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Hard to Kill (Hell Hounds Harem Book 6)

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by Briana Michaels

  Hard To Kill

  Hell Hounds Harem

  Book 3

  Second Trilogy

  By Briana Michaels


  All names, characters and events in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to actual places, events, or real persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission, in writing, of the author.

  Copyright © 2019 Briana Michaels


  Hard To Kill



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Letter from Lucifer

  Other Books By This Author

  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  Valor pulled up to the driveway and immediately sensed something was very wrong.

  “Drake,” Baz’s twintuition went off like a fire alarm. “DRAKE!”

  Hurrying out of the truck, they charged into the house at the same time.

  Bishop’s eyes bulged when they saw the foyer splashed with red. “Oh God, no!”

  The floor dropped out from under the pack as they took in the crime scene. The smell of fresh blood and fear made Valor quake with rage. Chunks of brain matter were splashed against the wall on the right. There was a dent where a head had been smashed into the dry wall on their left. Blood smeared the floor in a trail to follow.

  Valor felt a cold numbness as he followed the bloody drag marks through the house and into the backyard. A terrible, painful howl erupted from the tree line and Drake emerged from the woods, his feet dragging sluggishly as he carried –

  “Tilly!” Valor ran, full-force, towards the love of his life.

  They all did. The pack surrounded Drake, and the Hell Hound was so lost in agony, he didn’t look human. Clutching Tilly to his chest, he dropped to his knees and damned if the rest of the pack didn’t drop with him.

  “Save her,” Drake’s voice was as dead as the woman in his arms. “Save her, alpha. Use your power and save our girl.”

  Valor’s heart shriveled and ran into a hiding space. He stared at Tilly’s lifeless form. It was too late to save her. She held no aura. Her spirit was gone. Too late…

  I didna get to say good-bye.

  She was lost to them. They all knew this would happen eventually, but some piece of Valor never truly believed that fate would be so fucking cruel. That somehow, Tilly would beat her curse or convince fate to do right by her.

  “Mo leannan,” Valor croaked. Hand-to-God he nearly collapsed when he saw her condition. The dark hole between her eyes, the dirt and marks all over her sweet body, the blood and bits of bone tangled in the back of her head. Fuck, he was going to be sick.

  Drake stroked Tilly’s hair and rocked her. “It’s okay. It’s okay. You’re going to be okay.” He ran his hands through her hair, paying no attention to the fact that half her skull had been blown off. Tilly’s eyes stared lifeless and unfeeling. Valor attempted to take her and Drake gnashed his teeth at him. “No.”

  Possessively, Drake curled his body around her, protecting her. Another long, steady growl slipped through his lips and he refused to give her up to any of them.

  “What… why…” Bishop took in a couple deep breathes, “I can’t understand… she was just… we were…”

  “She was cursed,” Valor muttered, “this was going to happen. Her death was eminent.”

  Bishop jabbed his finger towards her, “But like this? How can this have fucking happened? Every spell we had, every precaution we’ve taken to keep her safe from—”

  “Malanum and dark forces,” Valor growled. “We didna consider the humans.”

  Valor saw the marks on her body, the bruising that was slowly showing itself, revealing a terrible and violent story of how their woman died. “Where was she, Hound?” Valor’s voice was controlled, and he’d keep it that way for his pack’s sake. No matter how much Valor unraveled on the inside, he would stay strong for his pack so they could be led by a worthy alpha. “Answer me, Drake. Where was she found?”

  Drake’s gaze stayed locked on Tilly’s face. He stopped running his hand through her hair and started caressing his thumb across her cheek. “She was in the woods. Shallow grave.”

  “How did ye ken where to find her?”

  “The blood trail,” Baz answered.

  “No,” Drake shook his head. Tearing his gaze away from Tilly, he looked up at Valor. A tear slid down his face, “She showed me.”

  Whatever pumped blood into Val’s body stopped working. “She showed ye?”

  Fuck him sideways, a wee bit of hope hooked him in the heart and yanked it. If Tilly’s spirit was still here, Valor might have a chance to put her back together. Although, how he’d repair the damage done to her body was going to take a fucking miracle, he’d figure that out later.

  “Where is she?” Valor looked all around the yard. He couldn’t see her spirit anywhere. Then again, he hardly ever saw such things.

  The fact that when the twins were lost and their spirit gravitated towards Tilly during their darkest times flickered in Valor’s mind. It would make sense her soul would seek Drake out and he’d have the power - the gift - to see her.

  Cursed ones always find one another.

  “Where is she?” Valor roared louder. “Where are ye, lass?” His eyes darted all around and he saw nothing, “Mo leannan!”

  Nothing. No one.

  “She’s gone,” Drake whispered. “She… was taken away.”

  Bishop’s growls erupted like an explosion. “By who?”

  “Don’t know.” Drake started running his fingers through her hair again. He went back to mumbling words of staying strong, and holding on, and promising they were going to fix her up good as new.

  Valor buried his head in his hands. He was going to vomit all over the motherfucking grass any second now.

  He’d been too late to save Kalen, his best friend, from a terrible, tortuous death.

  He’d been too late to save Sara, his wife, from a death too gruesome for words.

  And now he’d been too late to save Matilda Jane from a death that was promised for generations.

  What a fool he was to ever have hope that for once the universe might smile down on him and his pack. They were broken men. Each betrayed and killed, then brought together by the Devil’s orders. After all this time, they’d finally found a wee bit of joy they all shared. And now she was gone for good - A shooting star, dead and blazing throug
h their darkness, speeding out of sight and out of reach.

  At least she’s now in Heaven with her sister, he thought. It was the worst and only bright side to this. She was where there was peace and her curse was lifted. Her soul was free. She wasn’t going to turn malanum. She was safe from everything terrible and awful in this world.

  And free of them.

  Guilt poured over Valor’s soul like ice water. The pack had practically kept her prisoner. They’d wasted what was left of her precious life by keeping her close to them. And in the end, they hadn’t done right by her. They should have told her...they should have admitted their feelings. Worshipped her. Loved her. Spoiled and enjoyed her.

  “They’ll pay,” Bishop’s voice cracked through the air, “Whoever did this is going to pay. Many, many motherfucking times.”

  Drake stood, wobbling as he tried to keep his balance while still holding their woman close to his chest.

  “Where are you going?” Baz asked.

  Drake didn’t answer. Valor stayed right behind him, and they followed Drake back into the house. No one was surprised when the Hound took the steps to the basement. No one spoke as he walked up to the door that led to Hell.

  It wouldn’t have been any use to tell Drake there was no hope now. He wouldn’t believe them. This was going to have to come from the Devil himself. And fuck him for thinking it, but Valor was glad Satan was going to take the brunt of Drake’s anguish and it wasn’t going to fall on the pack.

  His pack wouldn’t survive it.

  Drake was a complicated creature with enough locks and fortified walls around his heart as it was. And his precious kingdom had just been wrecked and reduced to rubble. How they were going to put Drake back together was a miracle to pray for on another day. Right now, they had revenge to focus on.

  For make no mistake, Valor had every intention of going after whoever had done this. And Bishop hit the nail on the head – whoever this motherfucker was would pay over and over and over. Valor had the power to bring back life. The fun they would have with the bastard who murdered their woman? It would be endless. Righteous.

  And worth having sold their souls for.

  Chapter 2

  Lying face down, Tilly blinked slowly and groaned. Jesus fucking Christ, I’m dead.

  Shit, she shouldn’t say that, right? Don’t you have to watch your mouth in Heaven? Did it even matter once you got there? Wait, she thought it, not said it out loud. No one would have heard her. Phew.

  But would it be considered an impure thought or something?

  Fuck, did it even matter? Once you’re in Heaven you can’t get kicked out right?

  Satan did.

  Yeah, let’s not over analyze this. First, try to stand up. Then, find out the rules. Finally, try to not break too many all at once.

  Vivian. She could see her sister again. There was one bright side to this at least. My curse is gone. Two bright sides! Look at her go with all this positivity.

  My Hounds.

  Aaaaand that fast, all the joy drained from Tilly’s soul. She would never see them again. The pain of their loss struck her harder than her killer’s fist. Certainly blew her to pieces more thoroughly than that bullet she took between the eyes.

  As Tilly laid there with her belly smashed against the ground and her palms pressed down, a giggle bubbled out of her. Had she been buried face down? That would be nice. Then the world could drop to their knees, press their lips to the grass, and can kiss her sweet ass.

  Donuts. She was starving. Did they have donuts in Heaven? Would it even be Heaven if there were no donuts?

  Her vision was fucked. Blue squiggles danced the Macarena. White blurs floated like jelly fish. She blinked hard and pushed up so she was on all fours. Huh. She frowned and tried to make sense of what she was seeing. Heaven was very unremarkable.

  “Viv!” she yelled out. “Vivian!”

  A fresh wave of nausea made Tilly double over and grip her belly.

  “Shit,” a deep voice cut through the buzzing in her head. Next, she heard the sound of heavy boots pounding on the ground. Whoever it was, they were running away from her. Rude.

  Tilly lifted her head and stared at a set of gates. Why aren’t they made of pearl? She crawled over and grabbed the bars, giving them a good shake. Why won’t they open? Maybe she needed to say the secret password?

  “Bananas.” No wait that was her safe word with her Hounds - Bishop’s trigger word. Shit… what’s the code to get into Heaven?

  Memories flashed through her head. Tilly’s entire life played in short, succinct clips. Childhood, nightmares, Zaza, hospitals, singing, studying, experimenting, stealing. A flash of red appeared and she sucked in a breath. Valor was laughing as he held up a target and dangled it at Tilly. She slapped his shoulder, “Double or nothing, Foxy Boy.”

  Tears filled her eyes. Valor. Oh God, Valor…

  Bishop was the star of her next vision - His nose ring gleamed in the low light of his room. Music played loud enough to vibrate her ribs. His mouth moved a mile a minute and then he rocked back and he laughed wildly. Popping up on his feet, he turned to answer the door.

  Baz stood there with a bucket of popcorn. Jerking his head, they all headed to the theatre room to watch The Lost Boys again. Would they watch Nightmare on Elm Street next? She loved the horror stories because, “The monsters never die, Hounds. They always outlived everyone else, including some of the heroes.”

  The memory faded and she sucked back a sob. “Something’s burning,” Tilly said to no one. “Flip the grilled cheese.”

  She closed her eyes and swayed again with her next vision – Drake’s silhouette stood out against the flames burning eight feet high. He was crumpling paper and tossing it in, burning his thoughts and secrets. She ran up to him and he turned just before she could touch him. For a second, the harsh lines etching his handsome face softened. His eyes were more brown than black. And then he gritted his teeth and took the glass of water from her.

  “Matilda Jane.”

  Tilly spun around. Where was that coming from? Who said that?

  “Matilda Jane.”

  She spun the opposite way. “I can’t sing tonight. There’s no way. Too many people.”

  “Shit, Brock, stand back, I’m going to open the door.”

  Brock? Who the hell was that? Nothing made any fucking sense here! Tilly’s vision darkened. Something big and hot clamped down on her arm and her vision cleared instantly.

  “Oh…shit,” she whispered. Then she tried to back away, fear slamming into her from all ends. Run, run, run! Her instincts went haywire, as did her coordination. She tumbled back and would have fallen on her ass if the big guy hadn’t caught her.

  “Easy, Matilda Jane. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “Who are you?”

  “Who do you think I am?”

  Tilly didn’t have a clue. This man was… shit he was fucking gorgeous. Like, so hot and beautiful it hurt to look at him. “God?”

  He chuckled, his deep tone sending hot shivers down her spine and straight to her core. Talk about impure thoughts. She was going to get sent straight to Hell if God knew she was having a lust attack over him right now. Pretty sure that would be against the rules up here.

  “I’m definitely not God.”

  Oh sweet relief. Tilly sagged a little and blew out a breath.

  “I’m Lucifer.”

  He even had the nerve to smile. And his smile had the nerve to make him even more fucking handsome. His teeth were perfect. Shouldn’t he have fangs? And where were his horns? And tail? Her thoughts slowed down and dread crept in. Tilly swallowed hard. “I’m… I’m in Hell?”

  “Did you think you wouldn’t be?” Lucifer held her wrist and guided her away from the gate and further into her cell.

  My cell. This wasn’t the entrance to Heaven. It was a cage in Hell. Holy shit.

  Tilly burst into tears immediately.

  “Shhhh,” Lucifer tucked her into his chest and she was t
oo distraught to care. He smelled divine. Actually, he smelled a little like her Hounds. It sent her into a tailspin of grief too painful for words. She ugly cried. Right there in Satan’s big, wide, hard-as-a-rock chest, Tilly turned into a blubbering fool.

  “I didn’t mean it,” she cried. “Whatever I did wrong, I didn’t mean it.”

  Lucifer chuckled again. He rubbed slow circles on her back and let her continue to cry.

  “Everything I did was for my family. And I never hurt anyone but myself. Please, I…”

  “Shhhh,” he cooed in her ear. It sent another wave of heat down her body. Errr soul. Whatever she was now. No part of her felt dead, she only felt confused and scared and lost. A sweat broke out between her boobs and down her back. Could the dead sweat?

  Was this because Hell was so HOT?

  “You’re not being punished, Matilda Jane.”

  She stiffened in his arms. “Then why am I here?”

  “Because you want to be.”

  “No, that’s not true,” she wiped her nose with the back of her hand. “I most definitely never wanted to go to Hell.” Then she rethought herself, “No offense.”

  “None taken,” he smiled down at her. Wow his eyes were so blue they didn’t look real. Angelic. Satan was… angelic.

  Tilly was never much of a religious person. Too many stories and different views to pick one that made the most sense to her. But she couldn’t deny that Lucifer was a temptation. He smelled, felt, looked, and sounded insanely…. Good.

  No wonder she was in Hell. She was having impure thoughts about the Devil.

  Fuck it though, she wasn’t about to feel bad for it. You would feel this lusty too if you were being held by Satan. He wasn’t like what you read about. He didn’t even have a pitch fork. Bet his staff was fucking gigantic though.

  Lucifer erupted in laughter. “Hell’s flames, woman. No wonder Bishop was so drawn to you.”

  She cringed, “Oh no. You can hear my thoughts can’t you?”

  “Mmm hmm,” his eyes sparkled as he kept laughing. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep my staff where it belongs. Your pack would have a fit otherwise.”


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