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The MacLomain Series: Later Years - a Scottish Time Travel Romance Boxed Set

Page 64

by Sky Purington

  “Yeah.” She nodded. “You shouldn’t be out here.”

  “Just like you shouldn’t be.” Nicole linked arms with her. “We’re all heading in anyway, right?”

  “Sounds good to me,” Erin said.

  They had only taken a few more steps when the sky started to darken, and chills rippled over her. When Rònan cried out in pain, she spun. Head hung, he had dropped to one knee and held his midriff. Concerned, she tried to go to him but her legs grew sluggish and her vision blurred.

  “Erin, can you hear me?” whispered through her mind. “Can you hear us?”


  “I can hear you,” she called. “Where are you and who are you with?”

  “Oh, thank God,” Jackie responded within her mind. “I’m somewhere dark and gray. Barren. I’m with little Robert the Bruce.”

  Rònan buckled over in more pain, and the wind whipped up.

  Erin tried to move closer to him, but her limbs only grew heavier.

  “I’ll find a way to get to you, Jackie,” Erin said. “How did you get where you are?”

  Jackie responded, but the words were so far away she couldn’t hear them.

  “Jackie,” she called. “Can you hear me?”

  “I can hear you, lass,” came a deep voice. “Shh.”

  Erin blinked as the darkness and sluggishness faded. Confused, she struggled.

  “’Tis okay, Erin. ‘Tis me, Darach Hamilton.”

  Darach? What the hell? As her vision cleared, the Viking village snapped into focus.

  Then more.

  Grant stood in front of her with a little boy.

  Robert the Bruce.

  But that’s not what drew her attention most.

  No, it was Rònan.

  Unmoving, he lay on the ground as Niall held his head and Nicole cried over him.

  Chapter Eight

  RÒNAN’S EYES SHOT OPEN, and he froze in fear. He was back in the dank recesses of the Celtic Otherworld. Pain shot through his body as the remnants of what they had done to him kept throbbing through his limbs. Yet somewhere far off he heard a beautiful melody. A sound that seemed to push away the darkness. He struggled to keep the sweet voice close even as it faded away.

  “Shh.” The woman with white-blond hair he had met here before put a cool hand on his forehead. “Relax.”

  His head rested on her lap. Though it seemed an impossible concept, his muscles liquefied beneath her touch and he calmed.

  “Jackie?” he murmured.

  “Just relax,” she whispered. “All will be well.”

  He stared up into her beautiful eyes and nodded, believed her. How could he not?

  “I swore an oath to save you,” he whispered. “Just tell me how to do that.”

  “Love,” she murmured and stroked his cheek. “Just love.”

  “Love you?” he whispered.

  “Kiss me,” she murmured before everything darkened and he could no longer see her.

  But he could still feel her.

  When her lips touched his, everything fell away. The darkness. The pain. All he could feel was her. Everything she was. Not soothing balm but heated fire. Lust. Desire.


  Their mouths opened, and tongues twirled. It was a kiss unlike any other. Unique in a way he didn’t understand. Unique in a way that had his blood boiling and his cock beyond eager. Needy.

  Then she pulled away.

  Desperate to pull her back, his eyes shot open, but she was gone. Still, a voice called to him from far away. Where did she go?

  “Jackie?” he said, growing more anxious. “What’s the matter, lass? I cannae hear you.”

  “Settle down, Rònan, it’s okay,” came a soft voice and her cool hand again touched his forehead. Relieved, he settled back and closed his eyes.

  “Thank you,” he whispered.

  “No need to thank me.”

  Though the voice was still soft, it was different. Not Jackie’s in the least. Though his eyelids felt heavy, he pried them open. His surroundings blurred at first then cleared. Instead of a beautiful blond looking down at him, there was a beautiful brunette.


  “I dinnae ken,” he croaked.

  Their eyes held for a brief moment before she pulled away. “Nicole, Niall, he’s back. He’s really back this time.”

  “Wait,” he said hoarsely but she was gone, and Nicole was there.

  “Hey, you,” she murmured, pressing something cold against his head as Niall appeared at the foot of the bed. “You had us worried.”

  Before he could try to speak again, she held a mug against his lips. “Drink first.”

  So he did, leaning up just enough to down the mug of water in three long gulps. Before he could say more, she handed him another. He downed that one in two long gulps then fell back.

  “You’ve been lost to us for three days, Cousin,” Niall said, a mixture of frustration and happiness in his voice. “How do you feel?”

  “Lost,” he said weakly. “In that bloody Otherworld.”

  Nicole and Niall shot each other concerned looks before Niall spoke. “Nay, Brother, you’ve been here with us the whole time.”

  How could that be? Had he been dreaming? Nay, it seemed too real.

  “That’s impossible,” he whispered but could barely keep his eyes open.

  “Rest,” Nicole murmured. “We’ll catch up in a bit.”

  Rònan meant to deny her and get to the root of what was happening, but he was too exhausted. He drifted off, and when he opened his eyes again, cold wind blew in through the windows, and he felt far more alert. He sat up and scanned his surroundings. Sunlight dappled the floor, and Erin was sound asleep in a chair next to him. Nobody else was in the room.

  “What the bloody hell happened to me?” he whispered.

  As if she slept on the edge of awareness, Erin’s eyes shot open. “You’re awake. Let me go get Niall and Nicole.”

  When she leapt from the chair, he grabbed her wrist and shook his head. “No, wait. What happened?”

  “You’ve been down and out for a bit, Rònan.” She kept her eyes averted. “Let me go get your cousins.”

  “No. You.” He pulled her down until she sat on the bed beside him. “Tell me what happened, lass.”

  Erin inhaled deeply and looked at the fire rather than at him. “According to Grant, you had an episode that flashed you back to your time in the Celtic Otherworld. What you need to know is that Robert the Bruce is okay. He’s here.”

  “What of Jackie?”

  He swore he heard a hitch in her breath. “We don’t know. But nobody knows where Leslie and Bradon are either, so everyone’s hoping they’re together somewhere safe.”

  “Nay.” He shook his head. “I was with Jackie. She comforted me.”

  “Maybe,” Erin murmured. “But I can tell you for sure that you never left here. I had a strange experience outside over a week ago where I thought I saw the Otherworld. But I’m thinking now that it was just a weird slip for me because little Robert’s here and not there. You passed out when I had my episode.”

  “Over a week ago?” Frustrated, he frowned at her. “Look at me, Erin.”

  “Yes, you’ve been down for a little over a week.” She shook her head. “As to looking at you, bad idea. Remember why?”

  “I remember why I shouldnae look at you,” he said. “But last I knew, you had no issues looking at me.”

  “Yeah, well that’s changed a smidge.” She yanked her hand away, leaned over then handed him a cup. “Drink, and I’ll catch you up.”

  Thirsty as hell, he nodded and took the cup.

  Erin walked over to the window and crossed her arms over her chest as she looked out. Rònan eyed her as he gulped down water. She looked good. Better than good. At ease with herself in a way she hadn’t been the last time he saw her.

  “Grant and your mother are here. They have been since you passed out,” she said. “There’s no real plan in regards to our next move because
no one was entirely sure you’d wake up. The first time or the second.”

  Rònan frowned. “’Twas that bad then?”

  “Yeah, it was that bad,” she said softly.

  “So Grant and my Ma dinnae know what happened to me? Why I flashed back to the Otherworld?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “Neither do Naðr or Kjar.”

  “So you’ve met the Norse demi-god?”

  “Yup.” She sighed. “It’s been a helluva week.”

  He swung his legs over the side of the bed, surprised to see he was nude. Curious, his eyes went back to her. “And why is it again you cannae look at me?”

  “Every once in a while I wonder how bright you really are.” She shrugged as if it were no big deal. “Uncontrollable dragon arousal. Pretty sure you know something about that.”

  “Aye, but I’d like to know how you know so much now,” he said, testing out his limbs and how functional they really were after a week of bed rest. Thanks to his dragon blood, everything seemed about the same. “Have you lusted after me whilst I’ve been lying here?” Then a worse thought occurred to him and fire flooded beneath his skin. “Or did you feel it with another?”

  “Yeah, Rònan, I wanted you so damn much I rode you while you were zonked out,” she quipped sarcastically. “How could you not remember that?”

  A grin came to his face. “You know that my cock would service you even if I were—”

  “I don’t ride flaccid dicks,” she drawled. “And let me assure you, yours was just that...most of the time."

  Rònan snorted with laughter. “At least it sounds like you’ve become familiar with the beastie.”

  He was about to continue when Nicole strolled in with Niall and Darach. Nicole’s eyes widened when they locked on Rònan. “Damn glad to see you awake, Sweetie.” She shook her head. “But for the second time since we’ve met, I’ve gotta ask you to put away your junk.”

  “The second time?” Niall said but grinned at Rònan. “’Tis bloody good to see you awake!”

  Rònan wrapped the blanket around his waist and smiled, happy to see his cousins. More than that, happy to realize he truly wasn’t in the Otherworld. Darach tossed him leather trousers. “Lasses, turn away so that my cousin might dress and we can embrace him properly.”

  “Don’t need to tell me twice.” Nicole winked at Niall as she spun away.

  “Many thanks,” Rònan said as he got dressed. “Have we no plaids about then?”

  “Och, if only,” Niall muttered. “These Vikings are determined that we dress like them. Bloody uncomfortable.”

  Rònan shrugged as he tied the strings, feeling like himself for a change. “’Tis not so bad as long as you dinnae get too happy.” He pulled at the groin area of the pants and grinned. “Not much room for a cock in here, eh? Makes me wonder about our Viking ancestors’ ability to please a lass.”

  “Hey, there are ladies in the room,” Nicole scoffed.

  All three men said, “There are?”

  Nicole shook her head and chuckled. “Dimwits.”

  “Dimwits?” Erin said. “What kind of word is that?”

  “One that’s not a swear.” Nicole nudged her. “Remember, I’m trying not to curse with the kid around.”

  “But he’s not here right now,” Erin reminded.

  “Still,” Nicole defended. “Practice makes perfect.”

  “All aside,” Erin said over her shoulder. “Not sure how I managed to fall into the category of not being a lady.” She winked at Nicole. “No offense.”

  “None taken.”

  “Well, Erin, I’ve never seen a lady take down a Viking like you—”

  When Niall nudged him, Darach stopped talking.

  It was then that Rònan realized a comradery had formed between Darach and Erin. He saw the way she winked at his cousin over her shoulder and how he grinned back. No need for the freedom of a plaid. Any potential erection he could’ve hoped for died down right then and there and a heavy frown settled on his face.

  Niall seemed to catch on because he detoured the conversation and gestured at the table full of food. “Come, Cousin. You need to eat.”

  “Aye,” Rònan grunted. He skipped embracing his cousins and plunked down. There was no reason for him to be upset about things developing between Erin and Darach, especially considering his connection with Jackie. Still, he tore into the food with angry relish.

  Nicole sat down next to him and dug in with as much gusto. When he raised an eyebrow at her, she shrugged. “Hey, I’m eating for two.”

  Niall joined them but not Erin. She remained where she was and stared out the window as she munched on a piece of bread Darach brought her.

  “I can stay with you,” he said softly, but she shook her head.

  By the time Darach joined him, Rònan’s mood was teetering toward sour when it shouldn’t be. Darach and Erin were clearly meant for one another. Still, it irked him. How well would his Wizard of Air cousin be at coupling with a dragon-shifter whose element could only be fire? By his estimations, they would both go up in flames.

  His scowl only deepened.

  Maybe they were a perfect fit. Maybe they would go up in flames in a sexual sense.

  “Wow, Rònan,” Nicole said around munches. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look so pissed off.”

  “Och, he’s just trying to focus on his need for Jackie is all,” Darach murmured.

  Rònan’s eyes met Darach’s, and his cousin offered a slight shrug. “Am I wrong?”

  Their eyes narrowed at the same time.

  “Hey, Darach, you promised me a horseback ride,” Erin interrupted. “How about now?”

  Darach grinned at Rònan but replied to Erin. “’Twould be my pleasure, lass.”

  Rònan’s eyes stayed narrowed on his ill-forsaken brethren as Darach wrapped a cloak around Erin’s shoulders and grinned at Rònan as they left.

  “Phew,” Nicole declared, still munching away as she made a slicing motion with her hand. “Could’ve cut the tension in here with a knife.”

  “Darach’s a bloody arse if ever there was one,” Rònan muttered.

  “No, he’s actually a good friend,” Nicole said.

  “Aye,” Niall agreed. “Though he will make you crazy when it comes to lasses. He has an unnatural way with them.”

  His eyes met Niall’s. “And has he had his way with Erin, then?”

  Rònan didn’t miss the look tossed between Niall and Nicole before his cousin responded. “We dinnae know...but does it really matter?”

  “Nay, it doesnae bloody matter,” Rònan growled and kept at his food. He knew his body was trying to regenerate. “’Tis probably for the best if he did...if they did.”

  Nicole sighed and sat back. “Listen, grouch, Darach’s really been there for Erin, so you need to get over it.”

  “Aye, ‘tis clear enough he’s been there for her,” Rònan groused, trying to push past his discontent. It made no sense considering how much he was drawn to Jackie. “I wish them nothing but happiness.”

  “Good,” Nicole declared. “Because Erin’s done nothing but listen to you call out for Jackie for the better part of a week.” She resumed eating. “So she deserves whatever affection Darach’s dishing out. Anything to help her get through everything she’s been dealing with.”

  “I’ve been calling out for Jackie?” he said.

  “Aye,” Niall said. “And Erin’s been in here every day chilling her hands to keep you cool as you suffered through your fever.”

  “What do you mean chilling her hands?”

  “’Tis a thing with her.” Niall shook his head. “Though all the dragon shifters including the Viking King said that she need only put ice against your skin she decided that skin to skin touch would be better. So she’d keep her hands in buckets of snow until they were blue then defrost them against your face and body. ‘Twas the damnedest thing but she did it day after day, determined to bring you back.”

  Rònan had no idea what
to make of that. “And she didnae suffer frostbite?”

  “Nay.” Niall shook his head. “Your skin was bloody hot and revived her tissue as readily as she touched you.”

  “Aye?” he said.

  “Aye,” Niall replied as Nicole said, “Yes.”

  “’Tis bloody odd, right?” Rònan said.

  “Aye,” Nicole said as Niall said, “Yes.”

  He frowned at them in confusion.

  “Niall and I are a team now.” Nicole grinned. “We speak half modern day American and half medieval Scottish.”

  “Gods help your poor wee bairn.” Rònan shook his head and looked skyward before he stood. “What else has happened over the past week?”

  “Little,” Niall said. “Except Erin learning about what she is.”

  “And I think she’s making good headway,” Nicole commented. “Though it probably helps that Darach’s been around. He makes her feel halfway human.”

  When Niall scowled at her, she shrugged. “What? He does.”

  Rònan pulled on a tunic then yanked on boots.

  “Where are you going?” Niall asked.

  He tucked a few daggers in his pants, wrapped a cloak around his shoulders and said, “To find Grant.”

  “He’s in the main lodge,” Nicole yelled out as Rònan left.

  The snow was considerably higher than it had been the last he remembered but it didn’t slow him down any. He needed answers. He needed to know what was going on. By the looks of the sky, he would say it was late afternoon, and the scant amount of people in the main lodge confirmed it. Naðr, Megan, and Grant sat alone at the head table.

  When he entered, Grant stood. “Och, ‘tis bloody good to see ye up and about, lad.”

  “Aye, thanks,” he muttered as he strode their way. The blond who had danced with him the first night appeared, but he shook his head. The last thing he wanted was a lass. At least not that one.

  Grant embraced him before they sat. Eyes concerned, his uncle said, “So how fare ye? We have all been worried.”

  “I’ve fared better,” he said honestly, eying Grant. “Might ye share what happened to me?”

  Naðr clasped Grant on the shoulder. “Megan and I will give you some time alone with your kin.”


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