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If you find typos in this book, it’s not because I like them and decided to leave them in. Its also not because we didn’t try real hard to find and destroy each and every one of those hateful things. Big thanks to Leah Brown, Shawn Inmon, and Kerri Lookabaugh. You all volunteered for what I consider to be a thankless, horrible, gruelling job, and I am extremely grateful that you did. I know that a lot of tricky typos died horrible (and justified) deaths thanks to you rooting them out and exposing their evil presence.
Debra Galvan is a fan of reading who also possesses an uncanny ability to proofread and find errors no matter how small. Here’s an example. “Extra space between the apostrophe and u in you’re”. To have your eyes flick over tens of thousands of words and still be able to pick tiny discrepancies out is very impressive. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a super power. Yet that’s exactly what this lady does and I am sincerely grateful that she did it for this book. Thanks again for your help, Debra, I appreciate it!
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