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Uncovered Secrets: A Riverton Crossing Novel - Book 7

Page 17

by Maris, Savannah

  Chad looked at Ben. “Do you think you can get warrants in Cloverville or Riverton Crossing without Senator Pickens knowing?”

  “Honestly, I thought most of the corruption was gone, but now I don’t know.”

  Chad nodded. “Go to lunch. You’ll have your warrants when you get back.”

  A bright smile stretched across Rachel’s face. “Thank you, Chad.”

  “Rachel, this isn’t a fishing expedition.”

  “I understand. I want the evidence before we talk to him so he knows what he’s facing.”

  “I agree with that plan.” Chad stepped to his desk and placed a call. “Judge Rikard, please.”

  * * *

  Two hours later, Ben and Rachel were headed home with warrants to search Matthew’s home, office, and financial records for the last seven years among others. Once they settled into the drive, Ben placed a call.

  “Hey, Ben. How did it go?”

  “Sam, would it be possible for Rachel and me to stop by and talk to you and Carrie for a few minutes?”

  “That doesn’t sound good, Ben.”

  “It is, but it isn’t. We want both of you to know what’s going on. After that, I’ll need you to be at the station.”

  A heavy breath came through the phone. “What time?”

  “Less than an hour.”

  “I’ll call Carrie and meet you at the house.”


  When they pulled into the driveway of Sam and Carrie’s house, Sam was waiting outside, which had Rachel nervous. “Who do you think will take this news the worst?”

  “Sam,” Ben said without hesitation. He put the car in park, and they stepped out. Sam was leaning against his SUV when Ben reached out his hand.

  “I’m not going to like where this is going, am I?”

  Ben’s lips formed a straight line. “Probably not, but hear Rachel out.”

  Sam held out his hand, motioning for them to move inside. “How are you doing, Rachel?”

  “I’m good, Sam. I hope you will be after this.”

  “I’m trying to be.”

  She nodded and passed him on her way inside. When she opened the back door, Carrie walked into the room. “Hey, Rachel, Ben.”

  “Hey.” Rachel hugged her.

  “Y’all want to talk in the living room?”

  A small smile tilted Rachel’s lips. “Wherever is best. I’ve got a lot I want to tell you.”

  “This way.” They all followed Carrie into the living room and sat around the coffee table.

  Rachel rubbed her hands on her skirt to remove the perspiration forming. She loved Sam and Carrie and didn’t want to upset them. She hoped they could see this was a win/win for everyone. She looked at Sam and then at Carrie, holding her gaze.

  “This is hard, but I’m coming to you with a lot of information and the hope that you’ll agree with the game plan. Several things are yet to happen today, so I can’t tell you everything.”

  Sam held Carrie’s hand but cut his eyes to Ben. “We understand.”

  “First, Carrie, you weren’t the first person this happened to.” Carrie’s hand flew to her mouth. “In fact, and this is strictly for your information only, Beau has a half-sister. All I know is that she’s in Colorado. I don’t know where.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, the mother isn’t willing to testify or come forward. Like you, she’s found a man to love her and her daughter, so she just wants to move on and forget she ever knew Matthew.”

  Carrie nodded. “I can understand that.” She looked at Sam with tears pooling in her eyes.

  He slipped his arm around her. “It’s all right, baby girl.”

  “Including that lady, there were four others dating back to high school. One of those committed suicide. I’ve spoken with her mother, and I understand her feelings. One lady from his college days would be happy to testify, and the other I might be able to persuade to submit a written statement.”

  “So it would be my word against his?”

  “No, but he links us to some other people.”

  Sam looked between Ben and Rachel. “You’re going to use him to get the others, and he walks free?”

  Rachel was shaking her head before Sam finished his question. “No, absolutely not.”

  “Then what are you saying?”

  Rachel pulled the warrants out of her bag. “We’re going to serve these and let him know what he has to lose. If he cooperates, he leaves office, and we highly recommend he also leaves Riverton Crossing so you can live in peace.”

  “And if he doesn’t?”

  “He can spend time in jail with the other two.”

  Sam crossed an ankle over his knee. “And by other two you mean Senator Pickens and Theodore Nobles.”

  Ben nodded. “Yes.”

  Rachel looked at Carrie. “You won’t have to testify. Beau’s father remains your secret. He just won’t get jail time. Truthfully, other than obstruction charges, he may not have gotten jail time anyway. Even though he coerced you into sex, a jury may say that you consented. Corroboration is crucial, and you know how these types of cases can go.”

  Carrie nodded. “So, now what?”

  Rachel took a deep breath. “If he’s made to leave office, and encouraged to move out of Riverton Crossing, will that be enough for you?”

  “What about the others? Will it be enough for them?”

  Rachel shrugged. “I don’t know, Carrie. Matthew falling from grace could possibly be enough.”

  “We would’ve never said anything had he left Carrie and Beau alone,” Sam agreed. “What you’re proposing is enough.”

  “I have your word … both of you. You can’t go back and sue him for anything.”

  Sam and Carrie nodded. “You have our word,” they said at the same time.

  “Thank you.” Rachel looked at Ben. “Looks like we need to serve some search warrants.”

  Sam looked at Ben. “Need me for anything?”

  “Yes, I need you to go to the station and keep your ass there. I need you to make sure you’re seen for the next two hours by as many deputies as you can. I do not want there to be a period of more than ten minutes where someone doesn’t know where you are or can put eyes on you. You cannot be a part of this in any way, shape, or form. Do you understand me?”


  Ben narrowed his eyes. “This is an order, Sam.”

  “Got it, Sheriff.”

  Ben stood and held out his hand for Rachel. She hugged Carrie and Sam. “Thank you both for understanding.”

  Carrie squeezed her. “Thank you for all you’ve done.”

  Sam and Ben shook hands. “You know I just want you clean in all of this,” Ben said.

  Sam smiled. “I know, Ben. I’ll be a good boy and go play nice with my co-workers.”

  “Thank you.” Ben turned to Carrie and gave her a hug. “Thank you for bringing this to us. We would’ve never known had you not brought Matthew into the spotlight.”

  Carrie nodded. “I’m ready for it to be over.”


  It was late afternoon when Ben and Rachel, with a few state and local police officers, showed up at the Cloverville County Prosecutor’s Office. They didn’t stop at the front desk even though Gladys highly protested their entrance. Rachel didn’t knock on the door, nor did she hesitate as she swung it open.

  “Matthew Hightower, I’m here on behalf of the District Attorney’s office. I have warrants to search your office, home, and financial records.”

  “What? I thought we agreed you’d call for us to talk later this afternoon.”

  “We will, but once my boss saw all the information I had for him, he agreed with me that we need more than just a conversation. Will you please step out of your office while these guys gather what they’re looking for?”

  Matthew moved toward the door. “Assistant District Attorney Davis, what is this about?”

  Rachel ignored his question. “Would you like to accompany us to your

  “Yes, no … I don’t want to leave them in my office.”

  “Is there someone you’d like to stay here with them?”

  Matthew looked at Gladys. “Would you stay and lock up when they’re done?”

  “Yes, Mr. Hightower.”

  Ben escorted Matthew out of the office and placed him in the back of his SUV. Matthew leaned forward in the seat, and Ben caught the movement in the rearview mirror. “Sit back. If you approach the bars again, I’ll put you in cuffs.”

  “You can’t do that unless you’re arresting me.”

  Ben cocked his brow. “Don’t give me a reason to.”

  “Rachel, what is this about?”

  “Matthew, once we’ve searched everything, I’ll tell you. Believe me, we’re going to have a long conversation.”

  “I’d like to call my lawyer.”

  Ben smiled. “Why? You’re not under arrest—yet.”

  Matthew sat back in a huff, so Rachel turned to look at him. “A complaint has been filed, Matthew. It’s in your best interest to cooperate with us.”

  Matthew chuckled. “Oh, that’s all, a complaint. Must be some complaint for search warrants to have been issued. When can I call my lawyer?”

  Rachel smiled. “Martin Pickens isn’t going to be able to help you out of this one like he did when you were in high school and college.” Matthew’s eyes grew wide. “That’s right, Matthew. We know all about Martin and Theo and their agreement. We even know about your mother, Martha, Hailey, and Chloe. But the biggest stars in your show are Donna Clark, Donna Bickley, Tracy Long, Pamela Fisher, and Carrie Williams.”

  “Son of a bitch,” Matthew mumbled under his breath.

  Ben pulled into Matthew’s home where three unmarked cars sat with the officers leaning against them. “Do you want to open the door or let them knock it down.”

  “I’ll open the door.”

  Ben stepped to the back door and took Matthew by his upper arm. He fished in his pocket for the house keys to let the officers in. Rachel walked by and slapped the search warrant into his chest. “We’ll be notifying your banks in the morning that we’ll need copies all transactions since you opened the accounts.”

  “This is about Carrie, isn’t it? Deputy Baxter is the reason you’re doing this, right? This is harassment, Sheriff.”

  Ben narrowed his eyes. “No, Mr. Hightower, it isn’t. A complaint was filed, and our investigation has led us on an interesting path. Once the officers have removed your computer and pertinent information, we’ll let you lock up and then we’ll talk in my office.”

  * * *

  Three hours later, Ben, Rachel, and Matthew were sitting in the conference room in the Sheriff’s department. Rachel looked at Matthew and shook her head. “Funny, an investigation into your behavior while in office started in this very room three weeks ago. Three weeks ago, I was shocked by the accusation placed at my doorstep about you. And in the last three weeks, I have been surprised at every turn with the secrets we’ve uncovered.”

  She leaned on her arms resting on the table. “You know your rights, Matthew, or do you want Sheriff Stevens to Mirandize you?”

  “I know my rights, and one of them is to remain silent. That’s what I plan on doing.”

  Rachel nodded. “There will be a deal offered to you today. It’ll be offered once and only once. If you decide to take it, your cooperation wins you no jail time. If you don’t, then, you know…” Rachel cocked her head. “Believe me when I tell you I have the information and the testimony to put you away for a long time if I choose to use it.”

  “I don’t know what information you think you have, but you know as well as I do, I won’t see the inside of a jail cell.”

  Rachel smiled. “What we need to know now is just how much did you know and when.”

  “I think now would be a good time for me to call my attorney.”

  Rachel tilted her head. “Do you mean Martin?”

  Ben chuckled. “Funny, Theodore Nobles asked for Martin too.”

  Matthew’s eyes couldn’t get bigger, nor could he blink faster.

  “That’s right, Matthew. We know all about your relationship with Senator Pickens. If you want an attorney, I suggest you call someone other than the senator. A conflict of interest may exist there.” Rachel looked at Ben. “Why don’t you let him call an attorney while I get waters for us? I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night.”

  Rachel left the room as Ben took Matthew to his office. A few moments later, Matthew was sitting back in the conference room while Rachel and Ben sat in his office.

  Rachel sipped her water. “Who did he call?”

  Ben shrugged. “Some local guy.”

  Rachel nodded. “He can’t bring a cell phone back. I don’t know how far Martin’s connections go. I don’t trust that someone won’t tip him off.”

  Ben nodded. “I agree,” he said just as his phone buzzed.

  “Sheriff, a Mr. Watson is here.”

  “Send him back to my office, please.”

  A few moments later, a stout older man with a combed crossover walked into Ben’s office. “Mr. Watson?”

  The man stuck out his hand. “Sheriff Stevens.”

  “Your client is this way. We’ll give you a few minutes to speak with him, but due to the people involved, you’ll need to leave your cell phone in here. I’m sorry, but I’ll give it to you when you leave.”

  “Thank you, Sheriff.”

  Twenty minutes later, Ben and Rachel joined the two men in the conference room. Rachel sat across from Matthew. “On the way over here, I gave you a list of names that will corroborate the complaint filed against you. If I take this to court, not only will you lose your job, but you’ll face jail time. These people aren’t going away, Matthew.”

  He cleared his throat. “What’s the deal?”

  Rachel held Matthew’s gaze. “I want to know about the arrangement between Senator Pickens, Theodore Nobles, and yourself.”

  Matthew rested his hands on the table. “I didn’t know Theo would go after you like that.”

  Ben’s lips curled. “Don’t you mean your father?”

  Matthew’s gaze bounced between Ben and Rachel. When he was met with impassive eyes, he let out a sigh of resignation. “Yeah, I thought you’d already figured it out.”

  Rachel flipped open a folder. “Let me tell you what else we’ve figured out even before we look at what we gathered from your house. Seems after your father covered up a crime and went to prison, you thought Martin Pickens would get you out of any trouble you got into.” She looked at Matthew and watched his Adam’s apple bob slowly in his throat. “In case you missed that … we’ve got your father on obstruction of justice and as an accomplice to vehicular manslaughter.”


  Rachel held up her hand. “That was just a side note, Matthew. I haven’t even started with you yet.” She looked back at the paper she was reading from. “We know about Donna Clark and the payoff Martin gave them to change their story so you wouldn’t have a record. That could have hurt your chances to get into college as well as law school, don’t you think?” Matthew tensed, and Rachel looked him directly in the eyes. “Did you know she committed suicide because her father thought she was a whore because of you?”

  “What?” Matthew loosened his tie as he held Rachel’s stare. “I didn’t know.”

  “Hmm, something to think about, huh?” She flipped the page. “Then there’s Donna Bickley. Remember her?”

  Mr. Watson looked at Matthew. “You’re better off not saying a word.”

  Matthew rolled his eyes. “We dated our senior year in high school,” he quietly stated.

  “Seems Martin sent her away just like he did your mother when she got pregnant with you.”

  Matthew’s head hung low.

  “Don’t worry, Matthew. Your greatest hits keep right on rolling. Do you remember Pamela Fisher?”

  He raised his head and closed his eyes. Rachel’s v
oice remained impassive. “She was in the law class behind you. Because she filed a complaint against you and refused to retract it when Martin called, she was blackballed by every large law firm in this state. It’s okay, Matthew. She opened her own firm in her hometown. She’s made a decent life for herself, but nothing like what she would’ve had if she went to work for a larger firm.”

  “I never knew what happened to her.”

  “Yes, because you were too busy with the Matthew show.” She flipped the next page. “How about Tracy Long? Granted, she caved to Martin’s threats and landed a job in the Attorney General’s office.”

  Matthew shrugged. “She’s got a good job.”

  “Want to know at what cost? It doesn’t matter how good she is—and believe me her record is good—but she still thinks she has her job because Martin Pickens granted it. Do you know what that feels like? Maybe you do since you got elected with the backing and public support of the man. Do you ever wonder where you would’ve been without him?”

  Matthew’s eyes hardened. “I know exactly where I would’ve been …on a track to Nowheresville just like my old man.”

  “Did you know that Theo readily took the rap for Martin?”

  “Not until he got out.”

  “Did you know why he did it?”

  “To secure my future.”

  Rachel nodded. “And you repay both of these men with your antics.” She waved her hand in the air. “Let’s finish with who you’ve become since being elected. Remember Carrie Williams? Sure you do because you can’t seem to leave her alone.”

  “We had an agreement.”

  “Oh, the agreement where either you got what you wanted or she’d be removed from a position on a murder case? That agreement?” Matthew looked everywhere around the room but at Rachel. She slid the copy of the check toward Matthew. “Maybe this will help jog your memory. Remember authorizing this check?” He looked at it with a blank stare. “That’s right. With the warrant being served tomorrow, we’ll find out whose account this check was drawn on—yours, Martin’s, or Theo’s. Want to save me the trouble?”


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