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Stronghold (Stronghold 1)

Page 42

by Angel, Golden

  "Hey sweetheart," he said, brushing his lips over her forehead before turning his attention back to Patrick. "So, what's up?"

  The big man's dark eyes flickered over Angel and then back to Adam. He raised his eyebrow, pulling at the scar across his cheek. "This was the last week of you being out of the Introduction Scene rotation; I wanted to know if you needed to be taken off permanently."

  Underneath Adam's arm, Angel stiffened. Adam inwardly cursed. He'd completely forgotten about the rotation.

  "Give me a second," he said to Patrick, stepping away and pulling Angel around to face him. Her eyes were practically glowing with anger as she glared up at him. Dammit. "Look, I wanted to talk to you about this..."

  "Oh really?"

  "I'm sorry this is getting sprung on you like this -"

  "Oh yeah, cuz that's the problem -"

  "- I just wanted to talk to you about how my friends are going to view this -"

  "- I don't know what exclusive means to you -"

  "- When the other guys said they weren't doing Introduction Scenes anymore -"

  "- but to me it means that you aren't getting down with anyone else, period."

  "- everyone knew it was because they were in serious relationships."

  "Oh, so now our relationship isn't serious?"

  Angel had pulled away completely, hands on her hips, eyes flashing, and her voice was getting louder. Grabbing her by her arm, Adam started to pull her in closer, but she wrenched them around, pulling her neatly out of his grasp. Dammit. He'd forgotten that she'd know how to break a hold, not that he wanted to hurt her or anything, he just wanted to touch her to reassure both of them that this was not what she obviously thought it was. She was such a tactile person, it made him feel almost panicky that she didn't want him touching her.

  "That's not what I meant!"

  Crossing her arms, Angel's finger tapped against her bicep as her lips tightened. Behind him, he could see Liam, Patrick and Michael all watching in amusement. Hilary was safely tucked into Liam's lap, her big eyes wide and incredulous. Frustrated, Adam focused on Angel dragging his fingers through his hair as he tried to order his thoughts.

  "Maybe you should explain what you meant then."

  He didn't know why he'd been so worried that Angel might end up being like his mother and hiding away her problems. That was obviously not the case. Which was a good thing, although he really wished she was maybe a little less willing to have a fight right here, right now. It would have been a hell of a lot better if she'd just let him explain right from the getgo, rather than providing entertainment for whoever wanted to watch. Sure, he could forcibly remove them both from their current location, but he didn't think that would go over well with her either. Better to explain first, then move them when she was willing to be touched again. Hopefully to somewhere that he could spank her ass.

  "I just meant that when Justin, Chris and Liam stopped doing Intro Scenes, it meant... I mean..." Angel raised her eyebrow as he fumbled over his words. "Look, I think our relationship is serious. I do. But I hadn't talked to you about what my friends expectations would be if I stopped doing Introduction Scenes, that's all I wanted to talk to you about right now. I didn't want to assume that you would be okay with what ends up being a really public gesture about our relationship."

  "Well I am!"




  "So if we agree, why are we yelling?" Adam threw his hands up in utter frustration. Liam and Michael were laughing at him. Out of the corner of his eye he could see several other people watching with interest, although thankfully the background music and conversations going on at the other end of the bar were loud enough that they probably couldn't hear everything.

  Angel just glared at him again. "Because you didn't answer Patrick immediately and tell him to take you off of Introduction Scenes which made me think that you didn't want to be taken off!"

  "Dammit, that was a rhetorical question!"

  "Well I decided to answer it!" Angel snapped back. Making another sound of frustration, Adam dragged his hand through his hair again. She laughed. She actually laughed.

  Scowling, Adam took a threatening step towards her. "Don't laugh at me right now, sweetheart."

  "You need to lighten up," Angel said, still laughing up at him. “How could you not have found all that funny?” The blaze in her eyes had simmered down, now they were sparkling with suppressed mirth. How the hell did she switch moods so suddenly? He was still feeling all ramped up and irritated.

  "You need to let me give you an explanation before you get all pissy with me."

  "Well I have a temper. You're lucky I didn't get Patrick and Jared to hold you down so I could paddle your ass."

  Okay, now she was just asking for it. Adam went for her, and even though she backed up quickly she wasn't fast enough to evade him; he hefted her up onto his shoulder, leaving her hanging down behind him with her ass up in the air. One of his hands wrapped around her thigh, settling between her legs, the other rested on the bare curve of her ass. Somebody wasn't wearing panties, which meant that everyone else was probably getting quite a show.

  "Adam!" she shrieked, her hands coming up to uselessly tug at the hem of her skirt.

  He ignored her, turning towards their friends. At least he could thank his lucky stars that Olivia wasn't around to personally witness that little scene. Or Chris or Andrew. They'd hear about it, of course, but at least neither Patrick, Liam nor Michael would be stupid enough to tease him right now. Hilary was actually smiling up at him approvingly.

  "Patrick, I won't be doing Introduction Scenes anymore. And Angel and I are using the school room for the next hour." Adam spun around, heading for the stairs at the back of the club.

  "Oh good," Angel's voice drifted up behind him, full of sass. He could feel her push herself upwards with one hand on his waist, probably to look at his friends behind them. "I'm feeling hot for teacher."


  Adam snarled. She was so going to regret doing that. He resisted the temptation to give her ass a slap back immediately. He was going to wait until they got up to the school room where he could take his time. Laughter followed them out of the main room, not just his friends, but every single person who had just seen her spank him. He wondered if Angel realized that they were all laughing because they knew she was going to really regret doing that.

  Going by her giggles, he didn't think so.


  Ooooooh she was in so much trouble.

  And she didn't mind at all. Angel had to admit that she rather liked the occasional caveman thing. Having Adam do it in front of everyone who was in the club, after definitively telling everyone that he was off the market, was even better. She'd stopped being mad once she realized that, in his own way, he had been trying to be respectful of her input into their relationship by not immediately telling Patrick that he wasn't going to be doing Intro Scenes anymore. Even though she wished he had just told Patrick immediately.

  But, as Lexie had said last week, boys aren't psychic. And, as Olivia had said, sometimes they’re kinda stupid.

  Besides, Angel wasn't the type to stay angry for long or to hold a grudge. Especially not when seeing Adam so frustrated and pissed off had actually been pretty hilarious. Their argument hadn't been the scary kind of angry; he'd been trying to placate her while he explained. Which she had been able to see the amusement in once she'd gotten over the initial flash of anger.

  Stalking down the hallway, Adam took her to the last room on the left of the upper floor. When he set her down on the teacher's desk, seating her on the edge, she did a quick scan around the classroom. There were some student desks scattered around the room, which didn't look particularly comfortable, and a blackboard and what looked like a children's play area in the corner. She wondered if that was for the Daddy Doms and their subs.

  When she finally focused on Adam again, he was waiting fairly patiently, a rather wicked gleam
in his blue eyes. With his arms crossed over his chest and that crisp, white collared shirt, he really did kind of look like a teacher. A really hot teacher that all the girls would have crushes on.

  That kind of thing had grossed her out in high school, but right now it was a fun little fantasy to have.

  "So professor, what's up?" she asked impertinently, unable to keep from teasing him. Going by the hard gleam in his eye and the barely controlled energy that was simmering just beneath his surface, Adam's temper didn't just slide away the way hers often did. Which, perversely, just made her want to poke at him more.

  Watching him lose his usual amount of control had been satisfying, when she was angry, and once she'd stopped being so irritated it had just been kinda hot.

  He muttered something under his breath before he unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt and began rolling them up, exposing the muscles of his forearm. Who knew a forearm could be so sexy. Pretending meekness, Angel just tilted her head and waited for him.

  "You are in a ridiculous amount of trouble," he said, once he had finished rolling up his sleeves, the action evidently having calmed him a bit. Looming over her, he planted a hand on either side of her thighs, leaning in so close that they were almost kissing. "In fact, Miss Jones... I believe you are a discipline problem."

  "Oh, well I'm never against a little discipline," she said teasingly, leaning back and away from him so that his face was now in front of her breasts. Her nipples were hard little points thrusting through the fabric of her bustier. Normally she liked corsets better because they held in all the stuff that she liked having hidden, but right now she was definitely a bustier fan. Adam's eyes lingered over her nipples, something that he would haven't been able to see if she'd been in a corset. "If you think it's really necessary Mr. Rawn."

  "I definitely think so," he said, a sexy little growl in his voice. Angel squealed as he suddenly flipped her over. Holy crap... the quickness of the spin had made her skirt lift up, completely exposing her backside to him. Not that it hadn't already been pretty exposed when he'd had her over his shoulder. She couldn't lie though, that little bit of exhibitionism had made her even wetter when he'd been carrying her off.

  Fingers stroked over the bare skin of her butt and she moaned a little. The desk was hard underneath her body, and cold, but who cared? She was all hot and wet and bothered.

  "You have such a fantastic ass."

  SMACK! Angel squealed a little as the sting flared where his hand had landed.

  "Nicely rounded."


  "I love watching it jiggle when I spank you."


  Angel bit her lip to keep back a comment about how a woman doesn't want to hear how her ass jiggles. She had a feeling that she was already in for enough of a punishment without adding to it.

  He chuckled, a pleased sound that made her insides heat up even more.

  "And it turns so nice and pink so easily."


  Whimpering, Angel did a little dance as the burning made her squirm uncomfortably. This spanking had more of a bite to it than any of the recent ones he'd given to her, the crisp swats coming down hard and unforgiving on the unprotected cheeks of her ass. She pressed her palms hard into the desk to keep from reaching behind her and trying to cover them, but it wasn't easy.



  He'd gotten her right on the tender area between her bottom and thighs, and Angel's hands moved of their own accord.

  "Uh uh," Adam said chidingly.

  "I couldn't help it, that hurt!"

  "It's supposed to." She heard him open one of the desk drawers and then warm fur was wrapped around her wrists. "This should help."

  The cuffs tightened and then he pulled her wrists up so that they rested in the small of her back. Angel bit her lip against a moan. There was just something about being restrained, unable to even try to resist, that just made her even hotter. Only because it was Adam though and she trusted him not to hurt her beyond what she could handle, no matter how annoyed he was with her at the moment.

  But he might take her right up to that edge. And now there was nothing she could do about it. Her pussy clenched.


  Her wrists jerked against the cuffs, his hand easily holding them in place by the chain linking them together.


  Angel moaned and writhed, squealing whenever his hand came down particularly hard on a spot that was particularly sensitive. And the more he spanked her, the wetter and needier she got.


  There was something immensely satisfying about delivering a hard spanking when Angel truly deserved it. He could understand why she'd gotten upset, but the fact of the matter was she hadn't even given him a chance to explain before she'd blown up at him. In Stronghold. If she'd done so publicly elsewhere he would have gone easier on her, but they'd already had the discussion that at Stronghold she was his submissive and would act accordingly.

  Spanking him while he'd carried her away was going to have its own repercussions.

  But not yet.

  Squeezing the pink globes of her ass, he enjoyed the way she moaned and squirmed under his hands. Her wrists were crossed almost delicately, held firmly in place by the tooled leather cuffs with a short chain between them. From now on he was really going to need to start carrying around his own on a regular basis. He hadn't missed how much Angel liked being restrained - and to be perfectly honest, he'd be happy keeping her in cuffs every second they were in the club and for long periods of time outside of it.

  "Alright, Miss Jones," he said, grasping her by the hips and pulling her off the desk. Turning her around to face him, he pushed her to her knees. The bright amber eyes that looked up at him were glazed with arousal, her nipples practically drilling holes in her bustier. With her wrists locked behind her back, it thrust her breasts out even more, offering them up to his hands. "You're going to show me how sorry you are now."

  Undoing his belt, he smiled as she licked her lips, tracing that perfect little mouth with her tongue. The second his cock was out, she was leaning forward, straining to taste him. He groaned with pleasure as her tongue swiped up the center of his head, collecting the drop of pre-cum that had gathered there. The sensation of her hot, wet tongue gliding over the head of his cock was teasingly blissful.

  "That's it sweetheart, take me in."

  Angel hummed with pleasure as she let his cock slide between her lips, sending vibrations that trickled up the shaft and his spine. As he moaned with pleasure, Adam dug his fingers into her hair, disarranging the messy updo that she'd put it in even further. Pins fell to the floor, unheeded, as he wrapped his fingers around the back of her head and pushed her further onto his cock.

  Wet warmth engulfed him, her tongue lashing against the underside of his cock. He could feel her throat spasm as he pushed deep, and he retreated immediately to give her some time to get used to it. Without her hands she was a lot more vulnerable to him, unable to tap out if he became too rough, which meant that he had to pay even closer attention than normal. Which was how he liked it, with him completely in control.

  Looking down, he watched as his cock began to pump in and out of those gorgeous lips. Tilting her head back, he knew he was putting some strain on her neck, but he wanted to look into her eyes while he fucked her mouth. They were glowing, eager, staring up at him and he groaned before releasing his hold, allowing her head to slide forward into a more natural position.

  He wanted as much stamina as possible for what he was going to be doing next, which was why he was going to get off in her mouth now. Then she'd have the taste of him on her tongue for the rest of the scene.

  Moving his hips back and forth, he was gentle but firm as he began to take her mouth long, sure strokes. The length of his cock glistened as it pistoned between her lips, her hungry moans only encouraging him to move faster and harder. Every time she sucked hard on him, her cheeks
would hollow out, her tongue and throat working in tandem and wreaking havoc on his control.

  "Fuck... Angel..." Gasping, he jerked forward, burying himself in her mouth. He could feel her pressing against him even though he was trying not to gag her, taking him into her throat as he started to cum. Every spurt made his knees feel weaker as she sucked and swallowed.

  It was probably a good thing that she did have her hands cuffed behind her back, she didn't need anything more than her mouth to drive him wild.

  Shuddering, he let her milk every last drop from him before he pulled away. His cock, still half-hard, hung down in front of him.

  "Thank you sweetheart, that was very good," he said, caressing her head gently. Panting, Angel laid her head against his thigh, rubbing her cheek against his skin. "Now let's deal with the rest of your punishment."

  Angel's head jerked back. "But-"

  Curving his hand under her chin, Adam put his thumb on her lips. He raised his eyebrow at her. "You thought that if you spanked me, all you would get was a little spanking? No, the spanking was for not letting me talk to you and explain before you got all huffy in front of everyone. Now I'm going to punish you for being so insolent."

  As he pulled her to her feet she didn't protest, but she was eyeing him warily, uncertainly, as if she wasn't sure what to expect from him now. Adam hid his grin from her, enjoying the fact that she was off balance. Sometimes his Angel was just a little too sure of herself. And apparently he'd gotten predictable if she really thought she was going to get off with just a little spanking.

  Chapter 27

  Adam unhooked the chain that kept Angel's cuffs together so that he could help her take off the bustier, followed by the skirt. Getting her back up onto the desk, he reattached the cuffs to each other before laying her down flat on her back, moving around to the other side of the desk where there was a short chain just under the lip of the desk in case anyone wanted to secure their submissive to the desk itself. Which is exactly what Adam did.


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