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One More Time: More Series Book 1

Page 8

by S. Van Horne

  “It didn’t really hit me until I realized I didn’t put on a condom. I won’t lie about the fact that it made me happy when I realized that it could’ve happened last night. We both are in our mid to late twenties, we’ve known each other for years, and that’s why I’m not worried about it looking rushed or that you might be pregnant. I honestly feel like we shouldn’t wait and start our lives together now,” He calmly explains.

  I take a few minutes to absorb the words he just spoke. On one hand, I’m pissed he didn’t think about protection, but on the other, I’m a grown woman and know how to tell a man to put on a condom before we have sex. His explanation makes sense in the way that we’ve known each other for over thirteen years now. It really wouldn’t look weird to move things along… wait… does that mean what I think it means?

  “Are you talking about moving in together, Dante?”

  “Fuck yes! I already told you how much I love the house and that it would fit our future children. Did you think I was just saying these things so I could fuck you and move on?” he growls out, and I can see the anger building in his eyes.

  “I don’t know, Dante! It would’ve been fucking nice if you just said that to begin with!” I exclaim while I throw my hands in the air.

  “Fine, do you want me to move in? One day become my wife? And do you want to make babies with me, Len?”

  “Yes! I’ve always wanted that, Dante!” I scream out.

  “Fine, I’m glad that’s worked out. Now, let’s eat, mio tutto,” he calmly states and starts eating.

  I sit in stunned silence at what just happened. I take a moment and realize that I was just coerced into Dante not only moving in, but also him actively trying to get me pregnant, and at some point I’ll become his wife. I shake my head and think that the fight I claimed victory with earlier doesn’t compare to the fight he’d just won. I take a breath and decide that now isn’t the time to really get into this. I’ll bring it up again later when we have more time to go through it all.

  Fifteen minutes later, we pull up to my parents’ house, and I start to get nervous. I’m not sure how to act. I glance at Dante as he turns the truck off. I don’t know if his parents are here yet, if they aren’t then they will be here quickly as they live right next door.

  Years ago, the parents decided to buy a huge piece of land together and build two separate houses on it. Since the houses are next to each other, they often just walk or drive the golf cart since it’s about three acres between them.

  “Mio tutto, I’m going to run over to my parents’ house. Both of our dads are there. I’m going to pack a big bag to bring back when we leave. We can figure out a good time to move me in once the party is over. Go ahead inside,” he states.

  He hops out of the truck and walks over to open my door to help me out.

  “Len, one more time.”

  He kisses me, turns me to the front door, and pats my butt.

  I walk up to the front door and look over my shoulder as I enter my parents’ house. I see him smile and walk away.

  I find the Moms in the den with drinks on the table. I walk over to them, tell them hello and give them kisses.

  “Hey, so let’s get everything finalized,” I tell them while I try to act normal.

  Deep down, I’m going nuts trying to figure out how to act and what to say. I don’t know how the families are going to react about us being together.



  I’d called my papa while Len was in the shower. I had asked him to get Pops and the twins over to his house so I could talk to all four of them together. He’d asked if everything was okay and I’d assured him that what I had to talk about was a good thing. He then asked what was going on with Len.

  I’m assuming he knows something’s up, which means we’re going to have to fill them all in on the stalker. I told him that I’d call Lucky and have him meet us there, too. With the party coming up, we could use the extra eyes.

  I walk over to my parents’ house trying to think of how I’m going to break the news to them. I’m thinking of just pulling out the ring and telling them straight out. I don’t think there’s an easy way to break the news. I know Papa’s going to be happy. He loves Len as if she were his daughter. It’s Pops and Carlo I’m more worried about. Oh and her OPG; that old woman scares me.

  I get to the door and take a deep breath. As I enter, I can hear them talking in the other room. I go to my room real quick, place my bag on the bed, take out the ring and walk into the den. They all look up at my entrance and get quiet.

  “So, I see we’re all here. Thanks for coming on such short notice,” I tell them all as I sit on the couch next to Lucky.

  “Son, what’s going on? You look nervous and kind of jittery,” Papa says to me while he sits back in his chair.

  “This is going to be epic,” Lucky says, laughing.

  “Holy shit, you’re going for it,” Nicoli says then burst out in laughter.

  “No, you’re not good enough. Not going to happen,” Carlo says, fuming.

  “What’s going on? Going for what?” Pops ask, looking at all of us with confusion.

  “Okay, just let me talk please. Before anyone else goes off or says anything, let me explain everything and then once I’m done you all can talk. I’ve waited years for this conversation,” I tell them all, looking each one in the eye.

  “Okay, son, go ahead and tell us what’s going on,” Papa says.

  I pull out the box, open it and grab the two rings. I place them on the table and look up at Papa and Pops. Confusion are on their faces as they take in the rings on the table then look at me. It takes me a minute to realize that they were thinking this was a talk about what was going on with Len, which it is, but I wanted to get this over with first.

  “I want to marry Len. I love her. I’ve loved her for nine years. I bought that ring four years ago with her in mind. I can’t wait anymore. I need you to understand that I’ve never said anything to anyone about my feelings for her. I’ve talked with her last night and laid it out on the line. We’re together now, but I need to know that everyone in this room, besides the Moms and OPG, are on board and okay with Len and I getting married,” I tell them.

  I stare at Pops and then look over at the twins. Nicoli’s smiling and nodding his head, but Carlo looks like he wants to knock me the fuck out. I don’t know why he’s acting this way. I know he loves Len, but it’s only as a sister. Now, I’m wondering if his feelings are different. I don’t give a fuck if they are. I won’t step down for him. I won’t step down for nobody when it comes to Len.

  I look back at the dads. Papa’s starting to grin as it dawns on him. Pops on the other hand has a mix of emotions flickering across his face. I’m not sure how I’m going to handle it if he denies me. I know he’s protective of Len and this is his only baby girl, so I know it’s important to get his blessing. If he says no, then I’ll prove my worth to earn it from him. However, I’ll still be asking her and she’ll still be mine.

  I hear a cough and look back at Papa.

  “I’ve known for a while that you’ve wanted her. I’m proud that you’ve finally taken the step and gone after what will make you both happy. I’ve seen the way she looks at you and it’s the same way. I’m also proud that you came to us. So, with that said, don’t hurt her,” he tells me then he stands and walks over to give me a big hug.

  “I’m cool with it. I’ve known too. I know you’ll be what she needs you to be. And now, she’ll officially be my sister. This is awesome,” Nicoli says holding his fist.

  Two down.

  “Carlo? Go ahead and get it off your chest,” I say to him and get ready for the showdown.

  I want to hear what he has to say before Pops speaks. I need him to see that I’ll fight for her and for him to see the passion I feel for his little girl.

  “You’re not good enough for Len. I love her like a sister and I don’t think anyone’s ever good enough
for her. I refuse for her to be treated like a piece of trash. She deserves to be treated with love and passion. Have you ever treated a woman you were sleeping with that way? No, you haven’t. How do we know you’ll treat Len the way she’s meant to be treated? Explain it to me. Try and change my mind,” Carlo says.

  I take a deep breath and I let my guard down and let him see the emotions play across my face. I understand what he is saying, but he has no clue what I’ve been going through all these years, how I’ve loved her so deep that for the past four years I’ve laid awake at night just wishing I was back here to see her one more time. How I’ve wanted to claim her and make her mine. I decide to take my shirt off and show him the tattoo that’s above my heart.

  “Carlo, what do you think?” I ask him as I stand so all can see.

  He takes a look at my chest then into my eyes and I see he’s getting it, he then turns to everyone in the room.

  “It says, I love you, Len, one more time. When did you get that? I can tell it’s not new because it’s slightly faded,” he tells everyone.

  “I got it four years ago, right before Lucky and I went on a mission. He had no clue that I got it done,” I explain.

  “That’s where you went. I was wondering why you left for as long as you did. I just thought you needed some time to gather your thoughts about our mission,” Lucky tells me while he’s looking at the tattoo.

  “Carlo, I love her with everything in me. I tried to wait as long as I could so she could follow her dreams. I didn’t want her to give that up while I was in the Navy. I didn’t want to chance leaving her a widow. I decided when I got out that, if she was still single, then I would let my feelings be known. I can’t give her up. I won’t give her up. Please believe that she’ll be treated like she’s the most precious treasure on this earth, next to our children. I need your blessing in this too,” I tell him then I go to stand in front of him.

  He looks at me for a long time. I’m beginning to think he’s going to tell me to screw off. But he wraps his arms around me and hugs me.

  “Don’t hurt her,” he says quietly in my ear.

  “Okay, now that I’ve heard all that, I’m going to say a few things,” Pops says from behind me.

  I turn around and put my shirt back on. I sit down and take a deep breath.

  “Alight, Pops, let’s hear it,” I tell him then I wait for the talk of my life.

  “Len’s my little girl. The day she was born I knew that I would have to face this day at some point. In the beginning, I said that I would make sure that it didn’t happen and that I would hand pick the person she’d marry. I realized that that would never work. She’s too stubborn for that. I knew I wanted someone who was going to love her as much as a man could. I wanted her to have the love that her mother and I share. I want her happy and never want for anything. I want her to be protected and safe. I never thought that I would get that with the person who loved her, but I did. I couldn’t ask for a better person than you. I give you my blessing. Just know that, you hurt my baby girl, your Seal skills will mean nothing. Because I’ll kill you,” He stands and comes over to pat me on the back.

  I stand and hug him with a smile on my face. I’m finally going to make Len mine. Now, I’ve to announce it to the mothers and OPG. Maybe it will be better to have them surprised, or have Pops and Papa tell them. I’m going to have to think about this.

  “So, when are you asking her? Also what’s going on? I know this wasn’t everything. You’ve been having Len followed,” Papa asks me while we all take our seats again. I pick up the rings and place them back in the box and in my pocket.

  “I’m going to ask her tomorrow at the party. Now, as far as what’s going on, we’re going to need help. Len’s in trouble. Lucky, why don’t you start this conversation?” I tell him as I sit back.

  “So, here’s what’s going on…”


  “Okay, I think that’s everything. So, what’s going on with Dante and you? Don’t think we didn’t see that kiss out there when he dropped you off,” Mom says.

  “We’re a couple now. Is that okay with you guys?” I ask both moms.

  I’m so scared of how they are going to react, that I start to shake and then mess with my hair.

  “Who asked who and don’t leave a thing out,” Mamma Gio tells me then she takes a sip out of her OJ.

  “Well, he kind of just told me it was happening. He has a tattoo on his chest that he got four years ago. Then, we kind of kissed, decided we loved each other, and that we’re going to be together. Wait, now that I really think about it, he did give me a choice but didn’t. He pretty much coerced me this morning into him moving him with me, marring him and having kids,” I tell them.

  “Is that what you’re wanting?” Mom asks.

  “Honestly, yes but I still have to talk to him about this coercion he did on me this morning,” I smile at Mom.

  Both moms jump up, scream, clap and hug each other.

  “I knew my boy took after his daddy. He pretty much did the same damn thing to me. I’m so happy and totally approve. So, Connie, if I know my boy… wedding plans need to start ASAP!” Mamma Gio exclaims as she comes and pulls me into a huge hug. “I’ll finally get to call you my daughter!”

  “What’s going on in here?” OPG asks while she walks into the room.

  She’s looking at me like she’s seeing me for the first time. I see a smile on her face as she walks over to me and hugs me.

  “It’s about time that man told you his feelings. Are you happy, Len? Is this what you want?” OPG asks looking up at me.

  “Yes, I love him. I’m happy to finally have him. I hope you’re okay with this, OPG,” I ask her and kiss her forehead.

  “Of course I am. He’s a good man. You know I don’t like in-laws, but I accept him. I know he’ll treat you right and he’ll protect you. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you, Len. Also, he’s handsome to boot. I think I’m going to start calling him sexy sailor,” she snickers at me.

  Oh Lord, I can’t wait to see his face when she says that to him. This will be epic beyond belief. I hope she does it in front of everyone tomorrow.

  “Okay, let’s get the boys over hear for lunch. Then we have an afternoon at the spa,” Mamma Gio says then, she has her phone in her hand, probably texting her husband.



  It has been such a long day. After planning what needs to be done to protect Len, we headed over to Lucky’s parents’ house.

  I walked in and had both Moms running to me and hugging me. After I figured out what was going on, I dragged them outside and showed them the ring. They screamed and jumped up and down. I told them I wanted to ask Len to marry me tomorrow. I also said they would only have three months to plan a wedding, that I wasn’t waiting anymore. I explained my plan for my proposal, and they were all for it. They explained they knew the perfect time to do it during the party, and that they would cue me at that moment.

  OPG walked out at that point, and I knew that I needed to get her blessing. As I looked at OPG measuring me up, I asked the Moms to leave us. I needed show OPG the rings, in private. As she looked at them, I held my breath; I needed her blessing.

  “So, you think you’re good enough for my granddaughter? I don’t like in-laws, so what can you say to change my mind?” she asked me.

  “Ms. May, I love her. I promise to make her happy and give her everything her heart desires. I’ll never hurt her on purpose, and I’ll treat her like she’s everything in this world. It would mean the world to me if you would give me your blessing,” I told her.

  She took a moment to look into my eyes, and I hoped she was finally seeing that I was telling the truth. When she smiled, then started laughing, and handed me the box, I felt a weight lift from my shoulders. I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  “I gave my blessing the day I saw you look at my Len like she was so perfect. You have my blessing on one condition, you ca
ll me OPG,” she stated and hugged me.

  I was shocked at this request; it’s a big thing. Len’s mom doesn’t even call her Mom. OPG doesn’t let in-laws call her anything but by her first name.

  We walked back into the house, and I jogged right up to Len. I grabbed her and pulled her tight to me and gave her a soft kiss. I gazed into her eyes and smiled. I turned to everyone and saw they all were grinning and had happiness shinning from their eyes for us.

  “Everyone, I would like to let you know that this woman is the one that I love with all that I am,” I told them as I gave her a small squeeze.

  Everyone cheered and gave their congratulations then we started eating lunch.

  The girls ended up going to the spa after lunch, while the men lounged and talked.

  Now, I’m holding my woman’s hand and driving back to the house. I’m ready to get my baby to bed and prepare for tomorrow. The day the world finds out that she’s mine.


  I slowly wake up and realize that, yet again, I’m pinned to the bed. I love knowing he can’t get enough of me. After we made love well into the morning, I fell asleep quickly from the busy day we had.

  Slowly turning over, I see Dante’s still sleeping. I decide to let him sleep in. I need to go to the bathroom and get some coffee, anyway. I’m able to slip out of bed and quietly make my way to the bathroom.

  After emptying my bladder, brushing my teeth, and getting dressed in my sleepwear that I didn’t get to wear last night, I head downstairs and make coffee. As I scurry around the kitchen, I hear a knock on the door.

  I’m startled for a second and slowly go towards the window. Peeking out, I can see it’s a flower delivery, and I think about what to do for a second. I glance back out the window and recognize the man. He delivers the flowers to the hospital.

  “Hey Dave, can you leave the flowers on the porch? I have my hands full and can’t put down anything.”


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