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One More Time: More Series Book 1

Page 13

by S. Van Horne

  “How are the girls doing?” I ask, since he keeps in contact with them daily.

  “Julia and Ashley are doing okay. They keep asking people about her or if they have seen her. They’re just trying to keep it together for my family. Sara’s withdrawn. She won’t talk to anyone about Len at all. She stares off in space all the time and she won’t hangout with anyone anymore. I think Len was her rock and now that she’s gone, Sara doesn’t know what to do. Once this shit’s over and Len’s home, I’m going to make sure she knows she’s mine! I realize me holding off or being scared because she’s friends with Len was the stupidest thing ever. I won’t make that mistake again.” He downs the rest of his beer. “Dante, are you still wanting to be with my sister after this? What if she was raped? Are you going to be able to stand by her side through whatever she might need to get through this?”

  “Nothing will ever stop me from being with Len. I don’t care what happened to her, Neil. She’s mine, and I’ll do whatever I can to make sure she gets whatever she needs to help her through.”

  He sits there letting my words sink in and then nods his head in acknowledgement.

  “I didn’t think you’d do anything less than that but I had to make sure.” He stands up and turns towards me. “I’m going to bed. Meeting in the morning with the guys. Let’s pass this to them and see if they can get something we couldn’t.”

  He goes upstairs and I lean back on the couch. I’m glad he’s getting his head out of his ass when it comes to Sara. I just hope we find Len in time before Sara hides deeper into herself.

  With that thought, I decide it’s time to go to bed. As I stand up, I reach into my pocket and pull out her ring. I stare at it and the thoughts of seeing her smiling as I put it on her finger runs through my head. I take a deep breath and pray the boys will have better luck with this shit then we’ve had.



  Six months later…

  I wake to a sharp pain going through my back. I glance over at the clock and see it’s two in the morning. That means Steven’s still here, which is a good thing since I’m pretty sure I’m in labor. Panic seizes me because I’m scared that he isn’t going to follow through with our deal. Maybe I can talk him into taking me with him and dropping the baby off. I doubt it since I haven’t been out of this basement in nine months. Another sharp pain goes through me, and I feel like someone is sticking a knife in my back.

  I turn back at the clock again and see that I’m having contractions about nine minutes apart. I decide I have time to take a shower before I have to call Steven through the intercom. I get out of bed and head over to the shower.

  Turning on the water, I think back to one of the memories that helps me get through the times when I need to remember the good in life…

  We’re walking into the house from leaving my parents’ house when I’m suddenly pushed up against the wall. I gaze up into Dante’s eyes and smile at the lust that’s shinning bright in them.

  “I want you badly, Len.” He bends his head down and nuzzles my neck.

  “Well, I think we need to talk first Mr. I’m moving in, marrying you, and having babies.”

  He snaps his head back and looks down at me with confusion written on his face.

  “You said you wanted that too.”

  “I know I did, but you didn’t actually talk to me about it. You just stated what was going to happen after I said I did want the same. What if I wanted to wait for a few months?” I question and then slip out from under his arms.

  “I told you I didn’t want to wait any longer, Len. We’ve known each for years, it isn’t like we’re rushing into things. What are your worries? Let’s get to the bottom of this, and then I’m taking you upstairs.” He wiggles his eyebrows.

  I’m trying to hold a straight face, but I know I’m going to break. While I was at the spa I talked more with OPG about how fast everything was going. She explained that sometimes men who are in the alpha sense just don’t understand that a woman needs to have an opinion in the matter too. She explained that if I made it seem like I was upset then we could discuss it, and if I played it just right I could make it seem like it was his idea when it was truly mine.

  I swear the woman’s a genius even if she can be mean to people who aren’t family.

  “I just don’t want people to think that we’re rushing things. What if we just moved in for now? After a few months we could start on that wedding and move to babies.” I peek at him from under my lashes.

  He’s standing there with his arms crossed shaking his head no with a smirk on his face. Shit, I have a feeling he isn’t buying this, and it makes me want to stomp my feet like a teenager.

  “There’s a slight problem with your logic there. Did you forget that we didn’t use protection last night? That you could be pregnant right now?”

  I think quickly calculating if I’m currently ovulating, and with a moan I realize that he’s right. Well, shit, maybe I can just have him hold off on the wedding for now.

  “Okay, you’ve got a point. What if we at least just move in for now and wait for the rest. Use protection from now on until we know for sure I’m pregnant or not.” I smile big at him hoping that what I suggested worked this time.

  “I don’t think that’s going to work either, Len. Do you want to get married before or after your belly is swollen with my baby? It doesn’t matter to me either way, I’m just trying to figure out what you’re going to do when you realize that I did plant my baby in you last night.” He’s now smirking full on with pride that he might’ve accomplished that fact.

  This sexy asshole isn’t going to change his mind. Maybe I can seduce him. I grin full on at him, and he narrows his eyes.

  “What are you thinking now, mio tutto?”

  “Oh, nothing much. I was just thinking that it’s time to go and take a steaming hot shower since I still have the oils all over me from my massage earlier that Bradley gave me.”

  He narrows his eyes more and uncrosses his arms while I see a flicker of jealousy run across his features.

  “Len, you’re pushing it. I know you didn’t allow another man to touch what’s mine. If so, then I’m going to have to take you up those stairs and reclaim that sexy body of yours to remind you that you belong to me.” He starts taking a step towards me causing me to hold my hand out stopping him.

  “Don’t take another step Mr. If you want to show me who I belong to, then you’re going to have to agree to my terms of holding off on marriage and babies.”

  “I told you that you may already have my baby in you. Now, you want to wait on marriage fine, but you will wear my ring while you plan the wedding. Deal?”

  I start to think about that and consider that it wasn’t that bad of an idea. Then, I can actually wait and plan the wedding. I could also see my ob-gyn about pills.

  I’m snapped out of my thoughts when I go flying over his shoulder, and he’s running up the stairs. He slaps my ass and then rubs it as he’s rushing towards the bedroom.

  “You’re taking too long to think. Let’s get in the shower and finish this discussion. I’m thinking with me on my knees between your thighs you will finally see reason and that it’s a good thing for us to go forward with, not only moving in but, marriage, and babies.” He stops and places me on the counter. “Now, let’s get you undressed and in the shower. I need desert and you need to get that oil off your body.”

  I giggle and jump down to start undressing while he starts running the shower. I step into the shower and right when I got to start washing my hair I hear him murmur, “You really didn’t have a guy massage you right? You were just shitting with me.”

  “Nope, his name was Bradley, and his hands were magic,” I moan out remembering the feel of his hands rubbing the tension away.

  “That’s it!” he growls out and pulls me to him taking me in a deep kiss.

  I giggle into his mouth, and for a second I think that I need to tell
him that Bradley is a gay married man. Then, as he deepens the kiss and rubs his hands down my back, I decide that it can wait until after this round...

  I snap back when a sharp pain hits, and I feel a rush of water go down my legs. I glance down and see a little bit of blood at the bottom of the tub, and I know my water broke. Well, at least it happened in the shower. I finish washing up really fast. I dry off and get a long gown on and a pair of panties with a pad in it to catch the extra water that’s still dripping out. I take a moment between contractions to fill the tub with very warm water so I can use it during my labor. After turning on some music, I decide to let Steven know it is time.

  “Steven, I’m in labor,” I say into the intercom.

  “Ok, lovely, I’m on my way down. Get into bed,” he tells me.

  Crawling into the bed, I begin to pray that God will be with me and my baby. I pray that I can keep my baby safe from Steven. Most importantly, I pray that I can get out of here soon.

  Even though I’m so exhausted, I can’t stop the smile on my face as I gaze down at my son as he nurses. He looks just like Dante did when he was a baby. He has blue eyes, and I pray he keeps them. I glance up and see Steven cleaning everything up. I was in labor for a total of sixteen hours and didn’t have any drugs. I didn’t want to chance him doing something to my son while I was still groggy. Steven’s been quiet since I delivered, and I’m scared to break the silence. But I know I need to try and talk him into letting keep my son.

  “Steven, are you okay?” I ask in a whisper.

  “Yeah, Linda, I’m okay. I’m just thinking of everything that needs to happen now. I’m going to wait three days until it’s stronger then take it to the hospital with me. I need to go buy a few things for it. Why don’t you tell me what you think you need?” he says as he pulls out a piece of paper and a pen from a bag on the dining table.

  “You picked up everything that was needed over the past few months. I don’t think there is anything left to get. Did you get a car seat?” I ask him quietly while still looking at my son.

  “Yeah, I’ll be back,” he says and walks off.

  I glance back down; I know I need to name him. I think long and hard about a name. I want to carry on my pops tradition, but want to honor Dante as well. I put him on my shoulder to burp him and go through the countless names that I know. I look over at the table and spot Steven’s bag. He forgot his medical bag?

  I stand up slowly and feel discomfort from child birth, but I refuse to let it stop me from seeing what’s in that bag. I place my son on my shoulder, move to the dresser, grab a few blankets, and walk to the table. I block the camera and make it look like I’m changing the baby. I reach over and open the bag. I spot needles and vials of medicine. I grab them, stash them in a blanket, and place the pilfered items between my chest and my son.

  I head to the trash and throw the diaper away, acting like nothing’s wrong. I head to the bed and put the baby down with my back to the camera again. I slide the blanket up my shirt and make sure the baby has pillows all the way around him so he won’t fall off.

  I head to the bathroom and turn on the water. I’m so grateful that the camera isn’t on this area. I quickly put the blanket of stuff in the tub and get undressed. I step in the shower and close the curtain, but leaving a small crack so I can watch the baby as I take a shower.

  I unwrap my stuff and see that the medicine is Dilaudid. This is a very strong pain medication and I know this is will be our ticket out of here. I get the syringe and pull out five units which is a lot, but I don’t care; I’m getting my baby and me out of here. After I finish with my shower, I check on the baby again and see that he’s sound asleep.

  I take a few moments and pray to God that I can get us out of here without any hitches. I just need to be able to get through this. I’m startled out of my thoughts when I hear noises coming from upstairs.

  This is it. This is my chance to save my son and me. I walk over to the TV and angle myself as I get the needle out of my pocket. I’m close to the door, but it looks like I’m changing the channel. I hear footsteps coming down the steps and my heart rate begins to beat faster. The door knob starts moving, and all I can hear is my heartbeat in my ears. The door opens and Steven starts to step in the room. As quick as I can, I plunge the needle into his neck and press the plunger.

  “What the fuck!” he roars.

  I jump out of the way and watch him as he grabs at his neck. He looks over at me, and I can see the medicine’s starting to work because his eyes are starting to dilate and his movements are getting slower. I made sure I stuck it in his artery so it would go through his system faster. He starts to walk towards me but stops and grabs his head.

  “What did you do? You stupid girl! I’ll punish you for this!” he roars and stumbles towards me. “Just wait… until…”

  He drops to the ground, and I watch as he slowly relaxes. I continue to stare at him, dumbfounded that the plan worked. I need to get away and make sure my son and I are safe.

  It’s with that thought that I rush to start to pack things we’re going to need. After I get everything I can think of, I rush to my son. I have to get us out of here.



  I wake up in a cold sweat and look over at the alarm to see it’s five in the morning. A feeling of dread rushes through me and normally, that means something is wrong. I look around and try to figure out what had awakened me. I see that everything is still the way it was when I went to bed so I decide to go downstairs and see if something is up there. After checking out everything, including the alarm system, I decide to take a shower to see if it will get this to go away.

  I stand in the shower and still have the feeling of unease going through my body. I think about what’s going on today and nothing standing out that would cause this weird tension in me. I just can’t shake that something’s off, and it bothers me. I normally follow my gut because it has yet to steer me wrong. It’s one of the things that saved my buddies and me when we were overseas. Fuck it. I need to get some coffee and, when Lucky wakes up, I’ll talk to him about this and see if we can figure it out.

  I hurry through my morning routine and go down to the kitchen to make some coffee. I quickly decide to brew a whole pot since Lucky should be waking up any minute now. I decide to make us breakfast too. We have a meeting today with KCPD and some of the people from the hospital to see if we have any more leads on Len.

  I feel like I’ve been hit in the chest with a sledge hammer at the swamp of emotions running through my system at the thought of my Len. I reach down into my pocket again and rub the metal in between my fingers. I’m finding I do this often, and it has become the one thing that gets me through my emotions of missing her.

  It has been nine months since she went missing, and we still have no clue where she is. Nobody’s heard or seen her since the party, and that scares the shit out of all of us. By now, there should have been some sort of sighting or some sort of contact.

  Many think that it’s too late and she’s dead, but I can’t even think that because I know I would be dead too. She’s the reason my heart beats and my lungs draw in air. I know deep down that I’d know if she were dead. I’m more worried about her state of mind when we find her. I’ll get her whatever she needs to make sure she’s okay.

  “Hey, what are you doing up before me?” Lucky asks, making me snap out of my thoughts.

  “Woke up in a cold sweat,” I tell him as I look over to him. “Tension, unease, and I’m not liking it. Need to talk through it with you.”

  “Shit, man, I hate your fucking gut feelings. Let’s figure this shit out. We’re meeting with KCPD and the hospital people, which are the only big things going on. Do you think that’s it?” He gets a cup of coffee and snatches a piece of bacon from the plate next to the stove.

  “I thought of that and I don’t think that’s it. Anything going on at the office that might be triggering it? Any cases that I
don’t know about yet?” I ask him, grabbing the eggs.

  “Not that I’m aware of. I checked in with the guys and everything’s on track. Missing Persons case is wrapping up nicely and SWAT is still wanting our help with the drug bust, but that’s it. At least that’s what Thing One and Thing Two are telling us. Should we check their work this morning to make sure? It’s their first case without support.” He starts setting up the table.

  “No, let’s give them the chance to prove they can do this without us. I trust that they will come to us if they need help. I’m glad the other Missing Persons cases are coming along. Shit, man, I don’t know why I’m feeling this way. Maybe I’m just losing it,” I tell him as I plate the omelets.

  I start eating and do my mental check list, because I know it’s the only way I’m going to figure out what the fuck’s going on. I think of this gut check shit is a warning. I go through and think of all the places or things that are going to happen today. When nothing sets off the tension, I then go through the rest of the week’s agenda. Again nothing.

  What’ll happen is that when I get to the situation or person that’s causing this, I’ll get an overwhelming rush of emotions all at once. It’s almost enough to make me throw up because it’s so intense to feel. If I can’t figure it out I switch to names of people that I care deeply about. The scary thing is, it has never been wrong before, which is why I hate it when I get these fucking warnings.

  When going through the day’s events didn’t trigger anything, I decide to go through names. I hate it when I have to go through names because knowing who it is needing a warning makes the emotions even higher for me. I start with my family and don’t sense anything which makes me ease up a bit. I go through my Seal brothers, and again nothing triggers it. I start to think of Lucky’s family, and the tension’s slowly starting to come with each name that passes through my mind. Then it happens, the name that has my gut clenching and dread washing over me, and it makes me want to roar out.


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