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Page 15

by Karen Nappa

  Yvonne’s mouth fell open, and she glared at Chris. “What do their jobs have to do with who they are and how they see our relationship?”

  Kate cleared her throat; both Yvonne and Chris looked her way. “Are your aunt and uncle aware of the nature of our relationship?”

  “Of course.” Yvonne’s stomach clenched. “Mijn oom en tante, excuse me, my uncle and aunt are very happy for me, for us. I told them I’m in love with you both, and we all want to live together eventually. We’ve discussed me moving out, and I told them about the wedding and the green card, and also about Kate and how important she is.”

  Kate arched an eyebrow. “They don’t object?”

  Yvonne looked between Kate and Chris. Both had equally dubious facial expressions, and her pulse quickened. “No, they don’t object! They know that I love you both, and they are happy for me. Why can’t you believe that?” Her voice rose in pitch, and her skin felt like she had been too long in the sun.

  “Angel,” Kate let out a sight that was a mixture of hope and sadness, “most people don’t get kinky lifestyles. You saw the reaction from Chris’ parents. After that, it’s harder to believe your family might be different.”

  Yvonne glared at her Mistress. “How about I call Tante right now so she can tell you herself?” She didn’t wait for an answer but went for her phone without looking back at both her lovers. Stubborn lovers! Her oom en tante were lovely people, and they weren’t the least bit narrow-minded. Most Dutch weren’t anyhow, and Oom Cameron only wanted for Wilma and Yvonne to be happy.

  “Hoi Yvonne, alles goed?” her aunt answered the call in a typical Dutch greeting. Usual Yvonne met the question ‘All good?’ with a polite affirmative, but this time she replied “Niet echt,” which meant she wasn’t doing great before launching into the explanation.

  Wilma listened patiently, and when Yvonne halted her monologue, her aunt’s voice oozed sympathy. “Oh, schatje.” After the endearment she was silent for a few beats. “Let me speak to Kate.”

  Yvonne marched back into the room, where Kate and Chris were now sitting on the couch huddled together. Without a word she thrust the phone in Kate’s direction. She couldn’t care less if she was disrespectful. So are Chris and Kate!

  Kate accepted the phone with a raised eyebrow, but pressed the device to her ear, and tentatively said, “Hello?” She listened. “Yes, hi Wilma.” Again, Kate stayed silent while Wilma talked. Yvonne couldn’t hear her aunt, but Kate’s rigid posture relaxed, and her green eyes sparkled with joy and love when she made eye contact with Yvonne. “Yes, of course.” She started nodding, “All right, I will. See you at dinner, Wilma. Thank you for the invitation.” Kate lowered the phone and looked at Chris. “She wants to talk to you.”

  Chris accepted the phone like the device had teeth, and it would bite him if he approached too fast. He cleared his throat. “Hello, Mrs. McGruder, this is Chris.” Chris listened for a moment. “All right, Wilma then. I was raised to be polite to my elders.” He spluttered a bit and listened more. Yvonne watched him like he might disappear if she blinked her eyes and was glad she did when a genuine smile graced his face. “Yes, Wilma, thank you. I will, believe me I will.”

  Chris disconnected the call and pulled both Yvonne and Kate in his arms. They didn’t discuss what Wilma had said, but Yvonne’s throat loosened – everything would be all right. If only Chris’ parents would come around, too.

  “I couldn’t believe it when Wilma told me how pleased she was about our relationship. I’m amazed how open-minded she is.” Kate gushed from behind the wheel of her car. Kate had decided the Mustang would have to go when the baby came, but for now it was more convenient than Chris’ truck. Yvonne had mixed feelings about selling the gorgeous car, but a minivan or even a sedan with four doors would be much more suited when the baby arrived. Yvonne rubbed her belly absentmindedly and leaned forward from the backseat to pat Kate’s shoulder. “I told you she was. Most Dutch are, we’re a pretty tolerant nation, and we value sexual freedom. We were the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage almost twenty years ago, did you know that?”

  Kate hummed, but Chris was quiet. Yvonne nudged him. “You never told us what she said to you.”

  Chris rubbed his hand through his hair and smiled sheepishly. “She told me she and Mr. McGruder weren’t royalty. They weren’t going away, and meeting the in-laws would only get more difficult if I kept up my guard and didn’t face the inevitable. She sounded more royal than Megan Markle does.”

  Yvonne chuckled. “Sounds like tante had been listening to Do I Ever by Kensington.” She pulled up the track on her playlist. After a sort of up-tempo intro, a man began to sing about sitting around and holding up his guard.

  Kate tapped along the beat on the steering wheel, and Chris listened with his head cocked to the side and an expression of deep concentration on his face. Yvonne allowed the music and the words about doubt and fear to flow over her.

  As Do I Ever ended, they were silent for a few moments before Chris asked her to repeat the song. His voice sounded as raspy as Kensington’s lead singer Eloi Youssef’s. Yvonne did as he requested, and they listened to the song in silence. When it ended for the second time, they had almost reached their destination.

  “Thank you, angel. I think I understand why this is one of your favorite bands if this song is an indication of their music,” Chris said with something akin to awe in his voice.

  Yvonne grinned. “You should hear Bridges, Sorry, or Streets by them. I believe those are even better.”

  Kate parked the car and turned off the engine, before turning around to Yvonne. “I’d love to hear more of them later, but now I really want to have dinner with ohm ‘n tantuh.” Yvonne giggled at Kate’s attempt at Dutch and bobbed her head in agreement.

  Chris exited the vehicle, pressed his chair forward, and helped Yvonne from the backseat. Luckily, she wasn’t hindered by a big belly otherwise it would have been challenging to get in and out, and Chris would never fit in the backseat with his long legs. Kate is right about the car.

  The three of them walked to the entrance, and the door opened before they hit the step leading to the entry. Wilma stepped out and embraced first Yvonne and then Kate, startling the last a bit by kissing her on right cheek – left cheek – right cheek. Before Kate could utter a word, whirlwind Wilma had pulled Chris in a hug and shocked him by saying. “I’m so sorry about your parents, Chris, but you and Kate are very welcome in our house and will always be. Thank you for making my niece happy.”

  Kate sat at the formal dining table, her mind reeling. After her phone call with Wilma, she hoped for a friendlier reception than with Chris’ parents, but she hadn’t expected the way Cameron and Wilma were treating them. Now, seated at the table, Kate eyed the strange device in the middle of the table. Yvonne and Wilma kept bringing more things from the kitchen and she itched to help, but Yvonne had explained the Dutch didn’t expect it. Cameron had pulled Chris into a conversation about his construction company, Kate played with her napkin and looked at the strange plate with dividers at her place setting, the wealth of different size containers with small cuts of raw meat and chopped vegetables, before returning her gaze to the apparatus in the center. It looked like a portable grill, but a two-layered one. Under the top, there were eight tiny raclette pans.

  “Okay, that’s it,” Wilma announced before taking a seat beside Cameron. Yvonne placed a basket with baguettes and another bowl with sauce on the table and sat down between Cameron and Chris.

  Wilma addressed Chris and Kate, “Do you mind if I say grace in Dutch?”

  “Of course not,” Kate said and Chris nodded.

  Cameron, Yvonne, and Wilma folded their hands and bowed their heads, and Kate and Chris followed suit.

  “Here, zegen deze spijze, amen.”

  Cameron and Yvonne echoed the “Amen,” and after “Enjoy your meal,” Cameron flicked a switch on the grill thingy and chuckled. “I hope you’re open to experiencing th
e Dutch way of Christmas dinner?”

  Kate cocked her head and glanced at the device. “I’m open to a lot of things, but I have no idea what we’re going to do.”

  Wilma explained, “This is gourmetten. It’s cooking at the table, and we think it’s gezellig – hmm, cozy. We have different kinds of meat and fish, of course veggies and …” Wilma showed two containers. “Eggs for omelets and batter for pancakes.”

  Chris grinned good-naturedly. “I don’t know if I was expecting traditional turkey or ham, but I sure wasn’t expecting to cook my own meal.”

  All cracked up with laughter at his joke.

  Cameron winked. “Pretend you’re at Benihana, only you’re the chef.”

  They all laughed again, and Kate’s tension ebbed. She kept a close eye on Chris. He had been hurt badly by his father’s rejection, and she wouldn’t allow Wilma or Cameron to rub salt in the wound. Wilma had sounded genuine over the phone, but Kate was a born and bred Missourian and subscribed to the state’s “Show Me” slogan.

  Wilma and Cameron showed interest in them all, and if they found their threesome strange, they didn’t demonstrate it. Chris was relaxed and seemed happy, and so was Yvonne. While the words Gourmetten and gezellig sounded odd and harsh, and she wouldn’t try to say the Dutch words herself, the meal was pleasant, and so were the McGruders.

  Kate and Chris were both off the week between Christmas and New Year’s, and the three of them spent most of the time together. Sometimes they played, but mostly they talked – about their plans for the duplex, the wedding, the baby and their various hopes and dreams. It was good for them to have extended time with little outside interference. By New Year’s Eve, they were ready to connect with the world outside Kate’s home.

  “The club is open. It’s been open all week. We really ought to go, especially after we ditched our DM obligations the other day.” Before Kate had finished her sentence, she was running through mental lists.

  “Sure, but won’t Mitch or Bob try to rope us into working if we show up tonight?” Chris’ foot bounced. He’d never been a worrier but the experiences with his parents had severely impacted him.

  “Not if they don’t know we’re coming. Besides, we put in a lot of time helping out at the club. No one will begrudge us one night just for play.”

  An hour later Kate and Chris were setting up for the scene in the big room on the third floor.

  “Angel, we’re in a mood to work you over hard. Are you game?” Kate assessed Yvonne’s body language. Her sub stood with her shoulders low, her hands open, and a small smile on her face, wearing only her play collar, wrist, and ankle cuffs. No clothes obscured her beautiful body, her slight baby bump, or her reactions.

  “Yes, Mistress.” Yvonne had an attractive blush, and her eyes sparkled.

  Kate looked over at Chris, and he had a big grin on his face as he pushed away from the wall and swaggered over to them. He held several lengths of rope in his hand, rhythmically whacking them against his thigh like a predator waiting for its prey.

  Most definitely in Dom-mode tonight, just as Kate wanted him. It amazed her how well they fit together, and the way Chris seemed to know which side of him Kate needed.

  Meanwhile, Yvonne watched how Chris' long capable fingers stroked the ropes. Her blush had spread, and her breathing sped up. Kate smiled and gave Chris the sign to begin. He might be a Dom to Yvonne, but he deferred to Kate in every way.

  “Safeword?” Chris’ gaze caressed Yvonne’s body, lingering on her breasts before dropping to the slightly protruding belly.


  Chris rewarded her with a kiss. He cupped the back of Yvonne’s neck, his hand with the ropes at her back, and plundered her mouth until her knees buckled. Kate laughed out loud in delight. Chris was carrying Yvonne out at the end of the night if a kiss had her weak-kneed already.

  Chris led Yvonne to the high-backed wooden chair at the far corner of the room. On the opposite side was a scaffold, and next to the door stood a new spanking bench Kate longed to consecrate.

  Barely audible footsteps neared and halted, Kate looked over her shoulder and gave Connor a nod. The Scot had the early DM shift. Connor grinned and tipped his head before sauntering to the next room. For a big guy he surely moved quietly. Sneaky Captain.

  Kate turned her attention back to the scene. Chris had Yvonne secured to the chair. He had woven the rope through the D-rings at her collar and cuffs and wrapped it around the wood. Per Kate’s request, Chris had tied Yvonne’s legs wide apart, and Kate had a prime view of her glistening waxed pussy. Next time Kate would wax Yvonne herself. Briefly, Kate wondered who would enjoy it the most.

  Chris stood behind Yvonne and kneaded her breasts before rolling her nipples between thumbs and forefingers. He rested his chin on Yvonne’s shoulder and said in a low, seductive tone. “Look at our Mistress, angel. See how she’s looking at your exposed pussy. She’s going to take care of that juicy little cunt, isn’t she?”

  Yvonne locked eyes with Kate, and she couldn’t contain her smile at the mix of longing and apprehension on Yvonne’s face. “You’re ours and you’re going to take everything we throw your way tonight.”

  Kate knelt between Yvonne’s legs. She was known for her genital torture, and the involuntary twitch of Yvonne’s thigh muscles told Kate the submissive tried to close her legs, but Chris had done a great job in securing Yvonne. If there existed one activity Kate liked even more than genital torture, it was a good mind fuck. She leaned in and gave Yvonne’s slit a languid lick. Yvonne bucked in the chair in answer to Kate’s warm tongue against her sex.

  Chris growled, “Hold still, sub. Our Mistress wants to feast on you while I torture your beautiful breasts.”

  Kate used her hands to pull apart Yvonne’s labia and reveal the pink insides and her clit. The little nub was hiding behind the hood, but it wouldn’t for long. Yvonne’s pussy convulsed, and Kate lifted her gaze. Chris had attached vicious clover clamps to Yvonne’s nipples and pulled the heavy chain connected to them. Chris might not be a sadist, but he liked to play with breasts, and he loved to give Yvonne what she needed.

  Another ripple of pleasure had Yvonne’s cunt spasming, and Kate pushed her face between Yvonne’s thighs. Some dominants found cunnilingus beneath them, but Kate found giving head or eating pussy extremely rewarding. She pushed her tongue inside Yvonne’s sheath, and the submissive moaned. Kate eased up a bit. No reason to rush, they would be here for a while.

  Yvonne screamed as she orgasmed for the third time. She was still tied to the chair. Chris had removed the clamps, and her nipples throbbed and pricked as blood rushed back.

  “No.” she whined.

  Yvonne looked at the wicked Mistress between her legs. Kate’s hands held Chris’ wrists away from Yvonne’s breast as she drank in the look on Yvonne’s face. Kate wouldn’t allow Chris to alleviate the pain. The idea that the Mistress made her suffer had Yvonne’s pussy producing even more cream. She slowed her breathing and allowed the pain to wash over her. Her pain belonged to the sadistic Mistress, and Yvonne would crawl over broken glass to please Kate. Yvonne leaned her head back and met Chris’ solid leather-clad thigh. As always, Chris’ presence balanced her, and the pain became easier to endure.

  I love them so much! “Ik hou van jullie.” Yvonne didn’t know if she said it in English or Dutch. Wasn’t it strange, she loved both of them? Yvonne let herself float on the heady sensations of love and subspace and was disconnected from the world for a time.

  It was like she was weightless and drifting on clouds, but that couldn't be because she was tied to the chair. Yvonne opened her eyes and she was in the air. What? What was happening? Yvonne relaxed when she connected the dots in her sluggish brain. Chris was carrying her. She snuggled against his broad chest. Her man was so big and strong. Like a lot of Dutch women, Yvonne was tall, but beside Chris she felt dainty.

  A soft feminine hand stroked her hair, and Kate kissed her cheek. “We’re not done with you, ange
l. Are you ready for more?”

  Yvonne nodded against Chris' chest. “Yes, Mistress. My body is yours.”

  “Good answer,” Kate whispered in her ear before pulling on her nipple. Hard!

  “She loves the idea.” Chris’ heartbeat was a steady lub-dub under Yvonne’s ear. “She’s gushing wetness all over my arm.”

  Kate chuckled. “Oh yeah, our Angel is a real pain slut.”

  Yvonne squealed as Chris placed her on her belly on a spanking bench that supported her length, and the cold leather shocked her. She tried to get up, but an unforgiving hand at her neck held her in place.

  “That just earned you a zipper,” Kate said in a low tone.


  Chris positioned her arms and legs and clipped her cuffs to the legs of the bench.

  Kate walked away, and Yvonne tried to follow her movement but the flogger Chris landed against her ass distracted her. She tried to lift into the stroke but couldn’t because of the way he bound her. She had to lie and take it, so she relaxed into the strokes – soft, soft, hard – a kinky foxtrot. Yvonne giggled.

  Kate returned and fiddled with her breasts until they dangled freely on either side of the bench. Chris dropped the flogger and was now kneading and caressing her butt. Pinpricks of pain turned her attention back to Kate, who held a clothespin. Chris pulled her buttocks apart, and a drop of warm spit landed on her exposed back passage. Chris teased her asshole with a shallow thrust of a finger, and the sensations overwhelmed Yvonne. She couldn’t move, had to take it. Yvonne rested her head on the leather. They would take care of her; all she had to do was feel.

  After Kate had decorated her breasts with at least two dozen clothespins, connected on a string, she pulled, and off they came in sequence, causing both pain and increasing Yvonne’s arousal. Chris pumped her ass with two, or maybe three fingers, and Yvonne was desperate to come. Again!


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