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When I Dream of You: A Valentine's Day Romance

Page 3

by Marcella Swann

  “Not really but it’s not something I have time to discuss at the moment.” His phone started buzzing again and he reached out to press the speaker. “Yes, Jess.”

  “Mr. Jacobs said that two thirty will work. He’ll meet you at the same location.” He wasn’t all that concerned about it. If Jacobs wanted to make a deal of a prime piece of property, as Devon assumed he was, the guy would wait all afternoon, if need be.

  “OK. I’ll be heading out shortly.” He disconnected the call and shrugged. “You see ... I’m super busy. I got to head out.”

  “I understand, sir, but I promise it won’t take long. It’s just that I know this woman that would very much like to meet up with you sometime,” he started.

  Devon put down his briefcase. He glanced at Chris, tilting his head slightly. “Excuse me?”

  “There’s this woman and she would very much like to meet you.”

  Devon frowned and thought about that. He was a bit intrigued by the notion, but more curious than anything else. “So, who is this mysterious woman?”

  Chris looked uneasy about something, but Devon simply waited for his reply. “She’s really great and she’s heard so much about you. She really wants to me you.”

  “Huh, I guess I’m flattered but I don’t do blind dates.” He picked up his briefcase, prepared to leave his office and never look back.

  “And I get that, Mr. Prescott, but this girl is different. She’s a great catch and you’re single and she’s single and you would be missing out if you didn’t give her a chance.”

  “That so?” Devon asked slowly extending each word, suddenly enjoying the conversation. “I would be missing out if I didn’t take you up on this woman who wants to meet me?” He nodded, still surprised by the whole thing and oddly intrigued. He looked down at his watch.

  “Who is this person?” he finally asked. “Someone in real estate, right?”

  “No. Her name is Aria,” Chris said. “Do you remember my boyfriend Tyler?” Devon nodded. “It’s a friend of his. She’s in the movie and TV business. When Tyler talked about you, she was really excited and eager to meet you.”

  Devon laughed and noticed the redness on Chris’ cheeks.

  “Tyler has told me all about her and she’s pretty awesome.”

  This was ridiculous but Devon churned it over in his head. He nodded and moved toward his door.

  “OK,” he said coolly. “Friday night at seven o’clock. Tell her to be at Chez Maurice. She can give my name to the hostess. Got it?”

  “Friday, perfect. That’s Valentine’s Day,” Chris exclaimed. “I’ll set it up, Mr. Prescott.”

  “But Chris, this better be worth my time,” Devon said, giving him a grim look. “Or you’re fired.”

  He pressed past Chris, a slight smile on his face.

  “Now, get back to work.”

  Chapter 2

  Aria took a deep breath and looked in her closet. She had left work early because she wanted plenty of time to get ready for the big blind date, but she’d been at it for an hour without pulling out one outfit. She glanced at her watch and saw time inching closer to seven.

  Come on, what’s wrong with me? I used to date everything that moved.

  She reached into her closet and removed a dress. She glanced at it and shrugged. It was the most promising of her choices. She started to take it off the hanger when she heard her doorbell. With a groan she dropped the dress on her bed and headed to the door. She glanced through the window and spotted Tyler on her front porch step. She swung the door open.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked. He looked over her from head to toe and shook his head.

  “Isn’t it obvious? I’m here just in time.” He motioned with his hand over her robe that she was still wearing. “We have a job to do.”

  He hurried past her and she just stood there for a moment before shutting the door behind him. She turned around and slowly walked back to her bedroom. He smirked as he looked down at the dress lying across the bed. “Are you kidding me? That won’t cut it.” He tossed the dress to the side and went over to her closet.

  She sunk down on her bed and stared at him as he tossed things out of her closet right and left. “Wh...what are you doing? Ty, come on now ... my stuff isn’t that bad,” she argued.

  He twirled around and held two dresses in his hand. “You’re right. These will probably work,” he said. “Go put one of them on and come back in here and I’ll give it a look.” She stood up from the bed and grabbed them, but reached down and grabbed three dresses he had tossed to the side. She hurried from the room and went to the bathroom. She wasn’t going to allow Tyler to dictate her outfit. She was a grown woman, capable of choosing her own clothes.

  She threw on one of the dresses that was quickly thrown to the side. “This isn’t bad,” she said. She twirled around in front of him, stopping when the sounds of gagging met her ears.

  “Come on, Ari ... that wouldn’t be bad if you were auditioning for the part of Auntie Em in a production of The Wizard of Oz, but you can’t wear that on a date with Devon Prescott. He’s used to champagne and caviar, not ramen noodles and cheese puffs.”

  Aria frowned. “It doesn’t look that bad.”

  “But it doesn’t look good, either,” he replied. “Try on one of the dresses that I pulled out.”

  She skulked back to the bathroom. She took the dress off and laid it over her tub, then grabbed another one that she would have chosen. She wasn’t going to give up just yet. She put it on and went back to where Tyler was sitting on her bed. “What about this? I think it’s very nice, conservative, yet sexy,” she nodded her approval and he laughed.

  “Your grandma called. She wants back her dress,” he said. “That looks like something you would find in a barrel of discarded clothes. Be serious ... Devon Prescott.” He arched an eyebrow, enunciating each word as it should elicit a reaction from her.

  “He’s not God, Ty. He’s a man.”

  “He’s a real man. He’s what you are looking for. Well, you aren’t going to find one of those wearing an old maid’s getup. If you want something different, then you have to change your ways. Just give it a try. You are wasting time and Chris said Devon is a business guy, so don’t be late.”

  “I know, I know,” she said, irritated at hearing those words at least twenty times since she had agreed to the date. “I’ve got it. It comes across as a threat, don’t you think?”

  Tyler shrugged. “He has women falling all over him. I think he’s entitled to being a little picky. Go on, Ari. Put on one of those dresses that I pulled out. Just humor me and live a little.”

  She groaned and rolled her eyes. “Fine.” She left the bedroom and marched back to the bathroom. She took off the dress and discarded it with the other one on the edge of the bathtub, yanking up the red dress that Tyler had removed from her closet and grudgingly slipped into the soft fabric. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and grimaced. It would be easier to just drop everything and forget about going out. She didn’t feel she could pull off this dress. Her cleavage was peeking way too far out and there was a slit along the side that reached a little too high up her leg. She walked back into her bedroom and opened her mouth to argue when she heard Tyler whistling.

  “Now that ... that is a dress,” he said. “Sophisticated and sexy and everything in between. You are going to leave Devon champing at the bit.”

  She frowned, “I don’t know. I think it would be better if I just didn’t go. You can have Chris apologize and tell him I was sick or something.”

  He shook his head. “Oh, no, you don’t. I had Chris cross a line for you here. He put himself in an awkward position. If things don’t work out, then Devon might blame Chris. I went forward with this because I care about you and you can’t possibly back out now. You look amazing,” he looked down at his watch, “and you have just enough time to do your hair and makeup and get to the restaurant. Please ... do this. You are going to have a great night. What, do you want
to spend Valentine’s Day alone again?”

  Aria turned and looked at herself in the mirror. She didn’t want to disappoint Tyler and she knew that Chris had put himself out there to get the date set up, but she didn’t ask for this. It was all their doing and she felt like she was truly just along for the ride. Don’t be cynical, Aria, you wanted this. You’re just nervous. Her subconscious was right. She was merely nervous because she wasn’t used to this. The whole dating scene had become something non-existent in her life. It was all too foreign and perhaps this was exactly what she needed.

  “Okay, Ty, I’ll do this. Even if I’m a little self-conscious about the dress.”

  He smiled. “You look great and Devon Prescott will be totally fixated on every word you say. You’ll have him eating out of the palm of your hands, or whatever other body part you wish.” He laughed and Aria spun around. Her jaw dropped at the teasing words. He held up his hands and stood to his feet. “Just joking. You’re going to have a wonderful time.”

  “I hope so,” Aria said, her words a bit shaky. “Now, you get on out of here while I finish up.”

  Tyler stood and walked over to her, kissing her on the cheek. “Have a good time, Ari. You deserve it. Happy Valentine’s.”

  “Thank you. I’ll let you know how it goes.” She smiled as he left. She had a mess to cleanup and get ready.

  On the way to the restaurant, she blared Papa Roach as loudly as her speakers could go to try and calm her nerves. Aria giggled when she caught a glimpse of herself in a shop reflection. Jacoby Shaddix screaming the lyrics to Breathe You In didn’t quite match the proper, sophisticated look she was trying to pull off. By the time she pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, the butterflies had returned in full force. He’s just a man, Aria, don’t sweat it.

  That was easier to think than to believe. She took a deep breath and got out of her car, steadying her breathing on the walk to the restaurant. She only had ten minutes before they were set to meet, and she wanted it to appear that timeliness was always at the forefront of her mind. When she entered, she approached the hostess, took and deep breath, and vowed to herself to make the best of it.

  “Welcome to Chez Maurice. Do you have a reservation?”

  “Yes. I’m here to meet Devon Prescott,” she said. She heard a soft lilt in her voice and didn’t want it to show as a sign of weakness.

  “Ahhh ... yes. I have your table ready, but you are the first to arrive. Follow me.” She grabbed a couple of menus and led the way to a table. The table was in the back of the restaurant, the farthest you could go. The centerpiece was made up of two roses and a candle burning brightly. It was romantic, something Aria wasn’t quite expecting. The hostess put the menus down at the table and turned to her. “Anything I can request of the staff before the other half of your party arrives?” the woman asked.

  Aria was impressed. The place was as fancy as advertised. “No, that’s quite all right. I’ll just wait for him. Thank you.” The hostess smiled and nodded and even gave Aria a onceover, appearing agreeable as to the dress that she had settled on.

  She took a seat and let out a slow breath. She was there and the first one to arrive. At least, Devon couldn’t speak poorly of her timekeeping. She looked around at the people entering the restaurant and was relieved she had settled on the right dress. She made a mental note to thank Tyler.

  She casually glanced at her watch as time slowly slipped by. Before she knew it, it was past seven o’clock and Devon was officially the late one. She didn’t want to consider that maybe she had been stood up, but the thought crossed her mind. She just had to wait and hope that he would arrive soon, and she would no longer have to face the awkwardness of sitting alone. Yet, she wondered how long she would have to stay around if he just never arrived. Her nerves slowly increased as she waited for her date.

  DEVON WALKED INTO THE restaurant with a bouquet of pink roses. The hostess spotted him the minute he got inside. “Good evening, Mr. Prescott,” she said. “Your table is waiting, just as you requested. Would you like me to take you to it? Your guest has already arrived.”

  “Good evening, Mary. I can find my way.” He winked at her and her cheeks grew a warm pink. She nodded, and he moved past the hostess podium. He scoured the tables of people already enjoying their meals and then his eyes went to the table in the back. She was sitting so that he could see her. Her eyes were looking around at the tables and he saw her casually check her watch. He stood and watched her for a moment. She wasn’t half bad. In fact, she was downright sexy. Chris hadn’t lied when he spoke highly of her, but it was a relief seeing her with his own eyes.

  Devon’s eyes travelled down the dress she was wearing and he spotted that she had crossed her legs, her hands resting softly against the booth of the table. She looked at her watch once more and he knew he wasn’t going to keep his presence withdrawn for too much longer.

  As he drew near, she looked up and their eyes met. A smile crossed her lips and he was taken aback by her beauty. At least he didn’t need to fake his attraction. He wanted her, no question there.

  “Hello,” she said, “you must be Devon.” She started to get up, but he put out his hand to stop her.

  “No need to stand up. Yes, I’m Devon and you must be Aria.”

  She smiled. “That’s right.” The thought, Holy shit, he’s so gorgeous. Am I dreaming? kept running through her mind.

  “I’m sorry I’m late, but I wanted to pick these up for you,” he said, handing her the bouquet.

  “Oh my god, these are so beautiful, thank you.”

  “Happy Valentine’s Day,” he said, as he sat down. She smelled the flowers and felt herself relax.

  “You’ve scouted out talent for over twenty television shows. You’re thirty-two, successful, and a real go-getter when it comes to putting yourself out there.”

  She blushed when she realized that Devon had done his homework. “Wow, I’m impressed,” she said, her tone betraying a hint of attraction and flattery.

  He laughed. “I research everyone I come into contact with. It’s a habit.” He smiled and his eyes dipped down to her lips. She held them in a small O shape. “Just didn’t research that you were so ... sexy.”

  “Excuse me?” she asked. Her heart was in her throat. Did she hear him correctly?

  He had spoken the latter part of his sentence as a whisper.

  “Oh, nothing,” he said, not willing to admit that he had uttered the words. “We should look at the menus and place our orders as I’d like to get to know you.”

  She reached for her menu and nodded in agreement. As she looked down at her menu, he watched her. Her features weren’t over the top as many of the woman who he dated, but that’s what made her so alluring.

  “I know what I want,” he said. He motioned for the waiter to come over to their table. She turned her head in shock, surprised by the way he suddenly took over the meal.

  “Are you ready to order?” the waiter asked.

  “We are,” Devon said. Aria looked down at the menu. She wasn’t so sure she was ready. She had never been to the restaurant before, one of the most expensive in L.A., so she wasn’t prepared to make a decision so quickly. She frantically looked through the menu to try to catch a glimpse of what she might settle on, as Devon placed his order. “First off, bring us the best red you’ve got, which I believe is the Domaine Drouhin. The 1993.”

  “Certainly, sir.” The waiter wrote something down on his pad, then looked at Aria expectantly.

  Aria looked up at him. She was struggling to decide. Devon interrupted to order his, since he had already decided what he wanted. “I’ll take the Roasted Duck with Apple Dressing. I would also like a Vinaigrette Salad on the side.” The waiter wrote down Devon’s order and turned to Aria.

  Aria looked up and gave a sheepish smile. “I would like the Chicken Teriyaki and Caesar Salad,” she said, closing up her menu, but Devon shook his head.

  “Nonsense. She’ll have the same as me. Bring the
salads out as our appetizer.”

  “Yes, sir,” the man said and left with their orders.

  Aria’s eyes widened.

  “You always order for other people?”

  “I want you to have the best, and chicken teriyaki is too safe,” he said. “This place is special, and this is a special night.”

  She didn’t know how she felt about this development, but it was over and done with, so she wasn’t going to argue. She had never had duck anyway, so it would be quite the treat, as long as she could get it down.

  It struck her that Tyler’s description of Devon didn’t do him justice. This was no pretty boy, he was a real man, a Ryan Gosling and Channing Tatum hybrid. She could only hope that she was getting high enough marks in his mind. The way he kept looking at her could either mean one of two things, he was totally into her or just relieved she wasn’t ugly.

  The fact that he liked to take charge and had ordered for her didn’t drive a wedge in her thought process. She actually found herself turned on by the whole thing. The beginning of their date was going just as she had hoped, as long as she didn’t screw things up.

  “So, tell me something about yourself,” he said. “Something that I can’t find on Google.” He laughed, bringing a smile to her lips.

  He was thrown by the way he felt when she smiled. It was breathtaking, just like the rest of her. And when she was in thought, she nibbled on her lower lip. It was something that completely broke him, bringing his attention to her lips and wondering what it would be like to taste them. Before the night was over, he was confident he could satisfy that need.

  “Well, I’ve never been to this restaurant before. I’m sure you didn’t find that on Google,” she said.

  He shook his head.

  “I want to know something deep and thought-provoking. What makes Aria Nolan tick? How did Aria Nolan get to where she is today? That’s what I want to know.”

  She nibbled again on her lower lip. She was nervous. He could sense that and it only made her that much more alluring.


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