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Take All of It September 2019

Page 162

by Scarlett Skyes

  I told her it was fine, but really I was fighting down this heavy weight in my stomach that she couldn’t be there to support me. Not only that but, since I had taken the other car so I could come in and prepare for the show, my step-dad Clark was going to be left with no way to get here either. I was going to have to face the talent scout, not to mention the rest of the crowd, all on my own.

  In a way, not having Clark there was just as much of a blow. My brother barely remembered our real dad, and I had no recollection of him at all. Clark had always been the man of the house as far as I was concerned.

  I absolutely idolised him, and even I knew I took it beyond what most people would consider healthy. One time, when he, my mom, and I were all in the living room watching a movie and I had my legs draped over him under a blanket, I got that urge to relieve some of my pent up teenage pressure.

  Thankfully, he seemed engrossed in the movie and didn’t notice what his little princess did, but the sheer taboo of it soon became the basis for my very favourite fantasies. He became a part of them too. Sometimes at night I heard things that made me really jealous of my mom, and I knew deep down that I was a bad girl when I imagined I heard him talking dirty to her but using my name.

  I thought that those utterly forbidden feelings would probably fade away when Todd and I started having sex but, until after the show, they were a simple guilty pleasure. In the meantime, I had to go out on that stage and deliver nothing short of perfection.


  The plans that had begun to come unravelled before the show fell completely to pieces almost immediately afterwards. I was heading back to my changing room, running over every single motion of my body in my mind, trying to remember any errors, anything I could have done better.

  I felt like I’d given it everything I had, I’d held nothing back. The applause was louder than ever, but there was no way of telling if it was good enough for the real professional in the audience.

  With a deep breath, I tried to force myself to not think about it anymore until I’d at least heard from her. When I opened the door, I was greeted by a sight that ruthlessly drove all thoughts of talent scouts out of my mind.

  There, on the near floor and facing the door amidst a scattering of clothes, was the splayed pussy of my closest rival, Suzie, as she got pounded in the reverse-cowgirl position. It would have been bad enough for her to fuck some guy in my changing room, but this wasn’t just any guy. It was Todd.

  Todd started cumming just as I opened the door. The look on his face would have been funny under any other circumstances, he was terrified… but he didn’t want his orgasm to stop either.

  The look on Suzie’s face was more predictable. Even at eighteen, I knew this industry was full of ‘divas’ and Suzie was an absolute queen bitch. She’d been bitter ever since I’d been given the lead in this performance, and it had become almost impossible to work with her after we all found out that I was being scouted.

  She was smiling in triumph, she couldn’t have timed it any better if she had tried. I’d walked in at the very moment she took something special away from me as, no doubt, she thought I had taken from her.

  The moment he finished inside her, Todd started stammering apologies and trying to get up. His words only shook me free of my dumbfounded statue-state and I bent down to pick up my handbag from the chair I'd dropped it on, just inside the door, and I ran for the car, still wearing my leotard and ballet shoes.

  Todd, apparently deciding that running through a theatre and carpark, crowded by happy families, with a fully-erect cock wasn't a good idea, was nowhere in sight when I started the engine and pulled away. Instead of driving to the hotel I'd booked for us both to have our special night, I drove straight home, and the thought made my bottom lip quiver more than once when I lost control and let myself think about it too much.

  By the time I parked the car in the driveway, no amount of reminders about how important it was to concentrate on your driving could keep those images away, and I scampered inside with a lump the size of Texas in my throat. When the front door closed behind me, I saw Clark lean backwards to peer around the doorframe that led into the kitchen.

  "Franceska? What are you..."

  The tears were welling up as I ran for the stairs. I held one hand up to him, to halt the questions, and one over my mouth as if I could clamp down on the sobs and keep them in. I didn't want to explain what Todd had done, I didn't want to explain why I was still in my leotard, I didn't want to explain why tonight was supposed to be so special.

  I closed my bedroom door behind me and sat down on my stool in front of my desk, concentrating hard. Ballet was all about control, control of every aspect of your body, so that the position of every limb, every finger, meant something and told a story. I fought for that control, fought to not let the shock and grief take over.

  I hadn't been at it for more than a couple of minutes before a soft knock and a click indicated that Clark had ignored my vague gestures, coming to console me as I knew he probably would. Reaching up to my cheeks to feel for any tears that might have escaped my eyes, I forced a half-smile onto my lips as I turned my head to look at him.

  "What's wrong, Fran?" he asked.

  "N-nothing, Daddy. I just... I don't think I did well enough to get a place at the Academy." I hoped he bought the lie.

  Clark scrutinised me and frowned. "That's not the truth, is it? You've never danced any other way than perfect, and with all the practice you've done, you'd know you gave it everything even if you didn't make it. I haven't seen anything bring you to tears since you were ten, so what's really going on?"

  I tried to maintain the charade, but his genuinely concerned expression broke me down almost immediately. I knew he cared, I knew he loved me. It was one of the reasons I idolised him so much. I never was any good at lying to him, so I dropped my eyes.

  "Todd... Todd cheated on me."

  "Oh... oh, princess. Look, it's better you found out now rather than later..."

  "I loved him, Daddy! I was going to let him..."

  I shut my mouth with an audible click, hardly believing the truth I'd been about to blurt out. Clark came closer and knelt by my stool, putting one hand on the bare skin of my thigh and using the other to cup my cheek, his thumb stroking my skin as if wiping away the tear that hadn't quite fallen. I leaned into his hand, it was a tangible symbol all the love and support he had always shown me, the kind of love and support I had wanted in a boyfriend.

  "You were going to let him what, Franceska?"

  "I was going to let him be... my first."

  Clark was apparently stronger than wild horses when it came to dragging words out of me. He paused for a moment and I saw his eyes briefly glance down the length of my body, scantily clad in my form-fitting leotard, before returning to my face and pulling me closer.

  I rested my head on his shoulder and his hand moved from my leg to my back, sliding around rather than lifting off and repositioning. His other hand moved to the back of my neck and I felt him shuffle closer to my stool. Strangely, he didn't go to my side, but instead used his hip to push my knee outwards and move between my legs.

  His smell was all around me, that cologne he used that was a mixture of sandalwood and some unknown spice. I inhaled deeply, feeling comforted by his presence, even if his position was causing a few butterflies to flutter away in my stomach.

  Clark moved forward another couple of inches and I felt the small bumps of my breasts just brushing against his chest. I tried to move back a little, knowing that if my upper body was touching his, then he must be perilously close to making contact between my legs with nothing but the skin-tight material between him and my virgin pussy.

  When I tried to move, I felt the pressure of his lower hand increase, holding me in place so incredibly close to his smell, his intoxicating embrace. I could practically feel the heat of him on my sex and my muscles all tensed as I struggled with the confusion.

  One part of me was feeling the excitem
ent of being alone and nearly-undressed with the man who had dominated my fantasies for months now. His hands were on me, he was between my legs for goodness sake! The rest of me tried to shout that part down, calling it insane, he was just being the good daddy he had always been, comforting me during a stressful time.

  Then he turned his head slightly, the faint sensation of stubble tickling my jawline for a moment before his lips were at my ear, and Clark whispered some words I could hardly believe.

  “So. You think you’re ready to be treated like a real woman, Franceska?”

  The tickly shiver from his stubble had barely subsided before a gasp was forced out of me. In shock, I tried to push him away again but he was too strong. Either that or that part of me that had got wet at the very sight of him lately held me back.

  Whatever the reason, I went nowhere and Clark started to speak again with a surprisingly harsh whisper as if he too was holding back some devil on his shoulder that was telling him to forget the pleasantries and do exactly what he wanted. If his words were anything to go by, my virginity had been lucky to make it this far.

  “I knew this day was coming, fuck I’ve been waiting for it, waiting for the second woman in my house to be ready for my cock. I should have fucked you right there on the couch when you rubbed yourself off right in front of me.”

  He couldn’t see it from his position whispering in my ear, but I blushed as if I was a stoplight. It was a humiliating thought… I’d masturbated with my legs draped over my step-dad, with my mom in the room, and he knew it. How could I think I’d gotten away with it?

  “I bet you think I haven’t noticed the way you’ve been looking at me, the way you get all squirmy and excuse yourself to your room. You’ve been thinking about my cock, haven’t you, you sexy little bitch?”

  When I didn’t answer straight away, he closed the last remaining distance between us and I felt the bulge of an undeniably hard cock pressing against my slit through our clothes. I gasped again and my leg muscles twitched, instinctively trying to move me away from this taboo contact, but his hand on my lower back kept us together.

  “D-daddy ,what are you do… oh!”

  Clark rocked his hips and that bulge moved ever so slightly against me, sending a jolt of electric pleasure shooting into me that cut off my question as surely as an off-switch. Todd had made sure to grind his own clothed bulge against me whenever he could, but I’d never let him touch between my legs, not like this. I was wholly unprepared for the way it made me feel.

  My step-father was right, I had been thinking about his cock, but to actually have it pressed against me was mind-blowing. At the same time it was so wrong, so very wrong, he was married to my mom!

  “Daddy… we can’t… you can’t…”

  Clark ground against me slightly harder and pulled back until I had to raise my head and look at him. He moved close until our noses were touching, his eyes staring deep into mine as our breaths puffed out on to each other.

  “My house, my rules, Franceska. You’re old enough to do what you were born to do now, so if you want to live here, you do what I say. If I want to fuck, you fuck.”

  I’d never heard him use such harsh language before, this was the man who had raised me as a proper little lady, drilling good manners into me from a young age. It was like everything changed the moment I had said I’d been about to have sex.

  Despite the war waging inside me, my body and the rebellious part of my mind teaming up against common sense, I managed to force out the beginning of a protest.

  “I can’t…”

  Clark kissed me. His lips touched against mine almost gently at first and then he pulled me deeper into the kiss with that hand he still had curled around the back of my neck.

  I didn’t know kisses could be like that. Todd’s had been passionate, sure, but urgent as if he was afraid I might tell him to stop at any moment so he wanted to get as much in as he could before that happened. Clark was just as passionate, but so much more powerful and as the kiss went deeper and deeper and his tongue danced with mine, I thought he might actually leave me breathless.

  When our lips parted with the wet sound of broken suction, I was indeed left panting for air and my weak defence was pretty much melted to nothing. The kiss left me feeling like I’d been swept away, leaving behind nothing but bad-Franceska to make decisions.

  “You’re going to give me exactly what I want, aren’t you?” he asked.

  “Um… OK, Daddy,” I breathed.

  “Good girl.”

  Clark pulled me into another kiss, waiting until I was eagerly kissing him back before moving both of his hands to my thighs and sliding upwards until he sneaked his fingers under the elastic of my leotard and cupped my ass firmly. With his grip secured, he pulled my sex against that mind-clouding bulge even harder.

  “It’s my first time, be gentle, OK?” I asked when our lips parted for a second time.

  “If you’re going to be one of my women, you’re going to get fucked like one of my women, Franceska. You take what I give you until you’re a squealing mess. First you’re going to suck my cock with those pretty red lips of yours, though. Your face was made for fucking, and I want you to see what a good little cocksucker you are in the mirror.”

  I glanced in the direction of my wardrobe. When I’d begun to show real promise in ballet, my mom and Clark had spared no expense installing (almost) floor-to-ceiling mirrors on my wardrobe doors, so I could analyse my movements if I suddenly got the urge.

  “On your knees. I’m going to fucking enjoy this.”

  Clark stood and pulled me off the stool, standing side-on to the wardrobe. Almost in a daze, I dropped to my knees and stole another glance at the mirror.

  What I saw there was captivating. All the effort that went into my make-up and the tight bun my hair was tied up in for every recital had always secretly made me feel like some kind of little princess, but the little princess in that mirror was kneeling in front of a man who meant to use her for all the pleasure he could take. I thought it was sexy as fuck.

  “Take it out,” he commanded.

  With shaking hands, I reached up to his jeans and undid the button before slowly pulling the zip downwards. My heart was thundering in my chest as if it was going to break though when I tugged his jeans to his knees and curled my fingers inside the waistband of his boxers.

  I pulled the elastic up and over the tip of the huge erection that was tenting the material and the muscles in my arms went nearly limp when I caught sight of what I’d asked him to be ‘gentle’ with. Hard and straight, it towered over me ominously. There was no being gentle with a cock like that.

  I looked to the mirror, just to check if I was hallucinating, as if the size of his cock would magically be different there. It wasn’t.

  “Suck it,” he said.

  “I’ve never… done that before, Daddy.”

  “With lips like that, you’ll be a natural. Now do it.”

  I licked said lips and nervously reached out to touch his dick for the first time, marvelling at just how small my hands looked when I tried to curl my fingers around his girth. It was surprisingly difficult to pull it down far enough to aim at my mouth, but I wasn’t tall enough to get to the tip and still remain on my knees, and I had a feeling he expected me to stay like that, subservient in front of him.

  My mouth opened just as much from awe and disbelief as from intentionally making space for Clark’s cock. Just before I felt it make contact I saw a sparkly bead of pre-cum right at the tip, which smeared on my lower lip for a moment as the head of his erection slid on to my tongue.

  “Oh fuuuuuuuuuuck,” sighed Clark. “You look so God damned hot with my cock in your mouth. I knew you would. Lick all around and get sucking, Fran.”

  I did as he instructed, swirling my tongue all around the engorged tip of his shaft before tentatively starting to bob my head like I’d seen a porn star do in a video. The bumpy ridge pushed my lips out for a moment before I moved my head forw
ard again and once more felt the head on my tongue.

  With that sweet mixture of my saliva and his pre-cum making everything slide nicely, I gradually began to move my head up and down faster, my eyes trained upwards to watch Clark’s reaction to everything I was doing, in case I was doing it all wrong. His expression told me everything I needed to know, and his completely depraved commentary added a blush-inducing spice to it all.

  Gaining confidence, I gripped his shaft with both hands, my left hand just far enough down so as to stop his cock from going too far in and making me gag. With that safety net I was able to pick up the pace even more and I swelled with pride when Clark started making all these sighs and grunts of satisfaction, as if I was sucking them out of him like a pro.

  I took my eyes away from him to see the scene in the mirror and the surreal quality of it made me slow down again. There I was, me, on my knees in front of Daddy with his huge cock in my mouth, sucking it just like he told me to. It was absolutely insane.

  All the make-up, the ballerina outfit, the hair, made me feel all the naughtier for having a big dick in my mouth. Clark brought his hands to the side of my head, mostly cutting off my view of the mirror and making me concentrate on what I was doing again as he began to meet the bobs of my head with thrusts of his own.

  The shaft of his cock was getting more and more slippery as that lubricating mixture leaked from my mouth and, with him pushing forwards the way he was, I soon felt my hands begin to slide and the inevitable happened, the tip of his cock brushed against the back of my throat. Fighting a mild gag reflex I tried to pull back, but Clark held my head firm, continuing to thrust as if nothing had happened.

  I pushed on his hips, my safety net now completely abandoned, and Clark kept on fucking my face relentlessly, each thrust seeming to hit the back of my throat even harder. I coughed and struggled, looking up at him imploringly with my eyes beginning to water.

  “Hands down, Franceska. Right now! This is something you have to learn.”


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