Illicit Inheritance: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica)

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Illicit Inheritance: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica) Page 26

by Anya Merchant

  John looked at her for several more moments and felt emotion welling up in his own chest. He opened his mouth to say something else, but Ms. Willis made a point of clearing her throat at the front of the room.

  “We need to get started with our lesson today.” Her voice was still that of a teacher, but also very somber and resolved. “That’s why the two of you are here. I am sorry for all that’s happened over the past few days. But if you’re in my classroom, it’s my job to teach you, and try to keep things running as normally as possible.”

  John looked up at her and met his teacher’s eyes for a moment. She appeared to exude confidence from every inch of her body. He remembered the private lesson she’d given him over the weekend, and the way she’d taken control of it. This was the same woman standing in front of him, just with a new focus, and an intense need to keep them learning.

  The lesson moved at a brisk pace for the day. Ms. Willis moved from subject to subject, asking them questions that forced them to think and not pulling any punches out of sympathy. Ironically, it looked like Kari was able to forget, at least for the moment, about her father, her focus captured by Ms. Willis’s challenging instruction.

  John, on the other hand, found it to be only another reminder of his own inadequate abilities. He struggled with making connections to the broader science questions she would ask and fumbled through math problems. When the hour hand of the clock was finally pointing to one, he let out a sigh of relief.

  “That will be all for today.” Ms. Willis smiled at both of them, as though she was pleased just by their willingness to be there. John stood up to leave, along with Kari, but before they could, their teacher held her hand up for a moment.

  “Go ahead, Ms. van Katho,” she said. “I need to speak with Mr. Ludling alone for a moment.”

  Kari glanced over at John and smiled. It made his heart beat a little faster, to see that smile again after all the faces of sorrow. She gathered up her books and hurried out into the hallway, closing the door behind her and leaving only John and his confident, attractive teacher in the room.

  “Your life is never going to be normal here on Blackthorn Isle, Count John.” Ms. Willis spoke in the same sharp, authoritative voice she’d used during the lesson as she walked over to where he sat in his desk. She leaned up on the one next to his, and slowly crossed her legs, and then her arms.

  “I know that,” said John. “I’m… coming to terms with that.”

  There was a silent, tense moment in which the two just looked at each other. The room felt hotter than it ever had before and full of something other than just air. John slowly stood up from his desk, and his teacher moved as though to stand between him and the door.

  He was against her in a second. Ms. Willis pushed her lips against his and lifted one of her legs. John felt her big breasts on his chest through her shirt and pushed his crotch against hers.

  Both of them pulled back from the embrace after just a second. John looked at his teacher, his eyes full of lust, and then forced himself to step by her towards the door.

  “Kari’s waiting for me,” he said, his entire body throbbing with sexual desire.

  “Of course.” Ms. Willis sat back on a desk and crossed her legs. “See you later, John.”

  He took a second to compose himself after leaving the classroom and shutting the door behind him, leaning against the wall and breathing deeply. Finally, he walked down the hallway and out the entrance. As he expected, Kari was waiting for him, along with someone else.

  “Hey there, John,” said Elsa. “How was your class?”


  John froze. The two sisters were standing together, both of them looking at him with almost the same expression. Somehow, John couldn’t help but interpret each of their looks completely differently.

  “It was fine,” said John. “The lesson was just fine.”

  Kari stepped a little closer to him. The sky was overcast above and it gave the afternoon a rather foreboding feel.

  “I was just… going to head back to the mansion for the day.” Kari’s voice was still shaky and emotional, and it made John’s heart twist inside his chest. “Do you want to come and hang out for a bit?”

  Elsa looked as though she was thrilled by her sister’s suggestion. Before John could think of an excuse, anything to keep him away from his blackmailer, she had stepped forward to back her sister up. She was wearing a loose summer skirt with a thin sweater over it, and both of them fit her sexy body perfectly.

  “I think that’s a wonderful idea, Kari,” said Elsa. “Don’t you, John? We could both use the extra company.”

  John forced himself to nod slowly. There was nothing else that he could do.

  “Alright,” he said. “I guess I can come over for a little while.”

  Kari smiled. Elsa had a different kind of look on her face, a cross between excitement and evil possibility.

  “Awesome,” said Kari. “Come on, let’s get going.”

  John walked in between the two girls. Kari’s hand bumped into his several times, and he took it into his own after taking a clumsy couple of moments to pick up on the hint.

  “It was tough for me to show up today,” said Kari. “To really show up. This morning I just felt like… I wanted it all to go away.”

  John opened his mouth to respond, but Elsa beat him to it.

  “Nothing is going to go away, Kari,” she said. “There are certain tough realities that we all are going to have to face as we move forward. Right, John?”

  She set her hand on his shoulder and smiled a secretive smile at him. John felt like he wanted to burn himself alive, to just turn into a pile of ashes.

  “Yeah, that’s right,” he managed. Kari gave him a strange look, and he squeezed her hand.

  The three of them made their way up the driveway towards the van Katho mansion. John tried to stay close to Kari and distance himself from her older sister, but Elsa moved in nearer to him as he did.

  The three of them made their way inside the mansion. John didn’t see any of their maids around, at least not from the lobby. There was a tense, silent moment as all of them stood there, as though they were all expecting different things.

  “Why don’t we eat a quick lunch in the dining room?” asked Elsa. John glared at her, but Kari looked receptive enough to her sister’s suggestion.

  “Yeah, actually, I’m starving,” she said. “I’ll just put together some sandwiches myself, since all of the maids are off for the week.”

  John sighed and followed the two of them into the dining room. He sat down a couple of chairs away from Elsa at the table. Kari kissed him on the cheek, and then made her way towards the kitchen.

  “This should only take a second,” she said.

  “I’ll come in and help you in a minute, sis,” said Elsa.

  Kari left the room, leaving other the two alone. Elsa stood up and slowly walked across the space separating her from John, almost as though she was taking a victory lap.

  “She’ll adjust to the new situation, John,” whispered Elsa, as she lowered herself down into his lap. “So much has changed lately, one more thing isn’t going to throw my sister for a loop.”

  John had to fight the urge to push her off his legs and let her fall to the floor. Grudgingly he did have to admit that she felt good there. Elsa’s skirt rode up ever so slightly, and her bare thighs were against the fabric of John’s pants. He tried not to think about it as his cock slowly hardened against her.

  “You’re evil,” whispered John. “Your sister loves you, and you’re just going to stab her in the back?”

  “All we have is swiss cheese, is that alright?” Kari called from the kitchen. John tried to move Elsa off him, fearing that her younger sister might poke her head back into the room, but she wouldn’t budge. In fact, she took her seduction a step further, pushing her breasts up into John’s face.

  “That works fine for me, sis,” yelled Elsa. “What about you, John, do you like that?”
  John’s heart screamed and thrashed inside his chest.

  “Yeah, I like it,” he finally said.

  Elsa began grinding herself against John, rubbing herself on him as though she were a cat in heat. John did everything he could to will himself into a relaxed state, but it was impossible. Elsa was just as attractive as Kari, except older and more experienced. If things had been a little different when he’d first arrived on the island, then…

  He banished the thought from his mind before it could take hold. Unfortunately, Elsa was still there. She smiled and leaned her face in closer to his, until there was no other way for him to resist her.

  John let his lips meet hers, and the two of them kissed, an evil, illicit passion running from body to body. He felt his hands moving automatically and taking her breasts under his palms. He let his crotch begin to buck upward in time with her movements, joining with her in the dance of foreplay.

  “That’s it, John,” whispered Elsa. “There is nothing wrong with what we’re doing…”

  “I’m almost done! Just let me see if I can find some chips.” Kari’s voice was so sweet and so innocent in John’s ears. It made him almost want to cry, or at the very least punch a brick wall. Elsa was kissing his neck, and with deft, hidden movements she unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out.

  This was the last thing John wanted to happen, but every fiber of his unconscious being ached for it. Elsa was smiling, both of her cheeks slightly flushed as she slipped her panties aside underneath her skirt.

  Then, she slowly brought herself back down. John felt his cock sliding into her warm, wet cunt, and almost gasped out loud.

  “I’m not on the pill,” she whispered in his ear. “And I want you to cum inside me.”

  John shook his head.

  “I can’t,” he whispered.

  “You have to. Unless you want everyone to know you and your adoptive mother’s dirty little secret.”

  As Elsa finished her sentence, she slowly began to move, rocking her hips back and forth, and back and forth. It felt mind numbingly good. John began to grope at her breasts and kiss her with passion and lust. He didn’t want this, but her seduction had been so complete.

  “Oh yeah, that’s it,” moaned Elsa.

  “Did one of you say something?” Kari’s voice instantly brought John back to reality. He tried to lift Elsa up and off him, but she wrapped her arms around him and pulled herself in more tightly, as though the two were partaking in an illicit wrestling match.

  “Oh no, sis,” called Elsa. “Me and John are just having a very heated discussion.”

  “What?” asked Kari. “I’ll be back in just a second, hold on.”

  “You have to stop!” whispered John. Contrary to his words, he was continuing to pump up into the older girl, groping at her breasts and savoring her body as though he was as desperate for the sex as she was.

  “Then hurry up and cum…” Elsa smiled devilishly at him and then kissed him again. John thought about why he was doing it, betraying Kari in the worst possible way. He thought of his mom, and the secret they had to protect, and her soft, tender touch.

  With one final thrust, he began to cum inside Elsa. Pleasure rushed through his body, but in his mind he felt guilty and dirty. He’d given her exactly what she wanted, and in doing so, he’d taken Kari’s trust and trampled all over it.

  “All set!” Kari’s footsteps were headed their way. Elsa climbed off John and smoothed her skirt out, and John quickly zipped his pants up and made himself decent.

  “I couldn’t find any chips, but I did manage to grab some…” Kari trailed off, and a very suspicious expression spread across her face. “…Carrots.”

  “What’s wrong, Kari?” Elsa’s voice was perfectly deceptive and sweet. John, on the other hand, couldn’t even raise his eyes.

  “So what were the two of you talking about while I was in there?” asked Kari.

  “Oh, you know, just how John is still so new to the island,” said Elsa. “I just got back here, too. In a way, we have a lot in common.”

  “Is that so?” Kari walked over to the table and set the food trey down hard. “John, is that what you two were talking about?”

  John didn’t say anything.

  “Is that why you can’t even look at me right now?” Kari’s voice was suddenly heavy and emotional. She stomped over to where John was sitting, and finally he managed to look up at her, just in time to see her hand flying towards his face.

  The slap was painful, but what it represented hurt John more than anything physical ever could. He stared at Kari, and saw the beginnings of tears in her eyes. He almost felt like crying, himself, her pain reflecting back to him as though she were an emotional mirror.

  “Sis, would you relax?” Elsa stood up and started walking over. “John and I were just talking, that’s all.”

  “Stop it!” yelled Kari. “Just stop. I thought that things had changed, that it could be different now. But you’ve never been happy with letting me have anything for myself, have you?”

  “That’s not what this is.” Elsa closed the distance and set one hand on Kari’s shoulder, and one hand on John’s. It was the wrong move. Kari lashed out again, and this time her hand struck Elsa’s arm.

  “It is!” yelled Kari. “It was the same with my books, and my toys, and even mom and dad! You always had to have everything, including all of the attention.”

  Kari shook her head, and backed away.

  “Kari, I’m sorry,” John finally said. “It’s not… there’s more to it than that.”

  Kari glanced from him, to Elsa, and then shook her head again.

  “Oh, I’m sure there is,” she said. “But I don’t want any part of it.”

  “Sis, hold on!” Elsa’s voice fell on deaf ears as Kari practically ran out of the room, headed for the stairs. John had balled his hands into fists so tightly that he could feel his nails beginning to dig into the flesh of his palms. It was his fault, all of it.

  Elsa waited until Kari’s footsteps could no longer be heard, and then walked over and sat back down next to John.

  “She’s just emotional, that’s all,” she said.

  “Elsa… what we did to her was betrayal,” said John. “She’s never going to forgive us.”

  “Oh, she will,” said Elsa. “At least I hope she will. If it ever becomes a problem, then who knows? Maybe what happened to my dad will happen to her.”

  John blinked in disbelief. He felt his pocket, and remembered the voice recorder. Had she really just said what he’d thought that she’d said?

  “What’s wrong John?” asked Elsa. “Are you still adjusting to the way things are for you now, the way they really are? Trust me, if the tables were turned, Kari would have no problem doing it to me or you.”

  John felt his heart beat in triumph. He nodded his head, even though he knew that it was a lie, knew Kari well enough to know that she had a kind, innocent soul. It didn’t matter now, if he could just get out of there and confirm that he had her voice on tape, it would all be over.

  “Yeah, I’m sure she would,” John said. “Elsa, I have to go check in with my mom. I’ll come back later on in the afternoon.”

  “Nonsense,” said Elsa. “The day has only just begun. And besides…”

  She ran her hand across his cheek.

  “With what I know now, you’ll never be allowed to be alone with her again,” she said softly. “Or be alone with any other woman, for that matter. You’re mine, John.”

  John forced himself to smile, his stomach turning over on the inside.


  “You don’t have to be so mad about it, you know.”

  Elsa was leading John forward by the hand. After Kari had run upstairs, he’d tried for a while to make amends through her locked door. It became clear that there was no way that she would hear him out, or even respond to his pleas for her to listen to him.

  And so Elsa had suggested that the two of them go for a walk outside
and lacking any other option at the moment, John had said yes. He felt like he was playing a role in a soap opera, where one sister had been switched out for her evil counterpart. But he had no other choice.

  “I’m not mad,” said John. “Honestly, I’m not. It is what it is.”

  “You’re a terrible liar.” Elsa turned back to him for a moment, and then laughed. She was bringing him down the driveway and towards the town. The sky above them was still gray and dark, giving the day a feeling of it being much later than it actually was.

  “I just want all of this to work out, in the end,” said John. “I never asked for any of this. Not to be the Count, or to be here on the island.”

  Or for the complete attention all of the women that he’d encountered since getting here, he thought to himself. All that came of it was more confusion, whether it was the wife of the tavern owner, his teacher, another wealthy teenager or… his own mother. He thought about Natalie for a long moment. He had to get away from Elsa and meet up with her as soon as possible, so that they could put a stop to the situation before anything else went wrong.

  “You didn’t ask for it, John, but it’s still here.” Elsa squeezed his hand and smiled at him. In another universe, things might have been different. She was so much like her younger sister, but the differences between them were essential.

  “Where are we going?” asked John. Instead of leading him directly into town, she was bringing him along a footpath that ran near the shore. He could see the Ludling mansion off in the distance and began to get a little concerned that she might intend to bring him there to make another scene.

  “There is a beautiful spot up on the cliffs that I used to love going to when I was younger,” said Elsa. “It’s high up and lets you stare off into the ocean, into the void.”

  John nodded, understanding what she meant on a certain level, though he had no real desire to. She continued forward, her skirt blowing up in the wind as they started along the hilly path that led to the wall of rock.

  “I climbed up here a couple of days ago,” he said. “If that’s the place you’re talking about, I’ve already seen it.”


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