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Slow Ride: Powertools: Hot Rides, Book #2

Page 17

by Jayne Rylon

  Kason interrupted, “He’s Eli’s dad, right? The guy who adopted the Hot Rods?”

  Wren nodded, and Jordan said, “Yeah. He’s married to Nola and Amber’s mom, Ms. Brown, now. He lost his first wife to cancer when Eli was young, then continued her work at the youth shelter. I think I’d like to start an outreach program for kids wondering where they fit in the neat boxes of straight or gay, to raise awareness about bisexuality or pansexuality or polyamory—the gray areas that get lost sometimes—or the fact that labels don’t really matter. I want as many people still trying to figure how they’re built to know it’s okay to accept themselves for however they’re wired and to love whoever they want. Maybe if I’d had some positive reinforcement about stuff like that, I wouldn’t have fucked up so badly before.”

  There was dead silence for a minute as Wren tried desperately not to bawl. Jordan seemed to tense, waiting for criticism that sure as hell would never come from her, and Kason appeared to be thinking hard. She wondered if he was wishing he’d met future-Jordan or someone like him when he’d been in his formative years. It seemed like he really could have used a role model.

  “Could I help you with that?” she said when she could finally squeeze the words out of her tight throat. “It sounds perfect. I’d love to work at the center with you.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that. With you, I can do anything.” Jordan looked at Kason then, as if seeking his approval when Wren knew he already had it.

  “I don’t have the luxury of time, but I’d be honored if you’d let me fund the program.” Kason had to pause before he continued, “I want every person who might be like us to feel the way I do right now—in awe of their lovers and bursting with a joy like they’ve never imagined before. A happiness they could never find by looking in the wrong places their whole lives.”

  Jordan shot to his feet, his chair shoving back from the table. “I have to…I’m going to take the dishes to the kitchen.”

  He gathered the plates, then put his back to them as he carried them to the kitchen sink, though not before Wren saw the shimmer in his eyes that solidified her resolve to bring them together before they left the sanctuary of Kason’s home and the bubble they were in tonight.

  While Jordan was out of earshot, Wren squeezed Kason’s hand to get his attention and murmured, “What are your plans for the rest of the evening?”

  “Are you asking if I want to sleep with you?” He swallowed hard.

  Wren nodded. “Me and Jordan. Yeah. I think you know by now that’s what I want. But I’m not sure if you’re ready tonight, or if you’ll ever be. It’s okay if you aren’t.”

  “If this was only about me, we’d have done it a long time ago.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “What if we sleep together and then I can’t follow through with forever? I don’t want to hurt either of you like that just because I’m dying to give myself to you now.”

  “I understand your concerns, but I think you’re listening to someone who’s biased. Your manager is looking out for himself. Not you.” She held up one finger when he would have interrupted. “And even if we’re not guaranteed tomorrow, we have tonight. I’ve learned you have to make the most of the time you’re given. I’m telling you this is what I want, and what Jordan wants. Respect our decisions. The only thing you have to think about is what you want and act on that.”

  It took him less than two seconds to decide.

  “I’ve never done this before. With three people, I mean. How should we start?” Kason’s eagerness to satisfy was plain to see.

  “Kiss me,” Wren said urgently.

  “Like when Jordan sits down or…”

  “Kiss me,” she repeated, putting her hands on his shoulders and drawing him near. “Now.”

  What he couldn’t see was that Jordan was already on his way back. If he walked in to a clear signal about Kason’s feelings and his intentions, he’d do the rest. That’s how Jordan operated. All they had to do was trust him, and he would make things so good for them, Kason wasn’t going to believe it. Not until he’d experienced it for himself.

  Which he was about to do.


  Jordan rinsed the dishes and put them in one of the side-by-side gleaming stainless dishwashers. He focused on taking long, deep breaths while his hands performed the mindless task. Had that really just happened?

  He felt like he’d cracked open a part of him he’d never shared with anyone before, not even Wren—either lately or back in the day. Despite what Kason feared, they were making progress. All of them. And he was dying for more.

  Would Kason be ready to take the next step with them tonight?

  He hoped so, but he wouldn’t push. He’d wait for Kason to expose himself to the possibilities the future held, as Jordan had finally been ready to do tonight.

  After washing and drying his hands, he folded the hand towel that had more in common with his fluffy bath towels than the thin dollar-store rags hanging off the door handle of the stove in his own apartment, and tried not to be intimidated by everything Kason had. It clearly wasn’t enough to keep him content.

  Jordan could give him that—through pleasure, companionship, and physical and emotional intimacy. Wren could, too. They had things to share that were valuable if not costly.

  As he turned and headed back to the man and woman he’d like to call his lovers by morning, he saw that Wren had already gotten a head start on things.

  Jordan nearly tripped over his own feet as he realized she and Kason were making out right there at the tip of the monolithic dining room table. They didn’t spring apart or even stop as he approached. Thank God. They weren’t ashamed of what they were doing or embarrassed to let him witness the mutual passion they shared.

  He stood between their chairs and put a hand on the back of each of their heads, craving the connection. He couldn’t wait a minute longer to be naked with them and absorbing even more of their positive energy.

  Kason looked up at him and grinned. “Hey.”

  “Take us somewhere with a big, soft bed.” Jordan waited until he had both Kason and Wren’s full attention before he added, “I don’t want our first time together to be on the dining room floor.”

  Fortunately, neither of them disagreed with his assessment of where the night was heading.

  “Come with me.” Kason stood and held out his hands. They each took one.

  “I plan to,” Wren said with a naughty smile that made Jordan’s heart stutter.

  Kason laughed, the sound as melodic as one of his songs, then practically dragged them through the great room to the back door. A sprawling deck waited on the other side, giving them access to a view of Lake Logan in the moonlight that would have enthralled Jordan at any other time.

  “It’s too cold out there. And not any comfier than the floor over there.” Jordan balked, pulling them to a stop.

  “Trust me,” Kason said. “This way.”

  He held the door for them, then resumed leading them along the wide wooden planks to a spot where a suspension bridge branched off and extended into the woods. They’d only gone about fifty feet when Jordan realized that the endless line of trees wasn’t exactly as it seemed.

  One of them, the one with the thickest truck, was surrounded by two octagonal platforms encased in glass, forming a transparent, two-story tree house. Woah.

  “The first floor is my recording studio. Up top is where I usually sleep.” He looked at them somewhat sheepishly and said, “I get lonely in the big house by myself, so I mostly leave it for guests or Van, Kyra, and the rest of the band, who stay here when we’re recording or preparing a new show. This is where I come to recharge. This is my happy place.”

  “What a fucking place, Kason.” Wren sounded as awed as Jordan was.

  “And we’re about to fill it with a lot more incredible memories for you,” Jordan promised.

  They went inside and up an open-backed staircase that curved around the outside of the tree trunk, which was at the heart of the sp
ace. Jordan let his fingertips trail over the rough bark as they ascended together into Kason’s bedroom.

  It got even better as they rose. Flaming foliage surrounded them, stars burned in the sky overhead. Off to one side, a waterfall churned and cascaded down the mountain toward the placid lake in the background.

  Wren and Jordan were struck speechless as they took it in.

  Kason came up behind them and put one arm around each of their waists. “It was this—okay, and the indoor pool—that sold me on the house.”

  “You’ll have to show us that tomorrow,” Wren said. “Because I’m not leaving here until then at least.”

  She turned to face Kason and the rest of the room, where a gigantic bed with an open canopy occupied the majority of the floor. Gauzy blue fabric draped over the wooden frame lent it a romantic feel without blocking the view of the universe hanging above them. A clever half-wall made a convenient spot for a kitchenette and obscured what was probably a toilet and sink. Best of all, a jetted tub had been sunk into the floor so that it resembled one of the natural pools that formed at one of the plateaus in the waterfall beyond. Out on the porch, a hammock swung in the breeze.

  If this were Jordan’s home, he’d never leave.

  “You have to invite the Powertools crew over here sometime,” he murmured, afraid to break the spell set by the nature around them. “They would love to see this.”

  “Maybe their resort needs tree houses next,” Wren nodded. “It would be the perfect destination for the honeymooners they’ve been attracting lately. Because I swear this might be the most turned on I’ve ever been in my life.”

  “I don’t think that’s because of the tree house, Wren.” Kason leaned in and kissed her again, making Jordan remember exactly why they were here with him. “I’ve never felt like this before when I sleep here.”

  “You know that Kayla’s resort is for naturists?” Wren asked with a mischievous smile.

  “Forgive me if I’m not thinking clearly at the moment,” Kason said. “But what’s that mean?”

  “It’s a clothing-optional retreat,” Jordan filled him in.

  “And I’m feeling inspired to follow their teachings right now.” Wren reached down and lifted the hem of the little black dress she’d worn. Not because she needed it to feel appropriately dressed for their date or because the traditionally feminine clothes made her sexier, but because they were a reflection of her truest self that she only shared with the men she trusted and cared for.

  With them.

  Kason followed her example and reached for his shirt, so Jordan did, too.

  Wren was naked by the time they had stripped to the waist. They didn’t bother with their jeans. Not yet anyway, when everything they wanted was right there in front of them. They looked at each other and grinned before advancing on Wren simultaneously.

  “Oh damn.” She sat on the bed, then scooted back, luring them closer. Wren kept going until she was in the center of the bed, then braced herself on her elbows, stared directly at them, and spread her long, long legs.

  Jordan didn’t need any more invitation than that. Apparently, neither did Kason.

  They crawled toward her, their shoulders pressed together. And when they reached her, they slid between her legs. Each of them took one of her thighs in one of their hands, lifting and spreading her to make room for them both near her core.

  Kason’s eyes were slitted as he breathed deep of the scent of Wren’s arousal. “Mind if I have dessert first?”

  Jordan took Kason’s chin in his hand and kissed the fuck out of the man for being so adventurous and so damn hot at the same time. Then he separated them enough to breathe, “Eat her pussy. Gently at first. She’s sensitive until after the first orgasm.”

  Wren moaned and arched her back. “Quit talking and fucking do something better with your mouths, would you please?”

  With a growl that made Jordan’s dick hard enough to risk poking a hole in the mattress, Kason sealed his mouth to Wren and began kissing her cunt as thoroughly as he’d so recently made out with Jordan’s mouth.

  A cross between a shriek and a roar of triumph escaped Wren’s parted lips. Her head dropped back, her platinum hair streaming behind her. She put her hand between her legs to hold Kason’s head where she liked it best while she rode his mouth. She’d never been a timid lover, but now she was even more uninhibited and honest about her desires.

  “Take turns,” she croaked between moans, staring into Jordan’s eyes. “Want you both.”

  Kason lifted his face. His chin glistened with Wren’s arousal.

  So Jordan leaned in and licked him clean, pausing only to kiss him again briefly before burying his own face between Wren’s thighs. He did his best to please her, not because it was some sort of sordid competition but because he wanted to make this the best night of her life.

  Just in case it was the last one they had like this for a while…or ever.

  Jordan flicked his tongue over Wren’s clit, drawing her closer to the edge of orgasm. And when he felt her hovering there, he tapped Kason. They kissed again, making Wren curse and thrust her hips in their general direction. “That’s so fucking hot.”

  “She’s going to come soon,” Jordan told Kason. “I want you to take her there. Wait until you see how beautiful she is then.”

  “Hurry,” Wren commanded, though Jordan knew it was also a plea.

  “Fuck yes.” Kason took up where Jordan had left off, this time sucking on Wren’s clit. The man might not be experienced with other men, but he sure as shit knew his way around a woman’s body. When he slipped his middle finger into Wren’s tight pussy, she screamed, then exploded.

  Kason never once let up. He drew out her pleasure for what felt like minutes.

  And when she collapsed, he crawled up beside her and took her into his arms. They exchanged a sweet, lingering kiss that made sure Jordan lost the last of his self-control. He stood on the bed, wobbling some as he practically ripped his jeans off. Kason wriggled on the bed until his were gone too.

  Then Jordan sank back down, sitting on his heels between Wren’s legs. His cock was standing straight out, ready to fuck. More than ready. The past month had tested his limits, and he was there.

  He looked between Wren—who nodded—and Kason, who said, “Go ahead. Show me what it’s like between you two.”

  Meanwhile, Kason’s hand came up to cup Wren’s petite breast and strum his thumb over her hard nipple. They tipped their heads toward each other, and when their lips touched, Jordan advanced.

  His cock nudged Wren’s opening before he realized he wasn’t wearing a condom.

  She lifted her head from Kason and stared at Jordan, “What? Don’t tell me you’re changing your mind?”

  Jordan’s heart ached. She thought he could walk away from her again? Not at that moment or ever again. “No, I’m not. I just need to get one of the condoms from the pocket of my jeans.”

  “I can’t wait that long,” Wren said. “Fuck me.”

  “I’ll never leave you unprotected.” Not in this or anything, really.

  “I told you I watch out for myself. I’m on the pill and I haven’t had sex with anyone since you. Five years ago.” Wren closed her eyes as if embarrassed by something that made his heart soar.

  “Look at me,” he demanded. Both she and Kason did as he told them. “I haven’t been with anyone else either. I swear it. I’m STI free.”

  Kason shrugged and said, “So am I. My insurance company forces me to get extensive physicals every few months.”

  “So what the hell are you waiting for, Jordan? Get in me.” Wren used her leg to hook around his waist and draw him closer. His cock penetrated the ring of muscles at her entrance, making them both groan.

  “Distract her for a second,” he told Kason, aware this might not be especially comfortable for her. She’d always been tight and they were both out of practice.

  Kason did as he was told, his own cock jabbing into Wren’s hip as he kissed h
is way down her throat then to her breast, where he sucked and nipped.

  Wren’s leg kept the pressure on Jordan’s waist, so he gave her what she was begging for. He worked his cock into her bit by bit until his balls were resting against her flesh.

  When he began to move within her silky sheath, her hand roamed down Kason’s sculpted body to his cock and fisted him. The guy began to rock his hips, fucking into her fingers as they made out. Jordan loved watching them together.

  He sped up, knowing this first round wasn’t going to last very long. He needed to take the edge off. Five years was a long fucking time to stay away from Wren and sex that blew his mind.

  Jordan thought he could hold out a few minutes more, except Wren couldn’t. She froze. Her eyes flew open and locked on his even as her free hand crumpled the sheets and clung for dear life.

  Kason noticed too and talked her through it. “Yes, Wren. Come for him. Hug his cock and show him how much you missed him. Make him come in you so that when I’m buried in your pussy next I’ll know how turned on you both are by sharing this with me. It’s going to make me so fucking hard to feel how wet you are.”

  Wren didn’t stand a chance against that. Neither did Jordan.

  She climaxed, her body spasming and massaging his cock until jet after jet of his release flooded her. Kason was going to get what he’d asked for. “Fuck, yes. Wren. I love you.”

  He hadn’t meant to say that. Not here or now. Not in front of Kason, because the last thing he’d wanted to do was pressure the guy into feeling like he had to say—or feel—the same thing. But there it was, out in the open between them.

  It seemed to only make her orgasm more intensely, squeezing his cock from her body in the process. A trail of white fluid iced her well-used body, making both Kason and Jordan groan. Immediately, she held out the hand not stroking Kason. It’s how they’d done things in the past. She could work him over and keep him stiff or get him hard again, while Kason was riding her.


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