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Virgin For The Fourth Time: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Four

Page 18

by Jeannette Winters

  Chapter Eighteen

  Zoey couldn’t believe how much she missed Bennett. Although they’d texted or spoken almost daily, it hadn’t been the same as having him with her. His last message was two days ago, saying he’d be back soon. Even in writing, he seemed stressed. Whatever he was working on was taking a toll on him.

  When he gets back, I’ll help him forget. Zoey smiled, thinking how she’d greet him. Maybe I’ll wear some sexy lingerie to the door. That should brighten his mood.

  She’d tried to keep herself busy each day so her mind wouldn’t be idle. It was times like this that she wished she had a job instead of just helping her brothers on the sidelines. It was the first time in her life she truly believed she could have something more. Something of her own. She was capable of making a difference, a real difference.

  Being with Bennett empowered her. It wasn’t as much that he believed in her as she now believed in herself. Zoey knew what was in her heart, but she wasn’t ready to admit it to anyone yet.

  While Bennett was gone, Zoey spent hours researching different directions she could go with her music. When all was said and done, she wanted to play for others, not just to make money. Instead of attending charity events, one day she might be able to host musical fundraising events. She could foresee herself doing that in the near future. And Sophie Barrington is just the person who will be able to guide me. When I’m ready, that is.

  Not only had she spent time finding herself, she also took those two weeks building a closer relationship with the other ladies in the family.

  They were all coming to lunch that day and should be arriving soon. Instead of her usual take-out, Zoey made mac and cheese and baked a chocolate cake from a recipe Renita had given her. Her kitchen smelled heavenly. When she questioned Renita about a menu, she told Zoey, “Keep it simple for them, and wow him with something more exciting in the bedroom.”

  Zoey hadn’t expected such a candid response, but damn, that woman was right. No food would ever be as sweet as their lovemaking.

  The doorbell chimed. Zoey took off her apron, put it back in the drawer, and went to welcome her guests.

  “We figured we’d travel together,” Morgan said, as she entered. Lena and Tessa were close behind.

  “Good thing my boss is in a good mood and doesn’t care that I take the afternoon off,” Tessa said as she hugged Zoey.

  Lena laughed. “Oh yeah, like Dean would refuse you anything, Tessa. That man has only one word when it comes to you. Yes.”

  Tessa smiled. “And Brice can tell you no?”

  Zoey hadn’t fully realized how lucky her brothers were to find these women until recently. The more time she spent with them, she saw just how special and unique they were. What they all had in common was strength and kindness. It was nice to see but even nicer to experience. Today was another example of that. They all had their own lives to live, but they put them on hold to come for lunch, knowing she was missing Bennett.

  “I truly appreciate you all joining me,” Zoey said as they all made their way to the kitchen. It was funny, they’d only used the formal dining room once, and that was during her Valentine party. It was too stuffy and impersonal, and that wasn’t her any longer. It never really was. It was who I was expected to be. Now, I’m just me.

  “Did you make that?” Tessa asked as she pointed to the triple-layer chocolate cake. There was a layer of fresh whipped cream and a cherry filling between the layers.

  “Renita has been sweet enough to stop by a few times, and she gave me a few cooking tips.”

  “Really? Wow. I never knew she could cook,” Lena said. “Guess Vincent is rubbing off on her.”

  Zoey understood people growing and changing for the better. She wasn’t the same person she was before Bennett came into her life.

  “Let’s eat before we skip lunch and go right for dessert,” Morgan joked.

  As they ate, Lena said, “I really appreciate you babysitting Nicholas for us last night. I can’t remember the last date night we had during the week. Normally we wait until I can take him to my parents’ home in Cape Cod.”

  It was the first time she’d watched a child. When she thought about it, she’d never held a baby. It made her realize that so many common experiences for most women had been stolen from her. She was changing that. “He’s such a sweet boy. Except he seems to need to analyze everything. I swear if I closed my eyes for one minute he’d have taken apart every device in the house.”

  “You can thank your brother for that. Nicholas is going to be an inventor just like Brice. I just hope our house survives the growing pains.” Lena laughed and threw up her hands in defeat.

  “Have you thought about having children, Zoey?” Morgan asked. If only she knew that was how this all began.

  “I’ve never been in a relationship with someone to even think about having kids.” Despite what her father had said.

  “Well, I’m guessing that’s changed now. Have you and Bennett talked about it?”

  No. We haven’t even . . . spoken of a future. “That’s a bit premature, I think.”

  “Really? When he and I had coffee one morning, I had the distinct impression he was serious about you.”

  “You met with him?”

  “Yes, he was freaking out about some music. He’s a great guy, don’t get me wrong, but when he has his mind set on something, he is relentless until he finds the answer.”

  My music. He’s still thinking about it? She thought that episode was forgotten. Zoey hadn’t planned on sharing with him about the compositions and why she’d written them, but if it was troubling to him, she’d have to.

  “What music?” Lena asked.

  Oh, God. I don’t want to have to explain to everyone. It’s bad enough I need to tell Bennett. “Some music that I had lying around.”

  “I was honestly blown away that Bennett even knew how to play. He thought maybe the music belonged to your father,” Morgan added.

  “No. I have nothing of that man in my house.” Zoey’s voice filled with bitterness as she spoke.

  “Sorry. I shouldn’t have brought him up,” Morgan said, giving Zoey’s hand a consoling pat.

  Zoey shrugged. “You’re all family now. It’s no secret. James Henderson was . . . incredibly unkind to all of his children.”

  Lena nodded. “I met James years ago when Brice and I were involved the first time. He made my skin crawl. I don’t know how you all turned out to be the wonderful people you are, growing up under that man’s control.”

  Tessa chimed in saying, “My father always preached that we’re not given a good or bad life. It’s our choice what to do with the life we’re given, good or not.”

  Zoey could relate to that. It’d been her choice for years to shut herself off from everyone and anything. She didn’t do anyone any harm except herself. After much reflection, she had to stop blaming her father and accept some of the responsibility. Her brothers had broken away. It hadn’t been easy for them. Heck, Dean hadn’t seen the family in almost ten years. What she wasn’t going to do now was beat herself up for not leaving then. Instead, she set her mind on one thing: the future. I only hope that includes Bennett, because it’s not going to be the same without him.

  “I forgot your father is a preacher, Tessa. I wonder if he rubbed off on Dean?” Zoey teased.

  “Funny. It’s truthfully the opposite. I think Dean has been good for my father.” Tessa laughed. “Dean reminds my dad that life’s short so if you want something, stop wishing for it, go out and make it happen.”

  “Dean is very good at making things happen. But I think a preacher would use different tactics. Dean is like a hammer,” Zoey said.

  “I think all the Henderson are,” Lena added, “in business at least.”

  That was one thing they all got from their father. No one stopped them from getting what they wanted. If they weren’t men of character, it’d be dangerous associating with any of them. And they never would have women like these in their lives eithe

  “At least you’ve found yourself a man who isn’t going to cower before them,” Morgan said. “I’ve seen him in action, firsthand. I guess that’s why Shaun has given Bennett his approval.”

  “Approval for what?”

  “Zoey, do you know that Bennett met with each of your brothers after that party?” Morgan asked. Zoey nodded. “It wasn’t a business meeting. He was there making a statement. A bold, brash one, but he did. He drew a line in the sand and made it known he wasn’t going anywhere. Shaun and I already liked him, but this sealed it. That man loves you, Zoey, and you have Shaun’s blessing.”

  “Brice’s as well,” Lena stated.

  “I know this will shock you, but Dean’s too,” Tessa said. “Now the question remains, how do you feel about him?”

  She already knew what was in her heart. I love him. But there was still so much he didn’t know about her. The ladies were right; they hadn’t spoken about children. She had no idea if he wanted any. Bennett was almost forty. It was possible he didn’t like them. What would she do then? Zoey wanted to be a mother. The only thing that terrified her was the possibility of being anything like her parents. Zoey wanted to give children what she’d never had: a loving home.

  I wish he’d come back so we can talk. There’s so much I want to tell him, but most of all, I love him. Why didn’t I tell him before he left? She knew why. The timing wasn’t good. She didn’t want to say it after making love. How she felt about him didn’t have anything to do with the mind-blowing orgasms he’d given her. Of course, I did love that too. It was how she felt about herself when with him.

  She never forgot what he said as he kissed her goodbye that morning. “If I could give you one gift, it would be for you to see yourself through my eyes. Only then will you know how truly special you are.” Bennett’s words had touched her heart that morning. She’d remembered them every day. Although he never told her he loved her, those words expressed it beautifully, and she’d cherish them always.

  “I . . . love him too. But he hasn’t told me that he—”

  “Zoey. Men express their love. Words are sometimes hard. Look at his actions. What do you see?” Tessa asked.

  Zoey wanted to believe Bennett loved her. They were right about men being different, but she needed to hear the words. No one had ever said them to her, not even her brothers, although she knew they did. It was a word she didn’t associate with herself, but when it came to Bennett, it was more than the four letters put together. She needed him to say it. How can Bennett not see that? He seems to be able to pick up on everything else.

  She also knew she couldn’t ask Bennett to change who he was just for her. If he could never say the words, yet showed her in how he treated her, she would need to accept that. Better than a man who says he loves me and treats me horribly.

  “He makes me feel . . . loved.”

  All the ladies smiled, got up, and gave Zoey a group hug. She realized then that she had so much more love in her life than she’d noticed before. I have a family. A good, loving family. A family that I want Bennett to be part of.

  Bennett knew he should call, tell Zoey he was on his way over. But he wanted to surprise her. Brice had told him Zoey had had the ladies over at her house for lunch. He liked hearing she wasn’t sitting home alone. She was filling her life. A life that once had been full of sadness and isolation.

  Normally, he used the security access code Zoey had given him for the front door. Since she didn’t know he was back in the States, she might think he was a burglar instead of her . . . Her what? Am I just her lover? That’s not what I want. I hope that’s not what she wants either.

  Bennett had been dreaming about holding her in his arms and making sweet love to her all night. Although that still appealed to him, he knew they had things to discuss. Before anything, he needed to let her know how he felt about her.

  It wasn’t going to be easy to brush off the subject about where he’d been or what he’d been doing for the past two weeks. Brice was correct. What they were working on needed to stay between them. It wasn’t something that would be resolved quickly. This issue had been going on for thousands of years. He knew from experience, you can shut down one, but another avenue opens up. It didn’t mean they wouldn’t do everything in their power to crush the ones they could find. It was going to take months, if not years, to put a solid plan of action together. He meant what he’d told the man in the taxi. He’d find a way to help the families as much as he could. What made him sick was knowing no matter how hard they tried, it was impossible to save everyone. All the chats with Doug were never going to make something like this easier to accept.

  Doing so without Zoey finding out isn’t going to be easy. How can I tell her I love her and then lie to her? Is that love? Even if I’m doing this for a damn good reason, I don’t think she’ll see it that way.

  Before he got out of his car, his cell phone rang. It was a New York area code but not Jon’s.

  “Stone here.”

  “Mr. Stone. I’m returning your call regarding a piano purchased from us. I’m sorry it took so long for me to return your call. How can I help you?”

  Damn, I’d forgotten about that. Do I even want to know anymore? Does it matter? He wouldn’t have sought the information, but the guy was on the line, so he might as well ask.

  “I’ve come across a piano, and I’m trying to find out what you can tell me about the previous owner.”

  “We do not sell used pianos, sir. I would only have information on who the original purchaser was.”

  He knew it was a long shot that they would remember Zoey, but he took the chance. “The name Henderson sound familiar?”

  “Sir, we have many customers, and that is a very common name.”

  “Zoey Henderson.”

  The man’s tone changed, almost to the point of excitement. “Yes. Ms. Henderson has been a customer of ours for many years.”

  Yes. She does leave a lasting impression. I know the feeling. It didn’t make sense as to why she was a reoccurring customer just for a showpiece. “What can you tell me about her?”

  “I do not like to talk about my customers, sir.” The man became tight-lipped.

  Normally he’d appreciate the fact that someone was watching Zoey’s back. However, this was information he wanted, which made things different. “I’m not asking for banking information. How about you tell me why you remember her so well?” And don’t you tell me because she’s the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen. I know that already. Give me something I don’t know.

  “The way she plays. It’s always music I haven’t heard before. And to watch her is an experience I’ll never forget. She’s truly a gifted woman. Have you had the honor of hearing her play?”

  Zoey plays? “No. But I plan on rectifying that.” Bennett ended the call and got out of his car. He just added something else to the list to discuss tonight. I know she plays, but that still doesn’t explain her anger. Could Doug be right? Had it felt like I’d been reading her diary to her? Was she the composer?

  He knew then that they shared a common love of music, but she had something incredible: the ability to create a masterpiece.

  When she opened the door he struggled not to pull her into his arms and carry her upstairs. Bennett wrapped an arm around her waist and brought her in for a gentle, miss you kiss. It was going to need to suffice for now.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were back?” Zoey asked when he let her go.

  “I wanted to surprise you.”

  She pointed at her attire and said, “Well, you did, and this is what you get. Me in my pajamas.”

  “Looking beautiful.”

  She blushed “They say lov—”

  “Love is blind?”

  Zoey nodded but kept her head lowered. Reaching out, Bennett tipped her chin up so he could see her eyes.

  “You are an exquisite woman, Zoey. No one would ever say otherwise. But, beauty will only catch a person’s attention. It’s char
acter that captures a person’s heart. And you’ve imprisoned mine since the day I met you.”

  Zoey blinked, her eyes glistening as he spoke. Pulling her back into his arms, he kissed her again. Her lips tasted like chocolate, and he wanted more of her sweetness. Reluctantly, he pulled away. He’d planned a romantic speech for when he told her he loved her. Instead, he never even made it into the house.

  Closing the door behind him, he said, “Let me try this again. Zoey Henderson, you’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. You’re sweet, loving, and have a passion that no one else could match. I took this job not because you needed me, but because I couldn’t stay away from you. I love you, Zoey.”

  He’d hoped she would proclaim her feelings for him or something. But, instead, with her mouth wide open, she was speechless. Maybe she wasn’t ready to hear those words. Maybe she didn’t believe them, so why should she take what he was saying at face value?

  “Why don’t we go and sit down?” Bennett took her hand and led her to the living room. This scene wasn’t going at all as he’d envisioned. Why should it? Nothing between us ever has.

  As they passed the piano, Zoey stopped and pulled her hand from his. He turned to her and was hoping she wasn’t going to flip out on him again for touching her private things. What he didn’t expect was for her to open the bench and pull out sheet music. She sat down, closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them again as she began to play. She still hadn’t said anything, and he was worried.

  Bennett recognized it instantly. It was the composition he’d been playing that fateful morning. But why was she playing it now? He listened. The man from the store was right. She was gifted. When she played, she became one with the keys. One couldn’t help but feel what she felt. As she played, he felt her pain, heartache, and emptiness. What surprised him was the piece didn’t end where it had when he played it. She had added his notes and melody to it. It didn’t sound quite the same as when he’d played it, but he knew it was his.


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