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Welcome to Blissville

Page 102

by Walker, Aimee Nicole

“Harder,” Chaz said, spurring me on with both his words and by digging his heels into my ass. “Ohhh,” he loudly moaned when I angled my dick just right and tagged his prostate over and over. “I’m going to come, Kyle.” Those words were music to my ears because I wouldn’t be far behind him.

  I gritted my teeth and managed to hold off until his ass clamped down on my cock when he started to come. “Fuck!” My orgasm rolled through me fast and strong causing my body to shake hard as I spilled inside the condom.

  A dozen fragmented sentences flittered through my mind like elusive fireflies when I collapsed on top of Chaz. I could grasp a few snippets of each one, but couldn’t stream them together to form a coherent thought, except for one: how soon could we do it again?

  Chaz pulled his hands from beneath mine and wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight against him. I knew I had to be squeezing the air out of him with my heavier weight pinning him to the bed, but he appeared to want me there. Chaz kissed the side of my neck and ran his fingers through my hair. His gestures seemed more than just after-sex sweetness; there was a heaviness in the air that caused me to lean up on my elbows so I could look at him.

  I recoiled when I saw remorse in Chaz’s eyes. It felt like someone punched through my chest and squeezed my heart with their steely hands. I couldn’t stand the idea that he regretted what happened between us. It was the most amazing experience I’d ever had in my life. It was beyond simple friction on my cock; my entire body was engaged in the act with him. Hell, I wasn’t some inexperienced man who couldn’t tell the difference between a physical and emotional bonding. What I felt with Chaz was the strongest emotional connection I had ever shared with another person. It had been slowly building between us over the last five months and it exploded into a beautiful crescendo of lust, desire, and pleasure. I was certain that Chaz felt it too.

  “Kyle,” Chaz said my name so softly that I wouldn’t have heard it if I wasn’t looking at his lips.

  A shiver of dread worked its way into my heart, but I refused to let it control me. I cupped Chaz’s head with my right hand and ran the thumb from my left hand across his lips. “Shhh,” I said gently. “Please don’t tell me you regret what just happened. I don’t think my heart could take it.” Maybe I shouldn’t have been so open with him, but guarding my heart had gotten me nowhere up to that point.

  “I don’t regret what happened between us,” Chaz whispered, “but I should’ve told you something first.”

  “Chaz, is there someone else?” I asked. “Are you in a relationship or married?”

  “Married?” he asked incredulously. “What kind of person do you think I am? And how the hell would I have kept a marriage a secret from the entire town?” He had me there.

  “I think you’re an amazing person,” I countered. “I just couldn’t think of another reason why you’d look so guilty after I just rocked your world,” I said, feeling a little boisterous. “I didn’t mean to insult you.”

  “Has that happened to you before?” Chaz asked hotly.

  “Are you asking if I’ve rocked someone else’s world before tonight?” I countered. I knew what he was asking me, but I liked seeing the blush of temper on his face.

  “Quit avoiding the question, Kyle. You sound like you’ve had experience at finding out someone you slept with is married,” Chaz remarked.

  “No, but it almost happened once,” I admitted. “Luckily, I learned the truth from a mutual colleague before I did something I couldn’t take back.”

  “There’s no one else,” Chaz whispered hoarsely.

  I ran the back of my hand over Chaz’s high cheekbone and said, “Then there was nothing you needed to confess to me before we had sex.”

  Chaz closed his eyes and shook his head slightly. “You can’t possibly know that, Kyle.” I hated hearing the torment in his voice and seeing the anguish in his eyes when he reopened them.

  “I know you, Chaz. I’ve been watching you for years, and you’re a great guy. Nothing you tell me is going to change my mind. I need you to trust me on that.” Hope bloomed in Chaz’s eyes, and he offered me a small smile. “There is one thing I need to know.”

  “What?” he asked hesitantly.

  I reached for the strip of condoms and held them up for him to see. “How soon can you go again?”

  “My ass is feeling pretty wrecked right now,” Chaz replied.

  “Who said your ass was the one getting the workout during round two?” I asked him.

  “Oh!” Chaz smiled broadly at me then took the strip of condoms from my hands. “Okay then.”

  I reluctantly drifted off to sleep a few hours before dawn with Chaz wrapped tightly in my arms. I just knew that he would sneak away as soon as I closed my eyes or I’d wake to find it had all been a dream. I didn’t find either of those situations acceptable, so I was pleasantly surprised to find Chaz smiling at me from the pillow beside mine when the alarm on my cell phone went off.

  I turned off the shrilling chime then reached over and tweaked Chaz’s nipple.

  “Ouch! What the hell did you do that for?” he asked.

  “Making sure I wasn’t dreaming,” I replied. Chaz forgot all about his afflicted nipple and melted in front of my eyes.

  “It was an incredible night,” he said wistfully. “The kind you read about in books.”

  “I’ve never read anything remotely close to what we shared last night,” I said while running my fingers over the faint pink marks my scruff left on his neck. “Perhaps you can recommend some books for me to read.”

  Chaz’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment and made me wonder what the hell he’d been reading lately. “Or, we could role play a hot scene I recently read that involved oral sex and a shower.”

  “Okay then,” I said, repeating the same words Chaz used the previous night. Where had I heard that phrase? Someone had used it recently and I thought it was cute. I threw off the covers and jumped out of bed excitedly, making Chaz giggle. His giggling turned to joyous laughter when I grabbed him by his upper thighs and pulled him to the edge of the bed.

  “Somebody’s eager this morning,” Chaz said, looking at my erection jutting toward him. “I’d have thought he wanted to sleep after the night he had.” Chaz sat up and swiped his finger over the leaking slit of my dick.

  “That drool has nothing to do with sleep,” I told him as I watched him lick my pre-cum off his finger. I placed my hand beneath his chin and lifted it so I could look into his eyes. “I don’t think we’re going to make it to the shower to recreate your book scene.”

  “That’s okay. We’ll write a new one right now,” Chaz hungrily said before he took my cock to the back of his throat.

  “Oh God,” I said as Chaz worked my cock in and out of his mouth. The wet heat felt incredible, and the pressure and tempo were so perfect that my legs trembled with an impending orgasm not long after he began. “Pull off; I’m about to come,” I said, because it’s rude to come in a guy’s mouth without warning.

  He didn’t pull off nor did he stop. Chaz reached between my legs and milked my balls at the same time he took my cock to the back of his throat and swallowed around the head.

  “Chaz!” I roared his name when I came in his mouth. “Damn, that felt so good.”

  He slowly pulled off my cock then licked his lips seductively before he smiled at me. Then he lay back on the bed with his hands tucked beneath his head and said, “My turn.”

  I lowered myself between his legs but didn’t go after his cock as aggressively as he went after mine. I decided to draw out his pleasure by teasing him until he writhed on the bed, called me filthy names, and threatened to do even dirtier deeds to me if I didn’t let him come. I liked his bawdy mouth and the promise of wicked things in our future, so I didn’t give into his demands. I took him to the edge and backed him down over and over until he was a quivering mess.

  “Damn you, Kyle. I’m never going to give up my ass to you again,” Chaz said, going with a new tactic.

sp; It worked too. I released the tight grip I had on the base of Chaz’s cock and stopped edging him so he could come down my throat in spectacular fashion.

  “I… oh… that was,” he said in between pants.

  “Good?” I asked, feeling ridiculously pleased with myself for reducing him to breathless rambling.

  “I’ve never come so hard,” Chaz said. “I feel lightheaded. I need to get up and head to my room to change clothes and get ready for breakfast, but I don’t think I can move.”

  “You want me to go get your things and bring them over here so we can get ready together?” I offered.

  The confliction I saw in his eyes confused me because the question wasn’t complicated. I could tell that a large part of him wanted to stay and get ready with me, but I also saw that his cautious side was going to win the war.

  “Um,” he said uncomfortably. “I think…”

  “It’s okay, Chaz,” I told him. “I didn’t mean to pressure you or anything. I guess that I’m just not ready to let you go. It was an amazing night, and morning,” I added, “and I hate to see it end.”

  I rose to my feet and held out my hand to help him off the bed. I didn’t like his answer, but I chose to be a gentleman about it instead of a jerk. I pulled him to me for one last long, lingering kiss.

  “I’ll see you down at breakfast,” I told him.

  Chaz rose on his tiptoes and pressed his lips to mine briefly. “It was an amazing night and morning.” He repeated my words back to me, but it sounded awfully close to a goodbye when he said them.

  I nodded because there wasn’t anything else I could say or do. A feeling of dread washed over me as I showered and got ready to meet my friends for breakfast in the hotel restaurant. The feeling turned to hurt and anger when I saw that two seats were left empty: Chaz’s and mine. Fuck! I knew damn well that I couldn’t sit there and pretend that everything was okay when my heart felt bruised and battered. I felt like the only choice open to me was to leave quietly and apologize for my behavior later.

  I turned to do just that and nearly collided with Chaz. “Going somewhere in a hurry, Dr. D?”

  Kyle didn’t answer my question right away, so I crossed my arms over my chest and quirked a brow.

  “Uh,” Kyle stammered, which I found fucking adorable since he always seemed so composed. I was happy to make him… flappy.

  “Were you about to leave without saying goodbye to me?” I asked, covering my heart dramatically to show how badly he wounded me.

  Kyle’s body tightened with tension, and he looked at me with an incredulous gaze. “Me?” he asked before he snorted. “I thought you left without saying goodbye to me.” It was cute the way he used his pointer finger to help narrate his response even though he enunciated the words clearly.

  Truthfully, I had planned to bolt when I left his hotel room and did the walk of shame back to mine while silently pleading that none of my friends caught me exiting his room. You know damn well that fate wasn’t working in my favor, right?

  “Well, well, well,” Meredith said when she opened the door and found me creeping down the corridor. “What do we have here?” A smug smile had crossed her face before she said, “It’s about damn time. Don’t blow this, Charles Bailey!”

  I passed up the opportunity to give her a snarky reply about how much I like blowing things. My night with Kyle deserved more respect than brash, bawdy words. Instead, I smiled at Mere and said, “I’ll try my best.” I should’ve been offended by her tone and implication that I was the one who would blow things with Kyle, but she was right. I was on the verge of self-destructing after the most amazing night of my life. To make things worse, I still would’ve gone home if I’d had access to a car, but I rode to Cincinnati with Mere and Harley.

  “See that you do, baby doll.” Mere blew air kisses at me and shut the door. How did she even know I was in the hallway? It was like she was watching for me through the peephole or something. I pitied her future kids because they wouldn’t get away with anything.

  That line of thought reminded me of how close I had come to revealing my secret the night before when I used the phrase “okay then” with Kyle. It was one I had used almost nightly as Drew and I internally cringed as soon as the words left my lips. I held my breath while I waited to see if he caught my slip. I thought for a brief second that recognition dawned in his eyes, but it either never took root or was replaced by lust for another round of sex.

  I had no right to sleep with Kyle without him knowing the truth, and despite his declaration that morning, I knew he was going to care a great deal about the revelation when it happened. Yet, I discovered how quickly I could push my shame away when he locked his mesmerizing blue eyes on me.

  “I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye,” I told Kyle. A hopeful smile bloomed across his face, and I kicked myself for giving him the wrong impression. “I rode with Mere and Harley.”

  The smile slid from his face, and it seemed like the joyous light behind his eyes dimmed a bit. “Oh,” he said flatly. Fuck! I only wanted to set him straight, not kick him in the balls. “Can I drive you home after breakfast?”

  Damn, the man drove me home like I’d never been driven before, or was it ridden? Either way, my ass would sting for days, but it was so worth it. I grinned wryly at him. “Again so soon?” I asked teasingly. My confidence soared when Kyle got flustered again. I liked catching him off guard and pushing him outside his comfort zone. “I’d love to catch a ride with you, but I need to eat breakfast to refuel first.”

  “Okay then,” Kyle said then smiled suggestively at me. “After you.”

  It felt like everyone at our table was staring at us when we entered the dining room. Their scrutiny made me uncomfortable, and I felt my cheeks get hot as my skin most likely turned an interesting shade of pink or red. I tried to bullshit my way through the discomfort with a friendly smile.

  “Good morning,” I said with mock cheerfulness. “Everyone sleep well?” I realized my mistake when most of the people around the table snorted.

  “We didn’t come here to sleep,” Josh said teasingly. “We can nap later.”

  “Speak for yourself,” Adrian’s wife, Sally Ann, said. “This is the first night I slept more than two hours at a time since Adrianna was born. Everyone keeps telling me that she’ll eventually sleep through the night, but she hasn’t yet.”

  “How well did you sleep, Chaz?” Josh asked me.

  I picked up the menu and began looking over the breakfast selections so that I wasn’t looking into Josh’s eyes when I lied through my teeth. “Like the dead.”

  “Uh huh,” Meredith said but didn’t betray where I stayed.

  I looked up and found her smiling fondly at me. She winked playfully, and I rolled my eyes at her. I glanced over at Josh to see if he picked up on the exchange, but he had switched his attention back to Gabe.

  Kyle leaned closer until his mouth nearly pressed against my ear. “I recall very little sleeping.” His words triggered memories of the two of us tangled and entwined in his hotel bed.

  I fought the urge to lean into him or look at him to avoid making a fool of myself in front of an audience. I’d given these people enough fodder over the years to tide them over. “Yeah, but I slept hard for that hour or two before dawn,” I softly whispered so only he could hear.

  “Me too,” Kyle whispered back.

  “What’s everybody ordering?” Gabe asked. “I want a huge stack of pancakes and a pound of bacon.”

  “Wow, someone worked up an appetite,” Harley said.

  I often wondered if it was awkward for Kyle to hear references about Josh and Gabe’s sex life. I looked over to see what his reaction was, but he was still looking at me. I couldn’t tell if he even heard Harley’s comment because I was too caught up in the heat I saw in Kyle’s eyes.

  “I think I’m going to have an egg white omelet loaded with veggies and turkey sausage,” Kyle told me. “I need to replenish my supply of protein.” He whispered the
last part to me.

  Damn him! He was giving me a freaking hard-on at the most inconvenient time. How the hell was I even able to get it up after a night like we had? “If you could order anything off the menu, what would it be?” I asked to distract my brain from sex.

  “French toast and full-fat bacon,” Kyle replied without hesitation.

  “You don’t believe in cheat days?” I asked him. Kyle and I had never discussed his childhood obesity or his dieting habits as an adult, but you only had to be around him a few times to notice that he didn’t eat bad foods.

  “No. I don’t trust myself,” Kyle replied. “It’s better if I avoid the temptation altogether.” I saw the ironclad determination in his eyes, which meant he’d completely cut me out of his life like chocolate cake if he decided I was bad for him. The thought hit me hard like a punch to the stomach. Kyle’s phone rang, pulling his attention off of me so I could recover from my sobering thoughts. He frowned when he looked at the caller ID. “This can’t be good; it’s the police department,” he said soberly. “This is Dr. Vaughn.” I watched Kyle’s expression morph from concerned to angry. “I’m in Cincinnati right this minute, but I can be there in forty-five minutes.” The alarm in his voice captured the attention of everyone at our table.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked as soon as he hung up.

  Kyle stood from his chair. “I need to head back to Blissville,” he said. “Someone broke into the animal hospital. Officer Wen said it looked like they trashed the place in a fit of rage when they couldn’t get to the drugs. It doesn’t sound like there’s a lot of damage, just a big mess.”

  “Prescription drugs for animals?” Meredith asked.

  “I have some pretty powerful pain pills on site,” Kyle told her then looked at me with regret in his eyes. “I’m sorry that I have to run off.”

  “We can all head back to help you clean up,” Gabe said before I could respond to Kyle. He rose to his feet and the rest of us did too.

  “No, please stay and enjoy your breakfasts. This sounds like a case of petty vandalism and there is no need to ruin your morning.”


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