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Page 9

by Claire Ayres

  “Did you at least get his number?” Blair asks Quinn.

  “No, I didn’t even think of it,” Quinn says miserably, and Blair feels awful, and mean for tearing her away from the first man she’s ever felt a connection to.

  “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” Blair says while Quinn merely shrugs and smiles. Far too nice for her own good.

  After dropping Quinn off, Blair loses her mind slightly and gives a different address, in the morning she will remind herself this is the kind of trouble you get yourself into when you drink alcohol.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The rapping on my door is urgent and my first thought is something is wrong with Luka or Jess, rushing across the room I open the door and time stands still when I come face to face with the woman I’ve been thinking of non-stop for the past couple of weeks.

  “Blair” her name is barely a whisper when it passes my lips and I know the smile I feel inside is displayed on my face, I’ve never felt this happy to see anybody.

  *thwack* her palm makes contact with my face, full force, I didn’t even see it coming and although it stings having contact with her for even that painful fraction of a second is worth it.

  “I…hate you…you lying…bastard” she slurs, and then I notice she’s holding onto the door frame and swaying.

  “Blair, are you drunk?” I ask her, trying to ignore the sting of her words.

  “No!” She yells, standing straight before toppling forward where I catch her. “Well…maybe…a…little.”

  “Come on sweetheart, let’s get you a seat and some water.” I take her inside, sit her on the couch and get a pint of water. Sitting opposite her, I look at her carefully, she’s dressed for a night out, she looks beautiful, I don’t understand why she’s drunk, she’s meticulously careful not to drink.

  “Why are you drunk Blair? You don’t drink.”

  “You’re an asshole.” She responds. I run a hand through my hair and wonder how I became the enemy.

  Before I can respond she has straddled my lap, grinding herself against my cock. She puts her hands on my face and kisses me. Her drunken coordination is off and this isn’t the most romantic or sexy kiss I’ve ever had however it’s definitely still turning me on and for a few moments I fall into feeling her lips on mine. My tongue tasting hers our bodies lighting up for each other, nerve endings aware of what is coming. As she reaches to undo my trousers I realise how drunk she is and how wrong it is to take advantage of it. I gently pull her away, spreading gentle kisses on her face.

  “What did I do wrong?” I ask her

  “You lie.” She answers, low and breathlessly

  “Blair, I’ve never lied to you. Not once.” I know deep in my heart this is true, I’ve been honest with her at every juncture.

  “Not to me, you are a liar though.” She sniffs, and I realise she’s crying. Christ. This strong woman is breaking down. She moves away from me and I pull her back into my arms and she comes wrapping herself into me like it’s where she belongs. Then she starts babbling.

  “I wanted to forget, to prove I was free. I went out and wanted to know I could be me again. I met this guy.” My body tenses when she says this, the idea of her with another man makes me insanely jealous, a feeling I’m not familiar or comfortable with. “He was funny, and attractive, and famous. When he kissed me all I could think about was you. You’ve infected me, you’ve broken me and I’m angry with you.” She silently cries her head in my stomach her arms wrapped around me and I run my fingers through her hair. Relief washing over me she didn’t do anything except kiss this other guy, anger she did kiss him, and confusion about why she hates me this much all of a sudden. What the fuck did I do wrong?

  “Blair, sweetheart.”

  “Don’t call me that.”

  “For fuck’s sake Blair. What the hell did I do? Everything was incredible between us, we were getting to know each other, the sex is out of this world, I thought it was going well then boom you did a 180 and I have no idea why.” I look at her head, still stroking it gently with my hand and a small snore comes up from her. Of course, she fell asleep before I get any answers.

  I gently pick her up and carry her into the bedroom, removing her shoes and clothes, and putting one of my t-shirts on her. She doesn’t wake up the whole time, out for the count. I leave her clothes on a chair in the corner of the room. Kissing her on the head, I sit on the edge of the bed stroking her hair for a while.

  “I wish you would tell me what I did, I could fix it then, Blair,” I whisper. “Goodnight my beautiful lady.” I lean over and kiss her lips, a smile forms on her sleeping face. I leave her alone in the bedroom knowing if she is that angry with me she won’t want me imposing on her. I take a pillow and try to get comfortable on the couch. She called me a liar, why would she think I was a liar? What have I said to her to make her think this way?

  Eventually, I fall asleep, concern enveloping me for a relationship I barely had in the first place.

  When I wake up I creep into the bedroom to check on my guest, there is no need to creep, the bed has been made up and Blair is long gone. My heart sinks to my feet when I realise my chance to talk to her has walked out the front door, I may never know what has happened. I won’t give up trying though. When she said she met someone else last night I wanted to murder someone. I’ve never felt anything like it before, the intense feeling of possession. I won’t give up just because she says it’s so, not unless she can give me a damn good reason.


  “Hey Guys, lunch is ready,” Jess calls over to Luka and me who are rehearsing some of our pieces for an upcoming concert. Being a team again has been reinvigorating for me as a player. Luka has always been the person I’ve bounced off the most as a player and when we play together we naturally know where we are taking the music. Even in rehearsals we naturally work together, and everything flows perfectly. We finish the piece we are working on, high five then join Jess at the table to eat lunch.

  “Thanks for lunch Jess,” I say giving her a quick hug and kiss on the top of her head.

  “Hey hands off my woman!” Luka pushes me away before sweeping a laughing Jess up into a huge hug and kiss. I chuckle and start eating letting them have their moment. I’ve wanted what they have for a while, now I’ve tasted something like it with Blair, I crave it, I crave her.

  “What’s happening with Blair then Mark?” says Jess

  “Absolutely nothing,” I respond stabbing some salad onto my fork.

  “I thought things were good?” Luka looks confused, join the club mate.

  “They were, they are. Fuck, I have no idea. She did a complete 180.”

  “What happened?” Jess takes my hand, her blue eyes shining with compassion.

  “I don’t know, all was great, then it wasn’t. She keeps saying I’m a liar, I haven’t lied to her about anything. I don’t know what’s going on and she won’t have a proper conversation with me. The only reason I know the liar thing is she turned up at my place drunk last night and said more than she probably would have liked.”

  “You know mate if she’s worth fighting for don’t give up. I remember you telling me the same thing, quite a few times in fact.” Luka says with a cheeky grin on his face.

  “I also remember you ignoring me,” I respond, and Jess laughs out loud. “I’m not going to give up. I’m going to see her this afternoon. Try again.”

  “Good luck mate” Luka slaps me on the back and Jess smiles.

  After we finish lunch I go over to Blair’s and ring the bell for her flat, hoping she’s not working a wedding today. Luckily she comes down and after some hesitance opens the door a crack. Not prepared to play her games I push the door open and barge past her and up the stairs into her flat, waiting just inside her front door for her to catch up to me. She’s pissed when she does.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing Mark?” She shouts before she’s even finished walking in the door.

You owe me answers and avoiding me isn’t the way to go.” I turn on her, leaning down to come face to face with her.

  “Now isn’t a good time.” She says, looking almost sheepish.

  “It’s never a good time for you anymore,” I respond, then I hear a throat clear behind me and turn to see a guy behind me who looks like he’s ready to go catch the next wave.

  “Uh, Hi” He responds. I turn on her the anger and jealousy written all over my face.

  “Are you fucking kidding me, Blair? You have the nerve to come to my place, call me names for things I haven’t done and then this? Fuck you. You hypocritical bitch.” I push past her causing her to stumble against the wall and leave the building.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “So he’s the boyfriend,” Heath says as Mark slams out of the building.

  “Not a boyfriend,” Blair says again, frustration seething through her words as she peels herself from the wall.

  “Certainly, acted like a boyfriend, darling. Are you OK?” Heath comes to Blair, takes her hands and checks her over. She nods and closes her flat door.

  “At least he’s finally got the message about it being over.” She says

  “I’m not sure, he seemed really pissed,” Heath responds, “did you even tell him why you were breaking it off?” Blair looks up and shakes her head. “That’s kind of mean love. I’m not complaining about you being single, it’s better for me, you can’t blame him being confused if you haven’t told him anything.” Heath goes back to the kitchen and passes her the coffee he made her before picking up his own.

  “Thanks. I see your point, I will think about it.” She responds, nodding her head to the couch. Heath follows and takes a seat next to her.

  “Thanks for seeing me again though, love.” He says sipping his drink.

  “How did you find me anyway? We didn’t swap numbers.” She smiles, she likes this guy he relaxes her and is funny, he’s got the type of personality she needs to be around right now.

  “Not too many wedding photographers called Blair around here.” He smirks and Blair nods before grabbing her head to try and stop the nausea which kicks in when she moves.

  When she woke up this morning in a strange bed there was a pint of water and some paracetamol on the nightstand, she was alone in the bed wearing one of Mark’s t-shirts. She got up with a rip-roaring hangover, got dressed and crept out before Mark woke up. On the way she had stopped to look at him sleeping on the couch, frown lines etching his face like he was deep in thought while sleeping. She couldn’t help it she leant over and kissed those lines.

  “I wish things could have been different Mark, I really did fall for you.”

  Then she turned and left his apartment for the last time and came home. A few hours ago Heath called and asked if he could see her before he left for London. She said yes and told him where she lived and had been mid-way through telling him about Mark and why she had disappeared when Mark had turned up.

  “I’m glad you did find me, I like you, Heath, I’d like for us to be friends.” She says and takes his hand.

  “I will admit I was hoping for more, I’ll happily start with friends though.” He says optimistically and rubs a thumb over her hand in a possessive gesture which makes her feel safe, his eyes shining. “We are doing some video shooting the next few weeks, why don’t you come and join us? You could take still shots, it would be something different for your photography and would get you away from this situation for a while.” He asks

  “Are you serious? Don’t you have to check with people before offering me something like that?” She responds, putting her mug on the table then placing her hand on Heath’s leg.

  “Here’s the thing, I already checked with everyone who matters and they are on board. If you want the gig it’s yours.” He smiles as he speaks.

  Blair pauses to think things through, this is quite a change in direction it could also be a really interesting direction for her photography to take. Not too mention put some mileage between her and Mark which wouldn’t be a bad thing at all right now.

  “You know what Heath? I would really like to come, are you sure though? I’m not exactly experienced in the type of photography you’re talking about.”

  “I looked at your portfolio online, I know we won’t regret it. You are edgy and modern, even with your weddings so with us you will explode. This isn’t because I fancy you, which I do, by the way, you’re really talented.”

  As she pulls away from the hug Heath moves in to kiss her again, and this time she doesn’t run back to Mark, she allows the kiss to happen, it doesn’t feel like Mark’s kisses which feel like coming home, but it does feel comforting, a reassurance she is safe in these arms; and Heath isn’t Mark the cheater.

  “Wow, girl, you are blowing my mind,” Heath says tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She frowns in question.

  “What do you mean?” His hands still cupping her face.

  “You are strong, talented, funny, beautiful. I don’t think I’ve met anybody like you before.” He says before kissing her again, slowly, putting a hand on her back and pulling her whole body into his. Her hands wrap into his hair and when he pulls her onto his lap she can feel him through both pairs of jeans, straining to break through.

  “When do you need me to come to London?” She asks when they break

  “Come with me today? You can stay at my place if you want.” He responds, kissing her neck.

  “Are you sure? I can get a hotel.” He stops and puts his hands on her hips.

  “You don’t need a hotel, there are no expectations with staying at mine. I’m not asking you to go steady or marry me or anything along those lines. I like you, a lot, and I’m not asking for more than your friendship. Anything else which happens, we deal with. OK?”

  “Hmm OK, If you’re sure?” She smiles and deep in the recesses of her mind, her conscience screams at her she is making things with Mark a thousand times worse.


  As the train pulls into London, Blair, Heath and Liam grab their bags and get ready to depart. It’s been a fun journey with the lads. She’s learned they are a lot of fun, even Liam who last night she thought was really quiet. He’s actually very intelligent with lots of interesting things to say. He and Heath bounce a lot of things off each other.

  Once they depart the train they head to the The Underground, Heath’s place is in Greenwich which is about thirty minutes on the The Underground. Despite these lads being famous and Heath’s admission they are quite well off, they still live normally. Other than Heath’s insistence to buy her train ticket she hasn’t seen any big flashing of cash.

  As they trundle along on the The Underground her mind flashes to Mark and remembering how upset he was earlier. She hates hurting him, there is nothing in her which can trust a man who has cheated on someone, not after what Scott did to her, it’s too heart-breaking to think of going through it again. Looking at Heath out of the side of her eye it crosses her mind not for the first time she is doing the thing she has condemned Mark for doing, except Mark didn’t do it to her she is doing it to him. Who is she to judge really?

  “You OK?” Heath disturbs her thoughts and takes her hand and squeezes it

  “Yeah, I am.” She smiles at him.

  “I should warn you about something.” He says, and she frowns looking at while he speaks. “I often have paparazzi near my place, they always want to know my business. I will try and shelter you, you know what they can be like?”

  She takes a deep breath and nods. Leaning into him so he can put an arm around her.

  “We’ll deal with it.” She says, not really contemplating what a nightmare this could turn her life into.

  They exit the The Underground and walk for a few minutes approaching an apartment block overlooking the Thames. As they approach the entrance she hears people calling Heath’s name. He pulls his arm tighter around her tells her to put her head down and taking both of their bags walks quickl
y through the group of people flashing cameras at them and to the door of the building. Once inside he drops the bags on the floor lifts Blair’s face to look at him.

  “I’m sorry.” His eyes are full of regret

  “It’s not your fault, is it?” She responds “I’m just glad I’m not one of those photographers.”

  He laughs and leans in to kiss her. “Come on, almost home now. Taking the elevator they go to the top floor and the penthouse suite which overlooks the Thames.

  “Wow, this place is stunning,” Blair says after Heath has shown her around and shown her the spare room which will be hers. She’s standing in the perfect position to look out of the floor to ceiling windows.

  “Please treat it like yours while you’re staying here.” He comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist and places his chin on her shoulder.

  “Thanks for this Heath, the chance to get away, a great work opportunity, and for being nice to me when I probably don’t deserve it.” She turns and smiles at him.

  “You really need to explain a few things to me.” He says leading her to his huge couch, getting them both comfortable with her wrapped up in him. “seems to me Mark thought you guys were a couple, and you are refusing to tell him the reasons why you aren’t, tell me Blair. Tell me what happened and ruined things.”

  “Are you asking me to trust you, Heath Godfrey?” She jokes, her stomach churning at the idea of having to tell anybody her secrets. There is something about Heath she finds trustworthy and she’s sure she can tell him anything and he’ll hold it close.

  “I am because I think if you keep holding everything inside you’ll explode.” He says, stroking her arm.

  “There are two parts to this story, my past and what I learned about Mark.” She says curling deeper into Heath needing more protection. “I’ve never told anyone this about me, only one person in my life knows this and he was there. I was engaged once, to a man called Scott.” She looks at Heath and he raises his eyes in surprise not saying anything. “Not long before the wedding, his best friend Dean came to see me, he wanted to tell me Scott’s secret. He had been cheating on me, to make things worse, the other woman was pregnant. With Dean’s help, I packed my life up and moved leaving Scott behind. Dean is my best friend now. I don’t talk about what happened to anyone. I was stupid, and Scott made a fool of me. If Dean hadn’t told me I would have married Scott, and been tied to someone who had fathered a child with someone else.”


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