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The MacLomain Series: Later Years - a Scottish Time Travel Romance Boxed Set

Page 36

by Sky Purington

  “Then you’ll be the last one I call,” she interrupted. “Sleep, Niall.”

  “Aye.” He kept chuckling. “Good night, lass.”

  “Night,” she murmured and closed her eyes. Then opened them. Then closed them again. Over and over for what felt like hours. Every time she closed them images rose up. Dark spirits wrapped around her until they were inside her mind. With an unnatural, erotic allure, they urged her to welcome darkness. Welcome power. Relent.

  Be with them. With him.

  “I will love ye more than I do her, lass,” a deep voice murmured into her mind. “More than any other.”

  The more he whispered, the more she reached out, wanting his touch. Needing it. Then she felt a sense of betraying another. Robert? No, he was only a child.


  It was always his face rising up when the voice became too persistent. Again and again. Then the murmured voice became a roar.

  “Come to me,” it demanded. “Let me show you.”

  Nicole bolted up in bed, covered in sweat. Struggling for breath, her eyes flew to Niall’s bed. He was there. Sound asleep. It was still dark out, and the fire had all but dwindled. Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, she held her head. Was she going insane or were her nightmares somehow real? It was impossible to know.

  Either way, she didn’t want to be alone. And that was a first. Always a survivor, always a tough girl, she depended on herself. But not right now. Rather than grabbing clothes from the trunk, she scooped Niall’s tunic off the floor, pulled it on and crawled into bed with him. Out like a light, he didn’t move. So she cuddled close, tucked her hands against his side, inhaled the scent of his skin and closed her eyes.

  Then nothing touched her.

  And she slept.

  Soundly. Sweetly. She slept.

  The sound of thunder rolled through her dreams. Soft rain started to fall harder. But there was no darkness here. Only passion. Tenderness. Then wild need. Something she had never felt before.

  A weapon-roughened hand skimmed the side of her waist then cupped her butt, squeezing before it drifted up her spine. One vertebra at a time, it explored, making her feel delicate and feminine. The sensations rippling through her were new and different.

  Lost in the dream, she whispered Niall’s name. She knew she did. But it sounded far away. Fingers tentative but eager, she traced the contours of his heated flesh. Ridges, muscles, up his abdomen until she ran her hands through the light smattering of hair on his chest. She exhaled with desire as she trailed a finger over the pathway of his collarbone then up his strong neck.

  A deep masculine groan vibrated from within his chest, rumbling through her body until it pooled between her legs. Desperate to ease the ache, she spread her legs and pulled him closer. Burning skin came against her as a blazing tongue met hers.

  Something about that.

  Something about his kiss made her eyes shoot open.

  The dream snapped shut.

  When she froze, Niall pulled back. Breath ragged, he stared down at her. She stared up at him. Light flooded the chamber, and he was over her. Ready. Just like she was. The heavy weight of his erection rested against her stomach.

  Nicole closed her eyes and released a harsh breath. This wasn’t what she wanted when she crawled into bed with him. No, she needed comfort. A man who would keep her safe. Was she beyond aroused? Yes. Did she want sex? Yes. Wicked. But not like this. Not right now.

  She barely managed a weak whisper, one that didn’t sound convincing in the least. “Stop.”

  As she had done, he released a harsh breath and rolled off of her, words husky. “I’m sorry, lass. I didnae even know ye were there until...”

  When his words trailed off, she put a hand to her forehead. “It’s okay. I shouldn’t have crawled into bed with you, to begin with.”

  “Nay, ‘tis good ye did,” he started but stopped when a rap came at the door.

  “Nicole?” Cassie said softly. “Are you awake?”

  “Yeah. Give me a minute.” Nicole swung out of bed. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes,” Cassie responded. “It’s just late, and I was hoping to hang with you a bit.”

  “Me too. Be right there.” She glanced at Niall. “Throw on some clothes, eh?”

  “She cannae see me,” he murmured but was already out of bed and wrapping his plaid.

  Her gaze stayed on his ass until it was covered. How could it not? He was a masterpiece. Before he could catch her ogling, she grabbed her clothes off the floor.

  “Nay.” He opened the trunk. “There are fresh clothes in here, lass.”

  “Thanks. Toss ‘em over.”

  “Trousers or a dress.”

  “Pants.” She slid them on after he handed them to her.

  A cocky grin split his face. “You can keep wearing my tunic if you like.”

  She rolled her eyes. “It goes to my knees.”

  “’Tis a bloody shame.” His eyes drifted down her legs with appreciation. “Makes me wish I was shorter.”

  “I’ll bet.” She yanked off the tunic and pulled on the one he handed her. “Stop gawking, Niall.”

  He kept grinning after he had an eyeful of her breasts. “You ask too much.”

  “Common decency is all,” she murmured, smiling as she turned away.

  “Common decency?” She heard the smile in his voice. “’Tis nothing I make a habit of.”

  Nicole worked her feet into boots while chugging the last of her water. When she opened the door, Cassie was standing right there. A well of emotion tried to surface as she looked into her friend’s blank eyes. No. Wrong words. Not blank but adrift and unfocused. But damn if she would let Cassie know her thoughts. She had been clear yesterday about not wanting to be coddled, and Nicole understood that more than most.

  “Hey, hon, sorry for the delay.” Nicole wrapped elbows with her and headed for the stairs. “So what’s up?”

  Cassie steered her past the stairs and down a hallway. “I was hoping for some time alone.”

  “Sure thing.” Nicole kept smiling so that it translated to her voice.

  They were just about to turn onto a wall walk when Cassie stopped and said over her shoulder, “Alone means alone, Niall.”

  “I cannae leave her alone even for—”

  “I know you’re honor-bound to protect her,” Cassie said. “But Logan has at least five men out here. We’ll be okay. Promise.”

  “Aye, lass.” Nicole heard the discontent in his response. “I will remain here in the hallway then.”

  “Perfect, thanks,” Cassie said as they continued out. The air was cool. Almost as if autumn was right around the corner.

  Nicole sighed. “Sorry, having a bodyguard is a new thing.”

  “Hell of a bodyguard.” Cassie smiled as they stopped at the rampart. “Incomparable in my opinion.”

  “Who, Niall?”

  “Heck yeah, Niall.” Cassie leaned sideways against the wall, her eyes sort of drifting as she smiled. “He’s one hell of a fighter.”

  “Better than Logan?”

  Cassie’s smile took on a feminine softness. “Nobody can fight like Logan.”

  “I believe it. He looks fierce.” Nicole grinned and took her hand. “He’s damn hot too.”

  “I know.” Cassie turned her face into the wind and closed her eyes. A moment later she turned her head and seemed to look directly at Nicole. “I’m worried about you.”

  Nicole breathed deeply. “Am I allowed to say I’m worried about you too or are you gonna bite my head off again?”

  “I just need you to be who you’ve always been, Nicole,” Cassie said softly. “I need that solid, sometimes bitchy, crass, for real voice around me. Not someone who feels sorry for me...” Her voice grew even softer, “Or someone playing it safe, so it keeps the spotlight off them.”

  “Come again?” Nicole said without thinking. But that was her. Think it. Say it. Much like Cassie did but worse. “Never mind.” She squeezed her fr
iend’s hand. “You’re right. I was being weird yesterday, and that’s not me. Especially with you. Sorry about that.”

  “I know you love me and that you’re worried. Me going blind scares the crap out of you, doesn’t it?” Cassie said. “Because you’re afraid you, Jackie and Erin are next.”

  Nicole again struggled for breath. She didn’t give a shit about going deaf. It was coming. Maybe. But watching her friends struggle with their disabilities? That was hard. She wanted to give her ability to see to Cassie. Anything to take that new slightly aloof look off of her face.

  That wasn’t the Cassie she knew.

  No, that Cassie was gone forever.

  Stolen from her. Stolen from them all.

  “I’m super happy,” Cassie said, almost as if she could hear Nicole’s thoughts. “Happier than I ever was when I could see.”

  “Really? You’re happy?” Nicole studied Cassie’s face. It was hard to seek the truth when she could no longer lock eyes with her friend. “Even with all the crap on the horizon?”

  “Yeah.” Cassie bit her lower lip, and her eyes moistened. “You have no idea. Logan is...”

  When she trailed off, Nicole wrapped both hands around Cassie’s. “He treats you well.”

  “God, yes.” Cassie smiled. “I love the heck out of him.”

  “Cool.” Nicole couldn’t help but smile. “I hope so because it would’ve been easier for you to face blindness back home. Modern day.”

  “Maybe,” Cassie said. “But I doubt it.” She redirected the conversation. “So what’s going on with you and Niall? He’s something, huh?”

  “He’s a pain in my ass,” Nicole admitted, smiling unintentionally. “One of these days I’ll get in a solid punch that takes him down.”

  Cassie laughed, and light entered her eyes. “Now that would be worth seeing but,” she kept grinning and shook her head, “I’d be good with just hearing it.”

  “It’d be hard not to hear.” Nicole laughed as well. “It’d be like an earthquake hit.”

  “Right.” Cassie snorted, but there was a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. “All those muscles must weigh a ton.”

  “Too many muscles in my opinion,” Nicole granted. “He could stand to work out a little less...or battle. Or whatever.”

  “Hmm, I dunno.” Cassie seemed to contemplate. “He’s sorta built like the guy from Scorpion King.”

  “Oh, he’s smokin’ hot.”

  “Yup.” Cassie fanned herself. “Wicked hot.”

  “He’s almost as hot as they come,” Nicole relented, trying to push Niall from her mind. Trying to pretend she didn’t think he was as hot as they came.


  “Almost,” Nicole said and left it at that.

  This was a thing she, Cassie, Jackie, and Erin did. They had formed a book/movie/music club years ago to create a bond. Something they could talk about once they faced their upcoming disabilities. A common thread that kept them connected to the real world.

  But now it seemed the real world was medieval Scotland.

  “Niall cares about you,” Cassie said, her voice going soft again.

  So they had arrived at the real reason they were out here.

  Nicole pulled her hands away and leaned against the battlement, eyes to the loch. “Niall doesn’t know me.”

  “But he wants to.”

  “No man really wants to know me, Cassie.” She shook her head. “And I don’t blame them.”

  “You’ve always said that, and I’ve always told you that you’re out of your mind.” Cassie turned her head toward the loch as well. “Niall’s not like the other guys you’ve met.”


  “Trust me, Nicole, he’s not,” Cassie murmured. “He’s as caring and lost as you are.”

  “I’m not lost, sweetie.” Nicole pressed her teeth together in frustration then loosened her jaw. Cassie didn’t need her to be difficult. “After all, I’m here, right?”

  “Yeah.” Cassie crossed her arms over her chest. “And that’s good because somehow you’re more ‘here’ than you ever were at home. I might not be able to see, but I can feel it in you. Like a beast somehow being calmed. You’re fighting going deaf, but it’s no longer dragging you down.” She shook her head. “Something in you is...lifting? Changing.”

  Nicole inhaled a shallow, ragged breath. Because they were such close friends, she offered a partial truth. “It’s not easy traveling back in time and learning everything I’ve learned. It’s nuts.” She frowned. “But yeah, I’m good. Better than I thought I’d be.”

  “Because of Niall,” Cassie prompted.

  “No.” But she realized Cassie was dead on. “Okay, maybe a little.” She half sighed, half growled. “He’s been...around.”


  “Clearly you made sure we shared a chamber so yeah, around,” she said.

  “I did,” Cassie acknowledged. “So did Niall. He takes protecting you very seriously.”

  “I’m definitely catching that.” Yet no sarcasm met her words. The surprising truth was that she was grateful. More than she figured she would be.

  Cassie was about to respond when Niall stepped out onto the wall walk. “Come, lasses.” He had never looked more serious. “The wee Bruce is in trouble.”

  Chapter Seven

  DISGRUNTLED, LOGAN PACED in front of the great hall’s fire as Niall sat between Grant and Malcolm. Marjorie, Countess of Carrick, held her son Robert against her as he covered his ears and wailed mournfully. Nicole and Cassie hovered nearby, as helpless as everyone else.

  “He cannae stay here,” Grant said softly. “We’ve got to get him somewhere that the voices cannae hurt him.”

  “But where?” Malcolm frowned. “Mayhap the Mother Oak?”

  “It couldnae hurt to try I suppose.” Grant sighed. “I will send word to Darach and Rònan. If we are to travel then all the warriors raised to protect the Bruce should be with us.”

  “And me,” Machara declared, joining them. “I was there training right along with them.”

  “Aye.” Niall nodded. “Ye were, lass.”

  Machara arched a disgruntled brow at Logan when his eyes narrowed on her. “Have ye an issue with that, m’laird?”

  “Nay.” He shrugged. “I just thought mayhap ye’d want to help Cassie oversee the castle. And ‘twould ease my mind to know ye were watching over her as well.”

  “Och, ye bloody arse.” Machara’s eyes narrowed too. “Ye’ve tied my hands together good and tight with that request, aye?”

  Logan was about to respond when Nicole released a painful groan. Niall was heading her way before anyone moved.

  “What’s wrong with her?” he bit out sharply at Marjorie, not caring in the least that he addressed royalty.

  When Nicole slumped back with her hands over her ears, he scooped her up.

  “She simply held Robert’s hand.” Marjorie shook her head, equally distressed as she held her son against her chest. “She said she might be able to ease some of his pain.”

  This was similar to what had happened to Nicole at MacLeod Castle but far worse based on her trembling body and the pain twisting her face.

  “Bloody hell,” he whispered and stroked her hair as he tried to soothe her. His eyes flew to Grant. “We need to get them out of here. Now.”

  “Aye.” Grant’s eyes went to Malcolm. “Ye’ll be coming as well, aye?”

  Malcolm nodded. “Aye.”

  Logan looked at Conall, his second-in-command who had just come in the door. “Make ready a hundred of our best warriors. We leave soon.”

  “Och, so ye’ll take Conall will ye,” Machara muttered. When Conall saw her striding his way, he scooted out the door. “That’s right, run ye bloody bastard. I’ll see that ye rally the right warriors before ye make off with our Laird.”

  “’Tis all right,” Niall murmured in Nicole’s ear when she started shaking more violently. “The pain will be gone soon.”

  But would it
be? He had no idea. All he knew was he did not want her suffering. His chest tightened, and breathing became more difficult. Hell, battling and certain death around every corner didn’t feel nearly as bad as this.

  With Nicole tucked safely in his arms, he strode for the door.

  “Nicole, sweetie, are you okay?” Cassie said from behind, panic in her voice. Though he knew he should stop so she could say goodbye to Nicole, Niall’s anxiety and anger were building. He needed to get her out of here.

  “’Tis all right, lass,” Logan murmured. That was the last thing Niall heard before he exited. By the time he made it to the courtyard, the horse was ready. It looked like they would be riding Vika again. Machara was cursing up a storm as she sent some warriors away and called others over to join their band.

  Conall shook his head and handed Niall all his favorite weapons, cursing under his breath at Machara with equal fervor. “Blasted, lass. Last time she went, and I was left behind.”

  Even if Niall weren’t sick with worry over Nicole, he would not engage Conall about Machara any more than he would talk to Marchara about her issues with Logan. The two had an ongoing battle that far outweighed the friction she and Logan shared.

  Conall held Nicole as Niall swung up then he handed her over. Niall nodded his thanks then turned Vika toward Grant and Malcolm. He wasn’t overly thrilled his father would be joining them but knew he was a powerful wizard and warrior in his own right.

  Niall took the satchels handed to him and attached them to the horse as the Countess stormed after Logan, shaking her head. He had Robert in his arms. His voice was both curt and compassionate. “’Tis best that ye stay here, Countess. I cannae in good conscience have yer life put at risk as well.”

  “My son’s life is worth more than mine,” she argued. “Let me come. Let me protect him.”

  “Ye’ve other children that need ye.” Logan’s eyes met hers and softened. “Countess, ye know I willnae let harm come to yer wee bairn. We are sworn to protect him.”

  Niall’s attention was torn from them when Cassie rushed over. A stable boy guided her, clearly fearful whether he should be doing as much. But Cassie was in a state, and there was no stopping her.


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