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Traitor (Southern Rebels MC Book 3)

Page 7

by Kristin Coley

  “Whatever you do to Martinez….I don’t care,” Crew declared, walking over to me. “But Monty, I need him alive. It’s possible he knows where Norah is or has her. So whatever happens, I want Monty.”

  I nodded absently, my mind spinning as I wondered if this was finally it. If we’d really get him this time. Martinez rarely made appearances in the US, one of the reasons we’d cut Monty loose, as a lure to get Martinez back on US soil so we could arrest him. The fact that it might actually work left me dizzy.

  “I’m going to bed,” Crew said abruptly, hitting the light switch and I looked up in time to see his jeans hit the floor with a thump. His golden skin was marred by the viper coiled on his back, but liquid still pooled between my legs as his back flexed when he climbed in the bed.

  I stood up, about to join him, when he spoke up. “I think we should stick to just being roomies now that we know each other’s intentions.”

  I nodded, but he couldn’t see me as he faced the wall. “You’re right,” I croaked and went to the bathroom instead. “I’m gonna take a shower.” He didn’t bother to reply as I lingered by the door and I closed it with a sigh. I should be grateful, happy, he’d given me exactly what I’d been after for over a year and asked for nothing in return.

  I turned the shower to full blast, and dug my phone out of the tampon box. I kept the call short, but there was no mistaking Dwayne’s excitement. We were finally going to get justice for Nick and Donny. I glanced at the door separating me from Crew and stashed the phone back in its hiding place. Trust only went so far.

  Steam billowed around me as I stripped out of the too tight clothes I wore and I took a deep breath, rubbing the faint red marks on my rib cage from where the underwire on my push up bra had dug into my skin.

  The door opened and Crew stared at me hungrily. My nipples tightened painfully as heat coursed through me at his sudden appearance.

  “I killed two men today for no other reason than to protect myself.” He stalked toward me as I stood frozen in place even as my body turned into an inferno. “And you,” he added roughly. He forced my head back as his body brushed mine, the head of his dick bopping against my belly. “Killing them kept both of our secrets, didn’t it?”

  I nodded, my tongue darting out to wet my lips as he watched intently. My puckered nipples pressed against his smooth chest as I swayed toward him. It seemed like every drop of moisture in my body had settled between my legs and my pussy clenched with need.

  “You protected both of us,” I managed to murmur, my hands hovering by his side, not quite touching him.

  “You think that deserves a thank you?”

  “Mmhmm,” I hummed, letting my hands settle against his hips, my fingers dipping into the defined hollow.

  “Bend over,” he commanded, stepping away as my hands dropped. I leaned against the counter, bracing myself as he came up behind me. The mirror had fogged so I could only see his outline as his erect cock prodded my entrance. I whimpered as he pumped his hips, barely letting the tip penetrate me.

  “Hold on,” he whispered and my hands barely gripped the counter in time as he slammed deep inside of me. He pounded me relentlessly even after my body convulsed around him, he didn’t stop, not until I’d cried out again, almost screaming his name incoherently as my body locked around his dick.

  I heard him groan and felt the heavy pulse as he came, his hips jerking against my ass. He slid out of me as I collapsed on the counter, unable to support my own weight.

  He lifted me gently, setting me inside the shower before his lips covered mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his tongue delved deep, exploring my mouth thoroughly in a series of wet open mouthed kisses. He leaned away and I panted, trying to catch my breath as he lathered his hands and then sent them sliding over me. He kneaded and stroked, soaping every inch of me, and when his fingers glided between my legs, I gasped.

  He settled one finger between my folds, sliding it back and forth as I clung to his shoulders, my legs shaking as he teased me to another release.

  “It’s too much,” I cried, panting as my body quivered. “I can’t.”

  “You can,” he stated, working his finger more firmly against my clit. My head dropped back against the shower wall as heat flashed through me and I silently screamed at the pleasure pulsing through me.

  He didn’t give me time to recover, lifting me in a smooth motion, his hips rocking forward as he thrust inside me.

  I couldn’t speak as he glided in and out, his pace slower this time, almost languid under the hot spray of water. My pussy was swollen and throbbing with each long stroke, but he had nothing but time as the orgasm built inside me again.

  I whimpered, my body a pulsating bundle of nerves focused on one particular spot as his dick slowly pushed in and out, and I rocked my hips, needing more.

  “No, no,” he murmured, pushing aside my wet hair to nuzzle my neck. “You’ve had your turn. This one is all mine.” He sucked a sensitive spot on my neck and shifted his hips as he stroked inside of me and my vision went black. “One more time and then you’re going to come for me,” he ordered and I must have made some sort of agreement because he gave a pleased grunt. He thrust harder and my body shattered as he shouted. Semen trickled down my thighs as his hips jerked involuntarily, pumping it into me.

  After a few minutes or maybe hours, he pulled out and rinsed us off under the still hot water. I slumped boneless against him as he carried me to the bed and laid me down. He curved his body around mine, giving a satisfied sound as I snuggled into him.


  The next day he was gone when I woke up, my body sore as I sat up in the bed. He’d gotten under my skin in a way I hadn’t expected and almost certainly didn’t like. This was a job, not a damn love connection. I rubbed my forehead, trying to convince myself it was some version of Stockholm syndrome, except I was the one who’d put myself there.

  I forced myself to get dressed, wincing as my underwear brushed my tender folds. He’d imprinted every inch of himself on me and while part of me preened at the thought, the larger part wondered who the hell I was becoming.

  “It’s almost over,” I murmured to myself, eyeing the miniskirt with distaste. I opted for the skintight jeans instead, telling myself I could at least run in those.

  “We got a problem,” Crew announced, glancing behind him as he shut the door. “He’s coming today, as in right now.”

  I didn’t need him to clarify who he was as I asked, “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, just talked to Monty. Martinez is paranoid and upset about his dead driver.” Crew shrugged. “Apparently, it was his son.” My eyes bulged as I sank back against the wall.

  “Great, so he’s out for blood.”

  “We need to get out of here.”

  “We need to get Martinez,” I corrected, my gaze becoming flinty. I hadn’t compromised every moral code to fail now. “You can go, but I’m not leaving until I see that bastard in cuffs.”

  Crew cracked his neck. “I killed his son. He’s going to want to kill me. I can’t guarantee Monty will protect me and he definitely won’t protect you.”

  “I need to make a call,” I answered, disregarding the truth in his words as I spun toward the bathroom. Crew followed, a puzzled look on his face until he saw me pull the phone out of its hiding place.


  “You didn’t find it, did you?”

  “No,” he agreed before flashing me a grin. “But I didn’t look either.” I stared at him for a second, distracted by the rare smile and the tiny dimple it revealed. He nodded to the phone. “You gonna make that call?”

  I snapped out of my stupor, punching the numbers in automatically, no longer caring if Crew knew everything.

  “He’s here. Now,” I said the instant he picked up, and heard scrambling on the other side of the line as confused shouts rang out. “I just found out. We cannot lose this opportunity,” I stressed, wondering if it wouldn’t just be easier to put a bullet in Ma

  “D –” I stopped, inhaling as the line quieted and I knew he could hear me. “Tell my Dad I love him.”

  “No can do,” he responded instantly. “That is your job, Drea.”

  “Promise me.”

  “Are you in a safe place?” His question prompted me to glance at Crew, who stood by the door eavesdropping without a hint of shame.

  “I am,” I answered honestly.

  “Then get the hell out. I mean it.” I heard him swallow as he tapped the keys, a nervous habit. “We’re on our way, but it’s gonna go south when we bust in there.”

  “It’s a risk I’m willing to take.”

  “Nick wouldn’t have wanted this,” Dwayne muttered and I knew he was scratching his beard. “Donny would string me up for even letting you go there.”

  “I know,” I said simply. “But they’re not here. I am. And I have to see this through.”

  “Keep your head down.” His reluctance was clear and I gave him the only answer I could.

  “I’ll try.” I ended the call and Crew flashed me a knowing look.

  “Told you to get the hell outta Dodge, didn’t he?”

  “How do you know it wasn’t a she?” I retorted, tossing the phone in the sink and turning on the water.

  “A woman wouldn’t have questioned you,” he drawled, showing an insight I hadn’t expected. “He’s right. Staying is a dangerous proposition.”

  “They why haven’t you left?” I snapped, pushing past him.

  “Waiting on you.”

  His answer stopped me in my tracks and I glanced at him cautiously, unsure what to make of the admission. He shrugged. “It’s ingrained in me to protect women.” He snorted. “You seem to need it more than most.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “I’m sure you can, the question is will you?”

  I couldn’t answer him because a few days ago the answer would have been no, and now, I wasn’t sure. “It wasn’t just my fiancée that was killed. Martinez also killed my brother.” I glanced at the ceiling, as I corrected myself bitterly, “Had them killed. He wouldn’t go so far as to get his own hands dirty.” I shook my head. “I came here focused on one goal only, and now –” My lips compressed, turning white at the pressure. “Now, the moment of reckoning is finally here and the idea of tomorrow?” I glanced at him, my jaw tight. “I have no idea what to do with tomorrow.”

  Understanding dawned and he glanced away. “I don’t know about tomorrow or the next day, or all the days after, but I know one thing you can do.”

  My forehead wrinkled as I sent him a questioning glance and this time his smile made my heart race.

  “Tell your Dad you love him.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Four months earlier

  I scratched out the number combo and tried another one with no success. I wrote it down, drawing a line through it, as I wondered if this was my dumbest idea yet. I tapped the pen on the little notebook as I stared at Deacon’s phone.

  The answers were on there. I just had to find them and that meant unlocking the phone to see what was hidden on it. Dozens of attempts were recorded in the notebook as I systematically tried combinations, hoping one of them would be the right one.

  The burner phone rang, the only number programmed into it flashing on the screen. I answered, concerned that Johnny was calling me now. Usually, we stuck to once a week.

  “Hey,” I answered, tucking it against my shoulder as I tried another PIN number. “Why are you calling?”

  “Have you lost your ever loving mind?” He roared in my ear, causing me to drop the phone. I could still hear him shouting through the phone as it clattered to the floor. I scooped it up, sighing as I settled it back against my ear.

  “I’m surprised it took you this long,” I muttered when he finally drew breath. “Hell, I’m surprised you aren’t outside the door.”

  “Only because we’re sitting on him,” Cord answered, telling me I was on speakerphone. “It was a close call.”

  “I’m fine,” I said dismissively, leaning my head back against the old, scarred up, wooden headboard. “Thanks for your concern, but I’ve got it under control.”

  “Fucking great for you,” Clutch roared and I heard a struggle. “We’ve been going out of our ever loving minds thinking you were dead or doing something stupid.”

  “Well, he is doing something stupid,” Creed replied and there was a thud. “Ugh,” he grunted. “We should let him go after you, Crew. He can beat you to a pulp.”

  “If you fuckers would let me up I wouldn’t have to hit you,” Clutch snarled.

  “You gonna be good and stay here?”

  “Yes,” he cried in exasperation. “For the love of God, get off my junk.” A sudden scuffle and Clutch’s voice came through clear. “Crew, get your sorry ass home.”

  I rolled my eyes, amused despite myself. “I can’t do that,” I explained. “I have to finish this.”

  “I understand your need to punish Deacon’s killers,” he rumbled and I scoffed.

  “It’s not about that. Not entirely. It’s about finding Norah, about making it safe for her to come home.”

  “Why do you think she’s in danger?”

  “There’s something on this phone, on Deacon’s phone. It holds the key to everything,” I explained for the hundredth time. “She left it for me and I have to understand why so I can find her. If nothing else, I need to make sure Monty doesn’t find her or have her already.”

  “There been any indication Monty does have her?”

  “No,” I answered, frustration coating my voice. “There’s only been one new girl, some chick named Drea or Andrea, I don’t know, she’s not Norah.”

  “And Monty’s accepted you?” I heard the doubt in his voice and had to push down my own unease.

  “Yeah, Mom vouched for me,” I replied, doodling on the notepad.

  “I’m sorry about your mom,” Clutch responded and I had to swallow the lump in my throat.

  “Yeah, she went straight back to using,” I admitted tightly. “But worked out to my benefit, right?”

  “Yeah,” he agreed quietly.

  “I wish you would have told us,” Creed groused, and then he sighed. “But I also know why you didn’t.”

  “You would have stopped me.”

  “Damn fucking straight,” Cord growled.

  “I didn’t want to leave, you assholes. You didn’t leave me a choice.” The anger I expected to feel never materialized, and I exhaled, knowing we had each done what we thought was right. “How the hell did you find out anyway?”

  Simultaneously, they replied, “Weasel.”

  “Johnny sucks at keeping secrets,” Creed continued. “We knew something was up when he kept sneaking out so we asked Weasel to keep an eye on Johnny and report back to us.”

  “And why would Weasel spy on Johnny for you?” I questioned, not buying his story.

  “He wouldn’t,” Clutch admitted with a loud laugh. “I told you he would see right through your shit.”

  “It’s not shit,” Creed protested.

  “They asked their old ladies,” Clutch tattled without an ounce of hesitation. “Between Sloan and Tori, they knew everything in like…an hour.”

  “I guess being henpecked has its advantages,” I replied, scratching my arm as I avoided looking around the sterile room. This was the first time in my life I’d been on my own and I hadn’t expected the loneliness.

  “They’re fucking boring,” Clutch informed me and I snorted as I heard them ribbing him.

  “Oh, really? And who disappeared the other night being all vague and shit?”

  “Yeah, I think you were meeting that redhead, Ginger,” Cord teased. “You’ve been gone a lot ever since you were elected to be the ambassador for the Aces.”

  “Shut it,” Clutch grumbled and there was another round of scuffling. “I’m not banging Ginger,” he corrected them. “Unlike you assholes, I try to keep i
t professional, besides I’m not into sharing.”

  “Then where are you going?” Cord questioned right as Creed interrupted.

  “Whoa, hang on, hang on. Sharing?”

  “That would be the thing you focused on,” Clutch replied mockingly as I listened to them argue back and forth.

  “If she’s a club girl, is it really sharing?” I interjected, curious about it myself.

  “She’s not a club girl,” Clutch and Cord said in unison. “She’s patched and high ranking in the Aces,” Clutch continued. “I don’t know her exact position because they keep it pretty close to the vest but she is not a club girl.”

  “Okay, then you really need to explain the sharing thing and then tell us where you’ve been disappearing to,” Cord decreed.

  “I second that,” I piped up, sliding Deacon’s phone to the side.

  “Do I even need to say, ‘Motion passed?’” Creed asked and Clutch made an unamused sound. “Guess I do. Motion passed.”

  “Look, let’s just say I’ve seen Ginger with the Professor and Mr. Powell…and Gilligan too.” There was nothing but silence as we took that in. “And they all know, it’s not like a secret or anything. She’s not cheating on any of them. They know and are all okay with this.”

  “Man, you just blew my mind,” Creed said slowly.

  “You think Tori would go for that?” Cord questioned and we all busted out with, “What the hell?”

  “Hey, certain times of the month, I would have no problem letting someone else deal with her,” he defended himself. “She sleeps with the damn crowbar under the bed.”

  Creed laughed so hard he snorted, setting the rest of us off. I had to muffle my laughter before someone came knocking on my door wondering if I was being killed.

  “Jesus, dude, that might be the most honest answer I’ve ever heard,” Clutch finally gasped as I leaned down to pick up the phone I’d dropped. “And the sorry thing is, I’ll never be able to tell it because if Tori ever found out….” He trailed off as we all grew silent at the sobering thought. “Well, she’d bury all of us.”

  “Never cross a woman that has an empty grave at her disposal,” Creed suggested wisely.


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