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Page 5

by Claire Ayres

  As the song comes to an end, another slower song comes on and Blair goes to leave the dancefloor, Scott grabs her wrist and pulls her back towards him, facing each other now she has no choice but to wrap her arms around his neck and she feels mini-fireworks in every place where their skin touches.

  “I didn’t think you noticed me as anything more than a friend.” She finally says to him, finding her voice, and speaking her fears.

  He lifts a hand up stroking her face with a thumb.

  “I noticed you the first time we met. We ended up in the friend zone though and I was afraid to ruin it.” He responds running his thumb over her lip. “Now though, I can’t wait any longer. I want you Blair. Not only for tonight, for all nights.”

  She falls down the rabbit hole that is Scott Jones without a second thought.

  “Yes.” It’s all she needs to say and she’s handed her heart to him on a platter, ultimate trust to this man she’s known as a friend for the past four years who is now declaring he wants her the way she has dreamed.

  He leans down taking her head in his hands and kisses her, possessively ensuring there is no doubt in anybody’s mind this woman is taken and she belongs to him.

  When they join their friends they do to a round of applause and lots of friendly teasing, she forgets every word though when Scott reaches for her hand and pulls her close.


  A little later Mark is in the kitchen making them both coffee and Blair looks up from under the blanket he has covered her with.

  “Can I ask you one of the questions, Mark?”

  “Of course, you can” He smiles walking over, placing their mugs on the coffee table he sits down and pulls her into his lap, she looks up at him and he strokes her hair.

  “Why have you avoided relationships?”

  “I don’t know, I never wanted to feel tied down I guess. I think it’s more because I never met anybody I wanted to be with, I felt connected to. When I look at Luka and Jess I feel envy at the love they have, and I’ve hoped for months, one day somebody will come along who makes me feel like they do.”

  Mark stops and looks at Blair, his heart open on the table in front of them. She sits up, her hand lifting to his cheek, her thumb running along his lip when he sucks it into his mouth, a gentle moan escaping her lips. He releases her thumb and her lips take its place, her tongue delving into his mouth. When they come apart breathless, eyes glazed and gazing at each other Mark smiles before asking.

  “I feel like we could have something, there’s a spark there between us I’ve never felt before. I want to spend time with you and get to know you and I’ve never felt it before. Same question to you, beautiful?”

  “I had a serious relationship which lasted five years, it ended badly, it’s the one Dean helped me get out of. After it, I didn’t want to risk getting hurt again so it’s been three years of one-night stands. Until you. If I’m honest, you scare me, a lot.”

  “What happened? Can I ask?” Mark pulls her in closer, protective.

  “You can, can this be my some other time answer though? I’m not ready to talk about it yet.” She says, and he nods.

  “Of course. We’ve both got things which are difficult in our past. We’ll get there. I’m sorry I scare you though. I guess we’ll have to do something about it.” He smiles and as she looks at him her heart melts a little seeing a playful side of him coming through.

  “Oh no, what are you thinking?” Blair asks and he flips her over onto her back leaning over her.

  “I’m not sure, what do you think will make you less scared?” and she shrugs, wrapping her legs around his waist and pulling him closer to her.

  His arms braced on the arm of the couch above her head he leans down and kisses her. “Is it helping?” She shrugs

  “I may need some more convincing.” She giggles, and he starts stripping her clothes a gleam in his eye.


  Chapter Seven


  I walk along the corridor and I’m whistling like a cheerful fucker, shaking my head and chuckling at the turnaround in my entire personality I knock on Luka’s door, my mind drifting to the past 24 hours, locked up in a small flat getting to know the most incredible woman I’ve ever met. Leaving her today was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, it crossed my mind to give up on life outside of our bubble and to stay there locked up tight with her.

  “Mark, you made it! Luka was starting to ramble rubbish about you stealing his car and running away.” Jess is cheerful as always inviting me in with her arm.

  “Sorry, I lost track of time, I’m not too late am I?” I lean down and pull her into a hug and flip off my friend from across the room while he grumbles.

  “No, we planned to leave this afternoon, it’s no problem. Where have you been? you’ve been gone days.” Jess asks taking the car keys while I dangle them from my finger.

  “Nowhere special.” Despite these two people being closer to me than my family I can’t bring myself to start talking about Blair yet, I feel like I’m going to jinx things somehow.

  “He’s been with Blair.” Luka laughs as he walks across the room. “Look at him, he’s a loved-up mess, I’ve never seen him grin like it before.”

  “Fuck off, Luka.” I shoot back at him.

  “You are very smiley,” Jess responds. Damn, why can I not wipe this smile off my face?

  “No point trying to get rid of it now, we’ve seen it you sly bugger.” Luka laughs.

  “Yeah, you can talk,” I respond.

  “Not trying to deny it,” Luka says pulling Jess to him and slapping a big kiss on her.

  “Enough, dude! You’re not alone!” I punch his shoulder.

  “You don’t count, you’re family.” He laughs at me. “I take it things are going well with Blair?”

  “I think so,” I respond, these two have had a sixth sense about this situation and if I’m honest talking about what’s going on in my head is good, in fact, it feels great. “We’re getting to know each other. We have crazy chemistry, we also have a lot in common and can talk for hours. That’s good right?” A sudden wave of uncertainty washes over me and I look at my friends who are both grinning at me and Jess puts a hand on my arm.

  “Yes it’s very good, Mark.” She smiles “Are you seeing her again soon?”

  “We didn’t arrange anything but said we wanted to when I left. Honestly, I want to turn around and go straight back to her place? It’s bad, isn’t it? I’m turning into a stalker.” I collapse into one of the couches. Jess goes to the kitchen and Luka sits opposite me.

  “Mate, you know some of the shit I did when I fell for Jess. If she is receptive to you, go with it. It’s nice to see you interested in someone, I was thinking the man-whore thing was going to stick.” He chuckles, and I take a glass of juice from Jess smiling at her in thanks. She walks over and sits on the arm next to Luka her arm around his neck.

  “I’ve been tired of being like it for a while,” I admit. “I felt like I had to keep up appearances. I didn’t want anybody to realise anything was up with me.”

  “Shit man, you should have talked to me.” I shrug my shoulders and look at the two of them.

  “You guys have something special, it’s hard not to want it when you are around it most of the time.” I’m going to need a long hot shower after all of this honesty.

  “I hope Blair is it for you, Mark. She’s a lovely girl and seeing you smile the way you are fills my heart.” Jess says, crossing back over the room to come give me a kiss on the cheek.

  “What she said minus the soppy stuff,” Luka says.

  “Yeah, well after all the honesty I need a shower to wash it off.” I stand, pulling Jess in for a big hug then giving Luka one of our very grown-up manly man hugs. “Have a great time, when do you get back?” I ask them.

  “We’re away for two days. Will be back on Tuesday evening. I’ll only miss one rehearsal.” Luka answers.

  “Cool, see you in a few days then.”
I leave their apartment and take the few steps up the corridor to my apartment door where I enter my apartment which feels cold and clinical after Blair’s small and cosy flat.

  After showering I sit down to practice, feeling the curves of my cello between my legs I trace my hands up and down the maple body and ebony fingerboard acquainting myself with my instrument and becoming a part of it before I start to play. Picking up my bow, making sure my fingers gently stroke the ebony frog I start to play the natural hairs of the bow, massaging the steel strings and creating audible beauty as I play Dvorak’s Cello Concerto in B Minor I allow my mind and body to become consumed by the music although still in the edges of my consciousness there is Blair, a beacon calling to me and while my awareness of her merges with the music I play with more passion and conviction than I ever have before.

  When I finish I am placing my Cello down when there is a knock at my door. I open it and my world lights up when I find Blair waiting for me on the other side.

  “I hope you don’t mind me coming over.” She says, nervously wringing her hands.

  “Definitely not,” I respond. “Come in.” I open the door wider for her to step inside closing it behind her.

  “Your playing is mesmerising” She says, sitting down on the couch. “I didn’t want to disturb so waited and listened.”

  “Yes. You could have knocked, I wouldn’t have minded.” I may not have answered though, I realise. I was absorbed in my own head.

  “No, it was too beautiful, I couldn’t disturb you.” She smiles “It’s the first time I’ve heard you play. It was wonderful.” I smile and walk to where she’s sitting. I feel so nervous around her, I feel like a schoolboy navigating his first crush, almost like I have to keep getting things right or I will lose her.

  “Thank you. Do you want a drink?” I ask her and she shakes her head and pats the seat next to her.

  “No, I wanted to see you. Is it silly? You only left my place a few hours ago.”

  “I feel the same. I was trying to decide how long I could wait before I called you.” I respond a laugh at the edge of my words. “Would you like to go out tonight? A date?” I asked staring into her emerald green eyes.

  “I would love to, nothing dressy though, something we can do dressed like we are now.” She says taking my hand and rubbing her thumb across the back of it, sending shivers through my body, my dick going hard at her touch.

  “I know the perfect place,” I respond, pulling her to me wrapping my hand around the back of her head before lowering my lips to hers and kissing her possessively. I want Blair to know I want her, I want her to feel like she is mine and nothing is going to keep us apart. I pull away from the kiss and her cheeks are flushed, her breathing heavy and a small moan escapes her lips. I smile and gently kiss a path from the corner of her mouth to her eyelids.

  “Shall we go and get some dinner Blair?” I whisper in her ear, she takes an exaggerated swallow before responding.

  “We could stay here?” It takes all I have to stand up before drawing her up with me, her arms wrap around my waist.

  “No, I asked you on a date and a date we will have,” I say, muffled, speaking into her hair. “Come on.” We leave the apartment and head to the outside world.

  We head to The Lanes where we can bowl and eat pizza. It’s relaxed and doesn’t require us to get dressed up.

  “Is this OK?” I ask her as we get settled into a bowling lane

  “Perfect” Blair responds. “I really wasn’t in the mood for playing dress up tonight.”

  “Fab, now do you want to go first or second?” I ask. We start bowling and the chatter continues as it had earlier in the day, comfortably and without any awkwardness. When we’ve finished bowling we move through to get some pizza and sitting at a table waiting for our order she takes my hand.

  “Can we ask a few of those questions again, now we’ve got to know each other a bit better?” She asks, kissing my knuckles and turning me to mush in her hands.

  “Anything.” I respond, because at this point I’m hers, completely. She smiles a wicked smile and I know I’m in real trouble with this woman.

  “I’ll start with an easy one. Why the Cello?”

  “It was a twist of fate really, could have very easily been another instrument, I was seven and my school had us all learn instruments, they split us up, and put different instruments in our hands and said this is what we would be learning. I was given the Cello. Lucky for me I was not only good at it, I fell in love with it.”

  “You really do love it as well, don’t you? Your eyes lit up and looked almost silver while you were telling your story, I’ve never seen you look like that. It was something else.” She says a huge grin on her face. “Fair’s fair it’s your turn.”

  “Do you have any siblings?”

  “Yes, I have an older brother, Ben. He lives in Plymouth still with his partner and family. We don’t really speak too much.” She sighs and rubs her hands over her face. “My family, Ben included, thought I did the wrong thing breaking up with my ex. We had a huge falling out and have barely spoken since.” I take her hand as our food is brought to the table. Once the server leaves I kiss her hand before letting go so she can eat.

  “I don’t know the details of what happened yet, I know Dean was willing to sacrifice his friendship with your ex because of whatever happened which tells me it was bad. If your family weren’t on board with supporting you then you are probably better off without them. I do hope, for your sake, they come around.” The look she gives me, her eyes shimmering looking like they may shatter into a thousand pieces, damn near breaks my heart right at that moment and I have to gasp to get air into my lungs.

  “Thank you, Mark.” Taking a mouthful of pizza, she winks at me then smiles. “My turn. Who’s your biggest role model?”

  “Good question. I could say someone famous, or I could pick some old crusty from my family. If I’m being honest it’s Luka. Ever since we met he’s been a brother to me, he’s been the one who has grounded me, kept me on the straight and narrow and helped me see where I should be going in life as opposed to where my misguided compass has been throwing me.” I pause to take a bite of pizza then snigger, “Don’t let him know I said so, his ego doesn’t need any boosting!” Blair tucks her head to the side with a smile.

  “Wow, such a nice answer, Mark. The fact you chose your best friend instead of some football player or movie actor was really nice.” She smiles and takes another bite of pizza.

  “OK, my turn. What’s one of your favourite childhood memories?” Blair takes a moment and I can see she’s really thinking about this.

  “Hard one. I want to make sure I give you something real, something which is me.” She says, taking a deep, penetrating breath before continuing. “I remember being about 4 or 5 and my Dad bought me my first pony, a chestnut Connemara named Cupid, she was beautiful and I fell in love instantly. He put my new riding hat on my head and lifted me into my saddle I remember feeling like I was the princess of the castle high above the world. After he had shown me how to hold the reins and told me a hundred times not to let go, he led me on a walk. It was the first time I rode a horse and I thought the world would never look the same again. Cupid was tender and kind, my Dad was more attentive to me in that one afternoon than I’d ever known him to be before or ever again. I’ll never forget that day.” A tear slides down her face and I reach across to wipe it away.

  “Do you still ride?” I ask her, and she shakes her head.

  “Not really.” Is all she says in response and an idea begins to form in my head.

  “Are you working tomorrow?” I ask, “I don’t have rehearsal until Tuesday so I’m free.”

  “I should open the studio, I have no appointments today though. I guess I could keep it closed, one day won’t hurt.” She looks at me, a probing look on her face along with a delicious smile which draws my attention to her lips and hits me solidly in the groin.

  “It sounds perfect. I really want to spen
d more time with you, Blair. Let’s get out of here.” I stand up and reach my hand out to her and lead her to the exit.

  Chapter Eight


  The smell of coffee wafts in and draws Blair from a deep sleep, not wanting to open her eyes and admit she has woken up she burrows deeper into the fluffy pillow, it smells like patchouli, like Mark. Curling her body into a ball she scrunches the pillow up and inhales deeply a satisfied moan escaping her lips.

  A hand touches her ankle and gently caresses up her leg, the callouses on the tips of his fingers creating a friction which heightened the sensation. Blair straightens her legs, rolls over onto her back, and opens her eyes. Mark crouches at the end of the bed and leans over her, when his hand reaches the top of her thigh he moves his fingers in a circular motion towards her panties hooking them with his thumb before pulling them down her legs. He smirks and starts again from the other leg, caressing her slowly from her ankle and gently working his way along her leg, a moan of frustration escapes her lips as her body cries out for more of him and he holds back teasing and taunting with his fingers.

  “Mark…please.” She begs, and he puts a finger to his lips to quiet her and continues his gentle torture.

  This time when he reaches the top of her thigh, he brings his whole body between her legs before he places one finger at her clitoris and starts to play her like his Cello making her a pliable puppet in his fingers. He places another finger inside of her and she lifts her hips off of the bed, her body alight with nerves she didn’t even know she had as he plucks and bows until she cries out grasping his arms and shuddering with the intensity of the orgasm Mark has sent through her without uttering one word.

  As she starts to come down he traces kisses from her bikini line and down to her clitoris, his tongue taking over from his fingers. She tips her head back, leaning back on her hands and exhaling long and loud. She senses the smile on his face while his tongue massages her clit, two fingers plunge deep inside and stroke her inside out. She feels the pressure start to build again. Dropping herself back to the bed, bringing her hand around to take a handful of his hair and feel him between her legs. Blair has no choice starting to moan as another orgasm builds, the beads of sweat dripping from her breasts and forehead. This time when her hips start to buck Mark stops what he is doing looks up at her and like a predator crawls up her body pinning her with his own.


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