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Hot Westmoreland Nights

Page 11

by Brenda Jackson

  He couldn’t get out of his jeans quickly enough and she didn’t help matters when she began nipping on his shoulders, as if branding him hers. Hers. A groan left his chest when she bit down and he stared at her. She gave him one hell of a naughty smile not the least regretful. “I’m going to make you pay for that,” he promised in a deep voice. With that said, he kicked his jeans away and pulled her to him.


  “Damn.” Her mention of protection made him realize just how over the edge he was and the risk he had been about to take. Looking around for his jeans he quickly found them and fumbled through the pockets until he located his wallet. He found a condom packet, not wanting to think just how long it had been in there and hoping like hell it would still be effective.

  Ripping open the packet he quickly sheathed himself knowing her eyes were glued to him and watching every move he made. When he was finished, he went back to her, pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply, hungrily and wildly.

  He hadn’t expected this. He hadn’t expected a need erupting inside him so intense that he felt driven to make love to her in a way he hadn’t ever made love to a woman before. She was demanding something from him, pulling it out effortlessly and he knew the only way he would be totally satisfied was when he was embedded deeply inside of her.

  He pulled his mouth from hers, reveling in a need so intense he was goaded into immediate action. She was so responsive, filled with as much passion as he was feeling and he wanted her now. He shifted their bodies to place her beneath him, pressing her back on the rug. Ramsey spread her legs with his knee. Gripping her hips tight in his hands, he surged inside of her, going deep, all the way to the hilt.

  He watched her eyes widen at the intrusion and when he began moving, thrusting inside of her, her gaze became filled with a pleasure that touched his soul and made his erection throb even more inside of her.

  Her heat surrounded him. Her muscles clenched him, pulled everything out of him; made pleasure build inside of him, gather in his shaft, and he felt snug inside of her, like it was where he belonged.

  He began moving harder. Going faster. Thrusting deeper. And when he called out her name the sound detonated like a bomb. He exploded at the same moment she did. Pleasure ripped through them both and he gripped her hips tighter as he drove even deeper inside of her.


  Her name was a guttural sound off his lips and he moved his hands from her hips to her hair as he filled her with his release. Shivers ran down his spine and he could only sigh as sensations filled him to capacity.

  And when he eased up to take her mouth in his, he promised himself that sometime tonight, they would make it to the bedroom.


  Sometime hours later, they made it to the bedroom. Barely. The most difficult part in getting there had been the stairs. Ramsey couldn’t recall ever making love to anybody on stairs. He was a more traditional guy. But there had been nothing traditional about anything he and Chloe had done tonight, and even now as he lay flat on his back while she slept literally on top of him, he couldn’t help but think about everything that had happened from the time Chloe had returned.

  He’d been keyed up, part angry and part fighting an intense desire that had been eating away at him since the moment he first laid eyes on her. And when she had walked through the door tonight, and he’d seen her…and her bare legs, he had tried smothering his desire with anger by lashing out at her in a subject matter that really hadn’t made any sense. That hadn’t worked. And he was glad it hadn’t. If she had taken the option to walk out that door, he probably would have died then and there. His need for her was so strong, so intense that even now he was getting hard all over again.

  He was tempted to wake her but he would let her rest. She deserved every second that she slept. The woman was amazing and had more passion than he could ever imagine any woman having. She had met his every thrust and fueled his passion in a way that even now made him breathless. She had ridden him to the point of madness and it was only after their passion had exploded in a gigantic maelstrom that she had slumped down on top of him. She hadn’t moved since.

  He could only marvel at the soft body on top of him and even now their bodies were still intimately connected. He inhaled, taking in her scent. Her bare breasts pressing deep into his chest and her legs, those legs that had been his downfall earlier, were entwined in his. He closed his eyes to sleep awhile.

  Ramsey wasn’t sure just how long he’d slept, but when he lifted his lids it was to stare into a gorgeous pair of dark eyes. At the realization that she was awake, his body immediately became aroused. His erection jerked to life inside of her and from her expression he knew she felt it the moment he had.

  He saw the rush of heat that inflamed her features and that same heat was there in the depths of the eyes staring down at him. Together they felt his shaft continue to expand inside of her, stretching her fully to accommodate him totally.

  And when her muscles began clenching him, he knew it was time to start moving. But not until he was on top. She was the one who’d ridden the last go around and now it was his turn. He gritted his teeth as she continued to clench his hardness and to get control of his mind and senses. He began sliding his hand up and down her back, loving the feel of the soft texture of her skin. And then when he knew he had her absolute attention, he flipped her onto her back.

  Surprise lit her eyes. “Hey! That’s not fair.”

  Ramsey smiled, deciding he wouldn’t waste time arguing with her, not when he wanted to make love to her, ride her, pump inside of her over and over again.

  Automatically, she wrapped her legs around his waist and when she smiled up at him, he knew before it was all said and done, she was going to drain everything out of him. It was hard to believe they had already made love several times that night. In fact, except for the time he’d allowed her to sleep, they had made love nonstop.

  When he pushed himself deeper inside of her, the groan that curled in her throat triggered something within him and he began moving, lifting up her hips to receive his strong strokes. His thrusts were fine-tuned, primitively precise and painstakingly deliberate.

  “Ramsey.” She moaned out his name over and over while thrashing her head back and forth against the bedcovers.

  “Look at me, Chloe,” he said in a guttural groan and when she did, and her eyes clashed with his, his grip tightened on her hips and what he saw in her gaze ignited something within him to the point where he felt consumed in fire, torched by desire. But he didn’t stop. He continued going, moving in and out of her, needing her, wanting her and determined to consume her the way she was totally consuming him.

  Chloe actually felt every muscle in her body, every single vein that ran through her, become electrified, gush with a need so extreme that she could only shiver, shudder in pleasure as Ramsey continued to drive deep and hard inside of her.

  And when he leaned forward to capture her lips, she felt the sensations that started at her center, tear straight up her legs and went all the way to her toes. And like all the other times when they kissed, he took her mouth with a mastery that had her as responsive to a man as any woman could be. She wrapped her legs around him even tighter, locking him into her body.

  She held tight to his shoulders, clung to him as he wrapped his tongue around hers while imitating the same rhythm of his thrusts below. She had never experienced passion this hot, this torrid, this out-of-body uncivilized. It was as if she was being sucked into a raging sea of unrestrained fervor, a heated craze that had her body literally begging for more, and she was showing him just how much more by the way she was lifting herself off the mattress to meet his every turbulent thrust.

  She wanted this. She needed this. And the necessity of her desire had become essential, a crucial desperation. There was nothing trivial about the way she was feeling and when she suddenly felt herself tumbling headlong into an abyss of sensations that had her screaming his name, she shuddered st
raight into a climax that rocked her world. And when he finally let go of her mouth to throw his head back and let out a guttural growl, she was thrown off the edge all over again and together they went skyrocketing into another mind-blowing orgasm.

  He tightened his hold on her, gripped more securely to her hips and locked their bodies into a bond of sensual fulfillment. She felt him totally and completely, and there was no part of her left untouched. Unconsumed. Not taken.

  And when he leaned up to take her mouth again, she was very much aware of one major thing. He was breaking through her barriers and making her feel things that were emotional as well as physical. She had never intended for such a thing to happen. But it had, and as he continued to kiss her in a way that she felt all the way to her toes, he had proven that he could put a smile of satisfaction on her face all by himself.

  Although he didn’t plan for it to happen, Ramsey slept later than usual the next morning. It was only when he heard the sound of a man’s laughter, namely his brother Zane’s, that Ramsey realized he was in bed alone. He didn’t recall Chloe getting out of it. Had exhaustion knocked him into a dead sleep? He’d never been a sound sleeper before and was known to be an early riser. But then he’d never had sex all night with a woman before either.

  He slid out of bed. It was not his intent for Chloe to prepare breakfast alone and he had meant to help. It was the least he could do when his voracious sexual hunger had kept her up most of the night. Granted he wasn’t an ace in the kitchen like she was, but he could at least follow directions.

  Before heading for the bathroom for a quick shower he glanced over at the clock on the nightstand and frowned. It was just a little past four, so what the hell was Zane doing here already? And if Zane was here that meant so was Derringer and Jason because the three were thick as thieves. And he wouldn’t be surprised if Callum wasn’t downstairs, too. The four had shown up early one day last week. The day they had walked in on his kissing Chloe. It had been a second occurrence for his brothers and is what had prompted him to start putting distance between him and Chloe. A lot of good that did.

  And as he stepped in the shower he did know one thing for certain: He wouldn’t be putting distance between them any longer.

  “Come on, Chloe, there’s no way that brother of mine is still asleep. Ramsey wouldn’t know how to sleep late even if it killed him,” Zane was saying. He held his coffee cup midway to his lips, looked over at Chloe a little too long to suit her, before a smile touched his lips. “Unless…”

  Instead of finishing what he was about to say, his smile widened as he took a sip of his coffee and then continued eating. Chloe was grateful for that although she wasn’t sure what Zane Westmoreland was thinking at that moment. And she was grateful for the conversation going on between Jason, Derringer and Callum and the fact they hadn’t heard Zane’s comment. But because they knew Ramsey just as well as Zane, they had to be wondering the same thing. Why was he still in bed asleep?

  She was beginning to feel uneasy. Had Zane or any of the others seen passion marks on her neck? Were they wondering why she was wearing a scarf of all things this morning? When she had eased out of bed careful to not wake Ramsey, and had gone back to her bedroom to take a shower, she had been appalled at all the marks Ramsey’s stubble had made all over her body. And then there were some he had intentionally made. Specifically, the ones on her neck. It was as if he had been determined to mark her as his and the very thought of that sent shivers down her spine.

  “About time you got out of bed, Ram. What are you? Sick or something?”

  Chloe heard the smirk in Derringer’s voice and turned to see that Ramsey had walked into the kitchen. He was wearing nothing but his jeans that hung low on his hips, and her breath stopped and her pulse leaped at the sight of his broad shoulders and bare chest. His feet were also bare and the thatch of dark hairs on his chest was damp, which indicated he’d just gotten out of the shower.

  Ignoring his brothers, cousin and friend, his gaze was on her and without acknowledging their presence he made his way to where she stood. Before she could finally release her breath, he leaned over and kissed her in front of them.

  There was what seemed to be shocked silence in the room. At least she thought there was, but the only sure thing she knew at that moment was that he was kissing her in front an audience. It wasn’t a long kiss, but if he’d intended to make a point, he most certainly had. And when he finally pulled his mouth away, she stared up into a face that was smiling in a way that showed both dimples.

  “Good morning, Chloe.”

  If the kiss hadn’t done her in, then his throaty and husky voice definitely would have. She forced herself to begin breathing normally and said, “Good morning, Ramsey.”

  With his arms still locked around her waist, he turned toward the four men sitting at his breakfast table. “Is there a reason the four of you feel you should be getting preferential treatment for breakfast? Especially when three of you aren’t employed by me.”

  Zane smiled. “But we’re family.”

  Ramsey nodded slowly. “Just make sure you remember that when dealing with Chloe in the future.”

  Derringer lifted a brow. “So that’s how things are going to be from now on?”

  “Yes,” Ramsey said without a smile on his face. “That’s how things are going to be from now on.”

  Chloe’s eyes were glued to Ramsey as her gaze ran over him. Her attention was directed to him so much that she missed part of what he’d said to the others. All she knew was that when she glanced at the men, they were staring at her as if with new insight. Subconsciously, she reached for her scarf to adjust it around her neck, wondering if they were seeing far more than she wanted them to see.

  Deciding the mood around her had turned much too serious, she pulled out of Ramsey’s arms and said, “I suggest you go put on a shirt. I’m about to fry some more bacon and I’d hate for popping grease to hit you.”

  She saw the grin on his face and was almost taken back at how different his attitude was from last week. It was a vast improvement. Would one night of mind-blowing lovemaking do that to you? She would be one of the first to admit that whereas she should feel tired because of the brevity of sleep the night before, she felt renewed energy running through her body. Although she had to force herself out of bed, after having slept wrapped in Ramsey’s arms, once she had begun moving around the kitchen she had actually felt rejuvenated.

  “Thanks for the warning,” he said, and leaning closer he placed a sensuous peck on her lips before strolling out of the kitchen. The swagger on his walk was enough to give any woman heart failure, while making her wonder just what he could do with that swaggering body beneath the sheets. She knew the answer to that firsthand and remnants of pleasure flowed through her body from the memory.

  Pulling in a deep breath she glanced at the four men who were staring at her. They had become a bunch of regulars during breakfast and lunch, always arriving earlier than everyone to chat with her and with each other.

  From their conversations she knew about the horse breeding and training business Zane, Derringer and Jason were about to embark on, as well as the fact that Callum was in no hurry to return to Australia, although she hadn’t figured out why.

  Clearing her throat, she asked, “Would any of you like anything else? More coffee?”

  Before they could respond, she could hear vehicles pulling up in the yard. She was grateful her day was about to begin and welcomed the opportunity to stay busy.

  “And you’re sure without Zane, Derringer and Jason’s spread that you’ll still have enough land for your sheep to graze?” Dillon Westmoreland leaned back in the chair behind his desk to ask his cousin.

  Ramsey didn’t respond but looked as if he was lost in other thoughts. “Are you okay, Ram?”

  Dillon’s concerned question snapped Ramsey’s attention back and he couldn’t help but smile. “Yes, I’m okay.”

  After breakfast Ramsey decided to leave the house fo
r a while, not to avoid Chloe, but to give her the time she needed to prepare for the noon hour. Had he remained he would have done everything he could have to get her back upstairs or better yet, he would have played his hand at enticing her into participating in a number of quickies. So trying to behave he had driven over to Shady Tree Ranch to spend time with Dillon and Pamela.

  He could feel Dillon staring at him and looked up and met his gaze. “I understand things have turned somewhat serious between you and your cook, Ram.”

  Ramsey didn’t have to wonder where Dillon had gotten that information. And today, Ramsey had no problem acknowledging that was true. Even when he had dated he’d never been into sex just for the sake of sex, which is why a casual relationship with a woman never appealed to him. And because he hadn’t been in the market for a serious relationship either, he’d been satisfied to remain a loner. It was only when things with him got so bad and sexual needs got the best of him, that he would seek out female companionship for a night. But those times had been few and far between. Now he couldn’t imagine not making love to Chloe on a regular basis, not waking up during the night with her beside him, their legs locked together, her delectable bottom curled up against him. His…


  He glanced up, realizing Dillon had caught him daydreaming again. “Yes?”

  “You sure you’re okay?”

  Ram leaned back in his chair, deciding to be completely honest. “No, I don’t know if I’m okay,” he finally said. He studied Dillon thoughtfully. “I can recall the first time you mentioned to me about meeting Pamela. I could hear something in your voice.”

  Dillon chuckled. “Yes, and it was probably the same thing I could hear in yours that day you came over here and mentioned Chloe Burton was your temporary cook.”

  Ramsey was taken aback by Dillon’s claim. “No way. I had just met the woman that day.”


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