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One More Time: More Series Book 1

Page 21

by S. Van Horne

  I slowly start undressing her from her sleep shirt and thong. I slowly make my way down her body and attack her sweet clit. Her body bows and she covers her face to hide her cries of pleasure. I love her taste and I can’t get enough.

  She reaches down and pulls on my hair trying to get me away from her. This makes me attack her harder. It isn’t minutes before she’s falling off the edge in a massive orgasm. I take one last lick and then crawl up her body nipping her flesh on my way up.

  I reach for the pillow that’s by her head and place it under her hips. I press my lips hard against her mouth. She moans at the taste of her on my lips which makes me even harder. I push softly into her, determined to take my time and show her just what she means to me. I stop once I’m fully inside her and wait for her to adjust to my size.

  “TI’mo, Len. Un’altra volta. I can’t live without you.” I glance down at her beautiful face.

  “I love you too Dante. One more time. I really need you to move already or did you forget how to fuck me?” she sasses to me with a smirk on her face.

  “Oh, I haven’t forgotten, mio tutto. Get ready!” I growl out and all thoughts of going slow are thrown out the window as I pull out and thrust back into her.

  I use one of my hands to cover her mouth as she moans at the intrusion. I watch her face making sure I’m not hurting her and when she peeks up at me with lust shinning bright, I start pounding into her. I fuck her harder than I have ever fucked anyone before, and I let myself release the fear that I felt from the nightmare.

  I feel her tighten around my cock, and I put my hand around her neck and just slightly squeeze. I watch her eyes light up, and she arches back when her orgasm takes over. I can’t hold back. I thrust one final time and come deep inside of her.

  I drop down on top of her, and her arms go around my neck.

  “What the hell was that with my neck?” she groggily says into my ear.

  “I know your neck is an erotic zone, and when you’re right there on the edge it becomes even more sensitive. I’m not into breath play, but squeezing it slightly, I knew would trigger a bigger orgasm for you,” I gasp, trying to catch my breath.

  I slowly pull out of her and groan at the loss of her heat. As I roll over to the side, I pull her with me, situating her so she’s laying on top of me.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t come up here sooner. I really meant what I said a moment ago, Len. I can’t live without you again. I got upset about you doing this sting operation because if something were to happen to you, it would kill me. I already lived without you for nine months. I refuse to let it happen again. Promise me that you’ll be okay, that you will do exactly what we tell you to do,” I whisper, staring in her eyes.

  “I understand what you’re saying, but you have to understand, I can’t live in fear until he’s caught. So if I can help the process. I will,” she explains in her soft voice.

  “I get it, I really do. I just want your word that you will do what we tell you and that you won’t do anything unnecessary. If you sense any danger or you feel it isn’t a good situation, then you get out of there immediately.” I begin to get angry again because all I can see are the images of her bloody on the ground and the feeling of being powerless to help her.

  “I will, Dante, I promise I will follow what you guys tell me. We don’t even know what the plan is yet, but I won’t let them set up anything that I don’t feel right doing.”

  “Thanks, mio tutto. Now, let’s get some more sleep.” I kiss her head and hold her close as I drift back to sleep.



  I raise my coffee cups to my lips as I watch Carlo feed Marcus with the milk I pumped the day before. It is quite a sight to see, because he’s very scared of holding him. Marcus is squirming and is whimpering out while Carlo is trying hard to calm him down. The expression on his face shows just how much he’s uncomfortable with what’s happening. He looks so lost and just isn’t sure what to do to get him to latch on to the nipple. I bite my bottom lip to try to hold in my laugh so I don’t tip him that I’m watching. Just when I’m about to give in and go to relieve him, Nicoli walks over. Reaching down, he gently picks up Marcus, walks over to the recliner and calms him down enough to give him the bottle.

  Shocked, I just stare in amazement at how natural he is with Marcus. I glance over to see Carlo staring as well.

  “What the fuck? When did you learn so much about babies?” Carlo asks him, getting over his shock at seeing his twin brother handle Marcus like a seasoned pro.

  “Friends,” is all Nicoli says and smiles down at his nephew.

  “Who?” he asks with narrowed eyes.

  “None of your damn business,” Nicoli grunts out.

  “Look, dumb…” Carlo starts to say and I know I better step in.

  “Hey, where is everyone?” I head into the room, making my presence known.

  “Out front,” Carlo murmurs still staring at his twin with confusion etched on his face. “Detectives are here to set up the plans, from what I overheard, so you might want to go wake up fuck face.”

  “Watch your mouth around my son and woman, Thing One,” I hear from behind me, his arms wrap around my waist. “Morning, mio tutto. You should have woken me up when you got out of bed. I needed my morning breakfast.”

  I turn bright red, because Nicoli and Carlo snap their heads our way. I turn quickly in his arms and give him a kiss to stop him from saying anything else.

  “I’m out of here. I can’t watch you two making out,” Carlo mumbles and walks away.

  “Come on, little man. I’m sure you don’t want to see Mommy and Daddy make your little brother or sister,” I hear Nicoli say to Marcus which makes Dante laugh.

  “Dante, you have to watch your mouth. Seriously, you can’t do that!” I smack him on the arm and try to step back. This causes him to laugh harder and pull me tighter to him.

  “Len, I did it on purpose so I could do this.” His mouth comes crashing down on mine, and he devours me in a kiss that has everything melting away.

  My body instantly lights up with desire, and I jump up which makes him grab my ass as I wrap my legs around his waist. I’m just about to suggest we go back upstairs when I hear a clearing of a throat behind me. I immediately stop kissing Dante and shove my face in his neck.

  “Can I help you, Walters?” Dante chuckles.

  “Just wanting to know if you guys are ready to start the planning? I mean if you’re busy we could always just come back.” He laughs.

  “I was just thinking of starting on Marcus’s brother or… Ump,” he mumbles out the last word through my hand that I slapped over his mouth, and I glare at him with a look that says if you even try to say anymore I will kill you.

  “Well, we will be outback when you’re ready.” Walters laughs as he walks away.

  “You can’t tell people we’re trying for another child, Dante!” I growl at him through my clenched teeth.

  He removes his hand off his mouth and gives me a smirk.

  “Too late, and why are you mad at me? Thing One gave me the idea. Why didn’t you yell at him?” He burst out laughing at the look on my face and nips my hand that he’s still holding by his lips. “Besides, my baby could already be in there. We didn’t use protection that first time.”

  Damn it. He’s right, but I give him a death glare when, I’m feeling all kinds of happiness at the thought of being pregnant again. I hate that he missed the pregnancy with Marcus.

  “Don’t, mio tutto. No thinking of the past. Yeah, it guts me knowing I missed out on the last pregnancy, but I have you both in my arms and that’s where you both will stay. So let’s focus on the future, okay, Len?” He places a gentle kiss on my forehead at my nod and slowly lets me down. “Let’s go get this over with.”

  Taking a deep breath, I link my fingers with his and we head out to the back deck to get the details all worked out.

  We have been going around for
hours on the best way to draw out Steven so they can catch him. So far the only thing we all agree on is that it should be done at the Nelson Atkins Art Museum, but outside near the shuttlecock sculptures. They explained it’s because it’s more open and they can have people around that he wouldn’t recognize. They are planning on setting up base command inside the museum.

  “I’m telling you that we also need to be outside somewhere. I refuse to let Marcus and her be out in the open without me being right there with them. I won’t take a chance of losing them again,” Dante demands yet again.

  “He knows what all of you look like. Even if you wear disguise, he will recognize you. We can have you at the door, ready to run out once we spot him. We not only have the cameras outside on the building, but we plan on adding them to the shuttlecock too,” Walters huffs out, determined that this was the way it was going to happen.

  “No! That’s final! Do you think that stupid fucking piece of shit is going to believe that she took Marcus to a trip to the museum and that I would allow it knowing he’s still out there?” he angrily explains which, honestly, he has a point.

  “Tell me, detectives, are you married and have children?” Pops finally speaks up after listening to all the round and round that has been going on.

  “I don’t, but Edmonds is married with two little girls. What does that have to do with this?” Walters asks him with a sidelong glance.

  “Edmonds, put yourself in Dante’s shoes. Would you allow your wife and daughters to be put in this situation without at least one of us with her?” Edmonds shakes his head at Pops. “Then why are you asking us to do the same? I agree with Dante.”

  Pops holds up his hand at Walters when he goes to open his mouth. He looks at Dante and I can tell he’s going to say something he might not like.

  “I’m not finished. Now, Dante, I agree with the detectives that he isn’t going to come up to them if we’re around. We need him to get close enough for the camera to identify her. So, what I’m thinking is this, Tony or I will go with them so it looks like Grandpa is spending the day with them. Around lunch time, we will go out and set up a picnic by the shuttlecocks. When it’s all set up, we can make it look like some kind of accident happens and it’s necessary to take him into the museum. That should be enough to draw him out to go after her. Len already told us how much he doesn’t like Marcus. So, I think it would be too tempting to not go after her seeing that Marcus will be out of the picture,” Pops explains and I have to admit I like the way it sounds.

  I look around the table and see the guys mulling it over.

  “I actually think it’s a great plan. I like it better because it means Marcus is out of danger if he has a gun or something,” I finally speak up since it seemed that nobody else was going to.

  “I still don’t like the thought of you being alone, Len. I just don’t have a good feeling about doing it. The last time I got that feeling…” Dante trails off, looks into my eyes and I can see the fear behind them.

  “I understand, but what else is there to do? We both know he won’t come at me if you’re there. I need this over, Dante,” I whisper around a knot in my throat.

  I can tell he understands that it has to be done and he nods.

  “Okay, then the last thing we have to decide is when we’re going to be doing this. I’m thinking the sooner the better,” Edmonds says and writes in the notebook he has in front of him.

  “We’re scheduled to go home next weekend. If we come home sooner it might throw him off. I don’t know if he checked into our business or not so knowing that it’s best to stay here for the week then return home,” Neil states from the other side of me.

  “I don’t like waiting but I guess that’s what will have to happen. It will give us time to get everything set up at the museum,” Walters says as he gathers up the paperwork in front of them.

  “Call us when you are on your way back then.” Edmonds tells us and nods at us then follows his partner around to the front of the house.

  “Well, now that that’s settled, let’s enjoy this last week we’re at the lake. Squirt, want to go cliff diving?” Neil chuckles and then cries out at the elbow that hits him in the ribs.

  “I swear, I’m going to kill you in your sleep one day, Neil!” I growl out.

  Everyone cracks up laughing which makes a smile break out on my face. I look over at Dante, and he has a small smile on his face, but you can still see the worry in his eyes. I close the distance and give him a small kiss on his lips, letting him know it’ll be okay. I decide right then that this week will be a good week for us to let go of the past.

  And, for us to forget, just for a second, of the challenge that lies ahead.



  We’re all around the campfire talking and enjoying each other’s company as we relax after the day we had with the detectives. I look to my left and spot Eagle sitting next to Julia. They’re leaned in close and talking amongst themselves. I see the desire to be with each other so I wonder what’s holding them back.

  “Why won’t they just get together already? And did you know about this?” I whisper over my shoulder to Dante who’s holding me in his lap.

  “I think your girl wants it, but Eagle’s holding back. He has something from his past that he doesn’t talk to any of us about. I’m sure that’s what’s holding him back from claiming her,” Dante whispers back as he runs his nose down my neck.

  “I’m going to have to keep an eye on that. I don’t want Julia to get hurt.” I melt into his arms and look over towards Neil.

  He’s sitting off to the side and staring into the fire. But, if you watch his eye movement you’d see that he is actually staring at Sara who’s talking to the twins.

  I glance to my left and see Sin, Doc, and Ashley are playing a game of cards. I smile because it seems Ashley’s attracted to both by the way she’s flirting. Ashley’s always been one to plan things out before she settles on anything. I have a feeling she’s testing the waters, so to speak, with them to figure out which one she wants more.

  I snap my head towards the door and OPG stepping out on the deck. She glances around and when she spots me, she nods toward the water and holds up her poles. I grin because I know she wants to talk.

  “OPG wants to go fishing. I’m going to spend time with her,” I whisper over my shoulder.

  I give Dante a kiss and then head towards OPG. I notice that Neil has also gotten up and grabbed the stuff from her hands along with the chairs. We walk silently down to the water’s edge and get everything set up. Neil gives us both a hug and a kiss then walks back. I notice that we’re in direct line of sight of the others.

  “We haven’t had alone time since that day in the cabin and with what’s going to come up we need time together. So fill me in on what was decided once we return home.” She’s putting bait on both polls because she knows I won’t touch it.

  We cast out our lines, and I can’t help the grin that pulls at my lips because of the memories flooding me of us doing this so many times. It dawns on me that we never catch anything because we end up forgetting our lines are in the water due to the time we spend talking and enjoying each other’s company. It’s then that I take those memories and store them in my heart because it means more to me than my OPG could ever know. Then again she’s probably thinking the same thing.

  I sit back and fill her in on all that was decided. We’re both staring out over the water for what seems like forever when she finally speaks up.

  “I can say that I’m not happy that you’re putting yourself in danger. I already lost nine months without you, and it was the hardest thing I had to face. You’re everything to me, and I’m not sure I can handle losing you.” She holds up her hand when I go to speak. “That said, I understand why you’re doing it. I would be doing the same thing. I just want your promise that you will make sure you’re safe.”

  “Of course, and I’m not going anywhere again OPG. I kno
w there’s more you’re not telling me. What is going on?” I ask, because I can see it in her face that something isn’t right.

  “Don’t worry, Len, it isn’t something I want to discuss tonight.” She gives me her signature look that says don’t push it.

  We settle into a quietness and just enjoy the time we have together at this moment. The next few days are going to be crazy with packing everything up here and heading home. Let’s hope that everything goes smoothly so we can move on with our lives, because I’m ready for this to be over.


  Looking down at my watch, I see it’s getting close to midnight and they’re still by the water. I have been keeping an eye on them and, so far, it looks like they are just enjoying each other’s company. I’m considering going to get them since we have a surprise for Len tomorrow, but I’m stopped when Neil sits down next to me.

  “What’s up, brother?” I quirk an eyebrow at him when he sighs.

  “I don’t know what to do with Sara.” He’s glancing back at her again. “I want her to open up to me and now that Len is here, I figured she would be more open with me, but she isn’t opening up. I want to run a check on her, but I have a feeling she will know that I did it.”

  “What do you think it is?”

  “No fucking clue, but I know it’s bad,” he murmurs at me.

  I turn back to Sara and see that she’s relaxed, but there’s a haunted gaze in her eyes that has been there since I met her years ago. I’ve always wondered what put it there, but I know from Len that she never talks to anyone about her past.

  “What if you get her drunk and then kind of do an interrogation on her?” I suggest to him.

  “Hmmm… that could work or it could back fire. Maybe once all this shit with Adams is done, I can talk with Len and we can figure out a way to get her to talk. I’m tired of waiting for her, three years of this is long enough,” he murmurs as he stands up and walks over to her.


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