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Slow Ride: Powertools: Hot Rides, Book #2

Page 13

by Jayne Rylon

  Wren came so hard, she wished there was a cock buried in her to squeeze and ripple around. Next time, she promised herself.

  Kason clung to her as she did the same to him. His hips jerked as he shot deep into Jordan’s eager mouth.

  It was the best orgasm of Wren’s life. Something she immediately felt ashamed of. Then, somehow, she knew that Johnny wouldn’t mind. He would adamantly approve of anything that brought his two best friends and companions the most joy.

  Which was exactly how she felt about Kason and Jordan. Whatever they’d been doing before she arrived, she was fine with it. From the shit-eating grin spreading across Kason’s face and the bewildered laughter coming from Jordan, whatever it was that had passed between them had been life-changing.

  For all three of them.

  “I don’t give a fuck what your job title is, you’re not going in there,” Ollie was shouting, presumably at Van.

  “You heard that! If something happens to Kason, I’m taking it out of your hide,” Van growled.

  “If something happens to your boss, it’s on him and the dumb shit he’s pulling. He deserves to get balls twisted off by Wren if he’s betrayed her, and I’ll be next in line despite your Hulk-ass trying to stop me.”

  Kyra yelled Van’s name, then Ollie’s. She started arguing over top of their snarling at each other. “Stop it. Both of you. You’re not helping.”

  Wren looked up and noticed Kason had gone white. “Are you okay?”

  Jordan was on his feet in an instant, helping Kason get it together. He licked his lips as he put Kason’s dick back into his jeans and zipped him up carefully.

  “I’d better go before someone gets hurt,” Kason said without looking at her or Jordan. “This…this shouldn’t have happened.”

  Wren and Jordan exchanged a worried glance, but not before Kason bolted for the door.

  When he was a few feet away, he turned and broke her heart all over again. “This was phenomenal. The best of my life. We can’t do it again. There’s too much at stake.”

  Wren bent over, clutching her knees as she tried to suck a breath in through the razor blades slicing her chest open when Kason slipped out the door. Jordan looked down at her then to where Kason had disappeared as if trying to decide who to chase.

  “Go after him. Make sure he’s okay,” she begged Jordan.

  “There’s no use. He’s running, like I was before.” Jordan crouched in front of her, then lifted her chin so he could stare into her eyes. “Those days are over, Wren.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I’m ready to fight for us. For this. Like I should have done all along.” He kissed her sweetly, sharing the taste of Kason, which still lingered on his lips. “If he isn’t right for us, I’ll find the man who is. Because I’m sure now. We were meant for this. You and me and…somebody else.”

  As satisfying as it would have been to leave him there empty-handed as payback, Wren couldn’t bring herself to do it when everything inside her was screaming that he was right.

  This was what they’d been missing.

  “Will you take me back?” he asked, his voice shredded.

  “I never let you go.” Wren collapsed into his arms and let him cradle her as she wept.

  Not because she was devastated or miserable, but because she was finally sure again that she could be so very happy.

  For the first time in five years, Wren had hope.


  Jordan spent the day after Trevon’s birthday party in the office at Hot Rides, fielding phone calls and scheduling appointments in between staring at Wren while she did her thing. He had nothing better to do than watch her weld and hang out with Gavyn, Quinn, Trevon, Devra, and Ollie when they took breaks from working or studying or going bananas about being a dad soon, whatever they were each up to. Plus, talking to the customers about their motorcycles and showing them his own work-in-progress was pretty sweet, too.

  Though he hadn’t so much as glimpsed a fishing pole, it had been the best day of Jordan’s “vacation” so far.

  These fuckers were up here every day doing something they loved, working hard but having fun they were building an empire they all shared in. Meanwhile, he’d been barely surviving, taking orders he didn’t agree with, and enduring the drudgery of his job—one that no longer aligned with his values.

  It was eye opening.

  He had to make a change.

  Once the Hot Rides called it quits for the evening, they shared dinner in the middle of the lawn at the picnic tables huddled around a stone pit where Jordan had helped Ollie build a roaring fire. It wouldn’t be long before the evenings got too chilly for even that, but it seemed like everyone gathered together was reluctant to give up the tradition they’d started that summer. Jordan was shocked when he glanced at his watch and saw they’d been out there for hours.

  He hadn’t laughed or eaten so much in as long as he remembered. He promised himself that he’d pitch in more tomorrow, maybe bring some burgers to grill or ask Devra to help him learn to make a couple side dishes.

  He peeked at Wren and found her watching him, a soft smile on her face. Her hand was resting on his knee and she squeezed it reassuringly.

  It was only then that Jordan realized he’d been punishing himself. It might as well have been him who’d died that day for all he’d lived in the past five years. No more.

  “Ready to go inside?” he asked her.

  She winked. “If you are.”

  Around the table, people were yawning and the crackling flames had become glowing embers. Ollie offered to tend to them, so Jordan and Wren said goodnight and went into her cabin. He’d stayed the night following the party but hadn’t taken the time to really admire the efficient space. It didn’t have a lot of bells and whistles, but it had everything they needed, including the comfy couch where they’d first rekindled their physical relationship a few weeks ago. It was where they landed now, content to sit and talk or say nothing at all for a while.

  After everything that had gone down with Kason the day before, they’d been too exhausted, mentally and physically, to do more than collapse into bed and snuggle until they—very quickly—dropped off to sleep.

  Tonight could be different.

  Jordan put his arm around Wren. Naturally, she rested her head on his shoulder, in the spot that had always been hers. It was so familiar and comforting that he didn’t move even long after he’d lost feeling in his fingertips.

  Despite his joy in her company, he could sense the underlying note of Wren’s sadness.

  “You miss him, don’t you?” Jordan took a deep breath and prepared himself for her to say she’d changed her mind. He wouldn’t hold it against her if she did.

  “Johnny or Kason?” she asked.

  “Both.” He squeezed her tighter, thinking of what she’d been forced to sacrifice because of him.

  “Yeah. Johnny always, though it’s more of a dull ache than a stabbing pain these days. And Kason… He’s been calling me every night around this time since the day after the concert.” Wren sighed. “I enjoyed talking with him. He has this way of really listening that a lot of people don’t.”

  “I’ll try to be better at it.” Jordan frowned.

  “You’ve improved already. Hell, you’re doing a great job right now.” She kissed his cheek. “Time for bed?”

  “Your call. I know you have to get up early again tomorrow.” He tucked her hair behind her ear then stood and followed Wren as she ascended the bookcase to the loft.

  He’d be lying if he said he didn’t stare at her ass the whole way.

  By the time he’d joined her in the surprisingly cozy nest, she’d already stripped off her sleeveless shirt and the soft sweatpants he’d swear she’d had since they were together before. They were well-loved, well-worn, and had a couple holes in interesting places.

  Naked, she stunned him with her beauty. Always had.

  “You’re so gorgeous,” he murmured appreciatively as he ditched th
e Hot Rides T-shirt he’d bought from the shop and the jeans he’d worn the day before. He’d have to leave sometime soon, even if temporarily, to bring a few more things over to Wren’s place.

  But not tonight.

  There was no way he would be separated from her now.

  “You are too, you know.” Wren’s lips parted and her eyes dilated as she raked her gaze over his body from his head to his toes, pausing as she focused on his hardening cock.

  He crawled toward her on the bed to keep from hitting his head on the exposed beams of the ceiling not far above him, then hooked an arm around her waist, bringing her down beside him. “I mean it, Wren. You were always pretty, but now you’ve matured. You’re more shapely—”

  He cupped her hip, loving how it filled his hand.

  “Damn it. I told Devra this would happen. It’s her fault, cooking delicious food every damn day,” she grumbled.

  Jordan laughed as he kissed her, knowing she wasn’t the sort to be self-conscious. “That’s not what I mean, and you know it. Though I’m not complaining about your curves. You’re not a girl anymore. You’re all woman.”

  “Oh yeah? Does that mean you’ll let me be on top?” she asked as she threw her arms around his neck and dragged him to his side.

  Jordan tumbled with her, both of them laughing as they rolled over and under each other across the mattress. He landed above her, and took her mouth in a searing kiss. The flavor of her lips, still tinged with the caramel ice cream they’d shared for dessert, intoxicated him. That’s the only reason he could think of to explain why he didn’t realize her phone was buzzing on the nightstand for several seconds after the clatter began.

  Wren froze beneath him.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “I bet that’s Kason.” Her gaze flew to her phone as it buzzed again.

  Jordan slid off of her, trying not to groan as they lost contact. “So answer it.”

  She hesitated, turning onto her side as she looked over her shoulder at him and then back to the phone in front of her.

  “Go ahead. Get it.” He smacked her ass.

  Wren nodded, then dove for her cell. She connected the call.

  “Did you break a leg?” she asked with a huge grin.

  Damn, she must really have it bad for Kason. Jordan hadn’t realized their attraction went that far beyond the physical already.

  “I’m glad you called. I wasn’t sure…” Wren blew out a breath big enough to flutter the strands of platinum hair that settled around her face.

  She hesitated while Kason said something and then responded, “Actually, Jordan is here. Do you mind if I put you on speaker phone?”

  He must have agreed, because she did.

  “Hey,” Kason said.

  It was impossible to read him from that single word. If Johnny were there, he would have been able to. He had been so much better at that kind of stuff than Jordan was. He’d always seemed to know how someone was feeling and how to resolve their anxieties.

  Though he’d seemed to have no trouble chatting with Wren, now that he was on speaker, Kason didn’t say anything else.

  “Are you traumatized by what happened yesterday or do you not like talking to me on the phone as much as you enjoy chatting with Wren?” Jordan wondered aloud.

  “I’m…confused,” Kason admitted. “Everything happened so fast and then I left and came back to this life where I have to pretend that’s not who I am. I guess I started to doubt it had even really happened.”

  “Oh, it happened. I didn’t imagine your mouth on my dick. It was heaven. You were incredible.” Jordan rubbed his cock at the memory.

  Wren noticed and kicked up a brow at his motions. He clasped her hand and tugged it to his lap, encouraging her to take over for him. She did, idly stroking him as she talked to Kason.

  “I didn’t realize you were bisexual,” she said. “I mean, not that you needed to disclose that or anything, I just thought after everything we’d talked about—how I was with Jordan and Johnny, and how Jordan wanted more from Johnny—it might have come up.”

  She’d told him that? Jeez. Thanks, Wren. Though maybe that’s why Kason had been willing to experiment the day before. In that case, Jordan did owe her one.

  “Truth is, I don’t know what I am.” Kason swallowed hard enough they could hear it. “I’ve never done that before. I got caught up in the moment.”

  Wren rolled her eyes, making Jordan laugh, though he did it silently so Kason wouldn’t get the wrong idea. They weren’t making fun of him. They were boggled by his impressive levels of self-denial. Jordan knew what it was like to keep your feelings and passions bottled up. He was glad Kason hadn’t done that in the storeroom.

  “I’m pretty sure what happened yesterday was more than a fluke. It wasn’t like oops, I slipped and look, now your dick is in my mouth.” Jordan shook his head, remembering how Kason had practically launched himself at Jordan’s erection.

  “I’m not gay,” Kason said. “Look, I’m just some poor kid from Mississippi. We’re chocolate-and-vanilla kind of people. There weren’t any fancy flavors there. No in-betweens. I love women. I love fucking women. This is…taboo or something. Attractive because it’s like drugs or gambling or other shit you shouldn’t do but enjoy anyway until the repercussions smack you in the face.”

  “I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt here. You don’t really believe that shit, do you? Hopefully you’ve learned a thing or two since you left your hometown. We all have.” Wren stared at the phone as if Kason could see her reaction. “There’s no shame in being bisexual, Kason.”

  “There is, according to some people. That’s not what fans expect of me when they come to a show or buy my songs online. If people knew what I am—yeah, bisexual I guess, I never thought of myself like that but it feels right—it would destroy my image and my career.” Something in the way he said it made Jordan sure that someone else had put that nonsense in Kason’s head.

  Wren had never been one to live in denial. She faced difficult things head on. Always had. She didn’t disappoint him now.

  “And for that matter,” Wren continued, “however you identify—straight, gay, bi, whatever—that doesn’t mean you’re like Jordan and me, who enjoy being in a relationship with more than one partner at a time. That’s poly.”

  “Oh, I definitely loved that part of what we did yesterday. Fucking loved it.” Kason sighed. “More than anything, I’m sure of that. And not only the sex stuff. There was something…intoxicating…about imagining what it might feel like to belong to you both instead of just sleeping with you. I think that’s what made me come so damn hard.”

  “Well, there you go.” Wren smiled softly. “There are perks, you know? Just think, you have a better chance of finding a life partner. More people to pick from.”

  Jordan cleared his throat; he wasn’t about to let there be any miscommunications. “And so you know, Wren is mine. My life partner, I mean. I told her last night that I was an idiot for leaving her and I don’t intend to keep fucking up where she’s concerned. Somehow I’m lucky enough that she hasn’t kicked me out yet.”

  “That’s…fantastic. I know how much she loves you.” Kason seemed genuinely happy for them.

  “That doesn’t mean I’m planning on keeping her to myself.” Jordan kissed her forehead, then said, “She’s plenty of woman for two men. And…well, I do want to explore both my bisexuality and my poly sides, too. This is who I am, even if it took me forever to figure it out. I hope you’re smarter than me. Don’t waste time agonizing over something you can’t change when you could be spending it happy.”

  Wren took his hand in hers and squeezed. She also rippled the fingers of her other hand over his cock, which was solid now and huge in her grip.

  “If you’re not interested in us, that’s okay. No pressure.” Wren scrunched her eyes closed when she said, “We’ll be here for you no matter what as you figure things out.”

  Jordan was less generous. “As
your friends, she means. I’m not going to wait around forever to start looking for someone who meshes with us. Like I said, I wasted enough time already.”

  Wren smacked his shoulder with the back of her hand. He shrugged. It was the truth.

  “I wish you were here tonight, Kason.” Wren told him. “Or that you didn’t have to go last night. If you could have come here and talked through things, maybe we’d be having a different conversation right now.”

  “Or maybe our mouths would be busy doing stuff besides blabbering,” Jordan said.

  “That would have been good.” Kason’s voice seemed raspier as he considered the possibilities.

  Wren looked directly into Jordan’s eyes when she made a very indecent, very sexy proposal. “Do you want us to show you what we’d be doing if you were with us right now? If so, why don’t we switch to videochat? I know how much you get off on watching.”

  “You two have done this before?” Jordan asked, his cock jerking at the thought of Kason and Wren having videophone sex as they pleasured themselves. No wonder she’d been so glad to see the guy at Trevon’s party. And he’d messed up their reunion like he’d ruined their first kiss. Damn. He promised himself he’d make it up to Wren tonight.

  “Maybe once or twice,” Kason said with an infectious laugh. “Okay, yeah. I’m in. I’ll call you right back.”

  He hung up. Less than half a second later, Wren’s phone was making a different noise to indicate an incoming videochat, which she connected.

  “Oh fuck, you’re naked. You were talking to me and you didn’t even have clothes on?” Kason’s eyes widened. And that was before Wren tilted her phone so that Kason could see where her hand was, still fondling Jordan’s dick.

  “He’s a handful, isn’t he?” Wren asked Kason.

  “More like a mouthful, I’d say,” the guy answered, staring at where they intersected.

  Jordan’s cock began to leak precome at the thought of what they were about to do. He hadn’t quite realized he was such an exhibitionist until yesterday, when Wren had watched them. This solidified it. He officially liked to put on a show. So he decided to make it a good one.


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