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Take All of It September 2019

Page 204

by Scarlett Skyes

  Glancing around the room, I saw confusion on a lot of the faces of her students. I wasn't in much of a better position, as it suddenly seemed as if there was more credence in my absurd thoughts.

  Reese picked up her clipboard, and took a heaving breath. "But there was still a hard choice. It ultimately came down to something intangible - chemistry. Yes, chemistry. It's not just about combining chemicals, there's an unseen factor in human relations, of how we work with one another. This applies to sex as well."

  She glared up toward Patrick.

  "First, I'd like to announce my choice for our male participant. Patrick Keaton, if you would come to the front of the room."

  I turned my head and watched as Patrick stood, carefully pushing his chair in. He was taking deep breaths. I wasn't the only one nervous as all hell about this. He walked down, and took a place next to Professor Reese, who started to pace around him.

  "Ladies in the room, raise your hands if you find Patrick here sexy. I want honesty from all of you. One of the parts of signing up for this class is that we don't be shy about what we find attractive." It was almost unanimous. Nearly every girl had her hand up, and even two or three of the guys. I meekly raised my own, and noticed that Professor Reese had hers up as well. "Good, good."

  The blood rushed to Patrick's face. It wasn't everyday the teacher asked everyone to rate your sexiness like some sort of tacky website.

  "Patrick here is in the prime of his life. Strong, potent, virile, He's what, if humans practiced such cattle-like ideas, would be called prime breeding stock." Reese ran her hand over his arms, petting him, and running her fingers over his hands. I could feel the nervous sensations he was feeling, it was almost overwhelming. "But we all know that breeding isn't all about the man. It takes two to tango if you will. That's why I requested a female volunteer as well."

  I swallowed. Was it going to be me? Did I want it to be me? I did want to be closer to Patrick, and I had ideas that no matter what it was Professor Reese had planned, I'd be getting very, very close to him.

  "Abby Thomas. Please come down to the front of the room."

  I stared at Professor Reese. I didn't move, my muscles weren't working.


  With great will, I managed to move my leg, and then my head. The whole room had brought their eyes down on me, watching as I struggled to stand, and stumble down the stairs to the front of the room. Reese was there to throw her arm over my shoulder, and comfort me in my time of nervousness.

  She made sure I was facing the room before continuing her lecture. "Same question for Abby, boys, - and girls, given the response for Patrick. Do you find her sexy?" Hands shot up, all over the room. Only one boy in the entire room didn't raise his hand, and he was crossing his arms with a scowl on his face, so I got the idea nothing would please him anyway. Four girls had their hand up, and one flashed me her tongue making a phone gesture. Professor Reese had her hand up as well, but the most important hand in the room was right next to me - Patrick's, and it was way above him.

  Reese took her hand off me and stood in front of us. Patrick and I exchanged glances, us having one important thing in common between us right now. We were both nervous as hell and didn't know what was to come.

  "Abby, much like Patrick, is prime breeding material. Healthy, nice breasts that her children - and lover - will love, good thighs. The only evolutionary flaw could be her glasses, signifying her nearsightedness. But this is human sexuality of course, we're more complex creatures that trying to find the best physical traits in our mates. The glasses add a quality of cuteness, kindness, telling you something about her without her saying anything."

  I just thought it made me a dork no one wanted to hang out with. Very few people paid Ms. Reese any mind. The eyes of the classroom were curiously on Patrick and I, pondering just what was coming our way.

  "Of course," The professor continued, "Why am I going on and on about this? Human sexuality is so firmly rooted in our primal nature, it influences everything we do. And why is it such? Simple. Procreation. We live to breed, to pass on our genes, we look to find a mate to build a family with. Some of us shun this path, but the vast majority of everyday people are driven by finding the perfect man or woman in their lives. Every act, from the first flirtations to the final climax is driven by this."

  On and on about procreation. All those questions about my fertility. No birth control, I was ovulating. I was a perfect candidate.

  "Anyone paying these two any attention whatsoever these past few days can see they can't keep their eyes off eachother. Too bashful to pull the trigger, I think we're going to give them an ice breaker, by examining the mating habits of the human male and female this morning. That's right, I'm going to help Abby and Patrick conceive a child."

  Her smile was slight, as if she didn't just say something as crazy as what she just said. Over the classroom, confused and bewildered glances were exchanged.

  "I know this sounds controversial, but this was the purpose of the non-disclosure agreement, as well as the contracts Abby and Patrick signed. I have complete cooperation from the university's faculty for my lessons, so no one has to worry anything about us doing anything that would be considered illegal."

  My breathing matched my heart rate. I connected all the dots. I wasn't ready to be a mother. That contract, though. It said I agreed to follow Professor Reese's orders without question. Even still, there was Patrick.

  He couldn't even look me right in the eyes. He wasn't going to be carrying a child, but this was still completely nuts for him.

  "So, my faithful volunteers." She spun around to face us. "I'm going to need you to strip. You can't procreate very well fully clothed."

  "In front of everyone?" I meekly responded.

  "Why, yes, of course. If I let you two go do things in a back room, no one's going to learn anything. Get used to showing off your body, Abby. You'll learn it's really quite beautiful." She stepped toward me, and placed a hand onto my abdomen. "It'll be even more beautiful as your belly grows. A lot of people find that motherly bump sexy as hell."

  I just entered into an agreement with a crazy person. You know what, Abby? You probably knew more than anyone else what this could have led to. You saw the videos. You still signed the papers. "Oh - okay." I meekly kicked off the sandals I was wearing that day. It was a start.

  Patrick heaved, and started untying his sneakers, placing them off to the side. He was probably more conditioned to being naked in front of others, I'd bet he had been in locker rooms throughout his high school career, and he didn't really fight too hard in taking off his shirt, revealing that the firmness of his arms didn't lie. There was a rippling yummy chest underneath, shaved. If I wasn't scared shitless, I'd go over there and trace my fingers over those pecs.

  "Note how Abby is devouring Patrick with her eyes." Reese began to explain. "She's been crushing on him for the past two days, and is now enjoying what she's been wanting to see. If she wasn't already panicking from the fear of what was about to happen to her, her heart rate would be increasing with mild arousal from seeing a healthy, attractive man in front of her."

  Was she going to narrate everything I was feeling? Did she do this often? She was right, as I didn't want to take my eyes off him as he started to undo his jeans, and slide them down his legs, revealing that his choice of undergarments were practical boxer briefs. Even his legs were sexy, just lean muscle everywhere. I'd file the sight away for later fantasies, no matter what was about to happen.

  "Feel free to admire Patrick too girls - and guys - he really is quite the specimen." Patrick flashed a half-hearted smile. Reese turned back to me. "Well, Abby? We're still waiting for you."

  I'd opted for a t-shirt and some skinny jeans myself that day. I've had my hands at the bottom of my shirt for awhile, trying to work up the guts to pull it over my head. I had to psych myself up. Big sis said you have wonderful breasts - and they all thought you were sexy. I kept repeating it as I began to pull the shirt up and
over, revealing my plain, black utilitarian bra. As I threw the garment down, I glanced over to the crowd, all eyes on me, whether if they wanted me or not. As was Patrick's. His eyes shifted in a way that gave me a loud and clear message - he liked what he saw.

  Bottom. I thanked myself for wearing clean panties today, as I undid the button. I tried to call back to a yoga class I attended once, to control my breathing, calm myself, as I began to push the denim down and let it slide around my bare ankles. I stepped out of them, and placed them nicely to the side. I closed my eyes, trying to pretend that if I couldn't see them they couldn't see me, my mind shouting at me that the notion of that was idiotic. I wanted to be in denial a little longer.

  "I think they're looking even better than they have before, aren't they class?" Reese acted as cheerleader, raising her hands, and getting some positive vibes sent our way. Cat calls, though, just reminded me that I was a good girl. The nerd. The nerd doesn't get naked in front of her class. The professor patted me on the back. "Now come on you two, off with the rest of it. I need some naked bodies, not underwear models. You're going to be spending a good deal of the next year in front of us nude, so you're going to have to get over your modesty sooner rather than later."

  She was right, of course. I could run out of the classroom screaming, yes. I'd ruin my academic career before even starting it. I glanced over at Patrick, as he was quicker to get over himself. I watched as the first cock I ever saw in person sprung out as he slid the garment down. I wanted that. I wanted to experience that. I had no idea if I'd ever be able to outside this classroom.

  Cheers from some of the girls as they admired the now fully naked Patrick. He got in the thick of things, showing a bit of pride, hands on his hips, having a good excuse to whip it at the girls. I realized his bravado was simply a mask, trying to be cool in front of a tense situation, get laughs, put off the thoughts that you had to fuck in front of your entire class.

  Soon enough, eyes were back on me. I didn't have the bravado to urge myself forward. I kept telling myself that I shouldn't be afraid, that they loved me. In an instant, I snapped the latch of the bra. My hands covered the cups. Closing my eyes, entering my childish world of denial again, I lowered the bra away from my boobs, letting them hang loose. Honestly, I hated my bra, and loved the sudden freedom I was feeling. Just I didn't typically embrace this freedom with my classmates getting an eyeful of my nipples.

  "Check these out, class." Professor Reese suddenly got very hands on with her lesson. Her hand covered my breast, running a finger over my areola. I gasped, enjoying the little tingling that spread through my body. It was the first time someone besides my doctor had ever touched them. "Aren't these wonderful? Breasts are great things. Sensitive, tender, a great source of pleasure, on top of the practical purpose they bring. Big ones like these are good indicators that Abby here is going to be a wonderful mother."

  That term still stung my psyche. I was nineteen. Motherhood wasn't in my short term plans.

  "How about the rest of you? We can't teach a lesson on reproduction if you insist on wearing panties, Abby."

  God. The biggest secret for me weighed heavily on my mind. The thing is, relatively, I wasn't that scared of exposing myself to my class.

  I was scared of my class finding out that I was enjoying doing so.

  Somewhere in psyching myself up, telling myself I was sexy, repeating it, I started to believe it. That after years of only negative attention from others about my appearance, I had blossomed into a beautiful swan, who wanted to share her new-found beauty with everyone.

  I was soaking wet, and I wouldn't be able to hide it.

  "Abby? Would you remove your panties please?" She draped her arm around me.

  Thumbs into the waistbands, I pushed them down, got it over with. The panties hit the ground, and I stared at them, not wanting to watch everyone gawk at me, even though I was more than certain they were.

  "Ah, now we can see her genitals, and that she is highly aroused, her labia spreading its lips for us and producing its own lubrication, making it easier for a penis to penetrate her. Can anyone in class present an explanation for her excitement?" Reese stepped away from me and pointed at the class.

  "She's - uh, a slut?" One guy suggested, stinging me.

  "Let's be nice. Abby and Patrick are volunteers here. A less profane answer?"

  "We're all looking at her?" A girl suggested, a more honest response.

  "Closer to the mark. This is the wonderful yet confusing thing about human sexuality. We create situations that honestly, should bring us no stimulation." She paced away from me. "Such as being naked in a public space. Abby here is in her natural state, as God or nature or whatever you believe intended her. Yet she is excited by it. Aren't we, Abby?"

  "Yes." I murmured, remembering my agreement to honesty.

  "Because we have created a taboo. We aren't suppose to be naked except around those closest to us. When we share our bodies so freely, most people are frightened, even if there is no reason to be. For some, the idea that they are being bad, breaking society's rules fills them with excitement. And sometimes, shame from their excitement. Abby here, much like myself, has an exhibitionist streak that she may have never even known about."

  She was completely right. My body had become the new toy I wanted to share with everyone. Of course, I didn't want to admit to it. I was a good girl. A virgin. Virgins don't gleefully show their bodies to their class.

  Professor Reese continued her hands on approach to education, her fingers sliding over my slit, tingling me ever so slightly with her light touch. Firmer she became as she intruded into my pussy, her finger pressing back against my walls, the friction and wetness shuddering all over. I heaved a breath, the ripples roaming through me, and the intrusion of fingers stopping so soon. With a finger still in me, she brought her mouth to my ear, speaking soft enough so that only I could hear. "So you are a virgin. I was pretty sure you weren't lying, but you can't always be sure."

  Past her head, I glanced over at my lab partner for the day. Patrick watched with great intent as my teacher molested me, his hand shaking, wanting to touch himself but his mind reminding him that it's inappropriate to do so in public.

  "Do - do I have to do this?" I asked my teacher, barely above a whisper.

  "Stop worrying. I'll make sure your first time is something that you're going to remember for many years to come." Her thumb rubbed my clit for a sudden surge through my core, her own unique way of teaching me what was coming. I stifled my moans out of embarrassment for my plight as my professor continued to fingerfuck me. Her voice rose to meet the class again. "Abby here is more than ready. There are so many indicators. Class? What do you see besides the wet pussy?"

  "Her nipples are rock hard."

  "She's fighting to not moan in front of us."

  "Her pupils are dilated!" Everyone in the room turned to the girl who had called that out. "What? I already read the textbook. Not my fault you don't have the same passion for this I do."

  "Right." Professor Reese continued, her fingers still pumping in and out of me, as if it were no different than writing on a chalkboard. "Good. You're all not oblivious that there's more to arousal than a hard cock. Speaking of which..."

  I forced out another gasp as her fingers suddenly left my pussy. Subconsciously, my fingers went to replace hers, liking the stimulation. I fought to stop myself, remembering Patrick's own struggle for decency. I mean, people were watching me.

  Reese, using the hand covered with my juices, grabbed Patrick by the cock, which wasn't yet fully hard. It quivered a bit from her touch, and more as the professor slathered the wetness all over him, grabbing him and guiding him. "Abby, if you would please get down on your knees."

  I glared at my teacher. Did - did she want me to? I obliged, knowing that I had agreed to her terms. One knee, then the other, and she pulled Patrick forward, his cock and balls right at the level of my mouth. The musk of his scent filled my nostrils, hinting vaguely of
sweat, but it wasn't repulsive in the slightest. It was oddly enticing, actually.

  "Oral sex. Truly, from an evolutionary standpoint, it serves no obvious purpose, beyond the social bond formed by the two participants. It is a selfless act to do for another, an act with no immediate reciprocation. But we do it, and we love to do it, don't we Abby?"

  "I - I don't know." I replied, eying Patrick's cock, which Reese had released. It trembled in the cool air of the room. A curious first timer, I admired every detail, wanting to do my own in-depth study of it.

  "You want to please Patrick, don't you? You want him to like you, so that he'll do things with you, of romantic and lusty nature?" Reese stood at my side, arms crossed, observing me.


  "Then what do you want to do, Abby?"

  I swallowed. "Suck his cock."

  "Good. Why not give it a try?"

  My fingers shot out, and ran my hand over his flesh, the whole package shuddering from my touch. My eyes eased up to him, Patrick looking down with a strange emotional cocktail of concern and desire. He was about to get blown by the girl he was crushing on, isn't this what all boys want? I turned my focus to the heat under my fingertips. It was something I'd never enjoyed before, but was curious to further explore.

  "Why not try using your tongue to start with?" Reese suggested, taking on the teacher role in a way I never expected. I snaked my tongue through my lips, and down to the sack, and gave it a curious lick. The sound of a gasp out of Patrick. He liked that, so I did it again, longer, thicker licks all around his balls. I teased the base of the shaft, holding his slowly rising cock up to get at him, and then dragging my tongue up each nerve of the underside, tasting his flesh and enjoying his staggered breathing.

  Out of the corner of my sight, I noticed the whole room watching me intently sucking my first cock. There's no turning back after you've seen someone at their most base and sexual, and I was somewhat anxious that I'd be seeing these people almost every day for the rest of the year. They'd know that no matter how sweet I outwardly presented myself, I was, deep down, a filthy cocksucker. For the first time, a smile came to my face as I laid a kiss right on the head of Patrick's dick.


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