The Patient Assassin
Page 38
Indian Civil Service (ICS), 20–1, 22, 42
Indian National Congress, 41, 63, 117, 290
name on final report of, 140
Indian Political Intelligence (IPI), 13, 220, 226, 230, 238, 251, 279, 293, 302
Indian Railways, 225
Indian Sociologist, 47
Indian Workers Association (IWA), 230–1, 252
Indira Gandhi, 311, 312
Indo-Bolshevik, 181
Innes, Michael, 248
innocent men killed, 116, 118–19
IRA, 153–4, 238
Irish Republican Brotherhood, 20
Iron Age, 56
Irving, Miles, 74, 79–81, 82–3, 86, 91, 115–16
Isemonger, F. C., 165
Ishwar Das Anand, 94–7, 101–3, 107
Ishwar Kaur, 124
Jacob, Field Mshl Sir Claud, 271
Jaggan Nath, 125
Jahal Singh, 303
Jalapa, SS , 182, 183, 184
Jallianwala Bagh, 1–2, 13, 99–100, 102, 104–6, 128, 134, 148, 154, 166, 180, 185, 186, 190, 233, 279, 288, 308, 309
ceasefire after, 107
macabre echo from, 266
and martial law, 120
news reaches O’Dwyer concerning, 115
news spreads further from, 117
and other exits, 116
and Udham Singh’s statue, 313
Jatka, 204
Jawaharlal Nehru, 41, 290, 291, 293, 311
Jawand Singh, 166, 167–8
Jeffreys, Superintendent, 73
jihad, 59
Jiwa Singh, 60, 132, 134, 135
Johnson, Lt Col. Frank, 124
Johnson-Reed Act, 174
Jones, Det. Sgt Sidney, 270–2, 273–4
and Udham’s pocket contents, 272
Kala Bagh, 94, 96
Kamboj, low caste, 31
Karachi, 23, 183
Karnal, 56
Kartar Singh Sarabha, 49
Kasur, punishments at, 123
Katra Sher Singh Bazaar, 189
Kell, Gen. Sir Vernon (‘K’), 250, 285, 305
Khair-Ud-D in Teli, 106
Khalsa Diwan, 170, 252
Kheda, 63–4
Kipling, Rudyard, 26–7, 223
Kitchener, Lord, 188, 250
Kitchin, A. J. W., 91, 117
Kitchlew, Dr Saifuddin, 72, 77, 81–2, 100
arrested, 79
described as troublemaker, 80
Korda, Alexander, 223–4
Korda, Zoltan, 224
Krishna Menon, Vengalil Krishnan, 290–3, 305, 306, 308
Kucha Kaurianwala, 123–4, 125
and street punishment, 124–6
‘Kumari’, 297–300
Kundan Kaur, 232
Labhu Ram, 107
Labor Appropriation Act, 161
Lahore, 309
described, 23–4
and heartened strikers, 75
Irvin writes to, 80
news spreads to, 86, 115
O’Dwyer, M., arrives at, 23
status of, under threat, 56
and travel, 74
Lala Gonda Mal, 125
Lala Kanhyalal Bhatia, 100–1
Lala Megha Mal, 125
Lala Sunder, 108
Lallo, 168
Lamington, Lord, 259, 262, 263, 291, 308
Land Colonisation Bill, 128
Laski, Harold, 179
Lawrence Gardens, 23, 46
Lawrence, John, 129
birth of, 20–1
death of, 23
schoolboy’s hero, 20–1
Lawrence, Dr M. R., 265
Lawrence, Dr T. E., 265
League Against Imperialism, 227
Lenin, Vladimir, 163, 214
Leviathan, SS , 171
Lindsay Parkinson and Co., 244–5
Lloyd, Sir George, 69
Lloyd George, David, 154
London School of Economics, 179
Long Beach, Udham moves to, 168–9
‘Long Live Gandhi’, 80
‘Long live the Hindu–Muslim brotherhood’, 80
low- and high-castes, 31
Ludhiana, 56
‘Lunatic Line’, 132
‘Lupe’, Josefina Torres, 167–8, 169, 172, 176, 181, 182, 195, 201, 299, 300
McAlpine, Sir Robert, 244
McCardie, Mr Justice, 179
McClure, G. B., 305
Mackay (dog), 260
Mackinnon, Dr Grace, 265
MacLagan, Sir Edward Douglas, 130
McRae, Lt Col. H., 122–3
Madame Nur Jehan, 189, 190, 191, 207
Madan Mouhau, 105
Madhan Lal Dhingra, 48
Maffey, John, 64
Maharajah Duleep Singh, 203, 206
Maharajah Ranjit Singh, 56
Maharajah Sayyaji Rao III , 40–1
Mahratta Brahmin, 52–3
Manjit Singh Kassid, 127, 202–6
passim, 207, 208, 216–17
Mao Zedong, 163
Maqbool Mahmood, 83–4
Martyr’s Memorial in Amritsar, 2
Mather, 193 (see also Udham Singh)
Udham identifies as, 173
Maude, Lt Gen. Sir Stanley, 59
Mazbhis, 58
Mazzini, Giuseppe, 175
Mela Singh, 57, 60
Mesopotamia, 58–9, 60
Metropolitan Police, 235, 248, 271, 317
Mian Feroz Din, 82
Mian Mir, 57–8
Mianwali Jail, 197–8
Michigan University, 151–2, 156, 160–1
MI5, 13, 49, 217, 224, 225, 226, 238
motto of, 250
Mill, John Stuart, 63
Milner, Alfred, 22
Minchin, Capt., 118
Minto, Lord, 42
decision to reunify, 42
Mohamed Ismail, 106
Mohammed Shariff, 107
Mohan Lal (1), 107
Mohan Lal (2), 125
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, 178
Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, 244
Montague, Sir Edwin, 69, 121, 136, 139, 140, 142, 144–5
Montgomery, 56
Mool Chand, 241–2, 247–8
Morley-Minto reforms, 52
Morning Post, 147
Mosley Blackshirts, 218–19
Mosley, Oswald, 210–11
Mountbatten, Lord Louis, 309
Mughal Empire, 25
Mukta Singh, 36, 55
Multan jail, 197
Murad Ali, 192
Murli Mal, 107
Muslim, Sikhus, Hindu communities, 80
musti, 96
Nand Lala (1), 107
Nand Lala (2), 125, 205
Narain Kaur, 31–2
death of, 32
Nath, 125
Nathu Kamboj, 106
National Herald, 291
National Origins Act, 174
Nayyar and Sons, 209–10
Nazir Singh Mattu, 228–31
New Delhi, 309
New Scotland Yard, report of, 222–3
New York Times, 68, 311
Nicol, p. H., 188
Nikmu Mal Girdhari, 107
Nilowal, 33
nizams, 38
O’Dwyer, Eunice Jr, 38
O’Dwyer, Eunice Sr, 28–9, 38, 257, 271, 295
O’Dwyer, Geoffrey, 148
O’Dwyer, Ivon, 148
O’Dwyer, Jack, 39, 111, 249, 294–5
O’Dwyer, John Chevalier, see O’Dwyer, Jack
O’Dwyer, John Snr, 19–20, 111
stroke and death suffered by, 22, 149–50
O’Dwyer, Margaret, 19
O’Dwyer, Sir Michael, 177–81, 208, 215 (see also Udham Singh)
ACS passing among, 22
among brothers and sisters siblings, 19
ancestral roots of, 18
and angry missives to London from, 67
and Basanta, 51
BBC report on, 275–6
mes viceroy of India, 21
birth of, 18
and boundary dispute, 38
and building of gallows, 120
burial of, 295
celebrity status of, 177
Commission hated by, 137–8
critics of, 121
and debt of gratitude, 66
and Defence of India Act, 63
dogged critics of, 121
Dyer needs support from, 117
and Dyer’s funeral, 188–9
early school of, 20
editors attract, 217–18
executions on watch of, 70
and family hunger, lack of, 19
fastidious habits of, 51–2
first assignment of, 27
giving no game away by, 43
goes missing from home, 257–8
home fired into, 22
ICS passed by, 21
and immediate post-death, 263–7
and India articles, 218
and Indian extremists in
California, 294
‘Irish to the backbone’, 18
knighted, 49
leaves for India for, 23
leaves India temporarily, and returns, 28–9
and martial law, 120
memoirs of, 85, 118
in Montgomery, 56
and mutiny, 76, 118
new lieutenant governor, 43, 44
news reaches, 115
nickname of, 4
office extension for, 22
plans made by, 118
post-to-post moves by, 28
praise from, 1
prepared to sue, 178–9
and Punjab, 77
and Punjabis, 56
and Punjab’s loyalty, 68
reintroduction to London, 136
retired, 130
sanitised picture from, 118
Satyapal, Kitchlew arrested by, 79
as sentimental man, 18
Singh shoots, 3
as social creature, 39–40
as son of Ireland, 18
and sound of unrest, 86
Spoor on, 143
stalwart defender of Raj, 12
thin trips with, 117
and tribal honour, 56
trying month for, 67
Udham gets address of, 247
Udham in final proximity with, 260–3
Udham shoots, 263–7
and Udham’s death threat, 240, 251
wider view of justice by, 70
worst fears of, 22
Old Maid, The, 258
Ottoman Empire, 58, 61, 214
Paine, Thomas, 63
Pakistan, 309
Palmer, Horace, 225–6
Palmer, Irene/Eileen, 224–7, 236
Pandry, Mr, 282
Pandurang Sadashiv Khankhoje, 163, 164
Patriot, 177
Pentonville Prison (‘The Ville’), 10–17, 70, 307
Perkins, Roger, 111–12
Peter Singh, 252–3
Petrie, Sir David, 163
Phoenix Park, Dublin, 21
Pierrepoint, Albert, 9–12, 15–16
Britain’s longest-serving hangman, 16
Pierrepoint, Tom, 15
Pilbad, 31
Pilditch, Denys, 279–80
Poland, 244
‘Praise to the Mother’, 134
Pratap Singh Kairon, 166
Princip, Gavrilo, 53
Prison and Prosecution services, 13
Pritam Singh, 182–3, 193, 208
American legal entry by, 162
in civil engineering department, 172
and El Paso, 160, 161
in Hindustan Club, 172
looks of, 151
Mexico reached by, 159
and Michigan, 160
no grudge from, 162
and paper failures, 155
reporters on story of, 161
Riggs helps, 160–1
Udham looks after, 153
Udham meets, 151
and Udham’s assurance, 162
worse plight of, 161
and YMCA, 154, 155
Proud Valley, The, 256
punitive taxation in India, 24
Punjab, 309–10
canal system of, 33
continuing brutality in, 122–3
and foreign war, 54
half army drawn from, 54
and illegal handbills, 73–4
men’s execution on O’Dwyer’s watch, 70
new governor of, 45
and press-ganging, 54
and promises of land, 54
receptive audience from, 71
as ‘second city’, 56
slow influx of, 210
spreading actions in, 75
traditional clothing, 233i
trickle into America, 158
and UK tommies, 122
Rabindranath Tagore, 134
Radcliffe, Cyril, 309
Radcliffe Line, 309
Rai Sahib, 57
Diwan hates, 234
and Gandhi’s nightmare, 71
and O’Dwyer killing, 277, 291
penal code of, 198
ships, 23
supreme reign of, 2
vital importance of, 52
wartime powers of, 70
Ram Bagh, 35, 91, 99, 107, 191
Ram Chandra, 68
Ram Naumi, 79–80
Ram Singh, 68
Ramdasia, 58
Ramji Dass Sunami, 127
Ranjit Singh, 26, 54, 56
Rappe, Virginia, 169
Rash Behari Bose, 50
Ratan Devi, 108–9
Rattan Singh, 180
Ravi, 75
Rehill, Supt John, 105
Reinhold, Col. Carl Henry, 265, 266
Representation of the People Act (RPA), 144–5
Reuters, 288–9
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 244
Richards, Col. Edward, 188
Richards, Harry Wyndham, 306
Riches, Claude Wyndham Harry, 264–5
Richie, Claud Wyndham Harry, 261
Riders of the Sarhad (Dyer), 148
Riggs, Prof. Henry Earl, 155–6, 160–1
Ripley, Tom, 4
Robeson, Paul, 256–7
Rosina, 175
Rothermere, Viscount, 218
Rowlatt Act, 70, 74, 75, 100
Roy, Dr, 300
Roy, M. N., 163
Royal Albert Hall, 258
Royal Central Asian Society, 259
Royal Irish Constabulary, 153
Russell, Bertrand, 290
Sabu, 224
Salaria, Mr, 83
Sanger, Margaret, 226
Sanghoi, 75
Sankaran Nair, Sir, 178–80
Santa Fe Railroad, 164
Santi Gosh, 297
Santidas Khushiram Kirpalani, 148–9
Sarajevo, 53
Sardar Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Khan, 137–8, 205
sarkar, 75, 120
satyagraha, 71–2, 74
Satyapal, Dr, 72, 77, 81–2, 100
arrested, 79
described as troublemaker, 80
Saunders, Asst Supt John, 198, 199
Savar Ali Shah, 189–90, 191, 192
Scott, James A., 198–9
Scott, Mr, 84
‘Scramble for Africa’, 131
Second World Congress, 163
Second World War: post-war cost of, 309
run-up to, 4
Secret Intelligence Service (SIS ), 13
sepoys, 25–6
Shaheed Udham Singh Arts College, 313
Shahpur, 28
Shalimar Gardens, 26
Shankar Dayal Sharma, 310–11
Sher Singh, see Udham Singh
Sherwood, Marcella, 85
Sherwood, Miss, 123, 125
Shiv Singh Johal, 231, 235, 285, 300, 302, 308
Shiv Singh Jouhl , 235, 292, 302
Shyamaji Kri
shnavarma, 47, 48
‘Sikh Comintern’, 163, 180
Sikh Gurdwara, UK’s first, 154–5
Sikh Temple, California, 292, 297, 300
added religious significance for, 96
fighting with British, 234
and long hair, 204, 213
most holy shrine of, 34
and police beatings, 233–4
and samadhi, 26
in US, 170, 232
vegetarianism of, 204
Sikhs, Hindu, Muslim communities, 80
Silver, Cecil, 237–40, 243, 279, 288
Simon Commission, 198
Singapore, and mutiny, 67
Sinsinawa, SS , 181
Sitaram Acharya, 133
Slattery, J., 165
Slee, Maj. Reginald Alfred, 261, 262, 265, 306
Sohan Lal, 107
Sohan Singh, 35
Sohan Singh Bhakna, 49
Sohan Singh, 107
Sohne Khan, 191–2
Southampton, 244
Soviet Russia, 163, 214, 220
Special Branch, 13
Special Branch (SB), UK, 48
Spectator, The, 218
Spitfires, 245
Spoor, Benjamin Charles, 143
Stalin, Joseph, 214, 244
Stevens, Charles Geoffrey Buckland, 297
Stewart, Mr, 84
Stockton, 170
Sudagar Singh, 166, 168
Sudetenland, 243
Suhrawardy, Sir Hasan, 257
Sunam, 32–3, 35, 60, 202, 203, 204, 206, 208
and smuggling guns, 135
Udham returns to, 133–4
Sundar Singh, 107
Suniti Choudhury, 297
Supermarine, 245
Surat Ali, 252, 285, 292
Sutherland, Sir William, 144
swadeshi, 42
Swain, Det. Insp. John, 273–4, 284, 285
Sykes, Brig. Gen. Sir Percy, 259, 260, 275, 306
Tamil Nadu, 132
Tampico, 159–60
Tara Singh (1), 107
Tara Singh (2), 190–1, 192, 194, 207
Tehal Singh, 31–2, 33–5, 313
children raised by, 32–4
Teja Singh, 164
Three Works Company, 61
Times, 140–1
Transvaal, 47
Trotsky, Leon, 164
Turkey, 214
Tutin, Constance, 141
Udham Singh (see also O’Dwyer, Michael):
admits in UK to work for people in India, 245
at Amritsar, 190
and Andrews, 130–1
arsenal of, 180, 183, 194–5
ashes of, distributed, 312–13
Banta Singh’s friendship with, 252
becoming more US, 167
better paying job for, 167
Bhagat beguiles, 200–1
birth of, 32
and bookshops, 128
Brazil name of, 182, 184, 192
to British gallows, 5, 9–10, 12–16
British intelligence documents on, 111
to Canon Row police station, 274
carpentry skills of, 129
cash and arms required for Europe visit, 208
cash desperation of, 240
city-to-city moves by, 129–30
Claremont reached by, 164
clemency petition on, 308
and collection plate, 228
declared unfit, 60
disappearance of, 132
disgraced self, 60