Illicit Inheritance: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica)

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Illicit Inheritance: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica) Page 27

by Anya Merchant

  “There is actually a hidden path that you can walk up on.” Elsa made her way towards a couple of overgrown shrubs and then pulled them apart. “It’s definitely easier than making the climb.”

  She smiled at John as he followed close behind her, and then pulled him in towards her. She kissed him again, deeply. Her lips moved against his with a strange intensity that John couldn’t ignore. He didn’t understand Elsa, her motivations or her desires. She was scarily smart and ruthless, but buried underneath her tough exterior were a number of deep set vulnerabilities.

  “Elsa…” John wanted to say something, but the words just weren’t there, and Elsa brought a finger to his lips before he could continue.

  “Wait until you’ve seen the view,” she said. “Then we’ll talk.”

  She led him up the path, which, as she had pointed out before, was a much easier way to get up the cliffs than climbing had been. It only took them a couple of minutes, and then the two of them sat down on the rough rock near where John had made it to the top before. They had the same perfect view of the island and the ocean that John had seen the other day, but somehow, it felt different, almost claustrophobic to him now.

  “You don’t have to do this, you know,” he said softly. His words were almost lost to the whipping wind, but the look Elsa gave him in return let him know that she had heard him.

  “Nothing is as simple as you think it is, John,” said Elsa. “Everything I’ve done up until now has been… necessary.”

  “Hurting Kari like that was necessary?”

  Elsa ran her hand across John’s cheek.

  “We both hurt Kari, John,” she said. “And I don’t think you fully understand just how much Kari’s existence, in the first place, has hurt me over the years.”

  John didn’t reply right away. Instead, he picked up a small rock from the cliff and tossed it into the emptiness in front of him. It was a long moment before it finally struck the ground and echoed back up, and it gave him a weird feeling of vertigo.

  “And what about me? What about my mom?” he asked. “We’re just pawns in your imagined sibling rivalry?”

  “It’s not imagined, John,” said Elsa. “And you aren’t a pawn. You’re my partner in this.”

  John shook his head.

  “You are out of your mind,” he said, unable to keep his anger from creeping into his voice. “We don’t have a single thing in common.”

  Elsa started laughing, almost uncontrollably. She reached her hands over and turned John’s face so it was facing hers.

  “John, did you ever wonder about why I left Blackthorn Isle in the first place?” She paused, and then looked up into the sky, back in time. “My father and your mother have a lot in common, just like me and you have a lot in common.”

  It took John a moment to understand what she was implying.


  Elsa took his hand and laced her fingers through his.

  “I was around your age when it started. Kari was still just a little girl, and our mother was gone.” Elsa forced a smile onto her face. “I hated my father for good reasons, John. I hated him because he had me convinced that the way we loved each other, the things we did with each other, that it was all okay.”

  “Elsa…” John was at a loss for words.

  “It went on for almost a year, John,” said Elsa. “It was just me. As far as I know, Kari never knew about it, and never received the same treatment.”

  John’s heart ached in his chest. He felt more confused than he ever had before in his life. There was something deep in the depths of Elsa’s eyes that had been so strangely familiar to him, and now he knew why.

  It was a long while before either of them said anything. John thought about his mom, and about Elsa’s dad. He thought about what he was doing, what he thought was right, and what it all came down to in the end.

  “We should get going,” said Elsa. “We’ve been up here for long enough.”

  John followed her back down the path. He wanted to say something, anything, but his thoughts were too scattered for him to put words to his emotions. He wasn’t sure what was right anymore, or what he should do.

  There was a figure waiting for the two of them at the bottom of the path, someone who John hadn’t been expecting. Detective Wilkins had her arms crossed and a smile on her face. She wore a long, feminine trench coat and didn’t make a move until Elsa and John had stopped a few feet away from her.

  “I knew I’d find Elsa here, but it’s a little surprising for you to be here along with her, John.” The detective’s voice was happy, almost gleeful. “Both of you are suspects in my current case. This truly is quite the coincidence, don’t you think?”

  Elsa held out her hand before John could say anything. She stepped forward towards the detective and met the woman’s eyes.

  “John and I are friends, detective,” she said. “The only coincidence here as that your paranoia happens to have led you to suspect both of us.”

  “See, I’m not so sure about that,” said Detective Wilkins. “And I don’t think a judge would be, either.”

  “Detective, we were just-“ John started to speak, but Elsa held her arm out and cut him off again.

  “If I were you, Detective Wilkins, I would keep in mind that you’re currently talking to the Count Ludling, and the current head of the van Katho estate.” Elsa paused and brushed a few strands of hair out of her face. “We’re all here on Blackthorn Isle together, don’t forget.”

  Detective Wilkins reached for something under her coat.

  “Is that a threat?” she asked. Before Elsa could escalate the situation, John stepped forward and in between them.

  “We’re headed home, detective,” he said. “So if you’re going to arrest us, hurry up and do it. Otherwise, we don’t have anything else to say.”

  For a moment, John thought she was going to make a move. The detective stood in front of them, muscles tensed up and her mind clearly racing. Then, she stepped back.

  “Go right ahead,” she said. “I’m just following up on my investigation.”

  John took Elsa’s hand, and this time he was the one to pull her forward. She went with him, though she sent a couple of harsh looks over her shoulder and towards the detective. John continued pulling her along the footpath until it split off towards the town and continued towards her mansion.

  “Elsa…” John stopped and sat down on a bench at the edge of a grassy park that separated the path from the street. “I need some time to think. About what you told me.”

  “There isn’t really much to think about, John.” Elsa whispered the words against his neck and into his ear, falling right back into the mannerisms of her seduction. “Just keep in mind that I understand what you’re going through, and the influence your mom has over you. Better than anyone, I understand it.”

  John didn’t say anything. He turned and looked into Elsa’s eyes, and had to look away after just a moment.

  His phone rang in his pocket, and he knew without even picking it up that it was his mother. Elsa smiled at him for a moment, and then took a couple steps away from him.

  “I have some business to take care of, John,” she said. “I will call you later.”

  John nodded and watched her walk away. His phone was still ringing, and he took it out of his pocket and answered it.


  “Honey, it’s me.”

  His mom’s voice was soft in his ear through the tiny speaker. John felt a mixture of love and relief, along with a strangely unnerved feeling. Elsa’s words were still in his mind, her experiences and the parallels that she’d drawn between the two of them.

  “Mom,” said John. “I… I think it’s done.”

  There was silence on the other end of the line for a moment.

  “What did she say, sweetie?” asked Natalie. John took a deep breath and thought about how much to tell her. He wondered why he was at all concerned with protecting Elsa, who was the cause of all of the current tro
uble in his life.

  “She said enough,” said John. “She mentioned what she did to her dad. And she indirectly threatened Kari.”

  His mother sighed, not in a way that made her sound disappointed, but rather as though she was unhappy with him having to do what he was doing.

  “Honey, we shouldn’t be talking about this over the phone,” she said. “I want you to come meet me at Maxine’s, the women’s clothing store on Main Street.”

  “Alright,” said John. “I’ll be right there.”

  He hung up his phone and hurried off in his mom’s direction. The clouds above looked like they were on the verge of turning to rain. John didn’t mind and found himself thinking about how a storm would match his mood perfectly.

  The clothing store was large, expensive, and dripping with feminine charm. John glanced across the mannequins in the front window as he made his way inside. They were all dressed in skimpy, revealing clothing, some of them wearing nothing more than lingerie.

  The inside of the store smelled of expensive perfume and beautiful women. John blushed slightly as one of the attractive clerks glanced over at him. He looked towards the corner of the store and noticed his mom leaning out of one of the dressing rooms. She waved her hand and signaled for him to come over.

  “Sweetie, quick, get in!” Natalie stepped back into the dressing room, and after taking a moment to ensure that none of the employees were watching, John stepped through the curtain after her.

  It wasn’t until he was inside that he realized how little she was wearing. His mother had on the tiniest lingerie set that John had ever seen, with the fabric of the bra only just barely covering her nipples and being tied in the back by thin, insubstantial strings.

  “Mom… wow.” John was rendered momentarily speechless by the sex appeal his mom was exuding out of every inch of her skin. He tried not to gawk and took a step back, bumping into the wall rather than putting any kind of significant distance in between them.

  “Honey, we can talk safely here,” said Natalie. “I didn’t want to talk over the phone. I suspect that Erik may have bugged sections of our mansion, and possibly even the landline there.”

  John could barely hear her. His cock was growing harder and harder, and it was almost impossible for him not to gawk at her. She was his mom, and he repeated the fact to himself inside his head over and over again, almost like a mantra.

  “Sweetie?” asked Natalie. “Are you okay?”

  “Uh… yeah, mom,” John said. She smiled at him, and he felt his cheeks heating up. There was a small seat built into the side of the wall, and he lowered himself down into it.

  “So how did things go with Elsa?” she asked. “All we need to do is get her on tape saying something definitive about her guilt.”

  John nodded, and slowly worked his mind back into a productive thinking state.

  “I managed to get her to say that the same thing that happened to her father might happen to Kari.” He paused and thought about the exact wording that Elsa had used. “I’m not sure if it would hold up well enough for us to have leverage over her, but it’s a start.”

  His mom smiled at him and then rubbed his shoulder. Her touch was electric against John’s body.

  “We need her to say something that can’t be interpreted any other way,” she said. “It has to be totally unmistakable. Until then… you need to keep doing what you’ve been doing.”

  “Mom, there’s something else…” John stared at her, incredibly aroused and more than a little confused by it. “Elsa told me that her and her father…”

  Natalie smiled knowingly at him.

  “John, I’m aware of what happened between them,” she said softly. “I’ve known ever since we first came to the island.”

  John blinked a couple of times. He felt more guilty and ashamed of him and his mom’s relationship than he ever had before. The comparison to Elsa and Erik was too easy to make, and it forced him to ask hard questions of himself, and of how things would eventually end.

  “Sweetie, it’s not the same,” whispered his mom. “I know that’s what you’re thinking, but it’s not the same. Erik was nothing like me, and Elsa is nothing like you.”

  “Mom, I…” John trailed off in midsentence as his mother moved closer to him. She pulled him up out of his seat and wrapped him in a tight hug. John felt his hard, aching cock pushing into her abdomen and couldn’t stop a soft, pleasured moan from escaping his lips.

  “I love you, honey,” whispered his mom. “Everything I’ve done since we’ve come to this island has been to keep you happy, and to keep you safe.”

  “I know mom.” John’s hips began to move with a mind and motivation of their own, rubbing his sensitive, horny prick into his mom’s stomach. She felt so good, and her big boobs were so soft against his chest.

  “Sweetie, we haven’t done anything wrong.” Natalie sounded almost like she was trying to convince herself as much as she was trying to convince him. “I’ve helped you out, but we’ve never gone as far as they did.”

  “No, of course not, mom,” whispered John. He had moved one of his hands onto his mom’s tit and was gently pawing it underneath his palm. He could feel her nipple pushing through the fabric of her bra, and more than anything he wanted to feel it with his fingers, and suck on it.

  “It’s just been about helping you keep your mind clear, that’s all.” His mom let her hand wrap around his cock through his pants, and slowly began to pull it back and forth. John let his lips run across his mom’s neck and felt her shudder with pleasure.

  “Mom…” John was too turned on. He couldn’t stop himself from doing what he did next. In quick, hurried movements he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down.

  Natalie was still pushed tight up against him. Her breathing was ragged and the heat of the situation was too much for her to be able to pull back. John slipped one of his hands down the back of her panties and felt her shiver with pleasure.

  “Honey, just let me help you.” His mom was whispering, and it sounded as much a plea as it did a suggestion. John was aching for relief, even if it was in a manner that was still off limits, still across the line of what they could do and come back from, as mother and son.

  “Mom!” John couldn’t hold back any longer. He leaned in and kissed her. Natalie wiggled in his arms, as though the two of them allowing their lips to meet represented something much, much more than it really was. And she was right.

  “John!” whispered Natalie, as the two of them came loose. He kissed her again, this time on the neck, and pulled his cock out of his boxers.

  His mom was a woman, so much like the others that John had been involved with since arriving at Blackthorn Isle, and yet so different. Every movement she made, and every touch of their bodies, felt so familiar, and yet so incredibly new and exciting. It all had a pull of its own, a momentum that could not be denied.

  Natalie twisted within John’s arms and then leaned forward, setting her hands against the wall of the dressing room and pushing her butt out. John pushed his cock into her and felt it bounce off the silky fabric of her panties. Before his primal desires could take over and force him to rip the garment off her and expose the ultimate forbidden territory, his mom pulled her hips against him and squeezed his cock tight in between her luscious thighs.

  “Oh, mom,” moaned John. It felt amazing, almost like sex, but tight and dry. He could feel his mom’s body shifting with every breath, and as she began to squeeze and rub her legs against his member with rhythmic movements, intense pleasure shot through John’s body.

  He leaned forward and grabbed at her breasts from behind. John’s body started moving of its own accord, pumping back and forth and thrusting his cock in between her thighs. Each time he went forward, Natalie would exhale sharply. It was as close to fucking as two people could get without actual penetration, and it felt incredible.

  “Mom!” John squeezed her soft, perfect breasts even more tightly, causing her to let out a little squeal. He
began grinding himself forward faster, dry fucking his mom like a horny teenager taking advantage of an attractive female teacher in a crowded hallway.

  It felt too good for it to go on for very long. John kissed his mom’s neck and pumped into her legs a final few times before his cock was overloaded with pleasure. His cum sprayed out, focused into a tight, explosive stream by the squeeze his mom’s thighs had put on him.

  John’s afterglow was intense and all consuming. He was only just aware of the sound of footsteps approaching them as he leaned back against the wall, totally spent.

  “Ahem!” The cashier’s voice was shrill and judgmental, and cut through the thin curtain of the little dressing room. “I hope you intend to buy all of the articles of clothing you had in there, miss.”

  Natalie let out an embarrassed sigh and said nothing. She moved to begin getting dressed, glancing over at her son with a strange look in her eyes.

  “It’s my fault, John,” she whispered softly. “I’m the one who let it develop, and let things go this far.”

  “Mom…” John was at a loss for words. He was dealing with his own shame and guilt the best that he could. Ever since Elsa’s revelation, it had been almost impossible for him to see him and his mother’s forbidden trysts in the same light. They were wading into dark, treacherous waters, and it felt like it was almost impossible for them to come back to the shore.

  “I’m your mother, John,” said Natalie. “And you’re my son. We… can’t ever forget that.”

  She pulled on her blouse and began quickly buttoning it up. John took the hint, and put his own slacks back on.

  “Keep the audio recorder for now, John,” said his mom. “Stay close to Elsa, it shouldn’t take much longer, given what she’s already told you.”

  “I will mom,” said John.

  “And John…” She paused, and smiled at him in a gentle, innocent, motherly fashion. “Once we’ve gotten the evidence we need, and we’ve dealt with Elsa, let's go back to the way things should be. This doesn’t have to be something that continues forever, and I think that it would be the natural place to put a stop to it.”


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