Adoring Keaton: A Stand-Alone Friends-to-Lovers MM Romance (The Kennedy Boys Book 9)

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Adoring Keaton: A Stand-Alone Friends-to-Lovers MM Romance (The Kennedy Boys Book 9) Page 18

by Siobhan Davis

  My heart is hammering behind my rib cage as I watch him slowly insert the dildo in his ass, arching his back and moaning.

  “Damn. That is hot as fuck,” I say, my fingers frozen in place inside me as I’m mesmerized at the sight of my boyfriend pushing a dildo in and out of his ass while he jerks himself off. His abs pull tight as he works his body into a frenzy, staring at me through the screen.

  “You’re slacking, man,” Austen teases, jerking his head at the massager in my hand. “Work it into your ass and pretend it’s my cock.”

  Austen slows his movements, watching me slide the toy into my ass with heated intensity. “That’s it, baby. Fuck that ass.”

  My hand moves faster around my dick, and my eyes roll back in my head as I drive the massager in my ass, moving it up until it presses against my prostate. Black spots burst behind my retinas, and my balls tighten. “Fuck,” I grit out. “I’m not going to last much longer.”

  “We come together,” Austen demands, pumping his dick fast as he thrusts the dildo in and out of his ass. “I’m there with you, Keats. I’m driving my dick deep inside you. I’m fucking you hard, and you’re clenching around me, your thick cock pulsing against my stomach as I fuck you into the bed so hard you see stars.”

  My orgasm rips through me out of nowhere, and I briefly bury my head in a pillow to muffle my grunts of pleasure. Warm ropes of cum spray over my abs as I milk every last drop from my dick, hungrily watching my boyfriend cover his body with his own release, wishing I was there to lick it clean.

  Our breaths are ragged and our chests are heaving as we grin at one another through our screens. “I love you,” I whisper, pressing my forehead to the screen.

  “I love you, too.” His eyes are swimming in desire. “And I can’t wait to fuck you for real.”

  “I want that too.”

  “Do you?” he asks, his tone inquisitive, his expression hopeful.

  “I do. And I want to work up to it.” Austen hasn’t pressed me at all in the weeks since we spoke about me bottoming, which I appreciate. It’s been on my mind, and instead of thinking about it, I want to start doing something about it, because I want my boyfriend to fuck me. I want to have a normal relationship with him, and I’m done letting that jerk Brock control my life. He doesn’t get to take this from me. I’m the one with the power here. I just need to get out of my head and trust my body to my boyfriend, knowing he will always take care of me. That he’ll make it good, because he never leaves me unsatisfied.


  “Dude.” My brother Kalvin instantly grabs me into a hug when I open the door to him and his wife, Lana, the following afternoon. “What’s up? We’re dying of curiosity here.”

  “Speak for yourself, Stinky,” Lana says. “Not all of us are impatient.”

  “You’ll find out soon enough,” I say, wringing my clammy hands, nerves jangling like I’m walking a tightrope. Thanks to my boyfriend, I managed to grab a decent sleep, but I’ve been barely holding it together since breakfast, and now I just need to get it out before the truth corrodes my insides and I crumple into nothing. “Everyone else is in the living room.”

  Kal slaps me on the back, letting me go. “It’s all good, man.”

  “Keats.” Lana envelops me in a hug, the scent of her delicate floral perfume wafting through the air. “How are you? Doing any writing these days?” she inquires after Kal has headed into the body of the house.

  “I’m writing a new column for the college paper,” I admit. “It’s a weekly cooking column with an emphasis on healthy easy-to-cook meals.”

  “That’s great. Could be a stepping stone to something?” she suggests.

  I shrug, closing the front door behind my sister-in-law. “Who knows?” I downplay it because I’m not sure writing a cooking column is my burning desire, and right now, I’ve got singular focus and no brain capacity to even think about anything else.

  I loop my arm through hers. “Who’s minding the mini mes?”

  As much as I adore my nieces and nephews, I asked my brothers not to bring their kids, because we’d never get to talk otherwise.

  “Mom and Dad are staying with us for the weekend. They’ve taken Hewson and Hayley to the park.” Lana squeezes me tight as we make our way across the lobby. “We’re not in any rush. We can stay as long as we need to.” She stops me, just before we reach the living room. “Is everything okay with you? Faye is worried, and I know she hates that she’s not here.”

  Faye is my brother Kyler’s wife. She’s also my dad’s niece and my cousin. It’s complicated. Don’t ask. Anyway, I’m closest to Faye out of all the girls, and I wish she and my brother were here today, but after graduating from Harvard, they’ve taken a year to go traveling, and they are currently in Australia.

  They’re missing our birthday party next month too, which sucks, but it’s too far to ask them to travel. Especially when they’ve already promised to come home for Christmas. I’m planning on calling them later, as soon as they are awake. It’s like three a.m. or something there now.

  “I’m fine.” Shitting a brick aside. “But it’s sweet of you both to care.”

  “Is it a girl?” Lana asks, her eyes lighting up. “Have you met someone new?”

  I smother a laugh. Lana’s gaydar is as dysfunctional as my own. “All will be revealed. Come on.” I pat her arm, leading her into the noisy living room. I asked Mom if we could talk first and then have lunch because I know my brothers and their significant others. They’d just pester me the whole way through lunch, asking why I’d called this get-together, and I’d rather just get this over and done with.

  “Lana, sweetheart.” Mom rushes to hug her daughter-in-law. “You look beautiful. As always.”

  “FYI. She said that to everyone,” Kent pipes up, because he always stirs shit. He’s sprawled in one of the recliner chairs, already looking bored.

  “Because it’s true,” Mom says, leveling him with a warning look. “My sons, and Brad, are very lucky men.”

  Brad is Kyler’s best friend and a surrogate Kennedy, having lived with us when his family had to flee overseas. Rachel is Faye’s best friend from Ireland. She relocated to the US a few years ago, and she’s now engaged to Brad. I extended an invite today, because I didn’t want to do this without them here, and I’m happy they made it up from New York.

  “You tell them, Alex,” Rachel says in her lilting Irish accent. “Because some men don’t understand that women like to be complimented.” She shoots a pointed look at her fiancé.

  “Don’t look at me,” Brad protests, placing his hand on his fiancée’s knee. They are seated on the large leather sectional, alongside Keanu and Selena and Keven and Cheryl. “I tell you you’re beautiful all the damn time.”

  “If McConaughey is slacking on the boyfriend front, Red,” Kent says. “You can always trade up. Women would literally kill to be my girlfriend.” He gestures up and down his body. “My offer still stands.”

  As egotistical as my brother is, it’s no lie. Kent is the quintessential bad boy man slut every woman says they don’t want, yet they fall at his feet in droves. He always ranks high on social media polls for hottest celebrity bachelor. Kent has never had a girlfriend, and though he likes to flirt outrageously with Rachel—purely to wind Brad up—I doubt even she’d win that honor were she single. Kent shows no sign of giving up his manwhore lifestyle any time soon. Which is fine, if that’s what he truly wants. I just happen to think he secretly craves what our brothers have with their women, and I believe finding his person will help him lay his demons to rest.

  “As does my threat to knock you flat on your ass,” Brad retorts.

  These two always play the same parts, but it never gets old. It’s entertaining as shit.

  “Wow. You’d think I’d be used to it by now,” Rachel says, grinning at Kent. “But your monstrous ego still has the power to amaze me. And to think women melt at your feet.” She shakes her head. “It’s such a mystery.”

re is no denying Kent’s charms,” Eva says, smiling. Eva is my eldest brother Kaden’s wife, and it’s no surprise to hear her loyally defending Kent as they have a special bond. Something none of the other women have managed with my troublesome brother. If Kent confides in anyone, it’s Eva. Although, even she doesn’t know exactly what drives his crazy-ass behavior, because Kent is a steel vault with so many locks and bolts, it’d take heavy-duty explosives to break through. “And someday, one very special, very lucky woman is going to knock him off his feet and take him off the market before he’s even noticed it happening.”

  “Delusional much, Evelina?” Kent smirks, playing his usual game. “There’s still plenty of unclaimed pussy awaiting my tongue, my fingers, and my cock.”

  “Kent!” Mom shrieks, and my eardrums protest. “Please don’t. Let’s just enjoy today without letting the conversation sink to the gutter.”

  “You fools all pander to him,” Kaden says, slinging his arm around Eva’s shoulders, pulling her in closer to him on the couch.

  “Agreed, but would we have it any other way?” Dad jokes, carrying a tray laden with drinks into the room. He sets it down on the coffee table, and Mom and I distribute the drinks. The girls get wine, except for Rachel and Selena who stick with water. The guys get beer except for me because Mom was the one who nurtured my love of good wine. She hands me a glass of shiraz, and we clink glasses.

  “What’s going on, Keaton?” Kev asks, leaning forward and eyeing me carefully. “Does this have anything to do with our last phone call?”

  “Not really,” I fudge, warning him to say nothing else with my eyes. I fully intend on speaking to him about the Brock situation, but in private. My parents and my other brothers do not need to be aware of that recording. I’m hoping to handle it discreetly between Kev and me.

  “What phone call?” Mom’s eyes crunch at the corners, her mouth turning down. “Are you in trouble?”

  Reeling her into my side, I press a kiss to her temple. “Relax, Mom. It’s nothing like that.” I clear my throat. This is the moment of reckoning. “I have something I need to tell you all. Something I should’ve told you a long time ago. Something I wanted to say in person.” I kiss the top of Mom’s head. “You should sit beside Dad for this.” Mom’s prone to heightened emotion, and I’m not sure how she’ll react to my news, so I’d rather she’s tucked into Dad’s side so he can support her.

  Mom pulls me into a hug, whispering in my ear. “Whatever it is, you know we are here for you.” She eases back, cupping my face. “Always, my sweet boy.”

  She cannot know how much those words mean to me in this moment. Or maybe she does, and that’s exactly why she said them.

  It’s a miracle I’m still standing because my legs feel like Jell-O and I can scarcely hold myself upright. My heart is thrashing against my rib cage, and my shirt is stuck to the line of sweat gliding down my spine. My mouth is so dry it’s as if mothballs have taken up residence in there.

  Pound, pound, pound.

  Thump. Thump. Thump.

  My heart goes crazy, and nausea swims up my throat, and I genuinely think I could puke.

  I set my glass down on the table—I don’t trust myself not to spill it—and no one misses the way my hand shakes. Mom sits on the smaller leather couch beside Dad, and they exchange a worried look, holding on to one another as they wait for me to speak.

  I scan the room, looking at the faces of all those I love, hoping I have the balls to say this the way I want to say it. Rachel is on her phone, lifting her head up a few seconds later, shooting me a reassuring look.

  “Keaton.” Keanu claims my attention, and I realize I’m just standing in front of my family like a dummy, shaking and sweating, clearly on the verge of a mini breakdown. “You look like you’re going to pass out. Just tell us.” My eyes connect with my triplet, and I see the truth there.

  He knows. Or he suspects.

  My eyes search for my other triplet, but when my gaze locks on Kent, all I see is confusion and a hint of curiosity.

  “There’s no easy way to say this, so I’m just going to blurt it out first and then explain.” I gulp over the football-sized lump in my throat. My heart pounds so fast I hear my pulse ringing in my ears.

  Here goes nothing.

  “I’m gay.”



  Shocked silence rings out in the room for a few beats until Keanu breaks it. “That’s not news to me.”

  “It isn’t?” I ask, disbelief clear in my tone.

  Keanu nods. “I mean, I didn’t know for sure, but I had my suspicions.” He looks me straight in the eye. “I could tell you and Melissa weren’t right for one another, and I guess I had a sixth sense about it.”

  “I did too,” Kalvin agrees. “But it was more to do with Keats’ love of tight, brightly colored mismatched clothing when he was younger. Now it all makes sense.” He flashes me a cheeky grin. “Remember the illuminous pink shirt you wore the night of my eighteenth?”

  “My eyeballs still haven’t recovered,” Kade quips. He turns to his wife. “I’m sure we’ve got some pictures around here someplace. It has to be seen to be believed.”

  She elbows him in his side before pinning me with a warm smile. “Don’t mind them, Keaton. They’ve got the maturity of five-year-olds.”

  I know their ribbing is in good humor and this is just the way we handle things chez Kennedy.

  Brad snorts, grinning. “Don’t forget the ballet. He was such a pretty little twinkle toes.”

  I flip him the bird, but I can’t keep the grin off my face. “Hey, homophobic assholes. News flash. Wearing pink and doing ballet does not mean you’re gay.”

  “What about ogling the male models in the catalogs Mom used to bring home?” Kev lifts a brow, his lips twitching. “I know I caught you doing that a couple times.”

  “Try like a hundred times,” I admit, gradually feeling the tension seep from my knotted shoulders.

  “I caught you checking out Brad’s ass one time.”

  My eyes pop wide at the unexpected familiar voice.

  Rachel holds up her phone, and a sleepy-looking Kyler and Faye smile back at me. “I arranged it,” Rachel says, answering my unspoken question as she hands me her cell. “I knew they’d want to be a part of this.”

  “You heard,” I stupidly say, talking to my brother and his wife.

  “We did,” Kyler says. “I’m proud of you, dude.”

  The lump in my throat swells, and my heart is fit to burst.

  “We love you, Keats.” Faye blows me a kiss, her gorgeous brown eyes glassy with unshed tears. “I wish I was there so I could hug you and show you how much.”

  “I wish you were here too, but it means a lot that you stayed up for this.”

  “Family is everything,” Ky says, hugging his wife to his chest. Faye leans back, tilting her head up to look at her husband, and they share one of their lovestruck looks.

  All my brothers are crazy in love with their women, but the way Faye and Kyler look at one another is on a whole other level. They are so in love, and I hope that years down the line Austen and I are as wrapped up in one another as they are. Couple goals, for sure.

  “Sweetheart.” Mom calls out, drawing my attention. “Come sit beside us.” She pats the space in between her and Dad, and emotion sweeps through the room like fog.

  “For the record,” I say, eyeballing Brad. “I never checked you out. My brother’s a dick.” I sit down on the couch between my parents, propping Rach’s cell up against a vase on the coffee table.

  “Aw, you’re not his type, McConaughey,” Kyler quips. “Try not to slit your wrists.”

  Faye slaps her husband on the chest. “Jesus, Ky. You can’t say stuff like that.”

  “It’s okay, Faye,” Brad says, brushing Rachel’s long hair off her shoulder. “Ky’s just jealous because he knows I have the better ass.”

  “Boys,” Mom says. “I’d like to get serious for a minute.�

  The room instantly mutes, and my entire body trembles again because this sounds intense. Mom clasps my hand, smiling at me as her eyes well up. Dad puts his hand on my shoulder, squeezing gently in a silent show of support, his eyes conveying I have nothing to panic over.

  I can hardly breathe over the swelling of emotion in my throat. Austen’s reassurances about my family were on the money, and this has gone better than I hoped for.

  “My sweet, darling boy.” Mom scrunches my face in her hands, kissing my cheeks. “We love you. So, so much.”

  “All we’ve ever wanted for each of you is to be happy,” Dad adds, his voice cracking a little. “We’ve gone through our fair share of trials and tribulations as a family, and we always come out stronger. But more than that, what we’ve lived through highlights the importance of staying true to yourself.” He squeezes my shoulder a little harder, fighting to hold on to his composure.

  Watching the emotion on my dad’s face almost makes me lose the tenuous control on my own emotions.

  “We never want you to be afraid to be yourself, and we will always support you, because we love you.” His gaze drifts quickly around the room. “We love all of you. Your mom and I will always support your dreams and your ambitions because we want you all to live your best lives.”

  Mom smiles at Dad, and they share a moment. My gaze catches Lana’s, and she smiles, swiping tears from her face as she snuggles into Kal. Kal nods at me, all trace of humor gone from his face, his expression dripping in emotion.

  Mom swipes an errant tear rolling down her face. “How long have you known, honey?”

  “I’ve always known deep down, but it became more real when I was like fourteen, fifteen, and I realized I wasn’t the same as Keanu or Kent.”

  I glance over at Kent for the first time, because he hasn’t said a word, and that concerns me. He’s looking at the floor with his head in his hands, so I can’t see his expression to gauge his reaction.

  “They were into girls,” I continue, refocusing on Mom, “and I was more interested in boys.” Nerves fire at me, but I draw a deep breath, keeping my cool. “I was confused,” I admit, and Mom takes both my hands in hers, holding me tight. “And I didn’t want to be gay,” I add. “I wanted what you all had.” I look around the room at my brothers and Brad. “I wanted a girlfriend and to one day be married and have kids.”


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