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Codename Romeo: Rogues and Rescuers Book One

Page 18

by Leroux, Lucy

  “I assume you took him to the hotel?” Angel asked.

  “Gold star for you,” Jason said, tipping an imaginary hat in their boss’s direction.

  Ethan pressed his lips together as their boss drew the inevitable conclusion. Coughing, he shook his head. “I wouldn’t have moved him at all given the choice, but I didn’t have another one at the time.”

  “That hospital might have ended up a war zone if you’d left him,” Jason added, leaving out the part where he sided with the Angel on where they had ended up.

  The Angel crossed his arms. “So, our only in with the Komarovs might be lying in an alley somewhere bleeding out?”

  “Oh, I doubt that.” Ethan sighed. “Viktor isn’t stupid, and this can’t be the first time he’s been shot. He’ll hole up until he’s better.”

  “And then?”

  Ethan shrugged.

  The Angel rolled his eyes. “If you hear from him, I want to know. Day or night—it doesn’t matter. I want to know.” Then he pointed at the door.

  Out in the bullpen, Ethan rubbed his eyes. He hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep last night. He’d been too worried. Because of that, Juliet had stayed up with him, too, despite his many protests.

  “C’mere.” Jason nudged him. “Let me buy you a terrible cup of coffee.”

  They went to the breakroom, then grabbed two steaming mugs from the communal plot. It tasted vile, but all Ethan cared about was the caffeine.

  “Did I tell you Juliet makes excellent coffee? She found this Columbian blend in a little bodega that’s cheap as hell but tastes better than any coffee shop drip I’ve ever had.”

  “Mmm…” Jason grunted. “And how did she react to your guest last night?”

  Ethan huffed. “If not for Juliet, I would have changed my mind about taking him to Donovan’s. I did change it—like ten times. I was still sitting in the garage when she came down. The condo has a security room. There are camera feeds in the garage and all the entrances. She saw the SUV come in, and she realized something was wrong.” He took a large sip of the rapidly cooling brew before continuing.

  “Once she saw him half-conscious and bleeding in the backseat, the decision was out of my hands. I even tried to backtrack. I was about to call you to take him off my hands, but she wouldn’t hear of it.” He managed a smile. “You could have picked her out as a lawyer last night. The woman can argue. I’m never going to win a fight against her.”

  “You make that sound like a good thing,” Jason said. “Are you going to bring the girls to the hotel?”

  Ethan thought about it. “No. I think we’re staying put.”

  His partner frowned. “Are you sure that’s wise?”

  “Viktor wouldn’t have written that note if he hadn’t meant what he said. As long as he’s not there, we won’t have any trouble from the Russians.”

  “What if he comes back?”

  “He won’t.” Ethan was sure.

  Juliet and Luna were secure where they were for now. He wouldn’t have to move them again yet.

  “I hope you’re right,” Jason said darkly.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Juliet collapsed face-down on the couch, and he immediately regretted it. Antique furniture was not comfortable. She sat up and rubbed her face, too tired to find a softer chair.

  Maybe this Donovan Carter was making the right decision by letting it all go.

  She had grown up in a house stuffed full of antiques thanks to her mother’s need to surround herself with status symbols. But after living in Ethan’s clean contemporary apartment, she preferred his simpler style, one that emphasized comfort without sacrificing quality.

  Juliet also preferred the scotch-guardable quality of the upholstery at Ethan’s place. She had spent half an hour scrubbing the Persian carpet in the living room after Luna had spilled her milk all over it. Juliet was taking advantage of nap time for a breather, but she couldn’t let herself enjoy it.

  How long was she going to be living like a fugitive? Probably as long as you are one.

  Juliet softly snorted. True, the police weren’t beating down her door in this country, but that didn’t mean she could live like a normal person. All someone had to do was take her picture and she bolted. Only this time, she hadn’t done it alone.

  Had the threat been serious, or had she been overreacting? Yes, it felt good that Ethan had taken her fears seriously. If anyone would know the right thing to do under these circumstances, it was him. But what if she’d been wrong about the man who took her picture? Was she going to keep jumping at shadows for the rest of her life? And how long would Ethan stand by her if she did?

  What if I never clear my name?

  Juliet closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. Why did it feel as if losing him would be the worst part of that scenario?

  One thing was becoming clear. She couldn’t continue to live this way. Juliet had spent her life trying to accomplish every goal her father had set in front of her. Though she hadn’t agreed with where he’d wanted her to end up, that drive and ambition was a part of her. Now, she felt…aimless. Purposeless.

  Keeping Luna safe had to be her priority, but she could do that and still accomplish some of her other goals. She might even be able to go back to school to finish her law degree sooner rather than later.

  Except you’ll have to do it under someone else’s name.

  Juliet groaned aloud. She had to stop having these arguments with herself. Nothing was going to change until she did something about it.

  Forcing herself to her feet, she stood and trudged down the halls. Donovan Carter had a home office complete with a fax machine and tower computer with the biggest monitor she had ever seen. There was even a full-sized copier next to the printer.

  She powered up the computer under the guest account, then started searching for local law schools.

  That didn’t last long. After shuddering at the tuition costs, she decided independent study might be in order. It would be difficult with Luna around, but she could at least try to cover some of the necessary reading other own.

  Always so self-sufficient and independent…after Dad has told you what to school to go to and what to study.

  The mocking was loud enough to be in the same room, but Juliet knew it for the memory it was. Her sister had loved to poke at her, deriding her for following the course their father had laid out for her.

  And then there had been that last argument…the one about Alvaro.

  In the distance, the door to the garage opened and closed quietly. Jumping up, Juliet met Ethan in the front hall. Without thinking too much about it, she leapt on him, rushing into his arms so she wouldn’t have to think about anything else.

  The moment her body met his, she relaxed, melting into him in instant surrender.

  “Hi there,” he said, clearly pleased with her greeting.

  “Are you as tired as I am?” Now that he was here, all the tension had drained out of her body.

  “I was. I’m not anymore.”

  She rubbed against him, luxuriating in the feel of his firm muscled body. “That’s funny. Suddenly, neither am I.”

  She lifted her head, going weak-kneed at the expression in Ethan’s eyes.

  “I love you,” Juliet whispered. She had promised herself she wouldn’t say it first, but that didn’t seem to matter anymore.

  “Are you sure?” Ethan’s voice was hoarse.

  “Yes.” Her certainty gave the single word depth. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind. Not anymore.

  He opened his mouth, but she covered it with her hand. She hadn’t told him to force a declaration. She already knew how he felt. When he was ready, he would say it to her face.

  She yelped when Ethan nipped her fingers. “I love you, too.”

  Juliet wrapped her arms around his neck. “Just remember I said it first.”

  He cupped her ass cheeks, drawing her closer. “Liar. I said it first.”

  She blinked. “What?”

  “At my place
, in the office. I know you heard me.”

  Laughing, she shook her head. “It doesn’t count if you’re saying it to someone else.”

  “You know what…you’re right. I think it would be better if I showed you.” She stifled a giggle as Ethan pulled her t-shirt over her head.

  Clothing was discarded, leaving a trail to the master bedroom. By the time they hit the bed, they were both naked.

  Juliet moaned aloud as Ethan came down on top of her. Glorying in the feel of his skin, she rubbed her legs over his thighs, wrapping them around his waist.

  Ethan made a sound somewhere between a groan and laugh as he stroked against her heated core, finding her already wet and more than willing. He flexed his hips, sliding his hard length against her. The slippery friction drove her crazy, stoking her hunger. Burning, she arched her back, shifting and angling her body so they could come together as one.

  Breathing fast, Ethan started to push inside her, but he stopped. Eager for him to drive his length home, she strained against him, but he held her down.

  “I do love you. I love you so much,” he said. “And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me, Juliet?”

  Tears sprang into her eyes. She couldn’t breathe.

  His brow creased. Ethan was starting to look worried when she found her tongue.

  “Yes!” she burst out. “Yes. But…how?”

  How could a marriage be legal with her circumstances?

  Ethan’s face was calm and sure. “We’ll find a way.”

  Inclining his head, he pressed his lips to hers—a long, hard kiss that shared without words everything he felt.

  His hand reached out to thread his fingers with hers. His eyes fixed on hers, holding them as he entered her, possessing what was his.

  A single tear streamed down her cheek as Ethan began to move. He set a slow rhythm at first, but the heat inevitably overcame him, and he began to thrust faster and harder.

  Juliet urged him on with her whole body, undulating and caressing his skin, rocking in concert as waves of pleasure built higher and higher. The tight tickling pressure began to throb deep inside, but, this time, she was the one who held it at bay, not wanting this moment to end.

  Then Ethan whispered in her ear, promising to always love her. Her climax was impossible to hold off after that. The pleasure crested, kindling into rapture. The convulsions wracked her.

  Shuddering, Juliet sobbed as Ethan groaned, grinding against her. She held him, her palms flat against his chest. She could feel his power coiling and then releasing as he erupted, shooting his seed inside her. Clenching around him with all her might as the last spasms passed, she finally fell into a deep well of sated lethargy.

  For a long time, Juliet couldn’t move. She couldn’t even make a fist. Ethan was almost as weak. Spent, he rolled off her and lay on the bed, panting. His breathing slowed down, then he coughed. “There was no way Luna slept through that.”

  Juliet listened, but she didn’t hear the little girl. “We may have gotten lucky.”

  Ethan laughed, throwing an arm around her. “I know I did.”

  She giggled in spite of herself, then cleared her throat. “Excuse me, that did not deserve a laugh.”

  “How about this?” Ethan tickled her midriff, making her squirm.

  She caught a glimpse of the clock on the bedside table. “Nooo. It can’t be that late. I haven’t even started dinner.”

  Ethan had buried his face in her neck, so his response was muffled.

  “I’m sorry, what did you say?” she asked.

  He lifted his head. “There’s always frozen pizza,” he repeated.

  “Not for Luna there isn’t,” she chided. “We have to feed her real food.”

  His grin could have melted butter. “Frozen pizza is almost real food.”

  Then he sobered. “Sorry, I wish we could order in, but it’s too risky. Why don’t I hop in the shower, then go grab something? There’s plenty of restaurants around here.”

  “That will be too late for Luna’s dinnertime,” she said regretfully, sitting up and looking for her clothes—which were scattered all over the living room.

  She hopped up, dodging Ethan’s hands, which would have dragged her back to bed. “I’m going to fix her some eggs and cut up some fruit and cheese. That should be enough for the two of us. If you want something more substantial, you can get takeout, or I can put in one of the pizzas for you.”

  “Hmm. There’s a great Italian place not far from here. Why don’t you make enough for Luna while I jump in the shower? I can pick up something hot and fresh for us.”

  She leaned over to give him a quick hit-and-run kiss. “Sounds good. I better get started.”

  But first, I better pick up our clothes. Juliet hurried out of the room.

  Sure, Luna wouldn’t understand the significance of the discarded garments, but Juliet never knew what the little girl might remember later on. Kids were sponges at her age.

  She found Ethan’s clothes before hers. Balling them up, she held them in front of herself, scanning the room for her jeans.

  She found them behind one of the delicate Louis the XVI couches. Her t-shirt had landed on top of an antique end table. Now the only thing missing is my…

  “Are you looking for this?”

  Juliet spun around. There was a man in a wet wool coat in the doorway, his arm raised. He was holding her bra between two fingers.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Ethan was in the shower when Juliet screamed. He leapt out of the stall, stopping to grab his service piece from his briefcase before running out to confront the intruder.

  He had a quick impression of a tall man in a beige coat standing in front of his naked future bride. Red flooded his vision. Ethan didn’t have a clear shot, so he decided to charge. I’m going to tear apart the bastard with my bare hands.

  But then he heard what the man was saying. “Who are you and what are you doing in my house?”

  Hearing him approach, the intruder looked up. Ethan checked his progress, sliding to a stop in the doorway, his gun still raised.

  “Holy shit, Donovan.”

  Dr. Donovan Carter swiveled to him, flinching at the sight of the gun. “Jesus.”

  Wincing, Ethan put the weapon down. “Sorry, man. I wasn’t expecting you.”

  Donovan looked Ethan up and down, raising a brow at his birthday suit. “Yeah, I gathered,” he said with a hollow laugh.

  Juliet held their clothes in front of herself, a barrier that was much too small for his piece of mind. Without trying to be too obvious, he moved in front of her, blocking Donovan’s view. Her arm snaked around his waist, offering him his jeans and boxers.

  Smirking, Donovan turned around while they hurriedly dressed.

  “I just got in from the airport. I was going to stop by your place first, but I’m glad I didn’t now. What brings you here?”

  Ethan tugged his pants on. “I, uh, I’m sorry. I was going to write to tell you I was borrowing your apartment.”

  Donovan left the keys to the place with Ethan whenever he was out of town, in case of emergencies. His friend didn’t have any pets to feed or plants to water, so Ethan didn’t need to come over with any regularity. He mostly kept an eye out on the police blotter, making sure no major disasters happened in the vicinity.

  “Is the renovation going that badly?” Donovan asked as Ethan turned around to check that Juliet was covered. She was red with chagrin, and her t-shirt had caught on her bra.

  He tugged it over her midriff before twisting to tap Donovan, signaling it was safe to turn around.

  “No, that’s not it,” he said, wondering where to start.

  In the distance, Luna started to cry. “Mama…”

  “Um, that’s my cue,” Juliet said. “Why don’t I leave you two to talk?”

  Luna cried again, and she hurried out of the room.

  Ethan turned back to his friend. “Sorry about the unexpected guests. I can explain.”

  His friend stared in the direction Juliet had taken.

  “It’s okay.” But his tone said the exact opposite.


  Donovan turned. He shook his head, his face clearing. “It’s nothing. It’s just that when I saw her, I thought…I thought she was someone else.”

  The reminder was like a kick in the gut. “Shit, now I’m really fucking sorry. I should have realized. I never even thought about the resemblance.”

  Donovan’s lips twisted. It was the saddest smile Ethan had ever seen. “She doesn’t look like Sabrina. Not really.”

  “But she has the same coloring, and she was here,” Ethan finished. It would have been enough.

  Sabrina had been Donovan’s only serious girlfriend. She had lived with Donovan in this house for over a year…up until she died.

  That had happened during Donovan’s last year of med school, long after Ethan had dropped out and joined the army.

  Ethan had only met Sabrina once in real life, but he had stayed in touch with his friend during his tours abroad. Whenever the two had video-chatted, Sabrina had been in the background, a light and sunny presence that offset the sucking black hole of negativity that was the rest of Donovan’s family.

  “It’s Luna and Juliet, right?” Donovan asked, shaking off his memories with a little effort. “I guess your patient is right as rain now.”

  “Uh, yeah,” Ethan said with an abashed grin. He had told Donovan an abbreviated version of his involvement with the girls, but not everything. He made up for that now.

  “You are the first to hear this. Juliet just agreed to marry me. But there are complications—the kind that made it necessary for me to bring the girls here, out of sight.”

  Confusion clouded his eyes, but Donovan put it aside and opened his arms, hugging Ethan. “Congratulations first, explanations second.”

  He gestured in the direction of the bedrooms. “She’s beautiful—you’re lucky. Incredibly lucky.”

  “Hmm, I’m going to forget you saw my future bride naked because it was my fault. But if it happens again, I’m sticking both my thumbs in your eye sockets.”


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