a half smile.

  Reese smacked him harder on the arm.

  “We should probably get back. They’ll be wondering where we’re at.”

  “That’s, uh, like, not gonna be a problem,” said Reese.

  “It won’t? Why’s that?”

  “I told Amber I was taking your truck to go find you?”

  “Ah, that’s just great.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. She thinks it’s adorable.”

  “She does, huh?”

  “Heck yeah, and she thinks you’re totally a stud.”


  She took his hands. “I’m being serious.”

  “I’m so glad to hear she knows all about us.”

  “She’s my big sister now and sisters tell each other everything.”

  “Never had one, so I wouldn’t know.”

  “You’re not mad, are ya?” asked Reese squeezing his hand.

  “No, of course not. It was bound to come out anyway.”

  “Well, don’t worry, I’ll try to control myself around you.”

  “If you can manage it, that’d be great,” said Winters as he puffed his chest.

  “Ahhh, now who’s got the ego?”

  “You mention something about being a stud.”

  “That was Amber, not me.”

  “Oh, okay, then I got nothing to worry about then?”

  “Well, not anymore,” said Reese playfully.

  “Geez, that’s great, really,” said Winters in a disappointed tone.

  Reese burst out laughing as she threw her arms around him and they started making out again. They continued for another five minutes before stopping and heading back to the hospital. Reese drove the old truck into the parking lot. Winters knew something was wrong when he observed the serious expressions on Elliott, Bassett, and Amber, who were waiting for them at the entrance.

  Chapter 71

  Grosse Pointe Michigan

  Cara opened her eyes and realized she had fallen asleep by the pool. The lounge chair was comfortable and she was still tired from her trip. She looked over and didn’t see CC. She leaned forward wondering how long she had slept. Wanting to re-energize herself, she jumped back in the pool and swam a couple more laps. The exercise and the cool water did the trick. Climbing out of the pool, she scraped her big toe on the concrete and blood began to spill out.

  She headed back to the house, entering through a different door, and wasn’t sure which way to go. The floor tiles felt cold on her feet and she looked down to see that she was dripping water and blood on the floor. Finding a back staircase, she bounded down it and found a small bathroom. She pulled open a drawer to find a box of Band-Aids and wrapped one around her toe.

  She then went back out into the hallway and was startled when a door opened up. A lady stood inside the room yelling in a foreign language at twin girls who stood there in their underwear. They looked at Cara, which attracted the attention of the lady.

  The crappy lady tu
rned to Cara and yelled something in a foreign language. Goosebumps exploded all over and she felt chilly from the water dripping off her hair.

  A man rushed down the hallway. “What are you doing here?”

  Cara looked over to see one of the men dressed in black who had stood beside her while filming.

  “I, I got lost.”

  Cara turned back to catch another glimpse of the blank eyes of the twin girls staring back as the crappy lady slammed the door.

  “You are not allowed down here,” said the man, now standing too close to her.

  Cara backed up a couple of steps, but the man came closer making her skin crawl as he leered at her wet body.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

  “I’ll show you the way,” he said.

  Cara padded down the hall and raced up the stairs two at a time not feeling safe until she found her room. She sat in a chair shivering, wondering who those girls were and why they looked like they were totally out of it. “Were they prisoners?” The crappy lady certainly wasn’t happy to see her and the way that man charged down the hallway made her think that was the case. For a moment, she thought he was going to harm her, which made her understand there wouldn’t have been anything she could have done to stop him. She understood then that she was completely under Mordulfah’s control.

  Chapter 72

  Jackson Michigan

  After spending a delightful time with Reese, Winters shook his head because he knew it was time to pay the toll. There always seemed to be a price to pay when things were looking up, and he could see it was going to be a large payment.

  Winters slid out of the truck and came around to walk with Reese to the entrance where Elliott, Bassett, and Amber stood waiting. Reese grabbed her crutch and neither spoke as she hobbled along beside him.

  “Captain, I’m afraid we got some bad news,” said Elliott.

  Winters didn’t respond.

  Elliott looked at Amber and back to Winters. He struggled to get the words out. “Captain, Mordulfah is holding your daughter as a hostage.”

  Winters shook his head. “What?”

  “Thomas is here to deliver a video to you. He told us Mordulfah has your daughter and is demanding you give yourself up in exchange for her life.”

  A cold chill swept over Winters and everything went silent. He could see Elliott saying something else, but he couldn’t hear it. The next thing he knew, Elliott and Bassett put their hands under his arms and carried him to a bench off to the side.

  “Cole, can you hear me?” asked Reese. “C’mon, Cole.”

  Winters felt a wet rag across his face. His hearing started to come back and he reached for a water bottle held out for him and drank half the bottle. His senses were returning, but he took a few more moments before telling them he was okay.

  “Did you hear what we said?” asked Amber.

  Winters nodded but took another moment before asking for Thomas.

  “We got him stashed away,” said Bassett.

  “Take me there,” he ordered in a stern tone.

  They headed to an unused part of the hospital where Thomas waited. He was ordered by Mordulfah to present the video to Winters personally and to make sure he watched it before coming back to Grosse Pointe. Winters walked into the room and saw him with Scar, Meeks, and Burns.

  Thomas got up and apologized for what he needed to do.

  “It’s okay, Thomas. Just show me and then tell me everything you know.”

  Winters fought to control his expressions when Cara screamed into the camera. Winters could hear his friend’s gasps, even as they tried to stay silent throughout the showing. His heart sank remembering the promise to his wife that he would find her. Winters balled up his fists tightly wanting to hit something. Deep down Mister Hyde was trying to break free again, and Winters struggled to keep him under wraps. He needed to think clearly because Mordulfah just checked him in a deadly game of chess. Winters needed answers before making a move.

  He looked at Thomas intently. “What are my instructions?”

  “Mordulfah wants you and Bassett to give yourselves up to Captain Vatter in Detroit, where they’re holding your daughter. Once you’re there, he’ll let her go.”

  “Why, Bassett?” asked Winters.

  “I do not know.”

  “Captain, I have no problem going with you,” said Bassett.

  Winters gave him a nod and then turned back to Thomas. “Now, tell me, what’s really going on.”

  “Vatter will not have her in Detroit and Mordulfah has no intention of letting her go, as a matter of fact, he plans on…” He paused a moment before continuing. “He plans on raping her in front of you, as punishment for taking his harem.”

  Winters' eyes widened when hearing this and he fought to stay focused by taking a deep breath to settle down.

  “So, she’s at the mansion then?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Winters nodded while trying to take everything in.

  “There is something else you should know,” said Thomas.

  Winters didn’t respond.

  “Your daughter came of her own accord.”

  Winters glared at him. “What do you mean?”

  “She believes everything the media has been saying about you. She volunteered to help capture you.”

  Winters sat down on a table and stared at the floor. He knew the media had been saying he murdered his wife and the Shadow Patriots were on a raping and killing rampage. The murdering of his wife hurt, but the worst part was his own daughter believed it.

  He looked up. “So, she was just acting then?”

  “Yes sir, but unbeknownst to her, she is a prisoner, she just doesn’t know it yet. She’s has been lied to and thinks she is doing the right thing.”

  Winters’ mind started to spin trying to absorb everything he had just seen and heard. Her desperate crying was acting, but it hit a nerve buried deep within a father’s soul that he couldn’t shake loose. This foolish, rebellious girl, was still his daughter, and he would do whatever it took to free her.

  He looked around the room to see everyone staring at him. They would do whatever he wanted, but did he have the right to ask them to risk their lives for the sake of his daughter, someone who put herself in this position. It would be asking a lot.

  “Captain,” said Elliott. “Don’t even think about not asking us to help.”

  Winters jerked his head.

  “I’ve been around you long enough to know what you’re thinking,” said Elliott.

  “Yeah, Captain, we ain’t missing out on this one,” said Scar.

  “I’m with my brother,” said Meeks.

  Winters shook his head. “It’s asking too much.”

  “Captain,” said Meeks. “I’m about tired of holing up in this town anyway.”

  Everyone nodded.

  The outpouring of support became overwhelming and he needed to get out of there to get some air. “I need time to think.” With his head down, he stormed out of the room. Halfway down the hall, he heard the sound of Reese’s crutch hitting the tile floor. He wasn’t in the mood to talk and ignored her pleas as he turned the corner. He scooted down another empty hallway and got lost in the maze of hallways. He desperately needed to be outside and finally found an exit. Pushing through the door, he took in several breaths of fresh air and fell to his knees wondering what he was going to do.

  Chapter 73

  Winters pounded his fists on the pavement as he remembered how Mordulfah tore open Cara’s shirt. He then swung his fists in the air as it got to be too much for him. He got up off his knees and stormed across the parking lot toward his truck. Mister Hyde wanted to come out and play and he would let him. His heart skipped a beat when Reese came toward him at a fast clip. He didn’t want to see her and didn’t care if he hurt her feelings.

  They both reached the truck at the same time, and she let her crutch fall to the ground as she threw her arms around his neck.

  Winters pulled
her off. “Not now, Reese.”

  “Please, let me help you,” she said as tears streamed down her face.

  “Reese, I’m not in the mood for your games,” said Winters, knowing the words would sting.

  Reese pulled back. “Cole Winters, I’m not playing a game.” She smacked him on the chest with both hands. “What…you think I don’t know how you’re hurting?” She hit him again. “I know exactly how you’re hurting, and I know exactly what you’re thinking.”

  “No, you don’t,” Winters yelled back.

  “Oh? Tell me you don’t want to get in this truck right now and drive straight to Detroit and kill that son-of-a-bitch.”

  Winters let out a gruff.

  “Mister Hyde has got you so wrapped around your finger you’re not thinking right.”

  Winters paced around and then pounded his fist on the door. He then bent down, picked up her crutch, and screamed obscenities as he slammed the crutch against the truck, again and again. Each time felt better than the last, but he couldn’t get enough. The crutch twisted and then broke apart. His breath came in rapid gasps as stood still. Reese flung her arms around him and held tight as he broke down. They fell to the pavement and she ran her hand through his hair pleading calmly for him to let it all out.

  For the next few minutes, all the pent-up anger, frustration, and death over the past week flowed out. He let it all out, as he had never done so before. A sense of relief washed over him and he started to calm down in her arms. He finally pulled away and looked into the eyes of a girl who knew pain but also knew compassion and how to show it. She did know what he was going through and knew how to handle him. Other than, after the battle on Robinson Road, he hadn’t had the time or inclination to deal with his pain. He felt renewed by getting it all out and his head began to clear.

  “Better?” she asked stroking his shoulder.

  “Yes, and thank you.”

  “I’m sorry this has happened.”

  “Little unexpected?”

  “Whew, I’ll say. When was the last time you saw her?”

  “It’s been a year now and it wasn’t under good circumstances.”


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