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Welch, D [Shadow People 03] Shadow Twins

Page 15

by Doug Welch

  Turning south, the limo soon passed more densely populated areas with factories and warehouses. She could get glimpses of Lake Ontario shining in the distance.

  Entering an expressway, the limo headed east, paralleling the lake and headed to the massive group of high-rise buildings that comprised downtown Toronto.

  Breaking the silence of her fellow passengers, Elizabeth spoke, “It looks just like the U.S. Somehow I expected it to be different.”

  “You’ll see the difference in the people, especially the Mounties,” Dan said. “They’re much more polite and helpful than police in the States.

  “How do you know so much about Canada, Dan?” Cecil asked.

  “I was born in Canada and I thought of joining the RCMP before I emigrated and landed a job with the Detroit Police department,” Dan replied.

  “RCMP?” Cecil asked.

  “Royal Canadian Mounted Police,” Dan replied. “With the exception of public shows by a special mounted company they ride in pursuit cars or off-road vehicles, but they’ve kept the name.”

  Cecil nodded and lapsed once again into silence, watching as the buildings passed by.

  In a few minutes the limo left the expressway and entered the modern downtown heart of Toronto. Navigating a few streets, it stopped in front of a massive hotel which stood out from the contemporary glass and steel buildings like an antique amidst modern furnishings.

  With the assistance of Cecil, Elizabeth exited the car and they entered the hotel’s ornate lobby. It appeared to be decorated in early twentieth century furnishings with travertine walls and columns on either side. People lounged in the couches and chairs grouped in the center, chatting or waiting for friends or family.

  “When was this hotel built, Dan?” Elizabeth asked as they walked over to the check-in area.

  “I’m told it was constructed in nineteen twenty nine,” Dan replied. “It’s one of the few hotels in the Toronto area with a huge ballroom and there is supposed to be a large gathering of the People in it before the Council meeting, a big party, a ball with dancing.”

  Elizabeth halted in front of the long check-in counter. “I didn’t pack any formal clothes because nothing will fit me.” She gestured to her abdomen.

  Dan waved a hand in dismissal. “We have that covered. Someone will be bringing a selection of formal gowns designed for pregnant women for you to choose from. June arranged it. They’re also going to deliver tuxes for Cecil and me. Cecil will be standing in as your Normal proxy and bodyguard. Kitty twisted Grieg Pearson’s arm until he agreed to it.”

  As they left the registration desk and headed to the elevators, Dan said, “I’ve booked us into three connecting rooms. One’s a suite. That one’s for you Elizabeth, the other two adjoin it with interconnecting doors. Cecil and I will be flanking you on either side.”

  “Why all the precautions, Dan?” Elizabeth asked as they waited for the elevator.

  Dan stared up at the old-fashioned dial that slowly rotated as the elevator descended to the lobby. “Just a feeling. When I called Grieg Pearson to report our arrival time I got one of his subordinates. It seems that Grieg won’t be available until later at the ball. I’d hoped to talk to him and try to explain our reasons for being here before we had to confront the imposter. It would be easier with Grieg on our side. Now we’ll just have to wing it and see what develops.”

  “You know what Paris would say if he heard you, don’t you?” Elizabeth asked.

  Dan chuckled. “Yeah. He’d be all over me about careful planning. Unfortunately we’ll just have to be there and see what happens. Trust me, the last thing we want to do is to appear helpless in front of some of the Shadow Houses. If he’s there and if we can get him alone, I can deal with it. If not...” Dan spread his hands and shrugged. “At least you’ll be safe with both of us watching your back.”

  * * *

  Elizabeth sat on the couch in her spacious suite waiting for Cecil and Dan to escort her to the party. She smoothed the gold fabric of the empire styled gown she wore over her distended belly, feeling the restless stirring of her daughter.

  Her baby had become more active as the day of the Council party drew near and she wondered why. Did she sense something beyond Elizabeth’s understanding? The temptation to delve into her baby’s mind was hard to resist, but she knew she didn’t dare attempt it without Paris’ help.

  The adjoining door to Dan’s room opened and he walked in wearing his new tuxedo. “Where’s Cecil?” Dan asked.

  Elizabeth shrugged. “He’s still getting ready so far as I know. Maybe he’s having trouble with his tie. Do you want me to check?”

  Dan held his hands out to keep Elizabeth from rising off the couch. “No, you stay right there. I’ll check.”

  “Check what?” Cecil asked as he entered Elizabeth’s suite.

  Elizabeth marveled at the contrast between Cecil’s coal black skin and the brilliant white shirt he wore. His habitual smile flashed like a beacon to match the shirt, and his height and broad shoulders emphasized the fit of the black tuxedo.

  “You sure clean up well, Cecil,” Elizabeth observed.

  Cecil’s expression grew puzzled. “Why do you say that? Did I put the tie on wrong?”

  Elizabeth laughed and shook her head. “No, Cecil, you look perfect. Any woman would be proud to have you escort her to a dance. So...shall we go, gentlemen?”

  “Not yet,” Dan replied. “Both of you sit down. I want to lay down some ground rules first.” He settled into an armchair and waited until Cecil sat on the couch. “Elizabeth, you don’t go anywhere without Cecil guarding you. I will be looking for the imposter and I’ll take him down if I can get him alone, but regardless of what you see or think you see, do not leave Cecil’s side.”

  Elizabeth grew indignant. “I’m not some empty head in a grade B movie, Dan. I know how to handle myself. Or have you forgotten Las Vegas?”

  Dan winced and turned his attention to Cecil. “This dance will be filled with some of the People from the Shadow Houses. They can’t focus their talents on more than a few people at a time so you may see them as a shadow in the corner of your eye or they may flicker in and out of your vision. Can you handle that without panicking?”

  Cecil drew a deep breath and nodded. “Now that I know I’m not crazy and they’re real, I can cope. Can Elizabeth see them?”

  Dan’s face grew thoughtful. “I don’t know. The subject’s never come up before. What about it, Beth? We know Dorri was part Shadow. Have you ever tested it?”

  Elizabeth thought about it. The one time her life had depended on being able to see Shadow People was when she first met Paris during the flight from her father’s house in Kentucky. At that time she hadn’t believed they existed and definitely couldn’t see them. Now she wasn’t so sure. Her father had kept the knowledge of her mother’s existence a secret to protect Caesar and her so at the time she didn’t know she had a Shadow heritage. Had the change in her ability to sense mind-glow caused her latent Shadow abilities to emerge?

  “How would I know? If I can see them then they’d appear to be ordinary people and it wouldn’t cross my mind to question it. If I can’t see them, then the same rules apply in reverse. Come to think of it, the only true Shadows I’ve personally met are Adepts and they can change, switch back and forth. No, so far as I know it’s never happened.”

  “Well, I guess we’ll find out tonight. It should be interesting,” Dan said.

  “I have another question, Dan,” Cecil said. “If this man is an Adept, ain’t you risking your life by tryin’ to nab him?”

  Dan shook his head. “As far as I’ve been able to determine from questioning my men, he doesn’t seem to have Adept talents or if they’re present, they’re very weak. It’s the Borgias I’m worried about. If they’re protecting him, they could create an incident and get the Council involved. It could have disastrous consequences for our Family.”

  “How do you plan to subdue him?” Elizabeth asked.

“With this,” Dan drew a syringe from his jacket pocket. “It’s preloaded with a tranquilizer. It’ll make him appear drunk and then I’ll offer to take him back to his room. That is, assuming he’s staying here at the hotel.”

  “That’s a powerful lot of assumptions,” Cecil muttered.

  Dan shrugged. “Paris wouldn’t like it but that’s the best I could come up with. If it doesn’t work then we go to Grieg Pearson and ask him and his Association to intervene. It’s his domain after all.”

  “Speaking of that. “ Elizabeth said, “Where is Grieg? We told him we were attending. I hoped to talk to him before the party.”

  Dan shrugged again. “No one’s seen him and I‘ve heard a lot of speculation. He’s supposed to appear tonight. Unfortunately he’ll have to meet and greet a number of important guests before he gets to us.” He rose from the armchair. “We’d better get to the ballroom early if we hope to remove the imposter without arousing suspicion.”

  Chapter 19

  Shadow Dance

  Elizabeth’s gaze encompassed the high filigreed ceiling of the grand ballroom and the crystal chandeliers that descended from it in orderly ranks over the dance floor.

  Doubled doors spaced around the perimeter of the room provided ample access but most were shut and guarded. In addition, she and her escorts were required to walk through a metal scanner to enter. It seemed the Shadow Council members took no chances with their precious bodies.

  She examined the people gathered in the room wondering if some of them were Shadows. How could she tell? Leaning toward Dan Simmons she whispered, “How many people do you count?”

  Dan whispered back. “About a hundred or so. It’s hard to tell because they’re milling about. Check with Cecil.”

  Elizabeth took Cecil’s arm. “Walk with me to the buffet table, Cecil,” she said.

  They navigated the decorated tables spaced around the dance floor, stopping at the buffet tables loaded with food. As they looked through the wide array of choices Elizabeth whispered. “How many people do you see in the room?”

  Cecil turned and examined the ballroom. “Maybe fifty but they’re mostly standing near the walls. There’s just a few at the tables. Seems a mighty small gathering for such a huge room.”

  A chill shot up Elizabeth’s spine. She had her answer. To make sure, she turned and again examined the ballroom. It did seem to hold lot more than fifty people and at least half were seated at the tables, eating.

  Feeling a little dizzy from the shock of her realization, she clutched Cecil’s arm. “I think I need to find a place to sit down.”

  Cecil’s eyes reflected concern. “Are you alright, Elizabeth? Your face is white.”

  “It’ll pass,” she said, “I just need to sit for awhile.”

  Cecil helped her to an empty table near the buffet. “Do you need some water?” he asked.

  Elizabeth nodded. “Bring me a glass of orange juice and sit with me.”

  Cecil grabbed a wine glass from the table and hurried to the buffet. Returning he sat the full glass in front of her and sat beside her. His face held a worried look. “The baby’s not coming is she?”

  Elizabeth clutched his arm. “No, it’s not the baby, Cecil. It’s the Shadows. I can see them.”

  Turning his neck like spectator in a tennis match, his eyes darted around the room. “Where? Are any of them nearby?” He noticed Dan moving toward them and beckoned to him.

  Dan increased his pace and stopped at the table. “Is something wrong?”

  “No,” Elizabeth replied, “it’s the Shadows, Dan. You were right. I can see them.”

  Dan sat next to her on the other side from Cecil. “Keep it a secret. Look right through them whenever they’re near.”

  “Why?” Elizabeth asked.

  “If they think you’re a clueless Normal,” Dan replied, “they might reveal something. Pretend you can’t see them.”

  “That’s easier said than done. I don’t think I can,” Elizabeth said.

  “Try,” Dan said. “It’s an advantage for our side. They won’t expect it. While you’re eavesdropping, I’m going to look for our fake Paris.” He rose and wound his way through the tables, mingling with the growing crowd of people.

  From her table Elizabeth had a clear view of the Shadows perusing the buffet tables. She tried to ignore them, instead focusing on the front entrance to the ballroom as though expecting someone. It was hard. It seemed Shadows loved to display their wealth. She almost lost it and stared, when one of the women passed the table wearing a diamond necklace with a blue diamond as big as an egg dangling from it.

  Far from being able to overhear conversations, the Shadows grew quiet whenever they neared her or Cecil. It seemed the urge to keep silent around Normals was ingrained in their makeup, and when they drew away, their comments were lost amidst the murmur of conversation in the cavernous ballroom.

  Growing bored, she decided to partake of the food.

  “Where you goin’, Beth?” Cecil asked.

  “I’m hungry.”

  “You stay right here. I’ll get somethin’ for you.”

  Elizabeth watched as he rose from the chair and walked to the buffet table. The groups of Shadows examining the food had grown but they parted when Cecil approached, being careful of physical contact. She observed fascinated, as they navigated around him like ghosts, lapsing into silence to maintain their invisibility in his presence.

  Cecil returned with two plates and laid them on the table. “I made sure it was somethin’ you’d like. Akin to my cookin’.” He sat beside her and tucked a napkin in her lap. “You’re eatin’ for two you know.”

  Elizabeth smiled. “You spoil me, Cecil. I think you’re one of the best things to come out of Las Vegas. I’m glad you’re here with me.”

  Cecil cast his eyes to the table. “Don’t need to say that, Beth.”

  She covered his hand with hers. “Yes I do, Cecil. And I have to keep reminding my self of that fact or I might take you for granted. You’re a valuable addition to the Family and I don’t want you to forget it.”

  Cecil wiped his eyes with his napkin but didn’t return her comment.

  Elizabeth decided to let it go and concentrated on the food. While she ate she glanced at the front entrance. Near the opposite end of the ballroom a small orchestra assembled and began to play music to accompany the diners. She wonder what the musicians thought playing to a sparsely populated ballroom but maybe they didn’t care, having been paid well to entertain the guests. Paris had said that most Shadows habitually hide in plain sight. Of course, many of the Shadow Adepts who attended the party could make themselves visible by shutting down areas of their minds, but it required an effort of will. Maybe that explained it.

  Finishing the first plate of food, she reached for the second but paused midway.

  Her appetite vanished at the sight of the fake Paris entering the room flanked by a man and a woman. Her stomach churned. Her initial elation at seeing him was replaced by a complex mixture of dread and longing. He looked so much like the man she loved it was all she could do to contain herself. She ached with the desire to leap from her seat and rush to his side but she dreaded his reaction and the vulnerable position she’d be thrust into. Still, she couldn’t ignore his presence. It would be out of character. What should she do?

  Glancing around the ballroom, she searched for Dan but didn’t see him anywhere. Panic caused her heart rate to rise. Where was he? Surely he’d seen the imposter. Would he follow through with his plan? When would he do it, now, or after the false Paris had consumed some of the drinks?

  She looked for some clue from the two people who accompanied him. One was a short man with curly brown hair that was growing grey at the temples. The other was a beautiful blond-haired woman who scrutinized the crowds with an intensity that only a bodyguard would use.

  The man greeted several of the Shadows like old friends. From his actions it seemed he also introduced the fake Paris. Elizabeth tried to atta
ch a name to the man’s face, but came up blank. Her mind tugged at her, reminded her she should know him but nothing emerged.

  As the trio moved through the crowd her anxiety grew. They’d be sure to suspect that she knew he was a fake. How could she greet the imposter with anything but hate and loathing? Her reaction would give away their plan, putting Dan at risk.

  Standing, she announced, “I need to use the ladies room,” Cecil, “will you accompany me?”

  Cecil who’d also observed the group getting closer, replied, “I think that’s a good idea, Beth.”

  Looking around the room, Elizabeth spied a pair of the double doors near their table. A man, likely a guard, stood in front of them scanning the crowd. Seeing little choice, she walked to the doorway clutching Cecil’s arm.

  As they approached him, the man’s attention snapped to them. “You can’t leave this way madam. You’ll have to use the front entrance.”

  Desperate to escape, Elizabeth played the only card she held. “I’m pregnant as you can plainly see and my husband, who’s also the head of our House, will be quite upset if his wife is inconvenienced.”

  The guard’s face betrayed little sympathy. “Nevertheless, madam you’ll –” His eyes lost focus for a moment and he cupped his hand to his ear. As he listened, he gradually refocused his attention on the two of them. He dropped his hand to his side and opened one of the doors with the other. “You both are required to come with me.”

  Startled, Elizabeth could only squeak. “Why?”

  Cecil moved in front of her. “Where’re you taking her?”

  The guard shook his head. “I have my orders and I don’t question them. If you’re wise you’ll come without causing a scene.”

  Cecil didn’t budge. “I’m her bodyguard and she’s not going anywhere unless you tell us what this is all about.”

  Elizabeth was frantic to leave. Dan had vanished and she now had a good idea of who accompanied the false Paris. If he was a Borgia Adept, he’d see right through her ruse and might be able to sense her Shadow abilities. She laid a restraining hand on Cecil’s arm. “It’s okay, Cecil, we’ll go with him.”


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