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Off the Hook

Page 5

by Dania Voss

  Mrs. Jayne sighed and nodded. “I understand, Abbey. I do. It’s different for you and Cassie than it was for me. I know times have changed. You’ll take your cell phone and laptop with you so you can stay in touch, right?”

  Hope bloomed. Was Abbey’s mother letting up? Abbey squeezed his hand.

  “Of course I will, Mom. I’ll call or email every day. I promise,” Abbey said. And he’d make sure she did. He’d prove to them he was trustworthy. He’d show them he could take good care of their little girl.

  “If you’ll allow me, I’d like to fly all of you out for weekend games, so we can spend time together as a family. And don’t forget, there will also be home games,” Darren offered.

  “Thank you, that’s generous of you,” Abbey’s father said.

  Abbey’s mother stood, wiping tears from her face. “Well go on and get packed. I’m guessing you need to get back to Luke’s so you can head out first thing in the morning. You always intended on going, didn’t you?”

  Luke’s heart sank. He was close to telling Abbey to forget it and stay home. He didn’t want to cause her mother this much pain.

  Abbey went to her mother and held her tight. Darren offered Luke a warm smile and a reassuring nod.

  “I was, but I’m glad you understand why I want to go. And it’s for less than two months, and we’ll see each other along the way.” Abbey turned to him and smiled bright.

  It was at that moment he knew. He’d fallen. Things would never be the same.

  “Would you help me pick out what you think I’ll need? I’ll head upstairs.” He heard Abbey race upstairs with Cassie following right on her heels.

  Luke hugged a weepy Mrs. Jayne tight and grinned at Mr. Jayne. Abbey’s father didn’t appear upset, and Luke was grateful. “Thank you, Mrs. Jayne. I promise to take good care of her while we’re on the road. And you’ll see, you’ll be a baseball fan by the time Abbey starts classes.”

  He felt her chuckle, and he sighed with relief. She playfully shoved at him. “Go on and help her pack, Luke, or you’ll be here all night.”

  Luke quickly kissed her cheek and headed up the stairs.

  Noticing the family photos along the way, he took his time. His heart swelled glancing over all the pictures of Abbey at various stages of her life. He knew he was getting ahead of himself, but he couldn’t help imagining their own kids. They’d have blond hair, blue eyes, and most likely the Stryker dimples.

  His dick got hard at the thought of Abbey pregnant with his kid. Shit. He’d just smoothed things over with Abbey’s mother. Getting her pregnant before he married her wouldn’t go over well. Keep it together, man.

  “Luke!” Abbey called out.

  He raced up the stairs and followed her panicked voice. It looked as if her closet had exploded all over her bedroom and she was nearly in tears. Cassie had her arms around Abbey, seemingly trying to calm her down.

  Cassie stepped aside, and he took her place. He held Abbey close, rocking her back and forth. “I don’t know what to bring.” she whispered.

  He kissed the top of her head, inhaling her cherry blossom scent. Home. That’s what she was to him. Home. “Don’t worry, princess. I’ll help you.”

  “Cassie, when we bring your folks to games, I’d like you and Jake to come, too. So we can all visit as a family. And see if you can find out when Heath’s on leave. Maybe he can come, too,” Luke suggested.

  “We’ll do our best. I’ll leave you guys to it.” Cassie kissed him on the cheek and left the room, giving them their privacy.

  “You don’t really need panties and bras, as far as I’m concerned,” Luke said waggling his eyebrows.

  Abbey rolled her eyes and half-heartedly shoved him aside. He chuckled at his woman. She’d be all right. Abbey would only need the essentials and possibly a couple of dresses. He’d pick up anything else while they were on the road.

  His body hummed with anticipation for the adventure of a lifetime that would begin the following morning.

  Chapter Seven

  Luke couldn’t believe how nearly perfect the summer had been. He’d worked his ass off for the team and loved every minute of it. He believed and felt that he was a real asset and was proud of his performance so far. The only area that needed improvement was pitching to Pete Myers. That would come, he had to have faith it would.

  The bright spot of the summer, of course, had been Abbey. His princess. She’d made it all worthwhile. He’d thrown her into the deep end taking her out on the road, but she’d handled it without complaint, with a smile on her face, even though he knew life on the road wasn’t easy.

  Abbey had gotten along well with everyone, team members, their wives and girlfriends, and team management. She’d been shy around the media, but Luke had expected that and wasn’t bothered by it at all.

  Their private time together had been amazing, whether they’d had enough energy, time or had been in the right place to have sex or not. He had no doubt they belonged together now.

  The only true low point of the summer had been Earl Jepson. He didn’t think Luke had seen or heard him, and Abbey hadn’t said a word about it, but Earl had treated his girl with disrespect and that was unacceptable. He didn’t know it yet, but Earl was history.

  As wonderful as the summer had been, it was coming to an end, as he knew it would, and he fucking hated it. Luke sighed as he unpacked Abbey’s groceries and put them away in her galley style kitchen.

  He wished she’d let him rent her a two-bedroom unit instead of the one bedroom in the security condo complex located a couple of blocks from campus. But she’d be safe here. And he wouldn’t worry about her—too much. That was the best he could hope for.

  Not wanting her to rush around before classes started, the family had decided it was smart to move her in on Sunday so she could settle in for a few days before classes started on Wednesday. He had to catch a flight in the morning to Cleveland. It sucked.

  Abbey and her mother were busy putting her clothes away while Darren and her father were assembling her bedframe and headboard. Luke had been allowed to get her a new bedroom set as a housewarming gift, after convincing her parents to let him pre-pay her stay at the security building. When it came to their little girl’s safety, the Jaynes hadn’t put up much of a fight. He was grateful. He liked them so much and already considered them family.

  Overwhelmed by sadness, but doing his best to keep it together, Luke wiped down the granite countertops and stood back, admiring his work. Perfect and tidy for his princess. She’d start her time off at U of I on the right foot. He was so proud of her.

  He plastered on a smile when Darren and Phil, Abbey’s father, came into the room which overlooked the living room area. Sometime during the past few weeks Luke had transitioned to calling Abbey’s parents by their first names, Phil and Monica. Soon he hoped to call them Mom and Dad. He was there to stay.

  “All right. We’re just about finished. Abbey and Monica are finishing up with the bedding and then I think we’ll head out,” Phil said.

  Luke was torn. He enjoyed spending time with Abbey’s parents, but he only had these last several hours left with Abbey until he had to catch a plane. He wasn’t sure when he’d see her next.

  “I can count on you to catch your flight on time in the morning, can’t I?” Darren asked, suspicion laced in his voice.

  Luke rolled his eyes. He hated it when his uncle treated him like a child. He had yet to let him or the team down. He wasn’t about to start now. “Of course you can. You know that.”

  Darren clapped him on the back and smiled. “I know. I also know how difficult today is for you.”

  Difficult was an understatement. But he needed to man up and do what he needed to do. He and Abbey had already talked about what their lives would be like once she started classes. They would make it work. They had to. Abbey was his, and she always would be.

  Phil extended his hand to Darren and to Luke. “Thank you both, for everything. It’s been wonderful. And Luke, don�
��t worry. You will strike that asshole Pete Myers out. Mark my words.”

  Luke winced. Fucking Pete Myers. The last several weeks had been nearly perfect, except for pitching to Pete. He was close though. Just one more strike and he’d strike the motherfucker out.

  “You’ve made significant strides these past weeks. You’re an asset to the team. This game is as much mental as it is physical,” Darren reminded him.

  Luke knew that. And Pete Myers wasn’t a good man. He was an amazing baller. But personally, he was a piece of shit. He was arrogant, a troublemaker, and although he had the sweetest wife who’d just given birth to twin girls, if the rumors were true, he was cheating on her. He needed to be brought down a peg or two. Luke wanted to be the one to do it.

  “I know. I’m impatient, I guess,” he conceded. “I just feel like I’m coming into my own and gelling well with the team now. I’ll feel better once I’m able to strike Pete out.”

  All thoughts of Pete and baseball left his mind when Abbey and her mother came into the room. Although they were both smiling, their eyes were red. They must have been crying, saying their goodbyes in private.

  “Well, everything’s put away and the bed is made. Phil, Darren, I think that’s our cue to leave,” Monica said before she wrapped her arms around Luke for a motherly hug.

  Luke held on tight, relishing the closest thing to a mother’s hug he’d had since his mother passed, ten years ago. Monica’s scent reminded him of vanilla and cream. It was warm and comforting, just how a mom should make you feel.

  “Thank you for everything, Luke. I didn’t think you could do it, but you made a baseball fan out of me,” Monica said with a grin on her face after ending their embrace.

  Luke chuckled and gave her one last quick hug. “I never doubted it for a second.”


  Abbey sighed as she locked the door after her parents and Darren left. Torn between feeling relieved they’d finally left so she could spend the last few precious hours she had left with Luke and guilty at the same time, she placed a hand on the door feeling the cold wood against her palm.

  She felt Luke’s stare on her back. He’d kept his distance, allowing her her space. She loved him all the more for it. A new adventure was about to begin. She was starting college in three days and was now living alone for the first time in her life. Abbey was both thrilled and terrified.

  She was also heartbroken. In the morning, the man she loved with her heart and soul was getting on a plane, and she wasn’t sure when she’d see him next. If Abbey rushed through the first week or two, she could possibly join him again pretty quickly.

  The idea didn’t sit well, though. College life and living alone would be a huge adjustment, and rushing though it probably wasn’t a good idea. She leaned her head against the door as a tear slid down her cheek. What was she going to do? The last several weeks had been amazing. Exhausting at times, but still amazing. A few hours from now she’d be alone. How would she get through her days and nights without Luke by her side? They belonged together, not thousands of miles apart.

  “Hey, princess. It’ll be fine,” Luke whispered just before wrapping his arms around her. His body heat soothed and warmed her, and she tingled all over. It was always like that. Just one touch and her nipples pebbled and her core slickened.

  He nibbled on her neck and rubbed his hard cock against her ass. They’d been so exhausted the past couple of days they hadn’t had sex. This would be their last chance to be together for who knew how long.

  She turned and wrapped her arms around his neck. He smiled down at her, his baby blues warm and loving. Her Viking. Dimples and all. She ran her fingers through his thick blond locks, and he closed his eyes for a few seconds, the sweetest smile on his face. Abbey wanted to remember this moment on those dark and lonely nights ahead.

  “Why don’t we shower up so we can get dirty all over again?” Luke suggested with a gleam in his eye.

  Abbey giggled and nodded. It sounded like a great idea to her. She’d discovered she really liked shower sex over the last few weeks. “I’ll get the water ready while you get a condom,” she said as she headed to the master’s en-suite bathroom.


  She started the shower and quickly got undressed while the water warmed up. Luke came back with a condom just as she stepped under the warm spray. Her aching muscles thanked her.

  The shower door clicked closed, and she smiled, knowing Luke was with her, naked and delicious. She wasn’t sure how she liked him best. In or out of his Cobras’ uniform.

  They’d showered together enough times words weren’t necessary. After she wet her hair, Luke washed it for her, massaging her scalp just the way she liked it. The subtle scent of cherry blossoms filled the shower stall.

  She returned the favor, then moved to washing his toned, athletic body. Her soapy hands glided along the taut muscles of his arms and legs. He was perfection. And all hers for the next several hours. What a lucky girl she was.

  Finishing up, intentionally avoiding his rock-hard cock, she smiled up at him innocently. “All done. Want to do me?”

  Luke arched a brow. “I think you missed a spot, princess. A big spot.”

  Abbey pretended to look him over. “Oh! How could I have missed that? It’s so big.” She soaped up her hands and stroked his cock while their tongues tangled and teased. He grabbed the globes of her ass and squeezed, making her shudder.

  “That’s it, princess.” Luke groaned as she stroked him and cupped his balls. She felt them draw up, and he gently grabbed her hands. “You’d better stop. Let me wash you so I can bury myself in your sweet pussy.”

  A thrill shot through her. She never would have believed she liked dirty talk, until Luke. Abbey nodded while he used her body wash to clean her up. He’d become an expert at washing her breasts. Tweaking her nipples until she squirmed and moaned. And though she’d teased him by intentionally skipping his dick, after he’d washed her body, he went right to her already slick folds. Abbey spread her legs to give Luke better access.

  Luke claimed her lips while he rubbed her clit with his finger. She shivered in the warm shower as her toes curled. “Oh, Luke.” she gasped.

  He doubled his efforts, rubbing her swollen clit in tiny circles. She felt her orgasm curl in her belly and squeezed her eyes shut, panting. She was so close. Luke captured her cries, kissing her, when she flew over, holding her limp body as she caught her breath. She leaned back against the shower wall while Luke quickly rolled on a condom.

  With strength that always excited her, Luke picked her up and impaled her with one thrust. His hard dick stretched her nearly to the point of pain, but she didn’t mind. To her, he felt so good. He was her Viking. And she was his shield-maiden. He’d looked it up. Lady Vikings were called shield-maidens. Luke was a nerd just like she was. They were perfect for each other.

  She squeezed her muscles around him, and he groaned. It was a tight fit. “God, Abbey. You fit me like a glove.” They both chuckled at the joke.

  But Luke got serious as the shower water cooled. He pumped in and out harder and faster. She felt his balls slap against her ass. Tension coiled inside her and then released in a white-hot wave. She shouted Luke’s name when she came again and felt Luke’s hot cum fill the condom when he followed her over.

  Abbey shivered under the cold shower spray, and Luke cursed, turning the shower off. “Come on, let’s get dried off and order in some dinner,” he suggested. Their stomachs growled at the mention of food. Dinner and more Luke sounded like a great idea to her.

  After drying off, Chinese delivery, and cleaning up the kitchen, Abbey was exhausted, but didn’t want to be. She wanted to stay alert until the last possible moment before they had to go to sleep.

  Luke yawned and rubbed his eyes. Frowning, he turned off the kitchen lights and led her by the hand to her bedroom. He turned down the bedding and undressed them both. Abbey stood at the end of the bed after Luke climbed in and held his hand out to her. The nig
htstand lamp cast a soft glow on her Viking. He was so beautiful, Abbey’s heart ached. How would she survive after he left in the morning?

  She climbed into bed, not wanting to keep him waiting, greedy for their last few hours together. He wrapped his arms around her, snuggling in close, warm and inviting. Abbey squeezed her eyes shut as tears fell.

  Luke trembled in her arms and sniffled until his sobs broke free. “I can’t leave you, princess. I’ll just stay here with you. Get my classes transferred over from Walden.”

  Abbey wiped her eyes and leaned up on her elbow. Luke wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, his expression serious.

  “You have to go, Luke. We talked about this, remember?” They’d made plans, understanding her time at U of I would be difficult on their relationship, but not impossible.

  “I don’t care. I changed my mind. I’ll buy this building. It’ll be a great investment. We’ll occupy one of the three-bedroom units. When Darren retires, I’ll still inherit everything. It’ll be fine.”

  Abbey gasped, disentangled herself from Luke, and sat up. Nerves fluttered in her belly, and fear knotted inside her. What was he saying? He was quitting the Cobras? That couldn’t be right.

  “Luke, you’ve got to go back tomorrow. You’ve worked so hard. There’s a good chance the team will make it to the playoffs and then the World Series—in a big part because of you. You can’t throw that all away because of me. I won’t let you.” Abbey hoped she could talk sense into him. Make him understand he needed to get back to the team.

  They were counting on him. Earl Jepson would throw a fit. He’d been such an asshole to her over the last few weeks. She hadn’t said anything to Luke or Darren about it, but if Luke left the team because of her, Earl would blow a gasket.

  A few more tears leaked out of his eyes, and he swiped them away. He sighed and nodded. “I know. I’m just… I can’t believe I’m leaving in the morning. It won’t be the same without out you, princess.”

  He guided her back down next to him. She happily took her place beside him, comforted by his strength and warmth. “Give me a week to run through my classes once, and then I’ll meet up with you.” She hoped that would calm Luke down enough so he’d stop second-guessing their plans.


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