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Welch, D [Shadow People 03] Shadow Twins

Page 19

by Doug Welch

There. Near Dorri’s cradle, an alien mind-glow. Knowing none of the staff should be in the room, Paris probed the contours of the intruder’s thoughts, sensing determined although not necessarily malevolent intent. The foreign presence was a Normal, a male, and he had a purpose.

  Opening his eyes and shifting his head, Paris saw a shadowy form lean over Dorri’s cradle. The moon emerged from behind a cloud and he could make out more details. The man, dressed in black, wore some kind of headpiece. Paris assumed it was night vision goggles. Using his mind-glow Paris froze the man’s bodily functions and threw back the bed covers.

  Elizabeth stirred. “Did you feel that?” she whispered. “What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know,” Paris whispered back, “but I want you to take Dorri and hide in the bathroom.”

  At the mention of Dorri’s name, Elizabeth leaped from the bed and hurried to the baby’s cradle. Ignoring the frozen intruder, she picked Dorri up and fled to the bathroom, partway closing, but not locking, the bathroom door.

  Paris widened his search looking for more intruders. Outside the bedroom, he sensed two more minds in the hallway. They were divided to either side of the bedroom’s door. Knowing he’d be unable to block the motor functions of either of them without releasing his hold on the one in the room, he searched for something to bind the man’s legs and arms.

  Working rapidly because he sensed the outside prowlers growing impatient, he ripped the pull cords from the drapes. Using the rope he tied the man’s arms and forced him to the carpet. Looping the cord around the man’s legs he cinched it tight, immobilizing him. He stripped the pillow case from the bed pillow and gagged him.

  Now the anxiety level of the men in the hallway had increased into a state of alarm. It wouldn’t be long before they joined their comrade in the bedroom. He grabbed one of the chairs, wincing at the fact it might be an antique, lifted it over his head and waited.

  The door opened and the men entered. Paris waited until the first one saw his companion lying on the floor. He froze him and brought the chair crashing down upon the head of the second one. The man fell to the floor, but struggled to rise. Paris straddled the man’s back and ripped off his night vision goggles. Catching him in a choke hold, he pressed his forearms on the perpetrator’s temporal arteries in an effort to make him lose consciousness. While he held on, Paris found Dan’s mind-glow and implanted a pattern, a sense of alarm with a purpose. It wasn’t long before Dan burst into the room with his gun in hand.

  Paris strained with the effort of holding his captive. “Help me with this one, Dan the other one’s frozen.”

  Cocking the weapon, Dan pressed it to the man’s temple. “I’d hate to ruin this carpet with your brains but give me a reason and I will.”

  The intruder stopped struggling, placing his hands outstretched on the carpeted floor.

  Paris shifted his mind’s focus to Cecil, waking him and imparting a sense of urgency.

  Cecil rushed into the bedroom and looked at the three men on the floor. “Looks like you two have it handled alright. I’m going to rouse some of the security people. I’ll be right back.” Pausing at the door, he asked, “Are Beth and the baby okay?”

  Paris nodded. Exhausted from his efforts, he collapsed into one of the arm chairs. “They’re safe in the bathroom.”

  Cecil disappeared, only to return a few moments later. “I caught a security guard. He’s sounding the lockdown alarm.”

  No sooner had the words emerged from his lips, than the mansion and grounds blazed with lights, turning the night into day.

  Security guards burst into the room and surrounded the intruders. The mansion’s medical staff arrived next to check Paris, Elizabeth and the baby.

  Finding nothing amiss with any of their patients, the medical teams were the first to leave, followed by two of the security guards who took positions outside the bedroom’s doors. The remainder of the guards stood watch over their prisoners and waited. It wasn’t long before Grieg Pierson walked in wearing a silk robe, his white hair unkempt. Hiram Cochran followed close behind but joined the guards minding the bound intruders.

  Approaching Paris, Grieg said, “My people are searching the grounds for other threats. Hiram’s going to interrogate the perpetrators. He’s an accomplished Adept and if there’s something to discover, he’ll find it. I’m mortified that this happened in our domain, Paris. I guess my security wasn’t as tight as I thought it was.”

  “They’re mercenaries, muscle for hire and they intended to kidnap Dorri,” Paris said. “From wading around in their minds, I get the impression someone inside helped them. Look for a traitor, someone in your staff.”

  Grieg’s eyes snapped wide open. He looked worried. “I’ll have Hiram look into it. Meanwhile I’ll have my men clean up this mess and we’ll talk about it in the morning.”

  “No,” Paris said. “We’re leaving now, as soon as we can get ready. I’d appreciate it if you could alert our crew at the airport and arrange for transportation. I’ll want to take the twin and Bernardo with me.”

  Grieg seemed to struggle, trying to regain his composure. “The middle of the night is not the best time to make decisions, Paris. Why don’t you wait until the morning?”

  “Now is the best time. While they think we’re disoriented,” Paris argued. “They’ll never expect it.”

  “But don’t you think you should leave the twin?” Grieg asked. “He can’t be trusted. He’s likely to turn on you.”

  “Keep your enemies closer, Grieg,” Paris replied “I learned that in the military. The twin violated my domain and my Family. Therefore he’s mine to dispose of.”

  Hiram, who’d been concentrating on the prisoners rose from the floor. He joined Grieg, breaking into the conversation. “They know nothing. They were hired to abduct the child and bring her to a specified location. They never saw or had contact with their employer. They did however, reveal their inside contact. Security is going to check it out. We can send agents to the location but it’s likely to be dangerous.”

  “Don’t bother,” Paris said. “There’s no doubt in my mind the Borgias hired them. They would have likely had their minds wiped as soon as they handed Dorri over. The Borgias have probably erased any possibility of tracing the source. It doesn’t matter. From now on I’m going to concentrate on eliminating those bastards. They’ve fucked with my Family too much and this time they’re going to pay for it.”

  “The Council won’t like that, Paris,” Grieg said. “You have no proof.”

  “I don’t need or want the Council’s permission. This is a personal matter.”

  “Tread carefully, Paris, actions like this have ignited wars,” Grieg said. “The Borgias have powerful allies in the Council, not to mention the connections you uncovered in the Middle East. They’re sure to oppose you or anything you attempt. If it comes to a general conflict, the Council may find your House dispensable. It will do nothing to protect you from retaliation.”

  Paris realized the risks were unsupportable but he couldn’t live his life cowering from the Borgia threat. He wasn’t built that way. Surely he could find a way to strike back. Only by eliminating the Borgias as a House could he ever feel safe. The fact that they’d tried to kidnap Dorri made his stomach churn. He’d never felt anger so profound, a rage that had settled in his mind and had turned into cold purpose. He’d have to find a way, but he was determined. The Borgia House would fall and fall hard.

  “I’ll think about it,” Paris said. “Meanwhile I’m leaving. Can you detail some security and a couple of Adepts to guard us?”

  “There’s something you should know,” Hiram said. “The mercenaries weren’t expecting trouble, especially from you. It could mean they thought you were the twin. It might be to your advantage to allow them to continue thinking that.”

  Grieg’s concentration swung from Paris to Hiram. “You sound like you approve of his wild scheme.”

  Hiram nodded. “I do. What’s more, I suggest we help him. Eliminatin
g the Borgias would make the coalition fall apart and further isolate the Middle Eastern Houses. It’s a winning solution for all of our problems.” He focused his attention on Paris. “That’s assuming young man, that you can actually accomplish it.”

  Paris’ determination molded his reply. “The only alternative as I see it is to curl up in a ball and await the inevitable. That may be what most of you would do, but it’s not me. I’ll bring those bastards down or die trying.”

  * * *

  The executive jet was quiet as it soared south. Only a faint vibration of the engines gave any hint of motion. Paris stared at the dark window observing his fellow passengers in the black reflection. Elizabeth and Cecil slept. A subdued but awake Brian sat handcuffed to Dan who issued orders over his cell phone in a hushed voice. Bernardo, who also apparently couldn’t sleep, sipped wine and nibbled on food provided by the steward. He’d cleaned up well and gained some weight.

  Deciding to join Bernardo, Paris stepped carefully over Elizabeth so as to not wake her, and walked the couple of steps along the isle to the empty seat next to him.

  “How are you feeling?” Paris asked.

  “I am dazed,” Bernardo replied. “When I agreed to come to America with you I had no idea things would change so quickly. Canada was nice, but I’ve never been to Kentucky. What’s it like?”

  Paris helped himself to an apple from Bernardo’s tray of food. “Rural, less crowded. It’s a lot like Italy in the summer but in the winter it can get cold. There’s no sea but there’s a huge lake nearby. I’ll show it to you sometime.” His teeth crunched through the apple’s skin and he tasted the sweet pulp. Before taking another bite he said, “How about your memory. Did Grieg’s people help you?”

  Bernardo nodded. “I remember what the job was about and where the Borgia house was but I don’t know how that will help.”

  Paris chewed for awhile before swallowing and continuing. “Leave that to me. I want you to get together with my computer expert. His name is Tom Bradley. Maybe together the two of you can figure it out. Meanwhile we’ll need to get you settled.”

  Bernardo’s voice sounded timid. “What if I don’t like Kentucky? Can I return to Italy?”

  “Give it a chance, Bernardo,” Paris replied. “As long as you’re with me I can protect you. If you went back to Italy the Borgias would be all over you. You might not survive. After the threat is over, you can decide if you want to return.”

  “What about all my money?” Bernardo asked. “It’s all in Italian banks.”

  “Is it in Euros?” Paris asked. “How much money are we talking about?”

  “I don’t know,” Bernardo replied. “I never worry about it. I just do a programming job and the customer deposits the money. But it’s a lot. I do know that.”

  You need a keeper, Paris thought. “I’ll get Tom on it. He can set up accounts for you here in the States and transfer your funds. But you needn’t worry. As long as you’re working with Tom, you’re a Family employee. You’ll be paid a substantial salary and provided with a home. You’ll never need to touch your savings.”

  Bernardo seemed a little calmer after that.

  Paris studied the appearance of the enigmatic genius who sat beside him. His black hair although still long, had been professionally cut and he was clean shaven. Still thin, he now looked less like a homeless panhandler and more like a shrunken version of Tom Bradley. The only exception was the new wireframe eyeglasses that hid his grey eyes.

  Paris excused himself and returned to his seat.

  Chapter 24


  Paris scanned the people standing around the conference table in June’s law offices.

  Through the floor to ceiling windows, the morning sun cast an orange glow into the room painting the table and the participants with amber highlights.

  To his right, Elizabeth cradled Dorri in her arms, and to his immediate left Alex held her new son while Caesar leaned over her, playing with Sanjar’s tiny fingers.

  Both women seemed to glow. Elizabeth’s raven hair flowed like black silk around her neck and back. In the light, Alex’s thick chestnut hair looked more like red mahogany and cascaded in waves.

  Tom and Bernardo looked like a comedy duo. One of them was tall and large and one short and skinny. Both had their hair tied back in pony tails. In a short time they’d bonded like Paris had hoped they would. They’d make a formidable team.

  Dan and June chatted near the conference room door, probably discussing the events in Canada while Audrey sat at the table, sipping a morning cup of coffee. Seeing her alone, Paris sat next to her.

  “How are you feeling, Audrey?” he asked.

  Audrey glanced around at the people. “A little out of sorts I guess. I still feel like an outsider, but Alex is helping.”

  Elizabeth joined them sitting at Audrey’s other side. “Would you like to hold Dorri, Audrey?”

  Audrey looked at the baby cradled in Elizabeth’s arm and almost reached out to her.

  But tears formed in her eyes and she drew back. “Not now, maybe later. I’m afraid it would remind me of what I lost.”

  “We have your baby’s father locked up here in the center,” Paris said. “He’s admitted to being the man who impregnated you. I hope you believe me now when I say it wasn’t me.”

  “I think I believed you back in Iran,” Audrey said. “Have you discovered where my baby is?”

  “I have a team in Italy looking for her,” Paris replied. “We’ll find her, Audrey, whatever it takes. Have you registered for school?”

  “Yes, I’m starting classes in the fall semester but I’m worried because I’ll be away from the Family.” Audrey said.

  Paris covered her hand with his. “We’ll provide protection, Audrey. Maybe one of the Shadow families has a college age daughter that can stay with you.”

  Audrey drew her hand away. “I have a better idea. I want to learn to do what you do. I want you to teach me. I want to become an Adept like Kitty.”

  Paris shrugged. “If that’s what you want. We’ll discuss it after this meeting.”

  Standing, he announced to the room, “Everyone have a seat. We need to plan what we’re going to do.”

  After everyone settled into a chair, Paris remained standing. “I think all of you know what happened in Canada. The only question is what will our response be? As long as the Borgias exist as a House, we’ll never be safe. I’m convinced we need to crush them, eliminate them completely.”

  “Easier said than done, Paris,” Dan said. “They have more resources, a larger organization, and more experience at being nasty. In addition, they’re operating on their home turf across an ocean. Our people and reserves are strained by just holding Kentucky. It’s like David confronting Goliath but without a sling shot.”

  “Well give me a sling,” Paris replied.

  Dan spread his hands. “You need a cannon.”

  “I may have one,” Paris replied. “You’re aware that Grieg released you to join the Family, right?”

  Dan nodded.

  “Well it’s time to learn the Family’s secrets,” Paris said.

  Dan’s eyes widened, but he waited without comment.

  Paris ticked the items off his fingers. “First, unlike a normal Adept, I can’t hide from ordinary people.” He paused for effect. “However I can, at will, vanish from the sight of any Shadow.” He waited for Dan’s response. Seeing none, he continued, “Second, we kept copies of all of my father’s research before giving it to The Council. However, we never gave the most important pieces to them, my father’s journals. They contain detailed instructions for imparting Shadow abilities to Normals and turning a half Shadow into a full Adept. All the information is hidden in the basement of the farm house.

  That’s our sling, Dan. Would you care to use it?”

  Dan’s face had blanched as Paris spoke. In a choked voice he replied, “You don’t dare. The Council would kill all of us to keep this from becoming common knowledge.
Do you realize the chaos revealing this would cause? You could cause the destruction of the whole Shadow world. If the Normals knew how much we’ve manipulated them and stole from them over the centuries there’d be a bloodbath.”

  “I suspect the Council knows, Paris replied, “at least Tony. I’ve been imprinted, so I can’t reveal anything damaging, but Tom created a computer program. If I don’t reset it on a periodic basis it will broadcast the information to the internet. If the Family is eliminated it will do so automatically. As long as I’m alive they have nothing to fear because I won’t let it happen.”

  Dan’s face colored a little. “If you can’t reveal it then how can it help us? Some House could destroy all our hardware and prevent the release.”

  Tom Bradley entered the conversation. “It’s in the internet cloud, scattered over millions of severs. They’d have to eliminate the whole internet to prevent it. As long as Paris lives, and the Family exists it’s held in check.” He shrugged. “If they cancel us, it’s their problem. It’s sort of a MAD doctrine.”

  “That’s not how I intend to use it, Dan,” Paris said. “I want to create more Family Adepts and you’re one of them.”

  Dan looked incredulous. “Me? You want to make me an Adept?”

  Paris nodded. “If you can handle it. Not only you but Alex, Audrey, and possibly Elizabeth and Caesar. We all have Shadow genes in our makeup and we’re all potential Adepts. If I can do it, some of you can as well, Alex especially. The Council seems to become uncomfortable when her name is mentioned.”

  Alex looked up from gazing at her son. “I’m not sure, Paris. I thought it was something I wanted, but now I’m thinking motherhood thoughts.”

  Elizabeth replied, “Trust me Alex, you want to do it. Do the training. You won’t regret it.”

  “Do you know something I don’t, Beth?” Alex asked.

  “Yes, but we’ll discuss it after the meeting,” Elizabeth replied.

  “So we add a few Adepts,” Dan said. “How do a few women and a couple of men get us any closer to bringing the Borgia House down? They still hold the advantage. Gerardo’s only the front man. There are more Adepts hiding in the background and it’s still a foreign country.”


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