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The MacLomain Series: Later Years - a Scottish Time Travel Romance Boxed Set

Page 12

by Sky Purington

  Baird swallowed, not sure at first. A long minute passed, the men eyeing one another before he nodded and they left.

  “They want to kill each other one second now they’re best buds,” Cassie muttered as she stood to follow, but Niall pulled her after him before she could get too far.

  “The lass has a truly hard time ahead of her. As do you. Let us go to the stables.”

  Cassie staggered after him, determined to go in the opposite direction, but Niall was having none of it.

  “You need to spend time with your horse, Athdara now, lass,” Niall said. “After all, she is your best hope of surviving the journey ahead.”

  Chapter Eight

  LOGAN SIGHED AND HUNG his head as Aline MacLauchlin struggled for her life. Nothing seemed to work. Lair had tried her best with healing magic, but the poor lass would likely lose an arm. Baird sat on the bed with his wife’s head in his lap, stroking her hair as she suffered through a fever.

  “Ye will stay with her until her fever breaks, and ye know she is well enough,” Logan said softly. “Then ye can pursue my warriors and me.”

  Baird nodded, eyes never leaving her face.

  “’Tis my fondest hope that she makes a speedy recovery,” Logan said.

  “Aye,” Baird whispered. His pained eyes skirted over her arm.

  Was Logan still upset? No. In truth, he had not been all that upset about Aline’s betrayal but by how injured she was. The devastation of her people...the loss of her son. “And I’m so verra sorry about yer wee bairn. Know that when ye ride with me, and my men ‘twill be part of a quest that will avenge the harm done.”

  Baird swallowed and again nodded, his jaw tight. “Aye, ‘tis good that, m’laird.” His eyes went to Logan. “And ye have my endless thanks for yer help.” He inhaled deeply and shook his head, voice soft. “And may ye forgive my transgressions. May ye forgive me for marrying yer lass.”

  Logan considered him for a long moment. “Ye have my forgiveness, lad. What we did below stairs had to be done but ‘twill be known by the MacLauchlins and Stewarts that yer paying yer debt by fighting for me.”

  He stood, murmured a brief prayer for Aline’s recovery then paused at the door. “The MacLauchlins will also know that the arranged betrothal betwixt Aline and I is no more. That with my blessing, she has taken another.”

  Baird’s eyes went to his, churning with deep emotion. His words were hoarse. “Thank ye, Laird MacLomain. That is most generous of ye, indeed.”

  Logan said nothing but left, his mood dark as he headed down to the great hall. While he was certainly irritated by the betrayal of his betrothed, he was also relieved. It had never been a particularly easy thing being promised to someone he’d never met. But though he tried to keep telling himself that was the only reason, he knew better.

  His desire and need for Cassie was remarkable. Increasing. Unavoidable.


  A lass who was clearly going to be the death of him.

  Logan tied back his hair with a swath of plaid and pulled his favorite broadsword off the wall before he strode out the door toward the stables. He still couldn’t believe that she had managed to commit herself to this quest. Though he understood her reasons and admired her for them, it continued to infuriate him. That was the real reason he had battled with Baird so viciously. He needed to get out his aggression. Not to say the battling itself didn’t need to be done. It did. For the sake of not only his honor but his clan.

  The MacLomains would have every right to cease their ties with the MacLauchlins based on Aline’s actions. Not to mention the Stewart clan. And that tie was deep and long and far too important to forfeit. So it was best Logan made a show of it with Baird then grant forgiveness afterward.

  All was well that ended well.

  But then things, in general, were not all that well at all.

  Robert the Bruce had been kidnapped, and Logan had no idea by whom. Grant’s warning about evil being afoot was alarming. Scotland hadn’t dealt with anything quite like that since the Next Generation of MacLomains had battled Keir Hamilton almost thirty winters prior.

  If all of that wasn’t enough, his mind kept returning to his Da. Something had distressed him greatly when he looked at Cassie’s ring. But what? Logan knew his Ma wore a ring like that, but he was trying his damndest to put that from his mind. Because if something was wrong with his mother, focusing on what lay ahead would be nearly impossible. And right now he needed to be incredibly focused. He had promised his Da and the Countess. More than that he had promised the wee Bruce before he was even born.

  As he knew she would be, Cassie was with Athdara. Strapping the sword to his back, he watched her for a few minutes. He couldn’t help but contemplate what she had shared about her time in New Hampshire. How she saw him on her horse in a vision. Then her connection to him as a bairn in the picture. What was that all about? As a wizard, he should have felt something when they first met. Not to say he hadn’t felt anything. He had.



  But a connection like those found in the past between MacLomains and Brouns? True love? He just didn’t know. Yet his need for Cassie grew as he watched her. God, she was beautiful. Hair tied back in a high ponytail, she was murmuring in Athdara’s ear.

  The horse’s voice entered his mind. “She still cannae hear me. ‘Tis frustrating.”

  “Soon enough, my friend,” he responded. “’Twill happen when the time is right.”

  He still wondered where the horses came from, to begin with. He wouldn’t be surprised if Grant had something to do with them. Or mayhap even Adlin from beyond the grave. Who knew with that old wizard. He had been capable of most anything in life, so Logan suspected he was just as busy meddling in the affairs of his clan from the afterlife.

  Unable to stay away any longer, Logan headed toward Cassie. Both pleasure and irritation flashed in her eyes when they met his. He knew she had not been crazy about the fighting between him and Baird. “We leave soon, lass. If you prefer trousers for traveling, there are some in your chamber.”

  “That’s probably a good idea,” she murmured. “Considering the horseback riding and all.”

  “Either way, ‘twill not be easy for someone not used to riding.” His eyes narrowed a fraction. “Or for someone who knows nothing about riding at all.”

  Add that to the dozens of reasons she should not be going on this journey.

  “Like I said, I learn quickly.” Her eyes narrowed as well. “Are you gonna be like this the whole time?”

  “Like what?”

  “With that scowl on your face.” She sighed. “Doubting that I can handle myself and that I’ll be a hindrance.”

  “Aye, lass, ‘tis likely. But ‘tis with good reason.” Logan regretted that he made her feel that way but was in no mood to appease her. She needed to understand what she had gotten herself into. “You’re going into this with almost no means to protect yourself. Not only physically but mentally. Little can be learned in a few short days to prepare you for the reality of this country.”

  “Yeah, I got that.” Now her eyes avoided his though he stood next to her. “All I can tell you is that I’ll try to stay out of the way, okay? I’ve got to go meet Niall in the armory. He was gonna show me a few tricks.”

  Logan had positioned himself between the horse and the stall door, making it impossible for her to pass. He was beyond frustrated with her because of her foolishness. Yet he knew starting the journey with tension between them was not good for her spirits. And a somewhat optimistic spirit was all she had going for her right now.

  “Niall can oversee preparations.” He took her hand. “I will spend a few moments with you in the armory. I know all the same tricks if not more than my cousin.”

  When her brows rose, and her eyes shot to his, he realized that hadn’t sounded rallying in the least but downright flirtatious. Despite his frustration, he cocked the corner of his lip. “I didnae mean that how it sounded.”

  “I guess we’re both not too good at saying what we mean.” Clearly aware that he had shifted closer, her cheekbones reddened.

  “No. Don’t look at me like that.” She shook her head and tried to squeeze by. “The woman you’re meant to marry is in the castle. Heck, you just put on one hell of a show to prove that point.”

  “’Twas a necessary show, done for the honor of my clan. You may not have liked what you saw, but I’m not the bad guy in this situation.” Logan put a hand against the stall door and angled his body so that she was unable to pass. “And the lass I’m meant to marry isnae in the castle.” His voice grew intentionally soft. “In all truth, I dinnae know where she is.”

  Cassie backed up a step and frowned. “Oh no.” Her eyes widened, and she whispered, “Did Aline die?”

  “Nay, but she fights for her life.” He took a few steps forward when she took a few backward. Logan knew he should focus on preparations yet he wanted her close again. He wanted to return to their moment in the chamber above stairs. “But she is no longer my betrothed. I’ve released her from her commitment to the MacLomains. She is the wife of Baird Stewart and will remain such.”

  “Oh,” she whispered, back against the wall and eyes wide.

  “Kissing the lass now willnae help her much in focusing on the dangers ahead,” Athdara said.

  Logan ignored the horse and rested the underside of his forearm on the wall above Cassie’s head. Unable to stop himself, he trailed a finger lightly up her arm, fascinated by the way a shiver rippled over her. He ran the same finger over her collarbone then up the side of her neck until he traced the velvety curve of her jawline, words a murmur. “Are you still set to see this quest through knowing that I am no longer committed to another?” He traced the soft curve of her lips, mesmerized, desperate to taste them. “And that I desire you.”

  Cassie blinked several times and swallowed hard, her eyes rising to his. It seemed to take her a moment before she could speak. “Yes, I’m still set to see it through.”

  If he wasn’t mistaken, her words had a double meaning. One she intended. Or so he thought. Her next statement threw him off as did the fire that flashed in her eyes. “That’s why this attraction needs to stop now.” She stepped around him. “Consider that my first contribution to not being a hindrance.”

  Logan released a low chuckle, took Athdara’s lead line and followed Cassie out of the stables.

  “She’s a smart lass she is,” the horse murmured, a smile in her voice.

  “I’m running up to change then I’ll meet Niall in the armory,” Cassie said over her shoulder, not bothering to look at him.

  “Aye, lass,” Logan said. “You need not worry about a change of clothes for the journey. A satchel’s been made ready for you.”

  Cassie nodded and made her way up the stairs to the castle. Logan left Athdara with the other horses being prepared for the journey then spent some time with his warriors before heading toward the armory. Niall fell in beside him, a wry grin on his face. “So ye ended it with the MacLauchlin lass, aye?”

  “There was nothing to end,” Logan grunted. “She’s taken.”

  “Which conveniently freed ye up for the other lass.”

  “Lasses are the last thing on my mind right now, cousin.”

  “Och, ye lying bastard.” Niall shook his head as they entered the armory. “But I cannae blame ye. My mind’s been on her too.”

  “Who?” Logan frowned as he studied the daggers. “Cassie?”

  “Aye, who else?” Niall grinned as he strapped a sword to his back. “She’s a bonnie lass if ever I did see one.” His cousin continued to watch Logan a little too closely. “If only she had eyes for me as well.”

  Logan said nothing as he pulled a few daggers down and started strapping them to his body.

  Niall leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. “Why dinnae ye just say ye want her and be done with it.”

  “’Tis best that we both leave her be.” Logan met his eyes. “How are we supposed to protect her if we’re lusting after her? Ye know as well as I ‘tis no good thing that she travels with us. We must have our wits about us, cousin.”

  “Aye.” Niall was no fool. He knew Logan wanted her. “But then ‘tis a thing to deny lust. Some might say ‘tis best to give into the lusting to keep the mind clear. ‘Tis no good to have the extra tension when there will be battling afoot.”

  Logan headed for the bows and arrows. “There’ll be no giving into lusting with Cassie.” His eyes narrowed on Niall. “For either of us.”

  “Aye, m’laird.” Niall followed. “’Tis good though that ye are free.”

  “A tie betwixt clans has been forfeited.” Logan studied the bows then opted for his favorite. Heavier than most, it was made of rich, stained wood. “How is such a thing good?”

  “Because ye have done nothing but devote yerself to this clan and deserve to be happy,” Niall said softly.

  “I would have found happiness.” But Logan had never been so sure he would. Yet he had been willing to sacrifice himself if it made the MacLomains stronger.

  “I wasnae sure before,” Niall said. “But now I think mayhap the gods are showing ye favor after all.”

  Logan arched a brow at him as he attached his bow to his back and slid arrows into a pouch. “How so?”

  “Deny it all ye like, but I see the way ye and Cassie look at each other.” Niall shook his head. “’Tis only a matter of time before ye act on it and it should be sooner rather than later. If we’re riding into war and facing evil, ye should do it having found the happiness ye deserve.”

  Logan was caught off guard. Niall wasn’t typically known for being sentimental. That was more Darach’s thing. Before he could respond, his cousin spoke, returning to his normal self.

  “’Tis good I convinced ye to lay with a lass or two, aye? Got in some practice.” A wide grin split Niall’s face. “’Twould have been a sad thing at thirty-one winters not to know what to do with yer cock when the opportunity presented itself.”

  Considering his current circumstances, his cousin made a valid point. But then again, Logan had traveled to the twenty-first century more than Niall, which meant he had access to the internet and TV. And there was plenty of sex to be found on both.

  When Cassie cleared her throat at the entrance, Logan scowled at his cousin. He wanted to throttle him for broaching the conversation, to begin with. How much had she heard?

  Niall being Niall shrugged and grinned at Cassie. “My apologies if ye heard anything overly offensive. ‘Twas not my intention.”

  “Uh huh.” Her eyes scanned the walls in amazement as she entered. “Look at all the weapons.”

  “Aye, lass.” Niall grabbed a few more daggers then headed for the entrance. “Logan will help ye choose a few that suit ye.”

  Cassie nodded, eyes still roaming over the weaponry as she went from room to room. This was the first time he had seen her in pants not covered by a long shirt. They showed off her arse considerably well. His gaze roamed down her backside with avid appreciation. When he saw Niall paused at the entrance doing the same thing, he narrowed his eyes and spoke within the mind. “Get your eyes off her arse.”

  “Can’t blame a lad for looking.” Niall winked before he left.

  Logan was about to follow her when he heard a commotion outside and looked through one of the windows. Though the outer portcullis would not be raised without permission, he knew someone important was coming. Grabbing a few daggers suitable to Cassie’s weight and size, he took her hand. “Come, lass. Dinnae wander far from me unless I say so. Do you ken?”

  She nodded. “Absolutely.”

  Logan released her hand before they left the armory and strode through the courtyard, eyes to the battlement above. A warrior yelled down. “’Tis a MacLauchlin warrior, m’laird.”

  Niall joined him. “Should I go get Baird to confirm the lad is who he says he is?”

  “Nay.” Logan shook his head. “He stays by Ali
ne’s side. I’ve magic enough to know if the MacLauchlin is being truthful.”

  Niall scowled. “I’m staying with you.”

  “Raise the first portcullis,” Logan said to a warrior then turned to Niall. “Remain here and watch over Cassie until I’ve spoken with this lad.” He narrowed his eyes. “Do ye ken, cousin? Because ‘twill be verra bad for ye if ye dinnae listen.”

  Niall locked his jaw, his scowl growing fiercer. “Aye, I’ve the right o’ it. But I dinnae like this.”

  “Nay, but you’ll listen to your Laird,” Logan growled then strode onto the drawbridge when the first portcullis was raised.

  The MacLauchlin warrior swung off his horse. He threw down his weapons and raised his hands in the air as he stood beyond the second portcullis. “I come in peace.”

  When he clasped the metal bars, Logan unsheathed his sword. “Who are ye?”

  “I am Deargh MacLauchlin,” the man said, desperate as his wild eyes met Logan’s. “I come on behalf of my Laird, Clyde MacLauchlin. The castle has been taken, many killed, but m’laird still lives and needs Laird MacLomain’s help.”

  Logan stemmed out his magic. It seemed the man told the truth. But what if this was of the evil Grant warned him about?

  “Deargh, is that ye, brother?” Baird said, trotting to the gate.

  “Aye, ‘tis me!” Deargh shook his head. “’Tis good to see ye alive and well.” Then he frowned. “Where is my sister? Where is Aline?”

  “Resting.” Baird and Deargh clasped arms through the portcullis. “Her fever just broke. There is great hope now of a recovery.”

  Deargh’s eyes were wet as he worked at a smile. “And yer wee one?”

  Baird shook his head and said nothing.

  “Och, nay,” Deargh whispered, pained.

  Logan lowered his blade and motioned for a warrior to raise the portcullis. Once it was lifted, the men embraced before Baird made introductions. It seemed Deargh was the only MacLauchlin who knew about his sister’s clandestine marriage to Baird as well as their bairn.

  “M’laird hides in a cave not far from his castle,” Deargh said to Logan. “He’s requested that ye come, that he has dire news indeed.”


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