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The MacLomain Series: Later Years - a Scottish Time Travel Romance Boxed Set

Page 89

by Sky Purington

  “I know Grant is mighty, but I could use the extra protection,” Jackie piped up. “Besides, I think you and Robert have a much more important job making sure Nicole and I stay safe.”

  “I’m with Jackie,” Nicole agreed. “We need you two to protect us.”

  “Aye, then, I will defend ye both,” Robert declared and tucked a stick into the side of his pants as though it were a sword.

  William looked at him as though he was daft. “Did ye not hear the other lass? Ye need to sharpen a stick before it can be any sort of weapon.”

  Robert eyed his stick. “Do ye know how to sharpen one, then?”

  “Aye, who doesnae?”

  Nicole frowned. “Hey, be nice.” Her eyes narrowed. “Who are you again?”

  “His name is William.” Jackie gave him a pointed look. “And I’m sure you didn’t mean to sound condescending, right?”


  “As though you were better than Robert.”

  “No more than he did when we first met,” William said. When Jackie frowned, he sighed and looked at Robert. “Do ye want me to show ye how ‘tis done then?”

  “Aye.” Robert nodded. “Please.”

  “Everyone does their fair share,” Grant interjected. “First ye lads help gather wood then William can show ye how to whittle a stick.”

  “Aye, then,” the boys said and got to it.

  Nicole eyed Jackie. “How are you doing, Sweetie? Rough stuff back there at MacLomain Castle. We were all super worried about you.”

  “I’m all right.” Jackie felt bad for wishing Erin had stayed, and Nicole had gone hunting. She loved them both but could have used some time alone with her best friend. “How are you feeling? Any queasiness yet?”

  “Naw, I’m fine.” Nicole’s eyes met hers. “Seriously, Jackie. You seem a little off. Not to say this whole adventure hasn’t done that to all of us but...” She shook her head. “I dunno. What’s going on with you and Heidrek? You spent a lot of time with him at the fortress. Then Darach pretty much vanished...anyway, are you and Heidrek hooking up or what?”

  “I’m not sure.” Jackie shook her head and wished to hell they weren’t having this conversation. “I don’t think I’m hooking up with anybody.”

  “Uh huh. I get the denial thing,” Nicole said. “The same thing happened with Niall and me.”

  Jackie had heard about their adventure in great detail, and though she was thrilled Nicole was happy, she wasn’t particularly up for hearing it yet again. Therefore, she redirected the conversation. “So do you think you two will get married?”

  “Maybe.” Nicole shrugged. “I suppose you think we should seeing how I’m pregnant.”

  Jackie sighed. “I didn’t say that.”

  “You didn’t have to,” Nicole said. “I can hear it in your voice.”

  “You didn’t hear anything in my voice.” Jackie picked up more sticks. “I just know your ring shines for him so that evidently makes him your true love.”

  “It does,” Nicole agreed. Then she surprised Jackie. “So yeah, though I think marriage is overrated, I’ll probably tie the knot with my brute.”

  Jackie looked at her. “Yeah?”

  A small smile hovered on Nicole’s lips. “Yeah.”

  “Good.” Jackie smiled. “I’m happy for you.”

  “You are?”

  “Very. I like Niall.”

  “Aw.” Nicole scuffed her boot and grinned. “I’d give you a hug if I didn’t have an armful of sticks.”

  Jackie kept smiling. “Me too.” She nodded toward the pines. “Come on. It’s getting chilly. Let’s go get a fire started.”

  Not long after they got a fire going, Nicole pulled one of Niall’s tunics out of a satchel, put it on, sat against a tree stump and dozed off. The boys were wandering around looking for the perfect rocks to whittle with. So, that left her and Grant.

  And Grant, it seemed, had an agenda.

  “How do you fare, lass?” While he appeared genuinely concerned, she sensed something else in his demeanor as their eyes met across the flames. Though she knew he was unsettled that they had traveled here, there was more to it.

  “I’m okay.” Though Grant had spent very little time getting to know her at the Viking fortress, his wife Sheila had. She only stayed for a few weeks, but it was more than enough time for them to connect.

  Jackie liked her. A lot. But then Sheila was easy to get along with...much like her son when he wasn’t avoiding her. As far as she could tell, Darach definitely inherited his mother’s personality. They were easy-going with a likable nature. At least that’s how Darach seemed in New Hampshire. She didn’t have much to go on after that.

  Then again, there had been rumors at the Viking fortress that hinted at another nature entirely. Rumors that spoke of him getting together with a girl there before Jackie showed up.

  So after their kiss.

  Grant’s eyes fell to her ring, his words soft. “It has changed, has it not?”

  She looked at her ring. “Apparently so.”

  “Perplexing.” Grant threw a few more sticks on the fire.

  Something about his tone set her on edge.

  While her upbringing demanded that she respect her elders, Jackie was in no mood for unfair judgment. Not after the past few months not only dealing with a shitty prognosis at home but here with all of its confusion and unrest. “No disrespect, but have you got a problem with me?”

  Grant wasted no time getting to the point. “How do you feel about Heidrek?”

  Heidrek? What did he have to do with her wearing the real ring and...then it occurred to her. The ring was supposed to bring her and Darach together, yet Heidrek was here too.

  Grant was protecting his son.

  Well, that was fine and good, but she wasn’t having it, especially after the way Darach had treated her. So she looked him dead in the eyes. “Considering your son kissed me then ditched me, I’m fairly certain how I feel about Heidrek is none of your business.”

  Grant’s brows perked. “Darach kissed you?”

  “Don’t look so surprised.” She frowned. “Yes, he kissed me in New Hampshire then made himself scarce.”

  “So you didnae start something with Heidrek at the fortress despite knowing your ring likely meant Darach was your true love?” Grant said. “An attraction betwixt you and the Viking that would have caused my son to give you to Heidrek because he thought ‘twas the right thing to do?”

  Jackie kept frowning, just as perplexed as Grant. “No, Heidrek and I are friends...good friends. I like him a lot. And just to be clear, no man gives me to another. I take offense to that statement.”

  “Aye.” Grant twisted a blade of grass, his eyes a little lost as he stared at her. “My apologies...on several fronts it seems.”

  Emotions turbulent, she tried to ignore her numb skin. Forgive, forgive.

  Grant focused more intently on her. “Och, lass.”

  He knew. But then she figured everyone suspected something after Adlin’s reaction to her.

  When Grant started to head her way, she shook her head sharply. “Please don’t. I’m fine.”

  He sat slowly, his eyes never more intent, his words far softer. “You’re unwell.”

  “No,” she denied. “Just overwhelmed. It’ll pass.”

  “Adlin sensed it,” he murmured, studying her face. “Tell me, lass. What disability do you face?”

  Jackie was relieved that they weren’t using magic here. That way Grant couldn’t figure it out. Because if anyone outside of Adlin had the power to do it, Grant would be the guy.

  But she knew she had to give him an answer. “It’s a sensory thing. Mostly I’m losing my ability to smell.”

  God, that sounded weak.

  “Smell?” Brows furrowed, his pale grayish blue eyes grew especially intent. It was disconcerting how much Darach looked like his father. Jackie strongly suspected he would be able to pass for Grant’s twin when he was older.

Yes,” She shrugged. “I know it’s minor compared to what everyone else is going through, but you’d be amazed how much you miss the smell of maple bacon frying. Or turkey at Thanksgiving.” She twisted her lips. “If you lived in the twenty-first century that is.”

  Now Grant eyed her with that look of wisdom she was getting used to. He didn’t believe she was telling the whole truth, but he wouldn’t press it.

  So though tempted to say, “Really, it’s true, just my sense of smell,” she kept her mouth shut.

  Thankfully, Erin and Rònan reappeared, and the conversation ended. Her friend had several dead rabbits tossed over her shoulder and a dewy, content sheen on her face that told Jackie she’d been doing far more than hunting. Erin no sooner tossed down the carcasses when everyone else returned.

  Darach and Heidrek had small bucks over their shoulders.

  Niall had a handful of birds.

  Erin snorted. “Wow, Niall. Way to hunt.”

  “Their meat is bland,” Niall said, not riled in the least by the taunt as his eyes fell on a still slumbering Nicole with affection. “My lass’s stomach will be able to handle it better.”

  Jackie’s eyes shot to Nicole. So she had lied about being sick. Wasn’t that something. The friend she once knew would have made sure everyone knew she had morning sickness and how awful it was.

  Grant eyed the bucks. “Too much meat. One will have to be disposed of.” He frowned at Darach and Heidrek. “’Twas poor of you to kill more than we needed.”

  “I told them as much,” Erin muttered. “Men and their dick sizes. Never ending battle. Primitive bullshit.”

  Jackie’s cheeks burned when she realized what Erin was talking about. They were trying to outdo each other. But why? She almost felt stupid for thinking it when their eyes flickered to her before returning to each others with a definite dare as to who would forfeit their kill.

  Drawn by the commotion, the boys returned.

  “I am hungry,” Robert declared. “I will eat at least one of these bucks.”

  By instinct, Jackie’s emotions flared, and she headed that way when he did. Something about a child touching a dead animal didn’t sit well. “No, don’t touch them until they’ve been cooked.”

  “Nay, lass.” William stepped in front of her. “’Tis not for a lady to be around such things.”

  Jackie shook her head and smiled. “It’s okay.” She ignored the numbness spreading through her, stepped around William and stood beside the dead deer, angling so that Robert wouldn’t come closer. “This isn’t for kids.” At least not to her way of thinking. She nodded at the fire. “It needs more sticks. Like Grant said, we should all pull our weight.”

  “Aye, then.” Robert sighed and turned away.

  She was about to step away as well when a strange tingling started around her ankle. At first, she thought it was just sensation returning until Erin said, “What the hell?”

  Jackie yelped when the deer at her feet twitched, and its head shot up. She barely had a second to process what was happening before Darach and Heidrek pulled her back, and the deer leapt to its feet.

  Not dead but very much alive.

  Its eyes met hers for a long moment before it darted off.

  Stunned, Jackie could only watch it go. What the hell just happened? Because it couldn’t possibly be how it seemed...could it?

  “I dinnae ken,” Robert said. “Was that deer not to eat?”

  “Nay, lad. The other is,” Grant said softly. “’Tis time to sit and enjoy our food. Then we will all talk.”

  “I think we should talk now.” William’s wide eyes went to Jackie before he sank to a knee and lowered his head. “I dinnae know which god ye are but thank ye for sparing a life that gave no nourishment.”

  “Och.” Grant sighed. “Then ye will eat later, and we will talk now.”

  When he flicked his wrist, both boys fell to the ground gently, sound asleep.

  “I thought you shouldn’t use magic here,” she whispered.

  “’Twas just a wee bit and Da is talented enough to keep others from sensing it,” Darach explained.

  Jackie had to wonder if he hadn’t used a wee bit already to look inside her mind.

  For whatever reason—mostly because Jackie figured she was always on her own wavelength—Nicole bolted upright when the kids hit the ground. With a wide yawn, she peered around until her eyes landed on Niall and she offered a sleepy smile, mumbling, “I’m hungry.”

  “Aye, lass.” Niall went to her. “Soon.”

  In the meantime, Grant and Darach laid the boys down on a plush bit of grass and covered them with blankets. Good thing everyone arrived with satchels because she, Darach and Heidrek had nothing.

  “Everyone sit,” Grant ordered. “’Tis time to talk.”

  Jackie heard him but felt more numb than ever. Her emotions were high, and her limbs were freezing up.

  Heidrek took her hand. “Come sit, woman.”

  Her eyes went from his face to their entwined hands. She couldn’t feel a thing.

  “Come, ‘tis okay.” Darach slid his arm around her lower back. “Let’s sit.”

  Relieved that she could feel him, more so that her legs seemed to be working, she welcomed Darach’s help to a stump. Though he seemed slightly confused, Heidrek sat on her other side without commenting.

  Everyone else joined them around the fire.

  Grant eyed the flames and seemed to get lost in them before he spoke. “Though ‘tis hard to know where I should begin, ‘tis likely best to begin with where we are.” His eyes met Darach’s. “As you know, we’re at Hamilton castle, our castle, though ‘tis earlier in our era. ‘Tis when I was but a few years older than young William is now. The year I was finally released from Keir Hamilton’s dungeon and allowed to roam beyond the castle walls.”

  Jackie slid her hand into Darach’s when he tensed.

  “’Twas in this valley that I found occasional sanctuary while I was imprisoned, whether figuratively or literally,” Grant continued. “’Tis a place Keir Hamilton knew nothing about. A place of unusual magic. And ‘tis a place that will keep us safe whilst we’re here.”

  Darach’s hand clenched hers and his frown only deepened. “I dinnae ken, Da. Why did Adlin send us here?”

  “I suspect because he wants me to ken something about Keir Hamilton that I couldnae recognize at such a young age,” Grant said. “We must all be vigilant because there’s something to be learned here that will help fight Keir’s father...that will help destroy the evil determined to take the wee Bruce, use the ring and change Scotland.”

  “’Tis an unkind mentor that sends his apprentice back to the days that haunt him most,” Darach murmured, his tone dark, his words unforgiving.

  “And ‘tis an equally unkind mentor who wouldnae do anything to help his kin see more clearly,” Grant said. “Remember that son. Remember that there is always a bigger picture and if you but look you will see it.”

  Jackie clenched her jaw when Darach’s eyes narrowed. Though he was talking about Keir Hamilton and the future of Scotland, she heard something else in Grant’s advice. Something that had more to do...with her?

  “All aside,” Grant continued. “We are safe here. On the morrow, we will venture out and see what we can learn.” His eyes went to the children. “I cannae fathom why they’ve been sent on this journey, but a few of us will stay behind to watch them at all times. Because Robert cannae under any circumstances be subjected to Keir Hamilton.”

  There was no missing the vehemence in Grant’s voice. The pure anger of someone who remembered all too well how poorly a child could be treated.

  Before any could respond, Grant’s eyes landed on Heidrek. “Though we need to ken many things whilst here, let us begin with you.”

  Heidrek nodded. “What would you like to know, Shaman?”

  “You made Erin back down from confronting Adlin. And had Rònan bowing to your will as well.” Grant’s eyes held Heidrek’s “What are you? I’ve nev
er seen anyone who can control a dragon shifter.”

  Erin and Rònan’s eyes remained locked on Heidrek, eager for an explanation.

  But Heidrek never lost eye contact with Grant. “I am something different. Something that allows me to hear all of you speak within the mind.”

  “All right. But what precisely are you?”

  “What I am does not matter.”

  “It verra much does.” Grant’s eyes went from Jackie to Heidrek. “If you mean to keep her safe.”

  Heidrek’s hand slid to the blade at his waist. “I know how to keep her safe.”

  “Aye,” Grant agreed. “But we all saw that you have a way of doing it without a weapon. So again I ask, what are you?”

  Heidrek eyed Grant for a long moment before his gaze slid to Erin and Rònan. Jackie was surprised by the slight glow of their eyes—a flicker of dragon neither expected—before he gave his answer, not to Grant but them.

  “Amongst other things, I am a Dragon Seer.”

  Jackie didn’t miss the slight shift in Grant and Heidrek’s posture.

  Though they didn’t draw them, both put a hand on their weapons at the same time. This, naturally, made the MacLomain men do the same.

  “Impossible,” Grant hissed softly. “They are but myth long before your time. And markedly vulnerable to darkness.”

  “Not anymore.” Heidrek slowly removed his hand from his weapon as he eyed each and every man. “I cannae say if there are others, but I am one. And though my mother turned to darkness, I will not.”

  “But you control dragons,” Grant said. “That is a verra powerful and unique form of magic. A type that can weaken even the strongest of human minds. And a weak mind is easier to corrupt.”

  “Then we must hope my mind is stronger than most.”

  “Indeed.” Grant cocked his head. “So why are you really here?”

  “You were there. Because Adlin summoned me. Not only that but your son requested it, and I agreed. I mean to protect Jackie and I desire...” his eyes went to Jackie but drifted to Erin. When Rònan’s eyes narrowed, Heidrek’s gaze returned to Grant. He shook his head, his eyes again flickering back to Erin. “I desire Jackie, but something has changed.”


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