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Pureblood (Pureblood series)

Page 15

by Ellysia Fields

  “What just…” She couldn’t even form the sentence properly just then, she was very calm and relaxed.

  “That’s what I wanted to show you. That’s really how these mate pairs work. That smell? It’s not some air freshener, it’s just me. No amount of lavender and chamomile will calm you the way your mate’s scent can. You’re welcome to stay here for a while, all day if you want. I don’t even need to be here for you to be calm. But if the thought of being in my den is upsetting, I can take you back to your den,” as he spoke, he stayed where he was. He never intruded into her personal space, just waited for her by the door.

  “I don’t know how I would feel staying in another man’s apartment.” she tried to rationalize. She shouldn’t feel this way in his den, but she did. She’s only known him a couple weeks but something deep inside her felt like she’s known him forever.

  “Well, like I said I can walk you back to your den if that’s what you want. I can stay with you there or I can leave you to relax on your own. I’m willing to take things as slowly as you want.” His smile said that everything he spoke was true.

  “And what if I never feel the same way? What if I don’t want to feel that way again. She had turned to face him, but she looked away now, wrapping her arms around herself. “What if I just want this all to go away.”

  She could tell he wanted to approach her, hold her and tell her it would all be alright, but he stayed where he stood. “If you don’t want this to be, then I can leave the pack. I’ll go somewhere else, far away from here and you.” She jerked her head up at that. She wasn’t sure of her feelings, but she didn’t want him to leave because of her. “That’d be my only option,” he continued, “if you are adamant about not having a mate. But you need to know something. That pull you feel, that won’t ever go away. No matter how much time passes, no matter the distance, it will never go away… and every time you shift into your wolf, you’ll have the urge to track me down. You can control it, but it will still be there.” He saw her inhale a deep breath, saw her relax a little from the anxiety she was starting to feel again, and saw her eyes stop glowing. She hadn’t even noticed her wolf rising up, but he did.

  “What if I’m not ready? I mean, it’s been over a year since... everything, but I just don’t know.” She tried to put her emotions into words, and failed.

  “If you’re not ready by the next Full Moon ceremony, then I won’t go out again, just like last time.”

  “But that’s not fair to you! You were born a werewolf, why should you suffer for me?” She felt bad for him. He stayed out of the last one, and now he’s willing to miss another for her? She knew from her tutoring how much they enjoy shifting, and Nick had two forms he could take. Him not being able to shift and run with the pack was equivalent to locking away part of yourself all the time. She couldn’t do that to him.

  “It’s okay, I don’t mind. I’m willing to do whatever I have to do if it means you’ll feel better. As long as we don’t see our shifted forms during a full moon, the bond won’t be complete.” His eyes showed just how honest he was with her. Honest and kind, willing to lock part of himself away just for her. Shouldn’t she try to at least take a chance on him?

  “I don’t want to stay here, can you take me back to my den please?” she asked. He sighed quietly, nodding his head and motioning for her to step outside. She glanced around the clean den, and found a pillow on the couch. She walked over to it, picked it up and gave it a sniff. It smelled like him, and it made her relax just like he said it would. She hugged the pillow close to her as she walked out the door and to the stairs. She didn't catch the smile Nick gave her back as he followed her downstairs.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Nick left her in her den, promising to stop by before he went on patrol if she wanted him too. She did. After he had smiled at her one last time, he closed the door and she laid back on the couch, holding the pillow she had taken from his den close to her chest, breathing deeply of it’s scent. She wasn’t sure how much of his story about mates she believed, but she wouldn’t deny that the smell on this pillow was calming her down. Calm enough that she quickly fell asleep.

  After what must have only been an hour, she was awoken by a knocking on her door. She rubbed her eyes, put the pillow down on the couch and went to answer it. Camila was there, looking very happy and excited if a little worried. She invited her friend inside, closed the door and got them a drink from the fridge. Camila went to sit on the couch but stopped.

  “What’s wrong? Have a seat,” Elizabeth said, puzzled.

  “Is that Nick’s pillow? From his couch?” She questioned.

  “M-maybe, why? He gave it to me,” she lied. Camila smiled slyly at her friends heating cheeks.

  “So, what you were talking about with him before I left the med ward… that ‘pull’. It is what I think it is, right? Are you two mated?!” Camila shrieked in excitement. The girl could hardly contain herself.

  “No! We’re not mated, at least not yet. I’m not ready for something like that. I mean I’ve only known him two weeks!” She tried to be rational in her quickly changing, irrational world.

  “Wait, what? Then what is going on?” Camila sat down as Elizabeth explained what had been discussed between her and Nick. Camila listened, shocked at her friend’s past, sympathy on her face as she heard about the attack and the memories they stirred in her newest friend. Elizabeth then explained why Nick didn’t go out during the full moon ceremony, and he wouldn't again if Elizabeth asked him not to. After a few moments, letting everything absorb into her mind, Camila said, “So what’s the problem then? Why won’t you accept Nick?”

  “I just told you about my last relationship and that’s the first thing you ask?” Elizabeth replied, sarcasm in her voice.

  “Well, but that jerk-wad is not Nick. He’s kind and strong and dependable. I can tell he cares about you, and not just because of the whole mate thing. He’s fond of you as himself as well as a werewolf. You have another three weeks between now and the next full moon, so give him a chance. Give your heart a chance to find true happiness,” the smaller girl said with a smile.

  “I’m not sure what I am going to do right now. I mean the Ferals last night really made me nervous. Nick let me have this pillow because it helped calm me down,” she admitted.

  “You and I both know that it’s not the pillow that makes you calm, it’s his scent. All wolves, after reaching a certain age, are told about mating and how things work. I won’t say I understand what you’re going through, but I will say that Nick would never do anything like that to you.” She placed a hand on her friend’s leg, smiling kindly up at her. Elizabeth’s heart began to beat a little faster as she listened to her friend. She was right, she should give him a chance, but was she ready right now?

  “Do you think I’m ready?” she found herself asking.

  “I think you are ready to be fully accepted. As a werewolf, and as a partner to Nick. Start slow, as you’re comfortable and he’ll follow along. He would never force you into anything if you weren’t fully into it. His sense of duty and honor are unparalleled.” Camila giggled a little as she added, “even to the point of being redundant. Did I ever tell you he once pushed me down by accident and I scraped my knee? He carried me to the medical ward, bridal style, just because he thought I would bleed out. Yeah, it was embarrassing. But that was also shortly after I’d joined the pack, so I suppose you can forgive him for that.”

  Elizabeth couldn’t help but giggle at that, the thought of him being so unsure and unsteady around such a small woman. They told funny stories about their youth, the former human teaching the bloodline werewolf a few human things before it got too late and Camila had to leave to head to dinner and bed. Elizabeth offered to make something for her, but the smaller girl waved her off. She saw her friend out and went to get herself something from the kitchen. After grabbing a snack, she thought the one thing that would always calm her down was a warm bath. So she took the bag of mini muffins into the
bathroom, turning the garden tub on hot. After a second thought, she also added some bath salts to the running water too. She went back into the kitchen, grabbed a fresh drink and returned to the bathroom.

  She slid her clothes off, tested the water temperature and, finding it perfect, stepped into it. She sunk into the warm water, feeling all her anxiety and her worries melt away into the water and tiny muffins. The tub was just full enough to reach her shoulders, the water a little cloudy from the added salts and scents wafting from the steaming water. She leaned back, relaxing fully just as her keen ears picked up a knocking at her den door. With a sigh, she grabbed her towel, stood, and began walking to the door. She sniffed once she got there, smelling food and something else yummy. She assumed Camila had brought food for her.

  “Camila, you didn’t have to…” She opened the door, and looked up. It wasn’t Camila. Her cheeks blazed and she nearly slammed the door again. It was Nick.

  “Um, I thought you’d be hungry since you didn’t come to lunch or dinner. I can leave this here if you’d rather finish your bath?” His cheeks were pinker too, but he was fully dressed and she wasn't. She beat him easily in the red-faced department.

  “Uh-yeah-sure-um, I’ll take it and come by and see you later?” She laughed nervously. They had planned to hang out at her den before his patrol, but that seemed to not be happening.

  “You’re welcome to wait for me, but I probably won’t be back there for a while. My patrol starts soon, so I may not be returning till morning. Go and relax, I’ll be okay,” he reassured her. That was just like him, he was the type to always worry about others over himself.

  “I can put my bath on hold, just let me get dressed!” she started to turn, one hand holding her towel. He suddenly grabbed her other hand, stopping her and causing her to turn around.

  “No, it’s fine. We can talk later. You go and relax and don’t worry about me. I’m old and strong, nothing's gonna hurt me,” he used his hand to beat against his own chest, as if that showed his invincible self. She turned her face away from him, highly aware that she was still in nothing but a towel and he was touching her. He seemed to realize it at the same time and quickly released her hand. She fought the sigh creeping up her throat, his power had warmed her hand and now it felt cold. “I should be going, see you tomorrow.” He smiled kindly before beginning to walk away.

  “I-I can try!” she called out to his retreating form. He instantly froze, turning his head slightly to look at her with those brightly glowing eyes. “I mean, I’m willing to try. Try ‘us’. If that makes sense. Camila and I talked and… well, you’re not him so, I’m willing to try.” He had begun to slowly turn back toward her, fighting back the happiness he felt might just overflow his heart. He wanted to instantly take her into his arms and hold her, but in her current state, he wouldn’t dare risk it even if she wanted the same.

  With a nod, he simply answered, “See you tomorrow.” She let him go, still standing in her open doorway until he was out of sight. With a happy sigh and a flutter of her heart, she closed the door and returned to her bath.


  As a few more days passed, they grew a little easier around each other. Comfortable enough that when Camila teased the pair, both let it roll off their shoulders with a giggle and a light blush. Last night, she did have to return to Nick’s den for another pillow as the one she had seemed to have lost his scent. He explained that it was still there, it's just that hers was stronger now. Nick smiled and explained that he would sleep with the pillow she returned to him so that it absorbed more of his scent. She blushed when she admitted that she had been sleeping with it. He didn’t tease her, but he did say that he would enjoy his naps from now on much more than normal. She thought she would pass out. Talking about scents seemed so intimate, and to wolves it was.

  Wolves used their noses for pretty much everything. Tracking prey, recognising pack members, following trails of trespassers, and even when dealing with pups. Their eyes were keen, too, but their noses were much more versatile than their eyes. After leaving his den, she proceeded to walk straight back to her den, place the pillow on her bed and lay with it, becoming engulfed in his calming scent. Her duties would be calling her first thing in the morning, so going to bed a little early wouldn’t be so bad, right? Just as she was about to doze off, she heard a howl and quiet paws pounding past her door. She instantly sat up, wondering what was going on. She ran to her den door, swinging it open wide and found a wolf turning around the easy curve of the living area of the pack den. Camila was just poking her head out when she saw her friend.

  “What’s going on? Are we in danger?” Elizabeth asked frantically.

  “I don’t think so, that wasn’t a ‘warning alarm’ howl, that was more of a ‘welcome’ howl,” she assured her friend. Elizabeth sighed, relaxing against her doorway. “Oh, that means Colin is here! Which also means Nick will be down any minute!” They both chatted excitedly as others joined them outside. Camila was right, because moments later, Nick was rushing down the stairs, heading toward the entrance when he spotted Elizabeth and Camila.

  “Liza, Mila I guess you both heard!” He said, excitement practically bursting out his ears with that wide of a smile.

  “Well, Liza thought it was an attack, but I calmed her down,” Camila said with a shrug.

  “Oh geez, I’m sorry. I should have reminded you that Colin was coming today, but I didn’t think-” he began.

  “It’s fine, Nick. We’ve been busy and I should have remembered,” she assured him. He eyed her kindly and she could see his heart in his eyes. It made her cheeks warm again.

  “I’m going to go meet him before my patrol, you’re welcome to come if you want,” he offered.

  “Sure we’ll go, I’ve missed him!” Camila volunteered them both as she grabbed her friend’s hand. Without the chance for objection, Camila dragged her toward the entrance of the den and then outside. It had been days since she had even thought about going outside again, and even getting near the opening made her a little nervous. As if Nick could sense her unease, he slowed down his pace to stand beside her. Camila, taking some unseen cue from Nick, stopped tugging so hard on Elizabeth and the trio walked together towards the moonlight shining in from outside.

  It wasn’t until they were nearly outside that they saw the approaching wolves. Their forms still shadows, Elizabeth could make out that one was in human form, while two were still in their wolf forms. She saw short hair, lean but muscular build, and as they stepped into the pale moonlight, she saw that the human wore loose slacks and a white cotton button up shirt, a jacket slung over one shoulder. The wolves on either side of him were both strong looking, one a rust color while the other was a darker brown, almost black. The eyes of all three seemed to blaze in the cooling night air. Elizabeth found herself looking away from the human-form’s eyes, just like Camila did too with a glance over at her friend. Nick made no such motion.

  “Brother, it has been too long!” Nick greeted the younger man casually. He stepped away from the girls and toward his friend as the other man embraced him tightly.

  “Brother, it has indeed been too long. I shall have to make plans with you later to go running, but not right now. I have urgent matters to discuss with your Alpha.” Colin had a nice voice, the Irish accent touching his tone a little. He swiped at his unruly brown hair. His warm chocolate eyes looking around his friend’s shoulders at the pair of women. “Now Nicholas, tell me who these lovely ladies are, you haven’t been holding out on me have you?” He winked at Camila, causing her to laugh.

  “You know very well who I am, silly!” Camila punched him lightly on the arm. His eyes went from teasing to serious.

  “You dare strike a Pureblood?” The wolves at his side growled low, and Elizabeth became quite nervous again. The tension lasted a few seconds, enough to even worry Camila, before Colin smiled again. “Oh come off it now, I was kidding! Of course I know you, Mila dear. Who could forget such an adorable ginger!”
He ruffled her hair, causing her to groan. She took pride in her hair and he’d just messed it up. The knowledge of this made him laugh all the harder, even the wolves at his side gave a kind of wolfish laugh at the antics. “But this lovely lady, I’ve never seen her before.” He moved to Elizabeth, took her hand and bowed at the same time, kissing her knuckles. She didn’t know what to do and didn’t have to think long about it as Nick was quickly by her side.

  “Colin, this is Elizabeth Winters, she’s been Turned.” He explained calmly, but she could sense his tension. He didn’t like anyone touching her, especially other males, but he kept himself civil because he knew this wolf so well.

  “My my, it’s very nice to meet you my dear. I didn’t know your pack had a new Turned. Who did the deed, then? Do I need to inform my cousin about them?” Colin looked concerned.

  “No, you don’t. It was me, but that is a long story. I’ll explain later, perhaps you can share with me what you are here to speak to Beatrice about?” Colin looked shocked that his long-time friend would actually attack a human and change her, but he let it slide when asked about his purpose for visiting.


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