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Bright Star

Page 46

by E G Manetti

  A year ago, the odds managers had offered thirty-to-one that she would survive a year, seventy-to-one that she would succeed at trial. Last sevenday, before milord forbade her all contact with odds management, the odds on her completing her first year rose to even. The possibility that Lilian will self-slaughter is now unlikely. After four violent assaults within nine months, her survival remains far from certain. This day.

  I will not fall. Lilian cannot help but compare this day to the one a year prior. On that day, she set her commitment to the bond agreement that gave her over as property to Monsignor Lucius Mercio. Present for the execution of the contract were Dean Joseph, who had negotiated on her behalf, Helena, Sinead’s Shrine Keeper, and a senior Sinead acolyte.

  The Sinead devoted served two purposes. The first, to witness the contract, and the second, to act as chaperone. Once sealed, the bond terms prohibited Lilian from contact with Dean Joseph, her mentor and foster father. Lilian was to look to milord, and only milord, for the next three years. For the most part, Lilian is able to lock away any longing for her old life, but this day, restraining her sorrow at the loss of Dean Joseph proves more difficult . . .

  Dean Joseph follows Sinead’s acolyte into the courtyard where Sinead’s Keeper and Helena wait. For a moment it appears Lilian is absent. Then the long, dark shadow near the fountain moves. Too slender, pale as a wraith, Lilian elects to seal her bond garbed for battle, her thorn at her hip and her hair tightly bound.

  As she moves into the light, the sight of Lilian’s stoic, shuttered countenance rips at Dean Joseph’s heart and logs a painful obstruction in his throat. It must be done. Lacking words, Joseph gathers the slender young woman into his arms, holding her close. Speak, man. She is terrified. “Lilian, I will miss you. Do not fear, you can and will do this. Three years is not so very long.”

  At her mentor’s voice, Lilian tilts her head to gaze into the well-known and loved features. An elegant man in his mid-seventies, of average height and lean physique, Dean Joseph’s classically handsome features are kept from appearing feminine by a prominent and hooked nose. Sharp hazel eyes are matched with chestnut-brown hair in a complexion bronzed from the outdoor sporting activities he enjoys.

  Finding certainty in Joseph’s hazel eyes, Lilian asks for one more reassurance. “Should I fail, you will come for Maman and Katleen? You will take them to Andreas and Mulan’s Sanctuary?”

  Oh Lilian, Joseph mentally laments. Lilian’s obsession with her family’s fate is evidence that she doubts her survival. Struggling to keep anguish from his tone, Joseph confirms, “Yes, child. I have so promised. Worry not. It will not come to that. Lucius Mercio did not embrace this unusual contract to see you fail. It will be well. Are you ready?”

  At Lilian’s nod, the Dean releases the young woman.

  Pulling forth his slate, he sets his authorization below the glowing scarlet symbol of Lucius Mercio. Handed the slate, Lilian affixes her authorization before passing it on to the waiting prelate. Without another word being exchanged, Dean Joseph is escorted from the house by Sinead’s devoted.

  I will not fail. Pulling herself back to the present, Lilian utters a brief mental prayer, thanking Adelaide Warleader for her assistance in the trials of the past year and begging aid for the coming years.

  “Acknowledge the First as well. His luck aids those who aid you.” Helena’s voice is clear and the instructions surprisingly unambiguous. Lilian obediently executes her mother’s will before rising to ready herself for the Cartel.


  “Good morning, Lilian.” Milord’s exceptional greeting is offered with a smile and an unmistakably wicked gleam.

  Game time. This day. Lilian braces for milord’s humor. “My thanks, milord, good morning.”

  “I have something for you.” Milord’s smile broadens and the wicked gleam deepens as he pushes a small box across the desk. “You would undoubtedly prefer Damien St. Gervais’ shrunken head to hang from your belt. However, these are civilized times. You must be satisfied with a symbolic rendering.”

  Shrunken head? Symbolic rendering? Wildly curious and mildly concerned, Lilian carefully opens the box to discover a small round charm. A red stone the size of a pea set in gold.

  Damien’s head? The ruby is the same high quality as her eargems and twice the size of a single stud. It is perfect. As is milord’s timing. There is no question milord has held this gift to coincide with Lilian’s birth festival, although it will not be acknowledged between them. Milord’s game is very much one Lilian enjoys.

  Her eyes bright with delight, Lilian stumbles, “M-my thanks, milord. It is a wondrous ‘head.’

  “Shall I affix it now?” Lilian adds, eager to attach the charm to her belt. At milord’s nod, Lilian shifts her belt.

  “Not that one.” Milord’s voice stops her. He is holding another box, a larger one, and that smile is becoming increasingly pleased.

  Accepting the second box with far less caution than the first, Lilian is momentarily stunned and simply stands, staring at a snake of gold with a loop catch at one end to allow the length to be adjusted.

  “M-milord,” Lilian stammers, confusion overwhelming discipline. Visible tokens of the bondholder’s approval such as the ‘head’ are a common practice. The magnificent belt is far beyond a token. “Milord, I . . . my thanks. I . . .”

  “Peace, woman, it is no more than you are due,” Lucius laughs, enjoying Lilian’s open delight and his rare success at oversetting the contained young woman. “Don it. I will attach the ‘head’ for you.”

  “Yes, milord.” Lilian barely controls her eagerness as she carefully removes the conservator’s seal before placing the leather strip in her slate bag next to her thorn. She fastens milord’s belt around her waist, adjusting the fit so it will sit where the leather one would. A few inches of gold trail down the hollow of her right hip below the clasp.

  After attaching her conservator’s seal, Lilian walks around the desk and yields the ruby to milord. In a moment, those long, clever fingers position the charm. As milord settles back to admire the result, milord tugs Lilian’s slate bag from her shoulder. Reaching inside, milord pulls forth the sheathed thorn and attaches it behind her left hip. The weight of the thorn shifts the belt, causing Lilian to adjust the closing.

  “You have it as you prefer?” Milord inquires, the wicked gleam returning.

  The game is not done. This day. Unconsciously licking her lips, Lilian replies, “Yes, milord.”

  “Be certain.” Milord’s instruction holds a warning.

  With a deep breath, Lilian steps backward and executes a few brief movements from Adelaide’s Discipline. Belt and thorn shift and settle in a manner similar to the leather one.

  “It is well,” Lilian confirms.

  “Come here, there is one more item.” Milord’s smile has returned, and the wicked gleam holds a promise.

  This is it.

  Milord holds a small gold rectangle. The size of her thumb, it is incised with the Blooded Dagger Cartouche inlaid in black enamel. It is a clasp lock, designed to keep the fastening of the belt from slipping out of place.

  Watching milord, his head bent, clever fingers fastening the ornament, Lilian suddenly concludes it is more than an ornament. It is a real lock. With a telltale ping, Lucius Mercio’s DNA seals the lock. Only he will be able to release it.

  I am the sum of my ancestors. It requires every ounce of her control for Lilian to resist the urge to fist her hands into milord’s thick locks and give a hard tug as milord admires his handiwork. The magnificent warbelt, hung with the ruby and her conservator’s seal, is a visible testament of milord’s favor. The clasp lock is milord’s civilized rendering of the ancient practice of bondage shackles in the same manner as the ruby is Damien’s head. Waking or sleeping, Lilian will remain wrapped in this reminder of milord’s possession and protection.

  Sitting back Lucius gazes at his apprentice in smug satisfaction, evaluating her response.

  “My t
hanks, milord, it is lovely.” I shall wear it everywhere. Do. Not. Do not. Grappling with her shock, Lilian retreats to practicality. “If milord pleases, would milord return the thorn to my satchel?”

  Nodding, milord reaches around Lilian’s waist to collect the thorn and return it to the bag. At milord’s deft handling of the blade, Lilian reflects that the warrior who did not hesitate to battle pirates has a great deal in common with his genetic forbearer, Socraide Omsted.

  Blade secured, milord pulls Lilian forward so that her knees are on the chair on either side of his legs.

  Lucius looks up at Lilian as she gracefully descends onto his lap. Adelaide’s consecrated shares her deity’s ferocity. Does Lilian also share Adelaide’s appreciation of the barbaric? Lilian’s hands rest lightly on his shoulders, her bright countenance indicating that she is at least content. “What think you, truly?”

  Milord would have done well during the time of the Five Warriors. Do not voice that! Suggesting that milord is a barbarian is unwise. More diplomatically, Lilian replies, “Truly, milord, I believe Adelaide Warleader would approve.”

  No more is said as milord takes her in a kiss that rapidly develops into a great deal more.


  Impossible. Impossible. Fingering the clasp lock, Lilian settles into the small reception area outside Seigneur Trevelyan’s office. Completely impossible and devious man.

  “Lilian, well met, what have you there?” Rebecca settles next to Lilian on the reception bench, peering closely at the lovely belt and dangling gem. “Is that a gift from Monsignor Lucius?” Impressed, Rebecca adds, “It’s gold and that’s another ruby.”

  His Preeminence is pleased with his apprentice.

  Glancing from the belt to Rebecca and back again, Lilian explains, “It is a warbelt. The ruby represents a triumph over an enemy.”

  “It’s that Damien St. Gervais, the one whose financials I copied. The one banished to the supply depots,” Rebecca guesses astutely. At Lilian’s nod, Rebecca remarks dryly, “I am pleased we are friends.”

  Noting the clasp lock in Lilian’s fingers, Rebecca says, “That’s a nice touch. Does it work?”

  “Very well,” Lilian replies wryly.

  At her friend’s tone, Rebecca reaches over and takes a closer look. It only takes a moment. “He did not! Monsignor did!”

  At Lilian’s wordless nod, Rebecca cannot contain her outrage. “What next, a tattoo?”

  I already own one. Do not. Do not. It is too much. It has all been too much. Becoming a doxy, milord, counterfeiters, red eargems, wafers, Mercium, milord, assaults, conservatorship, Maman’s woodlands, Damien, Bright Star, milord. Too much. Too much. Impossible. Adelaide strengthen me.

  To Rebecca’s horror, Lilian’s face tightens, her shoulders shake, and she lowers her face to her hands. “Oh no, Lilian do not. Five Warriors take it! He has done it. He has broken you. Please do not cry. It will be well.”

  At Rebecca’s words, Lilian drops her hands and raises her face. Peals of laughter disrupt the decorous reception area.

  Shocked and confused, Rebecca cries, “You are laughing! You think it’s funny?”

  “It is funny,” Lilian manages between gasps. “I am not in thrall to the Shade of Socraide Omsted. He is Socraide.”

  Fighting to control her mirth, Lilian continues, “Do you not see? It is not only me, it is everyone. Monsignor Elenora, Seigneur Trevelyan, even you. No reward without some form of hook or control. He is impossible, completely impossible.”

  And with that Lilian is shaken with one more round of laughter so that the newly made warrior Seigneur Trevelyan is greeted by a sight he would have thought impossible a year gone. Lilian, apprentice to His Preeminence Lucius Mercio, Conservator of Desperation Mine and Refinery, discredited, tainted offspring of Remus Gariten, is laughing.

  Transgressions: The Apprentice, Volume 3

  Life within the Serengeti Cartel is perilous, riddled with malice and intrigue that can threaten the mightiest of warriors. For Lilian—brilliant, despised, and one misstep away from execution for her father’s crimes—all that stands between her and destruction is the powerful warrior Lucius Mercio. In return for his protection, Lilian became Lucius’ apprentice, yielding control of her body, will, and intellect. The desperate gamble has paid off. In defiance of all expectation, Lilian has survived nearly a third of her Trial by Ordeal, but it is far from over.

  Determined to raise Serengeti to the pinnacle of power in the Twelve Systems, Lucius has ruthlessly exploited Lilian’s brilliance to achieve his ambitions. Within seasons, he will lead Serengeti to new heights with the launch of Bright Star, the first stellar exploration venture in over two centuries. With each new success, Lucius’ rivals multiply while a traitor stalks the halls of Serengeti, determined to thwart Lucius by any means. As the viciousness of her enemies escalates, Lilian is forced to confront the past and choose between betraying her oath of loyalty to Lucius and protecting the deadly secrets of her father’s dark acts.

  The Apprentice Protocol

  Apprentice Protocol

  1. The bonded will submit to and execute the bondholder’s will in all matters.

  2. The bonded will address the bondholder with deference and submission.

  3. The bonded will defend the bondholder’s estate, life, and honor by any method necessary unto the death of the bonded.

  4. The bonded will permit only the bondholder carnal access to the bonded.

  5. The bonded will engage in any and all carnal activities the bondholder requires.

  6. The bonded will not presume to know the bondholder’s will.

  7. The bonded will adhere to the letter and the spirit of the governing protocols.

  8. The bonded will not bear arms in the presence of the bondholder.

  9. The bonded will not speak unless addressed.

  10. The bonded will answer truly to any inquiry.

  11. The bonded will flank the bondholder at all times.

  12. The bonded will defer to and honor all of greater rank.

  13. The bonded will not complain.

  14. The bonded will respond to instruction without hesitation.

  15. The bonded will learn from observation and not require instruction.

  16. The bonded will offer contrition for transgressions.

  17. The bonded will accept and learn from correction.

  18. The bonded will not by voice or action slander or otherwise question the honor of the higher ranked.

  19. The bonded will behave with discretion.

  20. The bonded will present a modest demeanor.

  21. The bonded will execute its duties diligently and to the full of its abilities.

  22. The bonded will maintain a strong, healthy physique.

  23. The bonded will not overindulge in drink or other excess.

  24. The bonded will not wager or benefit from wagers.

  25. The bonded will honor all commerce commitments.

  26. The bonded will not engage in illicit commerce.

  27. The bonded will dedicate itself to acquiring the skills offered under the bond.

  Serengeti addendum

  28. The bonded will respect and honor the protocols and strictures of Cartouche and Cartel.

  29. The bonded will defend the wealth and honor of the Cartouche unto death.

  30. The bonded will defend the wealth and honor of the Cartel unto death.

  31. The bonded will accept the authority of the associate master or other delegate in the absence of the bondholder.

  32. The bonded will be permitted one and one half period of respite each commerce day.

  33. The bonded will limit respite to fifteen minutes except for one period between midday and first bell plus thirty.

  34. The bonded will not consume food or drink except within the designated sections of the Cartel.

  35. The bonded will proceed at an orderly pace.

  36. The bonded will adhere to Cartouche and Cartel guidance in matters of

  Devotional Litanies

  The Warriors’ Litany

  I am the sum of my ancestors.

  I am the foundation of my family.

  Honor is my blade and shield.

  Honor knows not fear.

  Honor endures.

  Honor acts as duty commands.

  Socraide’s Credo


  Master desire. Master pain. Master pleasure. Mastery of body.

  Master fear. Master anger. Master joy. Mastery of mind.

  Master ambition. Master sorrow. Master affection. Mastery of Spirit.


  Universalist Acclamation

  We began as cosmic dust.

  We are formed from stellar glitter.

  The stellar is within and without. We are one.

  We are ephemeral and eternal.

  We end as we began and begin again.

  Cosmic dust.

  Glossary of the Twelve Systems


  Adelaide Warleader: See Warleader, Adelaide.

  Acolyte: A junior prelate.

  Ancients: The lost society that predated the Anarchy.

  (The) Anarchy: Three centuries of warfare that almost destroyed the Three Systems, which is the foundation of the Twelve Systems.


  Ben Claude, Rimon: The Second Warrior. His dominion was the two habitable planets of the Second System.

  Bright Star: A consortium designed for stellar exploration. Participants are the Serengeti Group, the Matahorn Alliance, and the Leonardo Society.


  Cartel: A powerful commercial interest that controls a significant aspect of commerce to the exclusion of all others.

  Cartouche: The device or coat of arms that represents a warrior family. Alternate: a warrior family that can create ranked members also known as seigneurs.

  Cohort: A commerce enterprise that controls a particular industry or market in a geographical region or stellar system. Example: Agra-cohorts dominate the agrarian enterprises in specific systems. No single agra-cohort controls sufficient systems to dominate the entire industry as would a cartel.


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