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A Food and Wine Club Mystery Boxset Books 1 through 5

Page 78

by Cat Chandler

  A smile touched Ricki’s lips when she glanced at Matt. “Your mom must have been a fan of Gunsmoke.”

  Matt grinned. “She was. And what’s Ricki short for?”

  “Richelle. After my great-grandmother.” Ricki turned to Jenna. “I heard you tell Eddie that you designed websites? Just a warning. Computers are his passion, so he may drive you crazy with questions.”

  “That’s okay. I grew up in a big family. I like kids.”

  Ricki cocked her head to one side, so her hair fell over her shoulder. “Nebraska?”

  Jenna blinked. “Born and raised. How did you know?”

  The brunette smiled. “I could hear it in your voice. We were practically neighbors.” She didn’t offer any further information on which of Nebraska’s neighboring states she was from, but glanced over at the kitchen. “It looks like Goose can handle it on his own for a while.” When Nicki and Matt exchanged a puzzled look, she quirked an eyebrow at them. “Goose is my cook. All the locals have been in already, and we won’t get any tourists in for breakfast for another hour or so, which means we’re on our morning lull and I have time to talk.”

  Just then a man with a buzz cut and who was built like an armored tank shoved through the swinging doors leading out from the kitchen. He had three plates balanced on one of his forearms.

  “Your breakfast is here, so I hope you can eat and talk at the same time.”

  Nicki took one of the chairs and Matt sat beside her, while Jenna slid in across from them, leaving the fourth seat open. Goose walked over to the table and set a plate down in front of each of them. Nicki’s eyes roamed over the mountain of food before she glared at Matt.

  “You have got to be kidding?”

  “It will do you good to eat a decent breakfast for a change.”

  Matt picked up the fork Eddie had plopped beside his plate and dug in. Jenna did the same while Nicki’s gaze shifted between the two of them. She finally looked over and caught Ricki’s amused look.

  “The toast is good. You can have the rest of it boxed up and give it to your boyfriend for lunch.” She eyed Matt. “He’ll probably be hungry again by then. I had two brothers with the same build. They never could get full.”

  “It’s going to be a very short relationship if he keeps tossing this much food at me,” Nicki muttered, making their hostess smile.

  “Oh I doubt that. He has that look that says he’s in for the long haul.”

  “Really?” Nicki turned her head and stared at Matt. “What look is that?”

  “Kind of goofy and not always focused.” Clay leaned over and kissed Ricki on the cheek. “Hello, beautiful. I see you’ve met my newest friends.”

  “I have.” The tall brunette smiled as Nicki finished half of a piece of toast and reached for another slice. “We haven’t had a chance to discuss the tour yet, and I’ll need to call Ben and let him know as soon as possible. I imagine the guys will be more comfortable if he takes them out.”

  “So will I,” Clay said. “Matt here is taken, and so is the groom, but I don’t know about the other two firemen.”

  Nicki pretended to eat more toast while she covertly watched the byplay between the police chief and Ricki James. There was absolutely no doubt in her mind that Clay was thoroughly taken with Ricki, but she was a lot harder to read. As they continued to talk about the trip, Nicki’s thoughts wandered back to the murder.

  “Do you mind joining us, Nicki?”

  “What?” Since she had tuned out the discussion Clay had been having with the restaurant owner, Nicki had no idea why he’d just asked her to join them. But she was more than happy to slide out of her seat and abandon the food mountain, ignoring the questioning look from Matt and Jenna.

  “We’ll be right back,” Clay said. “We just need to talk murder for a few minutes.”

  Nicki followed Clay and Ricki through the kitchen, where Goose didn’t even look up from his steady scraping of a spatula against the surface of the large griddle. The trio went out the back door into a small alleyway. Nicki could see the street at the far end.

  “We’ve got a problem with Robin Boral’s murder, and we could use some fresh eyes,” Clay said without any preliminary explanations.

  Ricki nodded.

  Clay smiled. “Ricki used to be with the US Marshals Service.”

  “Oh.” When nothing else was said, Nicki decided she wasn’t going to be told exactly what Ricki James had done for the US Marshals Service.

  Ricki offered her own smile. “I’m retired.” She looked over at Clay. “I’ve heard something about it. He was shot?”

  Clay nodded. “The night before he was discovered. Around midnight.”

  “Closer to ten o’clock according to Alex,” Nicki said quietly.

  Ricki looked from one of them to the other. “Does this Alex have a better handle on it than your cousin?”

  “Probably,” Clay said. “Henry doesn’t do a lot of autopsies, and Alex told me she had some training under the ME in Santa Rosa where she works in the emergency room of a hospital.”

  “She?” The brunette looked over at Nicki who nodded back.

  “Alex is a good friend, and she’s also the reason we’re all here.” Nicki grinned. “She’s the bride.”

  “Ah. Okay. So I’m assuming Brad and Lydia are at the top of the suspect list?”

  “With no motive,” Clay said. “Brad wanted to sell the company and Robin didn’t, but he was going to have to. It was in their partnership agreement. And Lydia has no reason.”

  “Other than her dislike for her ex-husband?” Ricki asked.

  “Other than that,” Clay agreed.” And there’s Mink, but she has a solid alibi.” He glanced over at Nicki. “I haven’t had a chance to let you know yet, but I finally tracked her down last night.”

  “Who does that leave?” Ricki wondered. “The other employees at the catering company? Anyone else?”

  “Amanda Peterson and Paul Franklin,” Nicki said.

  “And neither one had access to the building after hours, or a motive,” Clay pointed out. His phone rang. He reached into his shirt pocket and did a one-handed tap on the screen with his thumb before putting it to his ear. “Chief Thomas.” He listened for about thirty seconds then ended the call with an “I’ll be right there.” He shrugged at the questioning look from both the women. “Car accident over in Massey.” He stepped up to Ricki and gave her a quick kiss. “Matt says none of those fire fighters have been in the park. I’d take them up to Mystery Camp. One of those guys is getting married in a couple of days and you don’t want to overdo it.”

  Ricki nodded. “Sounds good.”

  In another half minute they heard the hefty purr of the SUV Clay used as a police cruiser. Nicki grinned at Ricki James who smiled back at her.

  “I take it you’re an item?”

  “I’m still thinking about it.” Ricki shrugged. “I have an ex who lives close by and a son to raise. Having a boyfriend would have me outnumbered by the men, three to one.”

  Nicki laughed. “I can see why that might be a problem.”

  “Clay said you’re a writer and a chef?”

  “I am,” Nicki confirmed. “But now I only cook for my friends, unless you want to count the classes I’ll be starting up next month.” She shrugged. “Which weren’t exactly my idea, but I’m going to give them a try.”

  Ricki stuck her hands into the back pockets of her jeans and looked off toward the entrance to the alley. “Yeah. There’s a lot of that going around. Giving stuff a try.”

  She shook her head as if to clear it while Nicki waited quietly for her to return from wherever her head had gone.

  Finally taking a deep breath, Ricki smiled. “I got the impression you think there’s more to this murder than a random act of anger? Why is that?”

  Nicki sighed. “Well, to start with, it was planned. The killer brought the gun with him.”

  “Okay. That’s a good point. Anything else?”

  “I don’t know. Our poli
ce chief back home always says to follow the money.”

  The former US Marshal smiled. “Always good advice. So what money is missing?”

  “Nothing, as far as we know. Unless someone was stealing or embezzling from the company.”

  Ricki grinned. “It’s more likely Robin was taking money from Brad than the other way around. Anything else missing?”

  “A bottle of wine,” Nicki said slowly. “And a pin.”

  “What kind of pin?”

  Nicki really wished she could answer that. “We don’t know. It also disappeared in the last few days.”

  “Well isn’t that convenient?” Ricki’s eyes narrowed. “What about the wine?”

  “It was displayed in the center of a locked case with four other bottles.”

  “And those weren’t taken, just the one in the center?” Ricki asked.

  “That’s right. And if someone was going to steal one of those wines, the others had a tag listing their values, and they were worth taking. One of those bottles had ten thousand dollars listed on its tag.”

  Ricki whistled softly. “Must be one heck of a wine. What about the one that went missing?”

  “All it said was ‘Dad’s Wine’. Apparently it was one his father picked up during World War Two as a memento, and he just kept it all these years.” Nicki sighed. “No value was listed.”

  “I don’t know. That is a puzzle. But I can tell you a couple of things…”

  Nicki glanced over at the striking, leggy brunette. “What’s that?”

  “First, It’s odd that a family memento was kept with what sounds like the sort of wine a serious collector would invest in, rather than displayed at home.” Ricki shrugged. “And second, thieves usually take what they came for. Your instincts are good, Nicki Connors. I’d be looking at that missing wine too.” She shrugged again. “Let’s go back inside and discuss an overnight hike with your boyfriend.”

  Chapter Ninety-Four

  Nicki, Matt, and Jenna returned to the St. Armand just as Maxie, Alex, and Alex’s mom exited the elevators. Alex waved and then pointed to a sofa and a group of chairs near the large window at the back of the lobby. As Nicki led the way to the same place the other three women were headed, Jenna glanced down at her cell phone.

  “Uh oh. Looks like we may have missed a text or two.” She grinned at Nicki. “According to Alex, Ty and his groomsmen made it to Tacoma over an hour ago. They should be here any minute.”

  The words were no sooner out of her mouth when a loud, “Dr. Kolman, I need mouth-to-mouth immediately”, rang out. Jenna groaned while Nicki and Matt exchanged a smile. It seemed the groom had arrived.

  Tyler Roberts sprinted across the lobby and caught his blushing fiancée into a giant bear hug and gave her a thorough kiss. His two good friends, Joshua and Nate, strolled over at a more sedate pace. Both men were about the same height and build and had the same short haircut. Their biggest physical difference between them was the color of their hair. Joshua’s was a light brown, and Nate’s a deep red. The two men greeted Jenna and Nicki with hugs then shook hands with Matt.

  “I hear we have a bribe coming our way,” Nate said, casting a speculative look at Nicki. “Something about spending the night up in the mountains?”

  “And I’m told it still gets pretty cold up there after dark,” Nicki warned.

  “We brought the right gear,” Nate assured her.

  Nicki threw her hands up into the air. “There’s that gear thing again.” She smiled at Matt. “I’ll leave it to you to explain whatever is necessary to them.” She looked across the lobby. Maxie was standing at Sally’s cart with at least five cups of coffee in front of her. “I need to help Maxie.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Jenna volunteered. “In case she got a cup for everyone. That would be nine we’d have to pass around.”

  The older woman smiled at them as they walked up to the cart. As usual, Maxie had on a perfectly matched outfit of light blue slacks topped with a paisley pink blouse, and chunky jewelry accenting both those colors. Her artfully painted lips curved up into a smile. “Hello. Did you ladies have a productive morning?”

  “We certainly had a great breakfast,” Jenna said. “At a nice little place in town called The Sunny Side Up.”

  “The restaurant owned by Chief Thomas’s love interest?” Maxie’s eyes crinkled at the corners. “And how was the mystery woman? Worthy of the good-looking Clay Thomas’s attention?”

  Nicki immediately nodded. “I’d say she’s a good match for him. Every bit as intense, and every bit as intimidating.” She leaned forward and whispered, “she’s a retired US Marshal.”

  “Really?” Maxie smiled. “I hope I have a chance to meet her.”

  “She gave me a few ideas about Robin Boral’s murder.” At Maxie and Jenna’s questioning looks, Nicki smiled. “I think Chief Turnlow might be right. Always follow the money.”

  She looked over at the four men who were gathered in a group along with Alex since Ty was clearly determined to keep his fiancée plastered to his side. And from the look on the doctor’s face, she didn’t seem to mind it one bit.

  Nicki returned her gaze to Maxie. “I’m hoping we can steal a few minutes later on to update our murder board. I have an idea.”

  “You do?” Jenna’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “That must have been quite a talk you had with Ricki James.”

  “I’m certain we can find time to work on the murder board, dear. I’m sure the boys will be spending the day preparing for their overnight hiking trip, and Nancy is spending the afternoon with Amanda to go over all the last-minute details.”

  “I also need to drop in at the catering company,” Nicki said. “To see if Kylie needs any help to get ready to frost all those cupcakes in three days.” Hopefully, the assistant baker had most of them made by now and in the refrigerator. Since Nicki hadn’t received any emergency phone calls, she had her fingers crossed that everything was going smoothly. But still, she should drop in, just to be sure.

  “Dear, do you know that young woman over there?” Maxie nodded to a showy blond in a short skirt, standing by the front desk. She was staring at Nicki.

  “No, I’ve never seen her.” Nicki frowned when the woman, who looked to be in her late twenties, waved her over. “But it looks like I’m going to meet her.”

  “Just stay in sight,” Jenna said, watching carefully as the woman’s arm movements got more insistent.

  “It’s fine, Jenna,” Nicki assured her friend. “She doesn’t look like the serial killer type.”

  “Neither did Ted Bundy,” Jenna said, drawing an eye roll from Nicki as she headed for the front desk.

  As Nicki got closer, the woman seemed to get more agitated. When she finally reached the young woman, she was taken aback by the spark of anger in her eyes.

  “Are you Jenna? Because if you are, you need to stop harassing me.”

  “Harassing? How?” Nicki asked, both out of curiosity and to stall for a little time. Although Nicki had never met the elusive Mink, or thought to ask for a description of Robin’s girlfriend, she couldn’t imagine who else in Henley Bay would be mad at Jenna. And her computer friend had mentioned that she was sending emails to Mink every two hours.

  “With all those emails! And text messages, that’s how. My phone is beeping all the time with them.”

  Nicki knew about the emails, but Jenna hadn’t mentioned anything about text messages. Still, it sounded like something Jenna might do. If she was annoyed enough. And not responding to her emails when they were all trying to keep Alex’s wedding on track could easily have annoyed her enough.

  “If it doesn’t stop, I’m going to have to call someone.” The flashy blond waved her hands over her head. “Maybe the police.”

  “That would be fine. The police were trying to get hold of you too.” Nicki nodded at Mink’s surprised look.

  “I’ve already talked to the police, so why am I still getting those text messages?” Mink had dropped her arms, and now sh
e didn’t sound so sure of herself. “Are you a policeman?” She backed up half a step. “Or woman, I mean. And under the covers or something?”

  Nicki coughed to hide her laugh. “Um. I think you mean undercover, and no. I’m not with the police.” Nicki held out her hand, then dropped it back to her side when Mink only stared at it, as if she had no idea what to do next. “My name’s Nicki Connors, and I know Jenna. I’ll be sure to tell her to stop sending you texts and emails. But I’m glad you stopped by. I wanted to talk to you.”

  Mink tossed her head, sending her platinum hair back over her shoulder. Nicki smiled. I wonder how long she practiced that move in front of a mirror?

  “Well I’m here, but I don’t have a lot of time. My fiancé’s waiting for me.”


  Nicki couldn’t stop her gaze from dropping to Mink’s left hand, which she helpfully held up so the ring with the small diamond in the center was in plain view.

  Mink’s lips, sporting a heavily applied lipstick in bright pink, curved up into a smile. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Danny and I have been talking about it for a while, and he finally got around to asking me.”

  “It’s a lovely ring. And congratulations.” Nicki had to smile at the happy glow that seemed to pop out from Mink. It was obvious she was thrilled to be engaged to Danny. But since her last boyfriend had only been dead for less than a week, Nicki wondered what Mink’s idea of “talking about it for a while” was.

  “Maybe we could sit for a few minutes? I’d love to buy you a cup of coffee.” When Mink wet her lips and glanced over at the revolving glass doors, Nicki quickly added, “and hear more about you and Danny.”

  With her smile back in place, Mink nodded and chatted away as she and Nicki walked toward the coffee cart. Since her participation in the conversation wasn’t required, Nicki looked over at the group of eight people who were all staring at her. She made a quick “okay” signal with her hand, and mouthed the word “Mink”, then rolled her eyes when Nate said loud enough to carry across the lobby, “Did she just tell us ‘milk’? She wants some milk?”


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