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Hall Pass- Wife Swap Fantasies

Page 15

by Jamie Hunter

  She couldn’t think of a single one.

  “First person to the end wins the Hall Pass,” said Melissa. She held up the blue printed version of the pass itself. “One full night off from your marriage,” she read loudly. “No rules, no limits, no holes barred.”

  Darius smirked. Julian too. Corey only squeezed her leg tighter.

  “So if Naomi wins, she’ll have two Hall Passes,” Gage quipped.

  Melissa turned to look directly at him. “Well…” she paused, hooking a finger into one corner of her mouth. “Not exactly.”

  Victoria’s brow furrowed. “Oh no?” She turned to Naomi. “Didn’t you win last time?”

  “I sure did.”

  “Exactly. So he’s saying you’d have two—”

  Naomi stopped her with a single, sexy look. “Who’s to say I didn’t already use my first one?”

  Most of the room went dead silent. Victoria looked from Naomi to Melissa, then to Julian, and finally to Corey. She laughed nervously.


  Melissa’s expression remained unchanged. Victoria, not ready to be the butt of anyone’s joke, turned to Gage.

  “What do you think?” she asked. “Is she bluffing?”

  Gage leaned back and cracked his knuckles. “Dunno,” he said. “Maybe?” He gave Naomi a mischievous once-over. “Maybe not.”

  Victoria scoffed at him, then gave a non-committal shrug. “Alright fine,” she said. “Let’s get on with it.”


  Ten minutes later things were heating up. Though they still hadn’t encountered a red card, everyone was missing a piece of clothing. Melissa had even removed three.

  “Kissing Bandit. For ten seconds, make out with the players to your left and right.”

  Gage re-read the card happily. He turned to his left first, where Melissa was smiling back at him.

  “I’ll make it clean,” he promised, more to Julian than to her. “No tongue, or anything like—”

  Before he could finish his sentence Melissa leaned in and kissed him. There was tongue. Lots of tongue. Gage’s eyes went wide at first, so much that the rest of the group actually laughed. Eventually he rolled with it. When they were finished, he looked fearfully over at Melissa’s husband.

  “Relax,” Julian chuckled. “It’s all good.”

  Blushing a little, Gage turned in his other direction. Victoria rolled her eyes, but Naomi had a feeling she was just pretending.

  “You ready?” he asked eagerly.

  “Not really,” Victoria sighed. “But I guess go for it.”

  He kissed her, and this time he didn’t hold back. Gage’s hand moved up to her face, caressing it slowly, adding passion and longing to the kiss. Their mouths churned together, their tongues entwining. Naomi thought she even heard Victoria moan.

  “That’s ten,” said Melissa. She was smirking triumphantly. “Eleven. Twelve…”

  The kiss continued while everyone looked on. Victoria leaned in. Her own hand covered Gage’s. They were kissing like no one else was there. Like everyone in the room had disappeared.

  “Coming up on a minute,” Melissa announced.

  At the sixty-second mark, they finally broke apart. It happened slowly. Reluctantly. They still held hands.

  “Holy shit,” chuckled Corey.

  Whatever chemistry the two of them lacked the first time around, they were more than making up for it now. Victoria’s eyes remained closed for a few seconds afterward, but when she opened them again Naomi could tell she was looking at Gage in a whole new light.

  “Umm… can I have the dice?” Melissa prodded.

  Mechanically, Gage handed over the dice.

  “You guys want a room or something?” Naomi joked. “I could rent you the guest room at an hourly rate, or—”

  Gage frowned sheepishly. “Just roll.”

  Melissa rolled. She grabbed a card.

  A red card.

  “Oil Adventure,” she announced proudly.

  Naomi shifted in her seat. Her husband’s hand was still on her leg, only now it was higher than ever.

  “All players of your choice must give you a simultaneous oil massage. Topless players must use their breasts.”

  No one was topless. Naomi could tell Melissa looked disappointed at that.

  “Darius,” said Melissa. “You and Corey have no shirts on. I pick the two of you.”

  “You still have a bra on,” Corey pointed out. “How are we supposed to—”

  With one deft plastic ‘click’, Melissa’s black lace bra fell to the table. Her breasts spilled out, round and beautiful.

  “Okay then,” Corey smiled. “Hon? Grab the oil?”

  It took Naomi a minute to return with a small bottle of massage oil. It was half-empty from trading Friday night massages with her husband. Now he’d be using it on someone else. Right in front of her…

  “Apply liberally,” Corey quipped, pretending to read the bottle. He loaded up his hands and began smoothing them over Melissa’s neck, shoulders, and back. “Darius, why don’t you do her front?”

  Darius didn’t have to be told twice. He picked up the bottle, and a minute later four strong hands were gliding all over Melissa’s upper body. The rest of the group looked on as they traded off, rubbing every ounce of skin from the nape of her neck to the small of her back. More than once they roamed over her chest, rolling the nipples until they were slippery, cupping Melissa’s full breasts both in front and behind.

  “Mmmmm…” she sighed, eyes closed. “This four hands thing is amazing.”

  “You could’ve had even more hands,” Naomi pointed out. “The card said ‘all players of your choice’.”

  Her eyes fluttered open. “Really?”

  They all laughed. “Yeah. Really.”

  Two minutes went by. Three minutes. Eventually both men began oiling themselves up and using their own chests to rub against her. Sandwiching her body between them, they rubbed Melissa up and down between their own hard pectorals until she moaned.

  “Not exactly breasts,” Corey smiled, holding his arms up. His chest glistened beautifully as Melissa’s breasts glided over it. “but close enough?”

  Melissa sighed again in absolute contentment. “Shit yes.”

  The instructions gave no time limit, so they let the three of them go on for a while. Eventually the guys backed off, leaving her all hot and bothered. They returned to their seats, glistening with oil, as Melissa handed the dice over to the next player.

  “Well the red cards are fun so far,” she smiled.


  Round by round, the clothes continued to come off. Naomi kept an eye on Gage and Victoria, making sure they were still comfortable with what was happening. They leaned in closer to each other now. They even held hands at times.

  But she couldn’t help looking over at Julian…

  … or Darius.

  Every time she rolled she hoped for a red card, but there were more blue Action Cards than red. That was fine though, because it built the anticipation. And anticipation was half the fun.

  “What happens when all my clothes are gone?” Darius asked, pulling off his socks.

  “You model nude for us,” Melissa joked. “And we sketch you.”

  He poked his tongue out at her, and the game wore on.

  Victoria had to keep an ice cube on her stomach until it melted. She chose Darius as the one to hold it in place with his mouth. Julian had to give his own wife a lap dance, and she spanked him the entire time.

  “I could do this at home,” Melissa groaned.

  “Yeah, but not in front of five other people,” said Gage.

  Victoria drew next, and the card dared her to give Corey a hard-on without physically touching him. For the next minute or two she whispered all sorts of things in his ear. Nasty, filthy things. Things that Naomi knew Corey would tell her later, while pinning her legs back over his thick, broad shoulders.

  “Well? Is he hard?” Victoria asked, prompting Naomi to


  “If I could touch him I’d finish the job,” she lamented. “Even just a little bit.”

  “I sure won’t stop you,” Corey joked. But Victoria only wagged a finger at him.

  “Sorry. Rules are rules.”

  Eventually it was Naomi’s turn again. She rolled… and finally landed on another Action Card space.

  “Red one!” Melissa said, handing it over. “Good luck!”

  Her hands trembled with excitement as she turned the card over. Then she smiled.

  “Closet Freak II,” she read aloud.

  They all looked at each other — everyone but Darius. Closet Freak had been the card that started the whole thing between her and Julian.

  “Spend ten minutes locked in a dark closet with two players of your choice.”

  Oh my God…

  Corey squeezed her thigh. He looked her up and down.

  “Well?” Melissa asked.

  “Well what?”

  “Who are you bringing?”

  Naomi’s mouth was suddenly dry. She wasn’t sure what to do.

  Take Julian again.

  The idea came so quickly she blurted it out. “Julian,” she said.

  Melissa smiled. “And?”

  She glanced from player to player. She could take Corey, or even Darius. It would be easy, the three of them. Familiar. Hell, they’d all spent hours doing things to her body that Naomi never thought were even possible. What would be another ten minutes?

  Exactly, the little voice in her head said. Another ten minutes? Where’s the challenge in that?

  She could take Melissa. That would be fun. Or even Gage, for shock value. But then again…

  “Victoria,” Naomi said suddenly.

  Her friend looked surprised. Almost scared. “Me?”

  “Yes, you.” Naomi shot her an impish grin. “You’re coming with us.”

  Julian was already up. He extended one hand and Victoria took it.

  She has no idea what she’s getting into…

  “Same closet?”


  Victoria shrugged and looked back one more time. “O—Okay.”

  One by one they disappeared into the hallway closet. Naomi went first, just like last time. Then Julian pulled Victoria in, closing the door behind them.

  “Timer’s started,” Gage called out lustily. “Take your time in there. We’re grabbing fresh drinks while you guys… uh… do your thing.”

  The door closed, and all light vanished. The three of them stood face to face, huddled in a little circle. Surrounded on all sides by long winter coats that acted as dark curtains of silence.

  “So…” Victoria said, just a little too loudly. She lowered her voice to a whisper. “What do we do now?”

  Naomi’s heart beat wildly as she reached for Victoria’s hand. Somehow she found it, then placed it squarely on the slow-growing bulge between Julian’s legs.



  Naomi wished she could see Victoria’s expression. She imagined it would be half shock, half utter disbelief.

  Even so, she didn’t move her hand away.

  Victoria’s hand was still covered by hers as she began to rub. Julian began grinding into her palm, growing bigger with each passing second. In the meantime, Victoria’s breath was now coming in short gasps.

  “Is… is this okay?”

  Naomi pressed down, forcing her friend’s fingers around the shape of her lover’s cock. In time, she felt Victoria squeeze gently.

  “Uh huh.”

  “I… I mean, Melissa is right outside! And your husband—”

  Rather than answer, Naomi pressed her lips to Julian’s. He kissed her back, fierce and hard, with such fire and passion it caused Victoria to physically gasp.


  There was just enough light coming in from under the door that they could register shapes and faces. Victoria was watching them make out now, arms around each other. Julian’s hands went to Naomi’s waist. They slid around behind her, cupping her ass.

  “Is this what you guys did last time?”

  His hand slipped between her legs. Now it was Naomi’s turn to gasp as Julian’s palm slid downward, piercing her waistband. Her lover penetrated her with his middle finger, then crooked that finger forward causing her to jump.

  “Now it is,” Julian said smugly.

  Victoria watched, soaking it all up. Trying to comprehend what was happening between these two married friends, whose husband and wife were just on the other side of the thin closet door.

  “I can’t believe this,” their raven-haired friend swore. “I can’t believe the two of you actually—”

  “You still haven’t taken your hand from my cock,” said Julian.

  “Not that you have to,” Naomi laughed.

  Victoria’s chin lowered, and Naomi knew she was looking down. Before she had any second thoughts, she tilted her friend’s chin upward.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered. They were nose to nose now, their lips practically touching. “Trust me. It’s okay…”

  More than anything Naomi wanted to kiss her. She wanted to drink her in, breathe hot breath into her mouth while their tongue dueled… the way Melissa had done to her.

  Don’t freak her out, the little voice in her head said. You really don’t want to freak her out yet.

  Instead, Julian took charge. He took Victoria’s chin gently between two fingers and covered her mouth with his. It took only seconds, but soon she was kissing him back. The visual sent a whole flock of butterflies fluttered their way through Naomi’s stomach.

  Don’t be jealous either.

  Victoria slid one arm over his shoulder, wrapping her long, painted fingers in his thick hair. The hand still beneath Naomi’s was moving now, grabbing and rubbing and tugging.

  “He’s big, isn’t he?”

  Victoria nodded.

  “If you think that’s nice, you should feel him inside you.”

  Her friend stepped back, still open-mouthed. She gasped at Naomi in pure shock.

  “You’ve fucked him?” she whispered loudly.

  “Oh yeah,” Naomi said proudly. “A bunch of times.”

  Victoria squealed in the semi-darkness. “Holy shit!”

  “Holy shit is right.”

  “And Corey’s okay with this? I mean, does he even know—”

  “Corey’s actually helped him fuck me,” Naomi chuckled. “And I’ve helped him fuck Melissa, too.”

  “Melissa? Are you serious?”

  “Yup. After I won the Hall Pass, the whole swinging and sharing thing was kind of her idea.”

  It was all getting a little overwhelming for Victoria. Almost too much to process. Rather than go on, Naomi reached out and unzipped Julian’s fly.

  “We’ve traded partners,” Naomi said. “Had threesomes. Even Darius has gotten in on it. I’ve spent a few evenings with—”

  “Oh my GOD!”

  Victoria’s words were loud enough to be heard outside the closet. Maybe.

  “Relax,” Naomi told her with a strangled gasp. Julian was really fingering her now, and it felt wonderful. “It’s all good.”

  She’d been wet all day, especially after being with Corey. But right now, with Julian’s fingers working their way inside her? She was absolutely drenched.

  “All good?” Victoria swore. “All good? I can’t belie—”

  Naomi kissed her. She did it on impulse, mostly because she wanted to, partly just to shut her up. Her lips were soft, and her breath sweet. Like she was chewing on strawberry gum.

  Be careful.

  Maybe Victoria had been with a woman before. Maybe not. Whatever the case, she sure knew how to kiss a girl. Only a second after Naomi’s mouth closed over hers, Victoria was actually kissing her back.

  “Looks like someone’s getting friendly,” chuckled Julian.

  The kissing went on, gaining in steam and momentum. Whatever reservations Vi
ctoria might’ve had upon first entering the closet were slowly melting away. She continued stroking Julian, even undoing his button to get inside access. And all the while, kissing. Kissing Naomi over and over again until her head began to spin.

  This is what you wanted, isn’t it?

  It was true. Of all the things Naomi wanted for tonight, getting Victoria on board had been high on the list.

  She looked to Julian and caught him actually smiling. He leaned in and began kissing Victoria’s neck. In the dimness of the shadows he glanced over her shoulder and locked eyes with Naomi. For a second she imagined him as some sexy vampire taking a new victim.

  “Now,” Julian said firmly. “Get on your knees.”

  Victoria dropped straight down to the carpeted floor. It was almost like she’d been waiting for the order.

  Julian was still looking expectantly at Naomi. “The both of you,” he said.

  She obeyed. It was instinct. Considering the things he’d done to her already, there was very little — if anything — Naomi wouldn’t do if Julian asked.

  He stood solidly before them. Reaching into his boxers with one big hand, he pulled out his thick, heavy cock and pressed it right up against Naomi’s wet, painted mouth.

  “Now show her how to suck it,” he ordered, pushing it past her lips.


  Naomi gushed as Julian’s big dick slid its way into her throat. For the second time that evening, she had to relax her gag reflex.

  “Oh my God…”

  Victoria’s whisper was hot breath on her neck. She was still kissing her; chewing on her shoulder, nibbling on her ear. And the whole time, watching. Watching as Naomi continued blowing Julian. Moaning softly into Naomi’s ear as she inevitably began touching herself.

  “What happens in the closet stays in the closet,” Victoria breathed. “Right?”

  Naomi stopped sucking just long enough to nod. Julian let out a short laugh.


  Julian’s hand went to her head, urging her to go deeper. In the meantime, Victoria’s free hand had gone to his balls. Naomi, with one hand wrapped around the base of his cock, could feel them there. Cupping. Caressing. Teasing. Helping her stroke him at times, right into her waiting mouth.


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