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White: Emala's Story (Ragoru Beginnings Book 1)

Page 13

by S. J. Sanders

  “I hope you are right.”

  Mishar turned tilted an ear and smiled as Korash settled down in the furs, his head occasionally turning toward the waste room. He wondered just when she was going to come out and if he would be lucky enough to catch another hint of her desire’s delectable scent.

  Chapter 21

  Vordri stormed out of the main den, his thoughts in a jumble. He was relieved and elated that what he felt for Emala was in fact natural, but he was also angry with Korash. He understood why the male made the decision that he had, but he couldn’t help feeling betrayed. For weeks, he’d been agonizing over his growing attraction and need for her—whether it was even right for him to feel such desires for a human female. He’d been relieved to see Korash struggle, thinking that they were both going through the same thing. He egged him on, knowing that if Korash mated with her that he could set his own uncertainty aside.

  To find out that Korash had known all along that it was possible and cited Vordri’s ignorance as the main reason that he didn’t mate with the human had been like taking claws to the gut. Not quite disemboweling him, but painful nonetheless. Now that pain was overridden by the surge of instinct that clamored for Emala, and the yearning of his heart to join with the one female he trusted. Mishar, who’d suffered far more than he had at their mother’s hand, had seen early on what took Vordri considerably longer to notice, hadn’t even been affected by the news! He’d wanted and intended to mate with her regardless, without any concerns about whether he should, and didn’t feel the hot anger that Vordri felt.

  He wasn’t sure what to feel about that. Shouldn’t he and his brother both be enraged?

  He exhaled on an angry growl—but his timing could not have been worse. At the very moment he allowed the sound to escape him, Emala exited the waste room. Her face went pale and her eyes wide with the slightest tremble of her lower lip. Guilt swept through him.

  “Emala, my apologies. I...”

  Then he smelled it and understood exactly what had Korash so on edge. She always smelled good to him, like a field of flowers in the summer, the soft petals warmed by the sun. This scent from her was something else entirely. It sent heat shooting from his belly and his aching cocks swelled and became impossibly harder.

  Need and instinct beat within him.

  She was theirs, she wanted to stay with them... wanted them.

  A growl of need escaped him. Her eyes widened but instead of inspiring fear, a fresh burst of that incredible smell filled the air, making his gut clench and fur stand on end as a tingle swept over his pelt. He stepped closer to her, drawing the scent in deeply as he trapped her between him and the wall, his arms caging her in. Vordri lowered his muzzle until it rested at the crook of her neck. He inhaled again, his tongue stroking against the soft flesh.

  He watched with interest as she shivered and her green eyes gleamed like jewels in the low light of the den. He crowded closer to her, wanting there to be no mistaking his desire for her. His body brushed against hers and he groaned, his cocks surging within their sheath. She responded with a shaky breath as she brought her hands to his abdomen.

  “Vordri...?” His name was gasped in such a way that he nearly trembled under her power right there. He loved the sound of his name from her tongue, but even more so when she practically quivered with her own need. He knew it would sound even better if it were moaned at the height of passion. His tongue caressed her pulse and another gasp burst from her. “Vordri, what are you doing?” she whimpered.

  “Showing our female my desire. You want this, do you not?”

  “By the gods, yes.”

  He felt her hands slide down his belly as she sighed the words. He couldn’t hold it back any longer. His cocks, slick with his precum, slid out of his sheath just as her hands lowered enough to cup them. She made a startled sound and glanced down as her warm fingers closed around his two phalluses. He groaned and leaned into her touch as her fingers gently explored him. He nearly climaxed when she stopped teasing and began to caress them with firm, sure strokes.

  “Emala,” he growled, “we need you. Will you mate with us?”

  “Shouldn’t your lead be asking that?” she asked in a husky whisper.

  With a curse in Ragii, he pulled Emala’s hands free and swept her into his arms. He didn’t care that his cocks bobbed eagerly as he walked back into the main den. Both males growled before he entered, no doubt scenting their combined desire. Korash looked up at them with blatant need on his face, his nostrils flaring even as he stood, and his amber eyes turned into pools of fire. Mishar didn’t waste time in scrambling to his feet and crowding close, his body and muzzle pressing close to their giggling female.

  “Korash,” Vordri said in a firm and even tone. All the fury he’d felt burned away under the passion at the sight and smell of their female. It was impossible to stay angry when they would soon be bonding with the final crucial member of their family.

  The lead’s eyes flicked at him before returning to Emala, a low rumble growing louder as Korash voiced his need. He stalked over and Vordri set their female on her feet before him.

  Everything needed to go right in this moment.

  Amber eyes swept over her intently and he came close enough to run his muzzle along her neck, his broad tongue lapping at her skin. Korash shuddered and growled and even Vordri felt a spurt of precum drip from his ejaculatory cock in reaction. Their lead’s excitement over their female aroused him. It was natural; that was how triads shared a female without becoming jealous. The pleasure of their brothers inflamed their own need.

  Finally, when Korash stepped back, his cocks standing thick and proud from their sheath, he regarded Emala with an intensity that Vordri had never seen from their lead and yet was entirely appropriate for this moment. The claws of one hand scraped lightly against her jaw and he tilted her face up to his. Then Korash did something unfathomable. He dropped his head so that his mouth pressed against the mouth of their female.

  She apparently liked it, because she let out a sighing moan and opened her mouth slightly to allow in the invasion of his tongue as it swept into her mouth. What was this thing he was doing? It seemed strange to him and yet Vordri found that he wanted to do it as well. Not yet, though. They were still waiting for their lead to initiate the mating process. Until then, Vordri and Mishar would have to be patient.

  He darted a covert glance at his brother and found the male completely enthralled with everything their lead was doing. Mishar was gripping his lower member, his pleasure phallus, stroking it as he watched with interest.

  The strange touching of mouths ended almost as quickly as it had begun and Korash dropped his head with respect toward her. “Emala, we ask that you join our family. Mingle your heart and being with ours so that we may love and protect you and be with you as you are with us until the end of our days.”

  “I am yours,” she whispered. “May our hearts and spirits be joined.”

  Korash lifted his head, his mouth curving into a smile. Then she was in his arms and he was hurrying to their sleeping chamber. Vordri nudged Mishar and both males took off after them, unwilling to be left behind or miss a minute of this most precious event.

  Chapter 22

  Emala didn’t get a clear view of the room they brought her into. In the time that she’d been living with them, she never set foot inside their sleeping chamber. While part of her was burning with curiosity, the rest of her was burning in another way... She was entirely consumed with the building passion between her and the triad. Her triad.

  Korash’s voice was a deep growl when he uttered the first of the ritualistic words that would bond them to her. Words that her mother had sighed over, that had stirred Emala’s heart in her youth. “You are ours, rya. Our most beloved. Our blood, hearts, and souls will mingle. This night will break us down, destroy us all, but we will be reformed and breathe again together as one.”

  “Through blood we are born, and through blood we are born again,” Vordri int
oned solemnly from behind.

  Anticipation leaped in her breast for what was coming. Although her mother told her nothing about Ragoru anatomy—and that had come as a pleasant surprise when she finally saw it—she’d been detailed about the process of mating so that Emala would know what to expect and not be afraid. Intellectually, she still shied away from the concept of sharing blood, but she needed to be close to them in every way. There would be pain, but it would only be for a moment. The blood would bind them, and she wanted that more than anything.

  She wanted her mates.

  Korash settled her on a thick pile of furs so that she lay beneath him, his large body crouched over her as his eyes burned down at her. With eager fingers, his four hands made quick work divesting her of her clothing. Once she was naked, he dropped his head so that his soft nose rubbed against her skin, his breath hot on her flesh as he nuzzled and then licked her. Excitement rushed through her, goosebumps prickling her skin as he caressed and teased her with his tongue as it swept from her shoulder to the curve of her breast. It trailed repeatedly over her nipple before he caught it gently in his mouth between his fangs and sucked on it. She whimpered beneath him, her fingers gripping his fur. The sharp pinch of pain, when it came, was fleeting and quickly transformed to pleasure as she watched his flat blue tongue stroke over the wound at the top of her breast with fascination. He watched her as he seemed to worship her skin with his tongue. Adoration filled his eyes and she could feel it right down to the center of her.

  Instead of pressing closer, like she wanted, Korash drew back. Emala scowled, her fingers tightening in his fur and confusion filling her for a moment until she felt the second set of teeth strike. Gasping at the brief pain at her neck, she relaxed into the embrace of the male at her side. At first, she was confused as to who it was until she saw Mishar watching, his blue eyes burning with desire as his cocks beaded with lubrication. She smiled as a gold hand stroked her cheek as he bathed the wound with his tongue. She raised a hand to tenderly stroke Vordri’s fur before she turned her head to look at him. His yellow eyes were gentle as he looked down at her, their color almost buttery instead of their usual sharp hue. His golden fur nearly covered her since Korash had moved to the side, still licking and nuzzling her almost reverently.

  After Mishar felt that they licked her enough, he slid between the males, his blue eyes shining with love, and she smiled at him. Vordri protested only minimally when her hand slid from his fur, but they needed this special moment between them. Mishar was the first. He was her rescuer. He was unfailing with her since the beginning, even when the others were reluctant. He was her first love. He wasn’t her favorite. She couldn’t have a favorite among her mates, but for him there needed to be something special in this moment. The other two males seemed to understand that because they too smiled and pulled away to give them more room.

  His white fur tickled her skin as Mishar settled over her, her hands smoothing the fur of his pectorals. She felt the wet tap of his cocks on her belly when he leaned into her. He lifted one hand between them so that she could see it.

  I will love you forever.

  “I will always love you. All of you,” she whispered. Her eyes filling with tears of joy, she raised her hands up into his scruff and along the sides of his face until both hands framed his sharp lupine cheekbones. There her thumbs caressed the soft fur and drew him down to kiss her as Korash had. He was less confident than his triad brother but caught on soon enough, his tongue dipping into her mouth enthusiastically as she sucked on it and slid her own tongue along it playfully. When they pulled back, a smile lit his face as he nuzzled her. Then she saw it. Just beyond his hip, his tail swished gently with his happiness. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. She almost didn’t feel it when his fangs caught her shoulder, the sharp sting over in a flash. She was too distracted by the slide of his cocks so close to her sex. The flat, angled head of his primary upper cock grazed her clit with its ruffled edge at the same time his tongue touched her shoulder, and her entire body clenched as pleasure burst over it.

  Mishar growled but reluctantly pulled away to crouch in front of her just as his triad brothers took their places at either side. She watched as first one, and then another, cut a palm open on their sharp fangs, and red blood seeped forth over the silky suede that covered their strong hands. Then each hand stroked over her lips, sharing their life essence with her. The tastes merged into a symphony of flavor, each one a part of and necessary to the other. Just like their family. Each was unique and beautiful but was enhanced and made all the better by his brothers.

  Their hands slipped along her body as they stroked her, their tongues exploring her flesh, tasting her. Mishar went to move away from where he was crouched between her thighs, but Korash caught him by the shoulder and pressed their foreheads together. “You brought her to our family. You were the first to love her and support her. The first to protect her. I yield my rights of first claiming to you, brother. She was yours before she was ever ours. Through you, she will be ours again, this time forever.”

  Mishar’s ears drifted to the side as they did when he was overcome with emotion, and he nodded before returning his attention to her. His eyes were bright, and he looked down at her with wonder as two of his hands began to caress her while his other two supported his weight. She brought her hands down as she touched him in turn, exploring his furred abs and dipping lower to caress the blue cocks extending off his body. She pressed them lightly against her belly as she stroked them, loving the way his mouth fell open and his entire body shuddered. She knew that she could only tease him for so long until his instinct to mate would take over.

  It took less time than she thought.

  Her sweet mate grabbed her hand and lifted it above her head as he pinned her beneath him and pressed his hips forward. The intrusion of his primary cock was thick, far thicker than any man she’d ever lain with in her limited experience. The head, for all its angular shape, was so wide that, when it breached her, Emala’s entire body quaked. The ruffle at the edge seemed to stimulate every good spot inside of her as it sank deep inside her wet channel. The tiny pearl-like texture along the shaft picked up that pleasure and teased it until she tightened mercilessly around him and Mishar moaned, his cock swelling within her. She wondered if that would finish him right then, but to her surprise he seemed to rally himself and pulled back to thrust eagerly into her.

  Emala’s hips jerked as his body slammed into them, his cock filling her relentlessly before it withdrew and plunged into her again. She never would have expected such aggressive bed play from her sweet male, and it took her breath away. She opened her legs wider and welcomed his surging body, his claws stinging where he gripped her a bit too tightly to hold her in place. She could feel his second cock brushing against her ass, which gave her ideas of things to try in the future. She would have to work up to that. Just being filled by his primary cock was overwhelming. Deep within her, she felt his cock swell, rubbing the sensitive places inside of her all the more insistently, and that was all it took to send her over the edge. She cried out as she felt his orgasm spill inside of her.

  Shivering beneath him, still in the throes of her own pleasure, Emala brushed her fingers through Mishar’s mane and along his face, painting that moment in her memory forever. He leaned over her, his eyes soft with affection and sated desire. She smiled when he leaned forward to nuzzle her gently and then slipped away from her grasp as he climbed out from between her legs. She stared after him until she felt a larger, thicker body sliding into the cradle of her thighs. Looking up, she met Korash’s amber stare.

  He dropped his head and claimed her mouth as his cock, which somehow felt much thicker than Mishar’s phallus, notched at her opening. His tongue curled around hers as he pushed into her. Unlike Mishar’s sure thrust, Korash slid in, the slow friction enough to drive her mad. Two of his hands slid beneath her bottom and raised her hips to give him better access. He rocked into her. One of his hands s
lipped between his legs and she could feel the tip of his second cock bump her bottom in a way that felt different than the natural slap of a phallus against her skin when Mishar claimed her. Emala tilted her head and saw that he was stroking his second cock even as the first one was gradually quickening inside of her. She squeezed her internal muscles around him experimentally and he growled, his hips surging forward.

  To her delight, now that she got him going, Korash thrust more urgently against her. He groaned, his fingers working his second cock quicker, the tip of it nudging against her ass as he snapped his hips. He looked down at her apologetically, noticing the direction of her attention, and growled. “I apologize. I need the extra stimulation against my pleasure cock or else I can’t...”

  “Let me help then,” she said, moving her hips just right to impale herself on the tip of his secondary phallus. The head was thick and bulbous but tapered delightfully instead of angled and frilled. It had its own natural lubrication and popped inside with little effort despite his hand still stroking the shaft. She could feel it twitching inside of her as he let out another raspy moan. Finally, he moved his hand away and pushed forward, driving both cocks deep inside of her. Emala nearly came up off the mound of pelts in her pleasure.

  His pace picked up and soon he rutted into her, his hips slapping against hers with every thrust. Emala was filled beyond anything she’d ever experienced, and she never wanted it to end. Small orgasms lit her up as they burst through her, her pussy clenching around his swelling cock. She cried out in pleasure at the sensation, her hips moving on their own. Korash growled and gripped her with his teeth as he knotted them together.


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