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Tall, Dark, and Lonesome

Page 29

by Debra Dixon

  Duncan stomped into the cockpit to sit with her and Andrew. After he slammed the door, Elgiva tilted Kincaid’s head to a comfortable position and resisted an urge to smooth the hair Duncan had mussed. She stood quickly. “Best go and get your mask, Robbie. Duncan will pounce on the least excuse to complain.”

  Rob gripped Elgiva’s arm and gazed hard into her eyes. “It’s not too late for you to put on a mask too. We could change the plans.”

  She shook her head. “I suspect that Kincaid looked me over verrry well when I preened in front of his silly little one-way mirror. I don’t think he’s the kind of man who’d forget the details of his kidnapper’s face.” She hugged her brother and swallowed hard to keep the tears out of her voice. “It has to be this way, Robbie. If we get what we want, I won’t be sorry. Sssh, now, you big-hearted brute.”

  She stood back and shook him lightly by the shoulders, as if he were still smaller than she. His handsome, angular features tightened with sorrow, and Elgiva tried to distract him. “Robbie, I think Mr. Kincaid’s got you beat. He must be a good centimeter taller.”

  “Och! No!” Rob’s eyes glittered with dismay, as she’d expected. “The thieving bastard’s naught but a midget next to myself!”

  “We’ll bring him down a notch or two. Don’t fret.” Douglas Kincaid’s dog licked her hand anxiously.

  “Sssh, now, he’ll be fine,” she said soothingly, stroking the dog’s broad, golden head. “It’s me you should be worrying over, lad. I won’t get out of this as well off as you and your grand friend here.”

  Rob touched her arm. “Go up and sit with the others, Ellie. I’m going to change his clothes.”

  “No. I’ll help.” At Rob’s grim silence she glanced up. “Brother of mine, I was married for twelve years, you know. A man’s body is nothing new to me. And if I’m going to be alone with this one for a whole month, I’ll probably see more of him than I ever wanted.”

  He cursed softly. “I must have been crazy when we decided this plan. A true man wouldn’t let his sister—”

  “A true man knows when his sister is the best choice for a job. Now stop worrying!”

  “If anything goes awry—”

  “I’ll have done what my heart and soul told me to do. Now come. Let’s get this great, vain beast into some practical clothes.”

  Together they began undressing Douglas Kincaid. By the time they finished Elgiva was quivering inside from touching him, and she knew for certain that living alone with him for the next month would be more dangerous than she’d ever imagined.


  61–63 Uxbridge Road, London W5 5SA

  A Random House Group Company


  Version 1.0 Epub ISBN 9781446488850

  Copyright © 1993 by Debra Dixon

  Excerpt from Remember the Time by Annette Reynolds copyright © 1997 by Annette A. Reynolds.

  Excerpt from The Vow by Juliana Garnett copyright © 1998 by Juliana Garnett.

  Excerpt from This Fierce Splendor by Iris Johansen copyright © 1988 by Iris Johansen.

  Excerpt from The Baron by Sally Goldenbaum copyright ©1987 by Sally Goldenbaum.

  Excerpt from Lightning that Lingers by Sharon and Tom Curtis copyright © 1983 by Thomas Dale Curtis and Sharon Curtis.

  Excerpt from Dream Lover by Adrienne Staff copyright © 1995 by Adrienne Staff.

  Excerpt from Legends by Deborah Smith copyright © 1990 by Deborah Smith.

  Debra Dixon has asserted their right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

  This book is a work of fiction and, except in the case of historical fact, any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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  Table of Contents


  About the Book

  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  About the Author

  About Loveswept

  Excerpt from Annette Reynolds’s Remember the Time

  Excerpt from Juliana Garnett’s The Vow

  Excerpt from Iris Johansen’s This Fierce Splendor

  Excerpt from Sally Goldenbaum’s The Baron

  Excerpt from Sharon and Tom Curtis’s Lightning That Lingers

  Excerpt from Adrienne Staff’s Dream Lover

  Excerpt from Deborah Smith’s Legends





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