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Starborn (The Order of Orion Book 1)

Page 12

by Samantha Jane

  He drew in a slow breath. Did she have someone she wished to marry? There’d been no evidence of a current relationship, but then they had missed she was Starborn, so anything was possible.

  “It can be difficult for a Starborn to marry,” he said carefully. “Hiding an ability from family can be hard, but hiding it from a partner for the rest of your life is a burden many chose to avoid.”

  Willow bit her lip as she processed his answer. “Starborn tend not to marry?”

  “If Starborn marry, it is often to another Starborn.”

  “Oh, that makes sense, I guess.”

  He steered the conversation back to safer topics and it soon grew late. Despite his best efforts, his mind kept turning to the sleeping arrangements. Any hot-blooded male would surely be doing the same, he told himself.

  “Let’s turn in for bed,” he said.

  When her face flushed bright pink, he babbled like a school boy. “We’ve got early morning training. You need your rest.”

  “Can I grab a shower first, if that’s okay?” she asked.

  All he could do was nod.

  After she closed the door to the bathroom, he removed his jeans and T-shirt. Usually he slept naked, but tonight he would keep his boxers on. Another change to his routine thanks to the Council. He turned out the light and lay in bed listening to the shower. She was under his protection as a mentor, but his body craved her presence. And his mind, his mind imagined her getting undressed, stepping naked into the steaming shower. He sat up and punched his pillow into a more comfortable shape before rolling onto his side to face away from the bathroom and all the temptations it offered.

  Like most rooms at the Sanctuary, there were no windows, but he stared at the dull glow from the emergency light. He tried to distract his body by thinking of boring things at work. He cursed the Council again. When the shower turned off, his imagination ran wild. He thought of her tall, lithe body wet from the shower, of her long legs as she dried them with a towel. Her full breasts as she patted them dry. Her nipples hardening as they cooled in the night air. He groaned silently and turned over to lie on his back.

  The bathroom door opened and he heard her soft footsteps as she padded toward the futon. The sound of the sheets being turned back and the bed depressing as she hopped in was one of the sexiest sounds he’d heard in a long time. Maybe that was it. He’d kept himself too far removed from everyday life at the Sanctuary, always accepting missions that took him far away. Far away from his fellow Starborn, far away from possible connections and relationships.

  Maybe it was time for another one night stand out in the ordinary world. Someone to ease the loneliness that occasionally crept up on him. Someone to distract him from the danger of a gorgeous redhead who would rather argue than listen.

  Hours later he lay in bed still wide awake. The sexual ache he fought made sleep impossible. Willow was a walking, talking, and it seemed even a sleeping fire alarm. For the thousandth time he cursed the Council for their manipulations, but he knew he would be tossing and turning for different reasons if she’d been assigned to another male mentor. With him or with another, he guessed the problem would be the same—his safe, orderly life was in jeopardy.

  Willow had been restless herself when she had first gotten into bed, but for the last hour all had been quiet. Again he asked himself, how the hell was he going to do this for two weeks?

  At the sound of rustling sheets, his desire kicked into overdrive. He strained to listen. When he heard her footsteps, his body reacted. Listening eagerly, he tried to relax and keep his breathing even.

  She walked over to his cupboard. Not to his bed.

  The heavy fog of arousal vanished immediately.

  She was rummaging through his clothes. Her shadow was barely visible, but he could see her dressing in his clothing. Faced away from him, he swallowed when she pulled off her red neophyte shirt and saw her naked back. Quickly she pulled on one of his black T-shirts and then a pair of his black sweat pants.

  She was taking off.

  The little fool, where did she expect to go?

  The island was hundreds of miles from the coast of Canada. Any boats were under tight security. It would be impossible for her to get away without being hurt or killed. He almost called out and then thought the better of it. He remained quiet and waited to see her next move. She walked past him, quietly brazen. The apartment door opening and clicking shut a moment later.



  Willow’s heart thumped wildly as she peered down the corridor. The harsh fluorescents were now off and tracks of LED lights lined the floor. She followed them cautiously, hoping everyone else was asleep. It had been easy to stay awake, thanks to lying only a few feet away from Lucas. The glimpse into his private life tonight had appealed to her in more ways than she cared to think about.

  Footsteps sounded up ahead and she quickly turned and took another direction. She found an alcove and waited, listening for the direction the rhythmic tapping was headed. When the sound faded, she continued on. Her breathing was alarmingly loud as she made her way past room after room. She prayed she would remember the direction to the research lab, prayed she would find information about Eve.

  The last few days had been surreal, and this was saying something, after years of sensing and sometimes affecting other people’s emotions. She smiled inwardly when she thought of how her own ability seemed to be one of the less impressive abilities at the Sanctuary. Then she thought of Serena’s invisible dock and fire parlor tricks and her spiteful smile. It was unsettling to be around someone who could manipulate another’s mind so easily. Paige’s terror today had been real, even if the fire hadn’t. For someone to have such control over another was frightening. She hoped the coming days of training would help her build her defenses against other Mercurian Starborn. No way did she want someone like Serena messing with her sense of reality.

  And she had to admit that she also wouldn’t mind being on a more equal footing with Lucas. Not that she’d ever felt threatened by him. But she hated to think she might be defenseless to any memory manipulation he might attempt. She wanted to trust his promise that her ability and that of the other neophytes would grow stronger with the induction training. She thought of Paige and prayed he was right. Fear and self-disgust was something Willow had worked hard to overcome, and she hoped Paige could do the same.

  Willow slowed and glanced over her shoulder. She thought she’d heard footsteps again, but listening, she could only hear the faint hum from an air-conditioning unit. Ahead lay the communal dining room, and if she remembered correctly, a little further the research lab. Please let there be some clue to Eve’s whereabouts. So what if Lucas said the research team had searched and had found nothing so far, she had to try for herself. Lucas had said the lab used cutting-edge technology to search through the Internet and identify Starborn related events. Surely it would be better than her repeated Google searches and hospital record snooping.

  A crack of light ahead indicated the lights were still on in the research lab. As she neared its entrance, Willow kept close to the corridor wall. The room was silent, but she couldn’t take any chances accidentally walking in on someone. Stopping outside the doorway, she focused all her energy on searching for any nearby emotional auras.

  When she detected nothing, she took a quick peek around the doorway and into the window. Empty. The lights were on, but the chairs in front of the monitors were all empty. A large computer screen dominated one wall. Earlier in the day, it had flashed up images of people and various locations. Now, all the monitors were black and quiet, switched off for the evening. She crept in and slid into a seat in front of one of the many desktop computers.

  She hit a button on the keyboard. Password? Although she wasn’t a hacker, her years spent in the Internet ether had taught her people used ridiculously easy passwords. She silently prayed here was the same as she commenced a dictionary attack to try and crack their system.

  A few m
inutes later she felt a presence behind her. Her fingers stilled over the keyboard.

  Slowly she turned around. Lucas stood with his arms folded across his chest, his face grim and thunder in his eyes. His emotional footprint was shielded, but she didn’t need to sense it to know he was seriously pissed.

  “You shouldn’t be in here,” he ground out. “If you’re found out of quarters at night, there are serious penalties.”

  She rose to stand chest to chest with Lucas, wanting to brave it out. “I. Don’t. Care.” With her chest heaving from the adrenalin of being caught, she tried to look nonchalant.

  “You should care,” he said softly. “The punishment can be severe.”

  She regretted her decision to stand so close to him. Inhaling his masculine scent, her body pulsed with sudden desire. He unfolded his arms and her eyes were drawn to his tanned biceps as they flexed. The concern in his voice tugged at her heart. Suddenly she wanted to know about things that weren’t about her sister or Council punishments. But about what was happening between them. Here and now. As his green eyes stared into her own, she shivered with anticipation and she tried to slow her racing heart.

  “Willow, I—” He was interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming along the corridor.

  She had only a brief moment to wonder who it could be before he reached out and pulled her up against his body.

  He whispered into her ear, “Trust me,” before he leaned down and kissed her hard on the lips.

  Breathless and surprised, Willow allowed him to plunder her mouth and take what he wanted. Because it was what she wanted, what she desperately needed. As the kiss deepened, her hands climbed up and she clung to his broad shoulders. In the back of her mind, she knew this was a show for whoever was walking toward the lab. But she didn’t care. She allowed herself to enjoy the hard feel of his body pressed against hers. His hands left a trail of fire as they ran down the length of her back before sliding over her bottom and then moving upward again. His kiss was hard and demanding, and she moaned as her body greedily pressed up against his.

  Reality, which had been so delightfully paused for a minute, came crashing back at the sound of a throat clearing. He gave her a gentle squeeze of warning before stepping back. The loss of his lips and his hot embrace left her spinning. She was sure her face was a brilliant shade of beetroot as she tried to compose herself.

  Serena leaned casually against the door jam. “Well, well. What have we here?”

  “What does it look like?” said Lucas, his tone light and playful.

  Willow almost did a double take, but kept herself still. He was trying to cover for her, and she wasn’t about to throw it in his face.

  “It looks like a bit of fun,” said Serena, smiling. “Just like what we used to do, remember Lucas?”

  Lucas tensed beside her.

  Serena continued to eye them both. “Yes, a momentary bit of fun.”

  “She couldn’t sleep after your little fire exhibit, so we were reviewing some of the history of Mercuria.”

  Even to Willow it sounded like a lame excuse and Serena didn’t accept it kindly. “Oh, is that right? Nothing you couldn’t look at in your room on your tablet?”

  “It was my fault,” Willow said in a rush. “I begged Lucas to take me for a walk.”

  Serena nodded as though she was thankful for Willow’s explanation, but her next words showed contempt. “My dear, Lucas is not in trouble. I have no doubt he’s been running around after you since you were on The Order’s hit list.”

  “Hit list?” Willow repeated back, desperately hoping she’d misunderstood the Starborn.

  Serena’s dark eyes glittered. “He hasn’t told you?”

  Betrayal sliced through Willow, sharper than any hurt she’d experienced in a long time. Slowly, she turned to face Lucas, who was glowering at Serena. “Lucas? What does she mean?”

  He turned away from Serena, and when his eyes met hers and she saw the truth, the pain intensified. She pressed him further, wanting to hear him say it out aloud. “You were supposed to kill me?”

  He gave a curt nod. “Your research made you dangerous.”

  “Dangerous?” she asked, her voice scathing. “My statistical analysis made me dangerous?”

  “You were getting close to the truth. Close to finding us. It could have placed thousands of Starborn and their families at risk of terrible harm.”

  Willow wrapped her arms around herself. “Would you have killed me if I wasn’t Starborn?” She couldn’t wrap her head around it, couldn’t process it with the connection that had been building between them.

  His shuttered expression softened. “I…I don’t know.”

  Serena gave a startled noise, and a look of hurt flashed across her face for a few seconds before her eyes narrowed and her lips tightened. “Lucas, don’t let her play you for the fool.” Her voice dripped with venom. “I should report both of you. The Council is already unhappy with you, Lucas, for bringing her and Isobel Stone back.”

  Willow stepped toward Serena. “No, please don’t.” Even with her feelings raw, she couldn't allow Lucas to take the blame. “I hate enclosed places. I needed the distraction of a walk around.”

  Serena gave a short laugh. “If you’re in fact claustrophobic, then I look forward to seeing how you cope in a cube during your initiation rite.” Serena then looked at Lucas, her gaze intense. “Ensure she follows our rules or I’ll report her. Don’t get played as the fool.”

  She turned away from them and then stopped abruptly with one hand on the door. Spinning on her heel, she looked back at Willow. “Be sure you keep hold of your memories. They can be a lot of fun to reminisce with on a cold and lonely night.” And before Willow could process what she meant, she was hit with a mental image that was so realistic she gasped aloud.

  Lucas and Serena.

  Naked in bed together.

  Her moaning in ecstasy as he buried himself into her.

  Willow blinked, trying to clear the image. “Get out of my head, you bitch,” she hissed.

  And then the image changed. This time Willow was in the image, and Serena was kissing her and Willow was moaning in pleasure at the feel of her soft lips. Both naked, Serena had Willow pinned to the bed as they kissed and explored each other. Lucas stood beside the bed observing them, his eyes heavy-lidded with desire.

  Willow shook her head, feeling like it was real, but knowing it wasn’t. She felt aroused and violated at the same time. And then it was over and she was looking at the back of Serena who walked out the door whistling a tune.

  “Fuck,” cried Willow, rubbing her eyes as she tried to get back to the present moment.

  “What happened?” he growled.

  “Your girlfriend didn’t like walking in on you groping me, that’s what.”

  “What?” he exclaimed. “I was saving your ass.”

  He turned away for a moment and next his voice was back to his usual deep tenor. “You have no idea what could have happened if she had found you on your own snooping around.”

  She sighed. “I just want to find Eve. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

  His eyes searched hers. “Willow, I don’t think you understand. The Order does not tolerate rule violations. We’re dictated by centuries-old tradition and those who don’t comply are seen as a threat. They’ll eliminate you.”

  Adrenalin fired through her system. “Kill me? Like you were going to at the beginning?”

  “I don’t make the rules. I’m just trying to help other Starborn. Protect them and their families from the likes of Noctem.”

  If only he didn’t sound so sincere, she shook her head, not wanting to hear anymore. “Listen to yourself. How is this place any better than the Noctem you’ve told me about? How is this place better than being free out in the ordinary world?”

  He compressed his lips, his expression grim. They stared at each other for a few moments, both of them worked up, both of their breathing ragged.

  “These rules are for the
common good of all Starborn,” he said through gritted teeth. “History has taught us to be stringent.”

  “History has taught us freaking zealots use their kind of crazy to justify anything,” she countered. “Surely you must get tired of all these restrictions?”

  “And don’t you get tired of fighting everything?”

  When she didn’t answer, his expression turned serious. “Willow, please give The Order a chance.” He reached out and touched her shoulder, and even after all that had been said, she couldn’t bring herself to pull away. “There are reasons for our ways. Don’t fight the Council,” he said, his green eyes glowing with emotion.

  He was frightened for her. Concerned. Her heart raced and it wasn’t just from anger. She tried not to remember the glorious feel of his mouth against hers. The incredible sensation of being held tight up against his hard body. The feel of his arousal pushing up against her.

  He let his hand drop and stepped back. “We must go. Don’t come here again. There will always be guards and I might not be here to distract them.”

  Or me, thought Willow, looking down at the computers and feeling a pang of guilt that she’d so easily forgotten Eve and why she had come to the lab.

  They headed back to his quarters in uneasy silence. Although she was flustered, he appeared calm and in control. He didn’t ask again about Serena’s mind invasion and she wondered if he suspected what it had been. She wished she’d sensed the emotional charge between him and Serena, and then inwardly cursed herself for caring. Finding Eve should be her first priority, not worrying about Starborn love lives. And certainly not caring about an assassin who blindly followed orders. She should be running for her life, rather than following him back to his quarters with her body pulsing with anticipation.

  When they entered the apartment, she headed straight to the futon. Kicking off her boots, she hopped in and curled up on her side and stared at the wall. Unexpected emotion welled up inside her. Suddenly, she wanted to cry. For Eve and for herself. Clinging to an extra pillow, she took a few calming breaths. She tried to ignore the sound of his footsteps as he padded out of the bathroom barefoot. A switch clicked and the apartment went dark. She felt the embarrassing need to sniffle and quickly rubbed her face to dash away her tears and wipe her nose. She heard Lucas slip into his bed and wondered whether he was naked, and then castigated herself for being so shallow. She was obviously still suffering from the rescuing hero scenario. Research showed that if you met someone during a dangerous situation that you were more likely to fall in love because of elevated dopamine levels. Yes, that was it. She just needed more time to process tonight’s information and then surely she’d be over this escalating crush.


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