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When I Dream of You: A Valentine's Day Romance

Page 8

by Marcella Swann

  “Fine.” She really did want to see her. She hadn’t spent much time with Marisa recently and after the baby came, there’d be no time for friends.

  OUTSIDE MARISA’S HOUSE at six o’clock sharp, Aria spotted Marisa coming out. When Marisa got into the car, she breathed a heavy sigh.

  “Thank you. It’s been a mad house in there.” She laughed and leaned back against her seat. Aria smiled and looked down at her friend’s stomach. She had popped out even more since she’d seen her last. She started the car again.

  “Where are we headed?” she asked.

  “Anywhere but here.” Marisa chuckled and looked out the window.

  Aria backed out of the driveway and drove to the small burger joint a few miles away. They parked and got out of the car and Marisa and Aria headed up to the front door. Aria opened it up for Marisa and followed her friend inside.

  They sat down and looked over their menus, waiting for the waitress to take their orders, after which Marisa sighed again and fell back against the booth, resting her stomach against the table. “I’m exhausted.”

  Aria laughed. “Well, you have what about six weeks left?”

  Marisa shrugged. “Give or take, but my feet are swelling more, my body aches, and I’m hungry all the time.”

  Aria chuckled. “I have never been pregnant, but from what I’ve heard that’s normal.”

  Marisa snickered. “I’ve been pregnant, and you’d think I’d be used to it. Nope. I’m not.” They both laughed. “But how have you been?” Marisa asked. “How’s the drama with Devon?”

  Aria looked up, her mouth hanging low. “How’d you hear about there being drama with Devon?” When Marisa didn’t say anything, Aria groaned. “Tyler?”

  Marisa snickered. “He’s worried about you, but the truth is that maybe this is a good thing. Have you heard from him since things ended awkwardly that night?”

  “No,” Aria mumbled.

  “Perhaps it’s for the best. You should just move on. If he doesn’t know what he’s missing, then he shouldn’t be missing you.”

  “Well, easier said than done. I really like the guy. I shouldn’t have been so quick to end things. It’s all my fault.”

  The waitress came with their food and Marisa shook her head slightly. Aria thanked the girl and she left, which Marisa took as her cue to speak again. “You might truly like the guy, but do you want to be with someone that doesn’t value your opinions. You stopped things because you felt that you had a reason to. He should respect that.”

  “You sound like Tyler,” Aria said.

  Marisa picked up a fry and tossed it in her mouth. “Then he’s pretty smart, wouldn’t you say?”

  “Yeah I guess,” Aria mumbled. “I just wish it was easy to move on and let it go. What if I lost him and he was the only man that could truly make me happy?”

  Marisa arched an eyebrow. “Do you really believe that? Do you honestly believe that he’s the only man that could make you happy?”

  Aria considered it and a part of herself believed it, but another part thought about how she never truly believed in everyone having one soulmate. “I don’t know. I hope not, because it seems to me that he’s not going to call me, so I’m going to either live a life in singlehood or have to move on with someone else.”

  “Hang in there, Ari. If it’s meant to be, it will be.”

  Aria took a drink from her glass. That was true. If it was meant to be, it would be.

  DEVON TOOK A DRINK from his beer bottle. He leaned against the bar and his thoughts went to Aria. Every waking moment was spent thinking about her, even when he didn’t want to. It was like even in absence, he was drawn to her. It infuriated him, on one hand, and made everything make sense on the other. He looked up when his friend, Howard, approached him.

  “Hey man,” Howard said. They did the half-bro hug and Howard pulled back and ordered himself a beer. “How ya doing?” Howard asked.

  “Been good. The company is killing it and the work is good. I’ll be heading out of town in a few days for a business trip, going to Fiji. I’m living the dream.” He stopped talking when he noticed that Howard had been distracted by the blonde bartender. He was talking to her and she was falling all over herself to make small talk with him and it was like Devon wasn’t even talking. “Things are great man,” he said, knowing full well that Howard hadn’t even heard a word he said. He took another drink of his beer and just stood there. “And how are you Howard? Oh that’s great to hear. Glad you’re doing so well.” He mimicked as if he was carrying on a conversation with Howard, while Howard continued to flirt with the woman.

  It’s true that it was no different than how Devon would have been just a few weeks ago, but now it seemed silly to even consider. After the bartender went off to help someone else, Howard turned back to Devon. “Sorry, man. Just making a new friend.”

  “Yeah. I saw your new friend,” he said.

  Howard wiggled his eyebrows. “Anyhow, how are you doing?”

  “Just great, dude,” Devon finally replied, not bothering with details. “So what’s up with you?”

  “Not much. Turns out that I’m in the running to make business partner. Thanks to you and all that business you brought us with the merger. I should know something next month.” He took a drink from his own beer.

  “That’s great,” Devon said. “You owe me. How long have you been at Keller Stevenson?”

  “Five years, actually,” Howard said, holding up five fingers. “That’d be the fastest anyone has made partner.”

  Devon wasn’t surprised. His friend was one to get things done, much like himself. That’s how they became fast friends in high school and had been close ever since. “Good for ...” His words fell off when he noticed the blonde was back and she was bending Howard’s ear again.

  He looked away, not wanting to appear like he was eavesdropping. Before he would have easily been one of the men out on the dance floor, dancing with a complete stranger, then inviting them back to his place. He didn’t want to do that now. Instead, he wanted to be curled up on a couch, deep into conversation with Aria. If she was comfortable enough, then they would be having sex, because their bond was growing even stronger. This wasn’t where he wanted to be. He wanted to be with her. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and pulled up her number in his contact list. He stared at it for a while, then in deep frustration, he put it back in his pocket.

  He wasn’t ready to take that step. He was still trying to teach her a lesson. Who even knows if she wants to hear from you? That was the negative conversation going on in his mind. It was the truth. She might have wanted to hear from him initially but changed her mind once he took this long to call.

  “Hey, man, I’ve got news for you.” Howard tapped Devon on the shoulder, bringing him out of his trance.

  “Oh yeah? What?” Devon asked.

  “Roxi said she can get you a girl and we can all get out of here.”

  Devon frowned. “Who’s Roxi?”

  “The bartender, dude. She gets off in an hour. If we stick around she’ll call her girlfriend and we can get out of here. She’s hot and so I’m sure she has hot friends.”

  Devon laughed. “Nah. Not happening. Not into it tonight.”

  Howard snickered. “What? She’s smokin’ hot and her friend is probably even hotter. Come on, man. This isn’t like you. You’re usually the one rounding up these women. No one has game like you do.?” Devon thought about it, but something inside of him was changing and it happened the minute he met Aria.

  “Sorry, brother. Just not interested,” he said as he downed the last of his beer.

  “Seriously? Somebody send out an APB on my buddy, Devon. Since when did this happen?”

  “Since I’ve decided that there’s more to life than banging every girl in fucking West L.A. Maybe you should try it.”

  “Dude ... she’s going to be hot. I know it. Give me a second.” He turned back to the bar and motioned for Roxi. When he spoke to her, Roxi pointed of
f in a general direction and Howard turned to where she was pointing. His eyes bugged out. He then grabbed onto Devon’s arm. “Oh my god, even better than I thought.”

  He motioned in the direction that he had looked and Devon turned.

  “That’s her,” Howard said.

  The woman had double D size breasts that she was willing clearly willing to flaunt. Suddenly, the game came to Devon in full force. He wanted it—wanted to her. But it passed as quickly as it came on. He really wasn’t interested. It just felt all so shallow and empty.

  He shrugged and looked back at Howard. “Maybe the two girls would be interested in having a little threesome, because I’m not into it.” He tossed money on the bar, then smiled. “I’m just gonna get out of here. You have a good time.”

  He ignored the astonished look on Howard’s face as he turned around and headed towards the front of the bar. He couldn’t think about another woman, when Aria was still on his mind. It was Aria he wanted and it was Aria who he was going to own.

  DEVON LOOKED OVER THE itinerary for the following week. He had meetings and dinners, so much so that he didn’t think it would leave much time to do anything else. Yet, every time he thought about jumping on his private jet to Fiji, he found himself thinking about wanting to invite a special person along.

  Aria said she had a passport but didn’t have any stamps in it. This might be the perfect reason for her to get a stamp. And he couldn’t imagine going to the romantic paradise without at least some time to enjoy himself. He wouldn’t enjoy himself if she wasn’t there with him.

  Are you prepared for her excuses? There would be no excuses. He wanted her and he was going to have her. He turned to his computer and typed out a little note.


  I know that some time has passed and I’m hoping that absence has made the heart grow fonder. I have a private jet fueled and ready to go. I expect you to be on that jet with me. When you get this note, pack your bags, grab your passport, and go Jetway 11 of John Wayne Airport in Orange County.

  Destination: It’s a surprise

  Date: Tonight

  Time: 7:00 PM

  I would advise you not to be late.

  He was satisfied with the note, so he signed it, slipped it into an envelope, then put Aria’s name and her work address onto the front. He buzzed Jessica.

  “Hey, I have a delivery for the messenger.”

  When Jessica entered the room, he held up the envelope. “I need this delivered, along with some roses. I need it done ASAP. Can you get this to the messenger?”

  “Of course,” she said, “I’ll get on it right away.”

  He winked at her. “Thanks, Jess. I can always count on you.”

  She turned around and left. Now, all he had to do was wait. He knew she’d come because he always got what he wanted.

  ARIA HEARD A KNOCK on her door. She looked up and found a guy standing there. He was holding a bouquet of roses. She stood up. “Hello. May I help you?” She was betting that he was in the wrong office.

  “Hello, Ms. Nolan?” She nodded slowly as he approached her. “These are for you.” He handed her the roses and then dug in his pocket until he pulled out an envelope to hand her.

  “Thanks” she said.

  She waited for him to leave and sunk back down at her desk. She put the flowers down and opened the envelope. When she pulled out the letter, she opened it up and found that it was indeed from Devon. She smiled, excited that he was finally reaching out to her. This was a good sign, but then she read through the letter, she couldn’t quite believe it.

  She had a job. She couldn’t just drop everything. Could she?

  Is he serious?

  Anger quickly took over her joyous mood. She was angry that he would just assume she would up and leave the country. He was domineering. After all this time of not talking, he was asking for a lot. She tossed the note away

  “I’m not doing it,” she mumbled. She grabbed the flowers and considered tossing them, as well, but then held back and took in a whiff of them. She didn’t know how he always seemed to get her the most beautiful flowers with most aromatic fragrance.

  She looked down at her trash can where she had discarded the letter. As much as she wanted to walk away from him and just move on, she knew that this was him stepping towards her in the right direction. He was at least making an effort.

  “Doesn’t mean that I can just leave.”

  She had responsibilities to think of. True, she was through with auditions for the major acting jobs, but that didn’t mean that she could just take a few days off, let alone a week. Just five days, Aria. What do you have to lose?

  “My dignity,” she said. That was the case. She could lose herself if she went on this trip with him. She told him she wanted to take things slow and this was how he responded, inviting her on a weeklong trip? It was ludicrous to even consider. She was in no way going to travel with him to some far-off destination when they had a fight just a little over a week earlier. “I’m not,” she said, as if to convince herself of that small fact.

  She looked at her watch. Even if she wanted to consider it, he didn’t really give her any time. She had only two hours to rush home, get packed, find her passport, and get to the airport. It wasn’t happening. She grabbed for her phone and for a split second she thought she might call him and say she’d be late but even that seemed difficult to swallow. She was going to just let it go. She had work to do, even though her heart was screaming at her to jump in and take the chance.

  Chapter 8

  Devon pulled his watch from his pocket. He couldn’t believe it. He thought for sure she would show up, but time kept ticking by. He looked out the window of his jet. He saw no one and nothing. He took a deep breath and glanced at his watch again. She’s coming, Devon. Don’t worry. “I’m not worried,” he scolded his conscience. He couldn’t care less if she didn’t want to join him on the trip. He simply invited her to be nice and to provide himself some company. He glanced at his watch and sighed. Even he didn’t buy that story. He put his watch back into his pocket. He wasn’t wearing it, as the clasp had broken months ago. It was his father’s and provided him some comfort having it around, but he’d forgotten to get one of his people have it fixed.

  “Excuse me, Sir, but the pilot is wondering if you’re ready to take off.”

  He looked up at the woman that was going to be his flight attendant. “Oh, um ...” He hesitated, pulling his watch back out of his pocket for another glance. It was two minutes past take off. They could wait a few more. “No, give me just a few more minutes.”

  The woman nodded and turned away from him. He slipped his watch back into his pocket and withdrew his phone. He could call her, but that would show her a sign of weakness and his ego simply wouldn’t allow that. He shoved his phone back into his pocket and peered out the window.

  She was coming. She just had to be.

  Yet, another minute passed and then another. It seemed to get to the point where he questioned if he could even find reasons to hold the jet from the leaving. You’re the boss, you decide. He groaned and pulled out his watch one last time. 7:15? He was even more convinced that she just might not be making the trip. He told her how much he hated tardiness. It was cruel of her to be late, if that was simply what was going on.

  He picked up the phone that would reach the cockpit. "Yes, sir?”

  “We can take off. My guest won’t be coming.” He disconnected the call. He put himself out there and for what, to be laughed at and humiliated? He was done. If she didn’t want to come, then he wouldn’t pressure her into anything.

  The jet started up and Devon continued to watch out the window. The further they got away from the airport, the further his heart broke away from Aria. It was best this way, but then he saw her. At first he thought it was merely a figment of his imagination. She came through the gate and when she spotted the jet going down the runway, she started to run to catch up.

  He watched her for a bit and smirke
d. She came after all. He picked up the phone. “Hello?” the pilot answered.

  “Stop the plane,” he said.

  “As you wish,” the pilot stated.

  Devon waited as the plane slowed down, then unbuckled his seatbelt and got up. He went over to the door as the plane stopped and the stairs lowered. He stood waiting for her. She came up the stairs, holding two suitcases. Her eyes met his when she reached the top of the stairs. He stepped back to give her room.

  “I didn’t think you were coming,” he said.

  She shrugged. “I had to find my passport, get packed, and call a cab. Not to mention tell work that I wouldn’t be around for several days.” A smile peeked on her lips. “It took me some time to get here.”

  He nodded. “You nearly didn’t.” He cupped her chin in his palm and lifted her face up to look at him. “I’m glad you did.” Then he kissed her.

  She dropped her luggage and fell into him as the kiss deepened and the stairs closed behind them. She was glad, too. He pulled away from the kiss and picked up her luggage, leading the way to a sofa in the back of the plane. He put the luggage down and grabbed her hand, pulling her down so she was seated next to him. He picked up the phone and gave the pilot the all clear, then they buckled up for the ascent into the sky.

  When they were able to unbuckle their belts, he pulled her closer to him and wrapped his arm around her. They kissed passionately, his tongue grazing sexily across hers. “Don’t ever walk out on me again,” he said between kisses. It sounded like an order and it wasn’t something she was going to respond to. It just felt good to be back in Devon’s arms where she felt as though she belonged and she didn’t want things to get messed up again.

  After the kissing died down, she leaned against the arm he wrapped around her and pulled her feet up to her butt. They sat in that position and she felt relaxed and at ease with her decision. “So, where are we going, Devon?” she asked.


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