Slow Ride: Powertools: Hot Rides, Book #2

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Slow Ride: Powertools: Hot Rides, Book #2 Page 9

by Jayne Rylon

  Jordan palmed Wren’s ass and lifted her, groaning when she locked her legs around his waist. The motion ground her core against his steely shaft. He hadn’t been with anyone in so long he might have been worried he didn’t know how to make love anymore, except with Wren it all came back as if it had been yesterday that he’d buried himself inside her.

  He carried her to the couch. Lying her down, he settled on top of her, unafraid that he would crush her as he blanketed her with his body. She had already shown she could bear the full weight of things much heavier than him.

  Wren’s hands snuck beneath his shirt and wandered up his back, caressing him, kneading him, and scoring him with her nails as she craned her neck upward to spear her tongue into his mouth.

  Jordan couldn’t keep his hips still when she goaded him by rocking against him.

  He began to rub his cock on her through their clothing, wishing he’d been wearing something soft and thin like her sexy black moto jeggings instead of his traditional jeans.

  The motion was as intuitive as the rhythm of their lips, tongues, and teeth on each other. Wren’s moans and sighs made him positive he was touching her in the right places. The softness of her small breasts against his chest was interrupted by the hard nubs of her nipples, which were clear through her thin tank top.

  The fact that she hardly ever wore bras had always turned him on. Screw lingerie, her bare skin—there and easily accessible—was tempting. In fact, he slipped his hand between them, brushing his thumb over one peak before pinching it hard, like she’d always enjoyed.

  Wren shuddered beneath him and clutched him tighter to her.

  He stared into her eyes, wondering at how blue they were—like a summer sky—loving the heat and fierceness he saw in them. Wren spread her legs wider, dropping one to the floor so that she could brace herself against his humping.

  Jordan was too into the moment to dare to pause even long enough to undo his pants and try to slip inside her. After so long on his own, this seemed nearly overwhelming in its intensity. Any more and he might die himself.

  Wren must have felt the same way, because she began to grind on him as he echoed her motions. Before long, she stiffened, staring directly at him, then unraveled.

  If it had been five hundred years since the last time he’d heard it, he’d never forget the guttural sound she made as she came, which she did right then and there in his arms. Nothing could have been more arousing to Jordan.

  Her moans and grunts curled around his cock and gave him the tiny push he needed to join her.

  He tore his lips from hers and sank his teeth into her shoulder. His ass clenched over and over as he came, spilling his release into his underwear as if he were a horny teenager instead of the mature man he’d attempted to be when he came to apologize to her today.

  Shit. What had he done?

  How had they ended up like this again?

  Who was he kidding? They always ended up like this. Even the night he’d tried to break up with her and had only ended up making love to her before wandering off without finding the strength to say the words he should have.

  Wren didn’t seem to have any regrets, though. She melted beneath him, every muscle in her body going limp as she looked up at the ceiling and laughed. “Damn, Jordan. That never gets old.”

  She hugged him, nuzzling her cheek against his. Here she was, being kind and sympathetic and accepting. What had he done but put her in a bad position the first moment it seemed like she was ready to move on? Damn it.

  After a few more ragged breaths—during which he soaked in her affection, which he had been thirsty as fuck for—he tried to make things right. Again.

  “Wren, I promise I didn’t come here to screw things up for you with Kason.” He brushed her hair off of her face. “Though it seems like I can’t keep my hands off you, no matter what I intend.”

  “I can’t say I hate that.” Wren’s grin morphed into a frown as she considered the repercussions of their impulsive release. “I am hoping for more with him, though it’s early days. So I hope you understand that I’m going to tell him what just happened when he calls tonight.”

  “I’ll be on the lookout in case he decides to plant one of those cowboy boots of his up my ass next time he sees me.” Jordan grimaced. “He already thinks I’m a dickhead, so I’m sure this isn’t going to help.” He started to rise.

  “Wait. You know what you said before, about wanting something you can’t have?” Wren asked, halting him with a light touch on his cheek. “If exploring your bisexuality is what you really want, Jordan, then I’m sure there’s a guy out there for you.”

  “There isn’t. Not anymore.” He shook his head. Johnny had been the one.

  “It’s not a betrayal to love—not fool around with, but truly love—as many people as possible in your lifetime, Jordan.” Wren speared her fingers into his hair and tugged slightly until he met her gaze again. “Johnny wouldn’t have wanted this for you. I’m almost certain that if you had told him about what you needed and he couldn’t have given it to you, he would have been the first person out there helping you look for someone who could have.”

  That thought shocked Jordan, making all the blood rush to his head. He grew dizzy.

  “He shared me with you, because he knew I cared for you both and that I needed more than he alone could give. I know he would have gladly found you someone else, because he wanted us all to be happy. And loved. And whole.” Wren kissed him again, sweetly. “So do what Johnny would have. Find someone or however many someones it takes to give all the love inside you away.”

  “You’re the smartest person I’ve ever known, Wren. And the most beautiful.” He rested his forehead on hers and peered into her eyes for a few heartbeats before sitting up. “Kason Cox would be a fool not to come for you full force.”

  His gaze flicked away from hers as they both appeared to imagine what that might feel like if he came for Jordan instead. He knew they were on the same wavelength when she said, “You know, I won’t be mad if you want to ask him out yourself.”

  Jordan laughed at that. “No, I’m not trying to poach the guy you’re interested in.”

  Wren grew quiet. He realized the enchanted interlude they’d shared was officially over. Because reality was still there waiting for them and things were too complicated to navigate easily.

  He got to his feet and searched for his keys until he spotted them on the floor near the door where he must have dropped them while they kissed. He took a step closer to them and then another.

  “Hey, Jordan,” Wren called drowsily from the couch. Her satisfied stretch did things to his pride that he hadn’t felt in ages. Too bad it was the last time he’d ever experience it with her. She was hoping to move on with someone else and he wasn’t going to ruin her chances because he was selfish. They’d already pushed the limits dangerously today.


  “This time, will you pick me up some milk from the store?” She was calling him on his past bullshit while also telling him she felt it too. There was something missing between them, something that was still keeping them apart, and would always.

  Without Johnny, they were disconnected. Broken. She’d be better off starting fresh.

  Or…maybe he’d have to give Kason Cox a call and see if the guy would be willing to do a little experimenting next time he was in town.

  Jordan’s cock stirred in his pants at that thought. He had to go before he made things worse for Wren. So he snatched his keys off the floor and eyed the door as he said, “It might be expired by the time I get back.”

  Wren nodded. She was strong enough to handle the truth. He should have at least given her that courtesy the last time he’d left her.

  So he did it then. “Goodbye, Wren.”

  “I hope you find what you’re looking for.”

  “Same.” With that, he walked out again.


  Kason rushed off the stage at the end of his encore. He could honestly say it
was the first time he could ever remember wishing he was doing something other than performing during a concert.

  “Are you okay?” Van asked him as he practically sprinted to his dressing room. Kyra followed instead of going to her own, obviously also concerned.

  “I’m fine, guys. I promise.” He grinned as he turned to his two best friends. “I’m hurrying because I sort of have a date tonight.”

  Kyra whipped her head toward Van, who shrugged. Then she turned back to Kason. “Wait. The girl from last night? The tall, fancy-looking blonde?”

  “Yep.” He veered toward the shower, unwilling to delay his call any longer than necessary.

  “Wren drove all the way out here to see you?” Van shouted over the noise of the spray as Kason stripped behind the door he partially closed out of respect for Kyra.

  Damn. He should have suggested that. Or sent her a plane ticket.

  He had to get better at this whole long-distance seduction thing. It was new and fun for him.

  “Nope. But I told her I’d call her as soon as I get back to the bus.” He stepped into the frigid water, hoping it would be enough to keep his erection at bay until he could get in touch with Wren and maybe convince her into talking dirty to him before bed. She seemed uninhibited and passionate. Her kiss the night before had proved she wasn’t against taking things straight to sexy-town.

  Thank god, because he’d been dreaming of her since the first moment he’d walked into Hot Rides and spotted her behind the counter. He’d been hard for her since she’d revealed her inner strength and cut him down when he deserved it.

  “You’re this amped up over a conversation?” Kyra sounded like she was about to declare him a liar complete with fiery pants, if he’d been wearing any. Although it might have been hard to believe given his past proclivities for groupie sex, tonight it was true. He hoped he could spend more than ten minutes talking to the woman who’d completely captivated him.

  Hours wouldn’t be long enough, really.

  Kason wanted to know everything about her, and—okay, to be totally honest—about her ex-boyfriends and their relationship, too. It fascinated him that the stoic, hardass man who’d come to a country rock concert in a fucking suit and tie would be willing to share his lover with another man.

  And that he’d hoped to share even more than that with his lover’s other boyfriend.

  That poor bastard. Kason should have been pissed that Jordan had interrupted the night before, but he couldn’t help feeling sorry for the guy. No wonder he’d caught Kason’s eye during “Secret Love.” The man had practically lived the song.

  Kason aimed the shower head so that the icy streams poured directly onto his cock, which was not settling down, and wouldn’t as long as he kept thinking about Wren and her harem of guys. Oh, maybe he could join their ranks.

  Not. Helping.

  He lathered his hair and washed himself as efficiently as possible. In less than five minutes he was toweling off. Kyra was hanging out with Van. They were speaking quietly together, making Kason wonder if maybe they might be edging closer to finally realizing what he’d known for months…

  They were totally into each other.

  He’d have to talk to Van about that later. Make sure his friend knew he didn’t consider it any sort of unprofessional behavior if his bodyguard wanted to get naked with his drummer. As far as he was concerned, everyone deserved to be happy. The people he surrounded himself with should never be limited by their jobs when it came to who they could love.

  Especially since he was. Kason didn’t want anyone else to deal with that kind of drama and the negative impact it could have on a person’s life.

  Kyra averted her eyes as he got dressed, so he stepped to the side, strategically using a sofa to obscure his body from the waist down as he pulled on fresh clothes.

  When he was decent, she came over to him, still dripping sweat from her massive workout. She was like a female Animal when she played. He held her at arm’s length when she attempted to hug him, instead settling for patting his shoulder with a laugh. “I’m excited for you, Kason. Maybe you’re actually growing up. Don’t say anything stupid to scare her away, okay?”

  “I’m going to try my best.” He winced. “It’s sort of in my nature to say dumb shit. I have no filter, you know?” He swallowed hard.

  “I think that’s a great quality and so will Wren. She seems like a no-nonsense kind of woman. I like her.” Kyra smiled. “She held her own last night and left with her head high, even if she was in a panic.”

  His stomach dropped at that. “You think I scared her off?”

  Van took Kason’s side. “No way. Her ex might have, though.”

  “You two are blind idiots if you didn’t see that she was trying something beyond her comfort zone by coming to the after party. She was willing to go out of her way for you, Kason. You should remember that and do the same for her.” Kyra was talking to Kason, but somehow she was looking at Van, who was suddenly studying the floor extra-intently.

  What the hell was happening around there? Kason vowed to find out later before two of his closest friends could hurt each other.

  “I’m going to do my best.” Kason thought about how Van and Kyra had picked him up at his lowest. He didn’t have anything to hide from them—except that one massive secret love—so he said, “Thank you both for getting me to a place where talking to a woman like Wren is possible. Before, I wouldn’t have been worth anything in a relationship that lasted longer than an orgasm or two. I’m hoping, maybe, things might be different now.”

  “I’m proud of you.” The quiver in Kyra’s tone weakened the resistance in Kason’s elbows until he hugged her, perspiration and all.

  Over her shoulder, Kason saw Van smiling at the two of them. He said, “I’m glad that you’re trying something new. Just remember that if it doesn’t work out this time, that doesn’t mean it might not next time. You gotta keep trying.”

  Only because he was so close to Kyra did Kason hear her snort and say, “Take your own advice, asshole,” under her breath.

  Kason whispered in her ear, “Everything okay?”

  She looked up at him and nodded, but her accompanying smile was weak. “Yeah. Go call your girl.”

  “She’s not mine…yet.” He winked, then waved before he turned to Van. “You have a back way out tonight?”

  “Of course.” The man went into business mode. There was no sense in bringing up Kyra then because Van wouldn’t respond. He was all bodyguard and no friend as he shielded Kason. Together, they cut through the mob of fans outside the venue, milling around near Kason’s bus.

  When Van unlocked the door and ushered Kason inside, he said, “I’ll wait here and make sure you’re not disturbed.”

  “You don’t have to stay outside.” Kason laughed. “Wren’s too far away for you to walk in on much except me and my hand in action.”

  Living on a tour bus meant that they’d both had that experience on accident with each other as well as their fellow band members from time to time. It also meant they’d learned to deal with a lack of privacy and greater than normal involvement in each other’s lives, which didn’t bother Kason in the least.

  Could that mean he’d be better suited to hooking up with more than one person at a time than most people? Yeah, probably. The more he thought about it, and he honestly couldn’t stop thinking about it now that the idea had come into his head, the more he realized that this could be what he’d really craved all along.

  People who understood and embraced every part of himself because they yearned for the same thing.

  “From here I can keep an eye on Kyra, the rest of the band, and the crew as they make the trek over later.” Van shifted from foot to foot. Sure, they had additional personnel around, but Van was the best of the best and also had managerial duties over the rest of the security team.

  Kason should have thought about how bailing impacted everyone else.

  “Van, go. I’ll lock up tight here and
I promise I won’t leave until you’re back, okay?” Kason pointed toward the backstage area.

  “You swear, you’re not going to vanish for any sort of midnight runs without calling me first?” Van asked.

  A year ago this would never have flown. Tonight was entirely different. “Look, I know there were times I needed you to keep me from doing stupid shit. This isn’t one of them. I’m fine. I’ll be here talking on the phone with a woman like the teenager I’ve apparently regressed to. Go keep an eye on Kyra before you lose your mind.”

  There, he’d said it.

  Van didn’t contradict him or pretend like he was equally concerned with guarding any other bodies either. “Thanks.”

  He stood and waited for Kason to secure the bus. Only then did he jog back to the arena’s side-door in search of one curvy blonde instrumentalist. Interesting.

  But not remarkable enough to delay Kason any further. He already had his phone out of his pocket and his finger hovering over Wren’s name in his contacts before he’d reached his bedroom at the back of the bus.


  By the time Wren’s cell proclaimed it was eleven o’clock, she’d had enough time to convince herself that the conversation she’d been waiting the entire day to have would last three seconds. Max. She’d say hi, blurt out that she’d fooled around with Jordan, and Kason would hang up.

  Game over.

  She couldn’t pace properly in her tiny home, so she went outside where she could at least rock herself in the porch swing as she counted the stars.

  When her phone vibrated in her pocket, she nearly launched herself into the middle of Orion’s Belt. Wren jumped up and jammed her hand in her pants to retrieve the device before it set her off.

  Despite her earlier run in with Jordan, she was incredibly aroused. Because of the anticipation of talking to Kason or because she got off on living on the edge, she wasn’t sure. It felt exhilarating and kind of fucked up to be caught in the middle of two men again.

  Wren darted inside and shut the door. She wasn’t ready for the rest of the Hot Rides to know precisely how depraved she was if Jordan hadn’t already spilled the beans. She’d been surprised that he’d gone over to Devra, Trevon, and Quinn’s place after leaving her, but it wasn’t her business to wonder about what he was up to.


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