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Traitor (Southern Rebels MC Book 3)

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by Kristin Coley


  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition: July 15th, 2019

  Copyright © 2019 Kristin Coley

  Written by Kristin Coley

  Chapter One


  Raucous laughter burst out on the other side of the room, but it wasn’t enough to pull me away from the whiskey I was nursing. Six months and I hadn’t found her. Six months and I was still no closer to the answers I sought.

  A sharp cry followed by more laughter brought my head up and I saw Dick kissing a struggling woman. It was the blood running down her cheek that made me stand up though. I’d seen him get rough with her before and left it alone, but tonight something inside me snapped.

  “Dick,” I said, not needing to raise my voice since the room had quieted when I stood up. “Let her go.”

  He didn’t release her, but the woman stopped struggling. I thought her name was Deidre, or Andrea maybe, I wasn’t really sure since she mostly hung around Dick and his guys, and I made it a point to avoid the assholes.

  “Or what?” He yelled, his small eyes growing squinty, as he attempted to stare me down. Some of his friends drew back as I came closer, while others in the smoky bar began to form a loose circle around us. They scented blood and I promised a brutal if short lived show for them.

  “Or I take her from you,” I answered simply, my stance relaxed as I faced down Monty’s right hand man. I knew I could beat him in a fight, fair or not, and this one promised to be anything but fair as he shoved the woman toward one of his friends. He was swinging as he charged me and I used my smaller build to my advantage, dodging the clumsy punch, and tapping the back of his kneecap. He stumbled, barely catching himself as he roared his displeasure. I danced out of his reach, landing a solid punch to his side before one of his friends attempted to grab me. I twisted, elbowing the guy in the nose before kicking his knee.

  “Scared to fight me alone?” I taunted, throwing myself sideways as he came barreling at me again. “You’d think the Vipers’ VP could handle a bar fight.”

  This time when he charged I let him grab me, using his own force against him as I sent him flying toward his friends. Most of them darted out of the way, but he managed to land on two of them, knocking them into the wall.

  “You know how this ends,” I told him, not even out of breath. “I win. You lose. Girl is mine.” I lifted my shoulders as if I couldn’t help the outcome and it was as if I’d waved a red flag. He came running toward me and I grabbed a pool stick, calling out, “Red Rover, Red Rover, come right over.” I thrust the pool stick out, clotheslining him and couldn’t stop a chuckle as he splayed out on the floor.

  A grunt from behind caused me to spin around in time to see the guy about to attack me cup his junk and go to his knees. Deidre, Andrea, whatever her name was, didn’t say a word as she shrank back against the wall, one hand curled into a tight fist.

  “Fucking kill you,” Dick warbled and I turned my head in time to see him come at me again.

  “Way to announce yourself,” I replied, spinning the pool stick and then tapping him with it just hard enough to make him flinch at the sting. “Is she really worth it?” I raised my eyebrows. “I know you enjoy a good blowjob as much as the rest of us, but this might be going a little far for pussy.”

  He paused, blinking at me confusedly. “She’s mine,” he muttered, shaking his head. “You need to be put in your place.”

  “My place?” I repeated, almost laughing at the idea of having a place here. “How ‘bout I take your place?” Dick grabbed the other end of the pool stick, causing it to snap as we struggled. He had size on me, but I’d learned to fight from guys that dwarfed him, and I wasn’t drunk or high. I came in fast, getting inside his reach as I threw hard punches at his face and torso until he went down, swaying on his knees.

  I backed away, gesturing to the woman, who eyed me warily and I shot her a sharp glance. “Me or him,” I said brusquely and her eyes widened as her glance went over my shoulder. I dropped, barely missing the knockout punch he’d leveled at me, and my fingers curled around the broken pool stick I’d lost earlier. I twisted with it in my hand, feeling him coming at me from behind and he impaled himself on the jagged end.

  He stared at me in shock, his hands going to his stomach where the pool stick protruded. I released it, stepping back as he collapsed to his knees, the room around us silent.

  “What the hell is going on out here?” Monty roared and the circle around me parted, giving him a clear view of his second in command, a pool stick jutting from him as blood pooled on the floor. “Did you kill my VP?” He asked, his eyes glittering dangerously, and several of the men stepped back, but I stood my ground.

  “Yes,” I answered, stating the obvious. “And you’re welcome.”

  “Boy, you better think carefully about your next words,” Monty snarled and I crossed my arms. “You’re here as a favor to your mother.”

  “I thought I was here so you could gloat about it,” I retorted and his lips drew back, revealing tobacco stained teeth. “I did you a favor killing Dick,” I continued, the room so silent no one dared take a breath. “He was a liability.” I stepped over Dick’s dead body, coming face to face with Monty. “In fact, I’ve done nothing but clean house for you since I got here.” Everyone seemed to suck in a breath at once with that little bombshell. “I think it’s time you give me what I want.”

  “And what exactly would that be?” Monty asked, his gaze warning me to tread carefully.

  “Full membership.” The words dropped into the silence, sending ripples throughout the room. I nudged Dick’s leg. “VP would be nice too,” I added as an afterthought and Monty stared at me for a long second, then threw back his head as he roared with laughter.

  “You’d make your daddy proud,” he declared, pointing at me as some of the tension in the room drained. “Brass balls. I like you, kid, I do.” He shook his head, glancing down at Dick. “You were right about Dick. He enjoyed the product a little too much.” I refrained from mentioning he was nothing but a cokehead. “I’ll give you what you want,” he continued and I didn’t let the relief that flashed through me show. “But it’s up to you to keep it.”

  “Not a problem,” I replied, the words should have sounded cocky, but instead came out completely confident. I’d been waiting for this opportunity, a chance to get behind closed doors, and discover their secrets so I could take them down.

  “I really didn’t expect you to prove yourself so quickly. I guess I owe your mother a debt of gratitude.” He chuckled, eyeing me carefully. “I have no doubt what she’ll want in payment.” I kept my face intentionally blank and he stepped back, his gaze sweeping over the mess of broken tables and Dick’s dead body. “Get this cleaned up,” he ordered, gesturing to Dick’s companions. “Strip his kutte and burn it before you bury him.”

  They rushed to obey him and as Monty’s gaze swept over the room, the onlookers rushed to find something to occupy themselves. His gaze came back to mine as he said, “Welcome to the Vipers, Crew Hayes.”

  Chapter Two


  Blood trickled down my cheek but I ignored it as my best chance at finding information got dragged from the room, the pool stick still sticking out from his chest. I wanted to scream as six months of abuse and bad sex went down the drain, but I was better trained than that.

  I took a deep breath, the air freezing in my lungs as his gaze met mine. He was young, this guy who thought he was saving me, but his eyes…

  I’d seen dead men with more emotion.
r />   “What’s your name?”

  The simple question caused the air to gust from me, and I had to fight back an almost hysterical laugh. He’d just killed a guy for hitting me and he didn’t even know my name.

  “Drea,” I answered, not liking the catch in my voice. He nodded to himself, murmuring something that sounded like, “Close.”

  “What’s your name?” I turned the question on him, acting like I hadn’t just heard the president of the Vipers welcome him as a full member.

  “Crew,” he answered easily. He gestured to my cheek. “Want me to take a look at that?”

  My automatic response was no, but I bit it back. Dick, and a more aptly named man I’d never met, was dead and this guy, this teenager, was my best chance at bringing down Monty and his club.

  I touched my cheek, my fingers finding sticky blood as I nodded, lowering my eyelashes. “That would be kind of you,” I whispered and he took a few steps toward me.

  His fingers settled on my chin, turning my head so he could inspect the cut. “I can’t tell if you need stiches. Let’s get it cleaned up and then we’ll decide.”

  His hand dropped from my face and I dipped my head, avoiding eye contact as I maintained a subservient position. He exhaled, ruffling the hair on the top of my head as he stepped away. “Come with me,” he muttered, nudging my arm. I stepped forward, following him down the hall where several of the guys slept. He didn’t stop until he’d come to Dick’s room, twisting the knob and muscling his way past the lock.

  I stared at him, a little shocked at his boldness, even after I’d just watched him shove a pool stick through Dick’s stomach. He glanced back at me, shrugging carelessly, “He’s not going to be using it.”

  I nodded faintly, wondering if I’d just landed in the fire. “I won’t miss him,” I murmured, clearing my throat when my voice cracked. “You were so brave,” I told him, almost gagging at my own words. I controlled myself, wondering why I suddenly found it so difficult to pretend. It should be easier with this guy, Crew. He was younger than Dick, less certain of his position, and I could use that to my advantage, gain his trust and exploit it. “I didn’t get a chance to thank you.”

  “I’d call us even,” he answered and my eyes came up in question, meeting his expectant gaze. “For sucker punching Dick’s friend,” he explained and I nodded lightly. I hadn’t realized he’d seen me do it and I cautioned myself to be careful with this one. He wasn’t a drunk or a cokehead, and therefore wouldn’t be as easy to fool.

  He went into the bathroom, his nose wrinkling as he came back with a wet washcloth in his hand. “That’s disgusting,” he declared, shaking his head at the state of the bathroom. “Did he name the mold growing in there?” He asked, and I couldn’t stop a faint smile of amusement. “There’s like five generations of family in there.” A chuckle escaped me, cutting off abruptly as I winced. He brought the washcloth to my face, the cold wetness feeling good as he gently wiped the blood away. “Head wounds bleed a lot,” he muttered, carefully cleaning my face. “But this looks like it could go either way.” He met my eyes. “To stitch or not to stitch?”

  I shook my head. “No stitches.” His eyes crinkled in the corners, questioning me, and I wasn’t about to tell him it had less to do with the fact that I didn’t want to go to the hospital, because I didn’t, and more to do with the fact that I was petrified of needles. “Glue it,” I told him and he nodded, accepting my decision.

  He rummaged through some drawers, finally saying, “Aha,” as he held up a tiny tube of super glue. “This should work.” He came back, checking to make sure the bleeding had stopped as he pinched the skin together and sealed the cut shut with glue. “There,” he said in satisfaction, setting the tube down.

  I nodded, taken aback by his gentle ministrations, after witnessing his lethal coldness. “Thank you again,” I whispered, reaching up to brush a kiss along his cheek as my fingers stroked the front of his jeans. His head turned slightly so my lips met his as a bulge formed under my hand. “I owe you.”

  His firm lips stilled and he lifted his head as he shifted his hips, my hand falling away. “You can sleep here tonight,” he muttered, stepping away. I stared at him, at a loss as to what had just happened. “I’ve got business to take care of.”

  He disappeared through the door as I stood there, baffled by his sudden change of heart. He’d been interested, I knew that much, the proof had swelled under my touch, but then he’d just shut down.

  I growled in frustration at the missed opportunity. He was my best chance at getting into the inner circle of the Vipers now that Dick was dead. Sex made people careless and more than a few secrets had been spilled under the guise of pillow talk. I flopped on the bed, air gusting out of me. Now I just needed to get him to have sex with me.

  Chapter Three


  Six months earlier

  They’d released Monty.

  The words just kept echoing in my head, taunting me. The fact that my brothers had known and not told me – I slammed my fist against the wall, drywall breaking under the force, as I panted, shaking the dust from my hand.

  I paced, thoughts whirling, as I tried to focus on a single thought in an effort to stop my mind from flashing back to the memory of Deacon’s beaten body.

  “Norah,” I murmured, the word a mantra, a prayer, on my lips. “You need to warn her.” I held on to the thought until my breathing slowed and I could lock away the memory of Deacon’s death.

  I lifted my phone and saw my hand shake slightly. I tightened my grip, forcing the weakness to disappear. “He won’t hurt you. He can’t hurt you. Deacon’s death was not your fault.” The words felt hollow, meaningless, and I closed my eyes, trying to regain control again.

  The phone rang in my hand and my eyes popped open, a reluctant smile curling my lips when I saw who it was. “I was about to call you,” I said as I answered the phone and heard her soft laugh.

  “I thought my nose felt a little itchy,” she commented and my chest loosened. “Wanna come over and watch Aquaman with me? My date bailed.”

  “Yeah, she’s at my house,” I told her dryly.

  “What?!? Don’t tell me that heifer dumped me for your studly older brother.”

  “Ugh,” I groaned, shaking my head. “Let’s start with never combining the word studly with either of my brothers.” Laughter rolled through the phone and I gave her a second to stop. “And no she didn’t dump you for my brother, at least I don’t think she did. The tattoo parlor was bombed while they were there.”

  “Oh my God, are they okay?” Norah’s laughter dried up completely and I heard the concern in her voice.

  “Yeah, they’re fine. Not sure the tattoo shop will be alright, but they managed to get out. I think she’s staying with us though.”

  “She can come stay with me,” Norah suggested immediately. “I’ve got the space if she doesn’t mind staying sleeping in Deacon’s room.”

  “No,” I replied instantly and there was silence on the other end of the phone. “It’s not safe.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “No one is sure why the tattoo shop was bombed. If it’s because of Tori or retaliation on Cord and the club.” I rapped my knuckles next to the hole I’d punched into the wall to remind myself to patch it before anyone else saw it. “Tori doesn’t want to put you or Deacon at risk if its because of her.”

  “What aren’t you telling me?” Her perceptiveness didn’t surprise me and I took a deep breath. “Crew,” she stated my name with a finality that told me I better answer her.

  “Monty was released from prison today.” The words spilled out in a rush, but it was the long silence afterwards that worried me. “Norah?” She didn’t answer and I looked at the phone to make sure we hadn’t been disconnected. “Norah, he can’t hurt you. I swear, I won’t let him get near you or your son. I made a promise to Deacon.”

  “I know you did, Crew.” Her next words sounded forced. “You’ve always taken care o
f us and I appreciate it. But I think it’s time I stood on my own two feet.”

  “Norah?” I couldn’t hide the insecurity I felt at her words, her ominous tone sending a creeping dread down my spine.

  “You know, I think I’ll skip the movie tonight. I’m out of the mood to see a wet Mamoa.”

  “I can come over,” I replied instantly, completely disregarding the fact that I’d basically been forbidden from going to see her not an hour earlier by my brothers. “I heard the fight scenes were awesome.”

  “No,” she said, the single word cutting deep. She tempered her next words but I couldn’t help but feel she was hiding something. “I need to process all of this. The fact that Monty is out of jail. Just everything.”

  “Okay,” I nodded despite the fact that she couldn’t see me. “I’m here if you need me.”

  I heard her exhale.

  “You’re a good friend, Crew.” She sniffed. “You stood by me when I didn’t think I could make it. I’ll never forget that.”

  I gave a worried chuckle. “Sounds like you’re saying goodbye, Norah.”

  There was something off in her laugh, but I chalked it up to emotion. “No, I just don’t think I tell you enough how thankful I am for you. For having you in my life.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I said truthfully, hanging my head as I remembered seeing Deacon lying on the ground. “Deacon should be here with you. The least I can do is try and fill his shoes.”

  “You don’t give yourself enough credit, Crew,” she murmured. “You can stop filling his shoes. Yours are big enough all on their own.”

  “Easier said than done,” I admitted, choking on the words slightly. “Are you sure you’re okay? I can come over. Watch a movie. Stare at the wall. Whatever you need.”

  “I’m gonna be fine,” she promised and my heart twisted a little. “You were there for me in my darkest hours. You’ve always protected me, and I’m going to do the same for you.” She paused and I fought to say something, anything, to stop her next words. “Goodbye, Crew Hayes.”


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