Dirty Mind (Nashville Outlaws #2)

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Dirty Mind (Nashville Outlaws #2) Page 21

by Cheryl Douglas

  The security lights came on, flooding the stone path with light as I got closer to the house. I screamed when I saw a large silhouette standing next to a tree about twenty feet away. My heart only started beating again when I heard his familiar chuckle.

  “Dade! You scared the shit out of me!”

  His laughter continued as he pushed off the tree and fell into step beside me, reaching for my hand. “Sorry, babe.” He brushed his lips across my knuckles. “Bob called up to the house to tell me you were here. Didn’t want you walking up all alone.”

  His estate was secure, but I still appreciated his thoughtfulness. “Thanks.”

  “Your buddy drop you off?”

  I shook my head. “No, I took an Uber.”

  “Good.” He slipped his arm around my waist. “Can’t tell you how glad I am you’re here.”

  “To be honest, I’m still not sure why I am.” I didn’t want to hurt him, but I had to be honest.

  “One night,” he whispered. “That’s all I’m asking for. Just your trust for one night, Charli. That’s the only way this thing will work, right?” He tugged on my hand, pulling me to a stop in front of him. “I can tell you that I love you, that I’ve never felt this way before, and it’s the truth. But talk is cheap and with my history words probably sound pretty hollow. I don’t blame you for feeling that way. I would too, in your position.”

  All I’d ever wanted was to have a man love me as much as I loved him and tonight Dade made that wish come true. Even if it didn’t last forever, I was grateful I got to experience it.

  “One night,” I repeated, trying to process what that meant.

  “Tonight.” His lips were soft, but demanding when they claimed mine, making it impossible to resist him. “But I never wanna let you go, baby. Know that.”

  All of my adolescent fantasies were wrapped up in this enigma of a man. So many layers to him. The broken and battered. Talented and gifted. Sweet and generous. Tough and relentless. Loving and protective. Scared and confused. And I loved them all. Every complex facet woven together to make him the person the soul craved.

  “I never want you to let me go.” I rolled forward on my toes, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I only left because you didn’t give me a choice.” He picked me up, his strong arms banding around my waist when I whispered, “I can’t be with someone who can only love with half of his heart, ‘cause the other half’s been shattered beyond repair.”

  “I know.” He pressed his forehead to mine. “It wasn’t losing them that did me in. It was losing faith in myself, in my own judgement, that finally made me crack.”

  “I want to help you re-build that faith.” I peppered his lips with kisses, making him smile. “Just like I need your help to rebuild my faith, Dade. It’s been broken too. Too many men who used me or cared more about boozing and getting high than loving me.”

  “They were idiots,” he grumbled. “Every last one of them. You’re a goddess. And they didn’t deserve you if they couldn’t see how lucky they were—”

  I cut him off with a kiss. “I don’t care about anyone else anymore. Just you and me. That’s all that matters.” I looked into his eyes. “If this has a prayer of working, we have let go of the past. Right here and now. Your past relationships and mine are just a… distant memory from now on. Agreed?”

  His look was intense, even more heated when I wrapped my legs around his waist. “Agreed.”

  “Good. So, you gonna take me inside or you wanna put on a show for the squirrels and chipmunks?”

  He chuckled, spinning me around so he could see the path in front of him as he walked me up the steps. “I’m not sharing you with anyone, gorgeous. Not even the critters.”

  Chapter 19


  This crazy beautiful girl was teaching me, one word, one caress at a time, how it felt to be loved. Not because of my money or fame, but because of my heart. She loved me for me. And I realized, as I was stealing her breath with kisses, that’s what I’d been searching for all my life. A partner who could look past all the things that didn’t matter and value the one thing that did: my love.

  If I’d found Charli first, there never would have been another. She’d have been my first, my last, my forever. She’d be the mother of my kids by now. Maybe my co-writer on a few songs. Not my assistant, but my equal in every area of our lives.

  I was perched over her, after winding her up with my mouth, staring into her piercing green eyes, and I knew. Any fear or doubts I’d ever had were gone. I didn’t care what anyone else said or thought. I wasn’t afraid of another bitter, embarrassing break-up. Because there was no end in her eyes. They flashed forever. And I hoped mine did too because that’s what I wanted her to see when she looked at me. Certainty.

  “I love you,” I whispered, sinking into her slowly as I tried like hell to hold back. “You’re my everything, Charli.”

  Her whimper was soft as her nails dug into my shoulders as she drew me deeper. “I love you too.”

  I’d heard those words a thousand times throughout my life, but they’d always felt hollow. Now I knew why. Because I was only ever meant to hear those three little words from this woman. Hearing them from her fulfilled me in a way that felt like completion. The conclusion to a long and bitterly grueling path that ended with the ultimate reward.

  I made love to her, pouring all of the thoughts teasing my mind into every thrust. Stretching her body and mind to accept and believe that the seemingly impossible was possible. From this night on it was my mission to make all of this girl’s dreams come true.

  I could do it now, in private, or on a public stage. Silencing all of the naysayers and giving the middle finger to all of our critics. I knew what Charli deserved. The big public declaration. A man who was willing to stand up and tell everyone she was his and he was never letting her go.

  It may be years before people actually believed me and Charli were the real deal. I didn’t care. They could waste time waiting for the other shoe to drop. Me? I’d be too busy loving on my wife. Making babies with her. Filling albums with beautiful memories of our life together.

  “You feel so good,” she murmured, letting her teeth graze my shoulder. “I could get used to this.”

  “You better.” I plunged my fingers into her hair, tipping her face up to meet mine. “I’m the last guy who’ll ever make love to you.” I let that sink in before I said, “The guy who gives you those babies you’ve been wanting.”

  She sucked in a breath as her eyes filled with tears. I could tell she wanted to believe me, but there was a tiny piece of her heart still guarded by the wall she’d built to protect herself. I wasn’t worried. I knew what I had to do to break that down.

  “You want that, beautiful?” I kissed away the tears gliding down her cheeks as my body gently guided her higher.

  “You know I do.” Her voice was broken as she bit her lip, letting her hands slide down my back before curling into my hips. “You know what else I want?” Her smile was saucy as she clenched me tighter. “To finish you off.”

  I grinned, getting the message loud and clear as I picked up the pace.

  The transformation that stole over her face was stunning to watch. From playful to lost in a split second. Her lashes kissed her cheeks as she raised her body to meet the driving force that challenged me to please her in a way other men had only fantasized about.

  She was mine. Every time I took her like this, I was wiping away more of the bad memories, replacing them with the perfect ones that would be burned into her memory for the rest of her days. Because they’d be the memories she made with me. Her husband. The father of her children. The man who would love her until she drew her last breath and I drew mine.

  I linked our hands, stretching them over her head as I unleashed, releasing the fear of losing her. The recriminations over the mistakes I’d made. The anger over seeing her kiss someone else. The ache in my chest that had been there since she left.

  I poured it all out. Grunt
ing through the anger. Thrusting like a wild man through the fear. Swearing through the pain. Kissing her through the regret. This wasn’t just sex. It was a soul-deep cleansing.

  When she finally fell apart in my arms, I forced myself to slow down and hold her, giving my poor heart a chance to synchronize with hers.

  But my woman had other ideas. She kissed my neck as her legs closed around my waist, drawing me deeper. Her words were dirty, her kisses were intoxicating, and her body was setting me on fire as she took over before I realized what the hell was happening.

  Before I could regain control, I was spilling into her, trying to catch my breath as she claimed my moans in her mouth before telling me how much she loved me.


  Didn’t get much better than that.

  I rolled over on my back, drawing her into my arms. “I’m addicted to you,” I said, kissing her temple. “You know that, right?”

  She laughed, patting my stomach. “You won’t hear me complaining. Besides, there was worst things you could be addicted to.”

  “Hmm, but nothing better.”

  Charli tipped her head back, looking me in the eye. “Tonight went a long way. I’m really starting to believe this could work.”

  “It will, baby. No doubt about it.” I told her I’d only ask for one night at a time. But I lied. I wanted every night from now on and I was going to get it. “I’ve got that TV interview in the morning.”

  “Oh, that’s right. I saw that in your schedule. You need me to do anything to help you prepare?”

  “You could come and watch.” I tipped her chin with my index finger. “I could use the moral support.” I’d been on a hundred TV shows over the years, but having Charli with me would make this the most memorable one.

  “Of course.” She kissed my chest. “Anything you need.”

  I held her tighter, closing my eyes as I imagined all of the things I wanted to say to her. “I’ve got a quick pit stop before I go to the studio in the morning, babe. Would you mind meeting me there? You can take the Caddy.”

  “Sure, no problem.” She rolled over, tucking into me. “That’ll give me a chance to sleep in a bit.”

  I hadn’t had a decent night’s sleep since she left, but with her curled up in my arms, I couldn’t fight it if I tried.

  The perky blonde TV host had asked about my new single, my award nomination and a collaboration on my upcoming album before she finally got around to the question I’d been waiting for.

  “Dade.” She reached over, touching my leg like we were old friends, even though I’d never met her before. “You know there are always rumors circulating about your love life. But the latest ones are particularly juicy. You and Knox’s sister-in-law! Is that true?”

  My eyes drifted to the front row, where Charli was sitting wide-eyed, biting her lip.

  “It is.” I crooked my finger, beckoning to the woman who put all the others to shame, especially when her cheeks flamed and she shook her head. “Charli, come on up here a minute. I want the world to see why I fell in love with you.”

  Her jaw dropped before she covered her mouth with her hands.

  When I went public with our relationship, I had no intention of half-assing it with a statement through my publicist. I was going all in.

  “Yeah!” The host squealed, knowing she was getting an exclusive most reporters would kill for. “Come on up here, Charli. Take a seat beside your man.”

  Charli knew she didn’t have a choice when the audience roared with applause and whistles, urging her on.

  I stood to hug her, dropping a quick kiss on her lips before the host embraced her.

  “So, tell us about your relationship with this guy, Charli,” the host said, inclining her head in my direction. “Did he sweep you off your feet or what?”

  “He…” Charli looked at me out of the corner of her eye, obviously trying to read my mind. “He’s, uh, obviously one of my sister and brother-in-law’s best friends. So that’s how we met. We stood up for them at their wedding, and things just kind of evolved from there.”

  The host smiled, nodding. “Were you a fan of his music before y’all started dating?”

  Charli giggled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Yeah, you could say that.”

  “And I’ve heard rumors that you’re working for Dade. Is that true?”

  She nodded. “Yes, as his assistant.”

  “So, where do you see this going?” the host asked me. “Obviously you’re no stranger to that long walk down the aisle. Do you see another wedding in your future?”

  I could feel Charli tense beside me before I took her hand, bringing it to my lips while the audience ahhed at the display of affection. “We’re not all lucky enough to get it right the first time,” I said, looking into Charli’s eyes. This was for her. Not for the millions of other people who would inevitably hear these words. “Some of us have to fail before we finally figure out what it takes to succeed.”

  “That’s true,” the host said. “So, are you saying you think Charli might be the one?”

  I leaned in, kissing her cheek when her breathing kicked up a notch. “A friend once told me there are people who pass through our lives just to teach us lessons. That was the case with my previous relationships. No regrets. No shame or embarrassment. Not anymore. Because if I hadn’t lived through that I wouldn’t be able to appreciate this.” I curled my hand around Charli’s cheek, bringing her in for a kiss.

  I knew she was still stunned that I’d chosen a forum like this to out us, but I couldn’t think of a more perfect way to let the world know I’d finally found my person.

  “Wow.” The host fanned her face. “I see another wedding in your future, Dade.”

  I winked at Charli. “The others were just practice runs. No offence intended, but this one’ll be the real deal.”

  My lady closed her eyes, shaking her head, like she couldn’t believe the words pouring out of my mouth.

  I pulled the velvet box out of the interior pocket of my blazer and a collective gasp moved through the crowd, followed by excited squeals and laughter.

  Charli stared at the box, then me, before I dropped to one knee in front of her. Chee might kick my ass for not asking for his blessing first, but I’d beg forgiveness later because nothing could stop me from making this woman mine.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered, glancing at the audience over my shoulder. “I can’t believe you’re doing this.”

  I felt a surge of fear as I realized she may not be ready to take this step. We hadn’t known each other long and our relationship had been rocky, to say the least, but if she felt about me the way I did about her, there’d be no hesitation.

  If she didn’t? If she wasn’t ready? I’d deal with the public humiliation and wait ‘til she got there. Just like I promised, one day at a time.

  “Charli.” I kissed her hand. “When I saw you sitting front and center at my concert years ago, I knew I was looking into the eyes of someone special. You haunted my dreams for a long time. Then when Knox flashed your picture and told me who you were, I knew.” I smiled as she wiped away the tears. “I knew, baby. The Universe was conspiring, in crazy ways I couldn’t begin to understand, to bring us together. Call it fate. Call it luck. Doesn’t really matter what you call it, ‘cause I know you and I were meant to be.”

  She nodded, still brushing away her tears.

  “You forced me to face my fears. Own my mistakes. And learn to love with my whole heart.” I kissed her hand. “You taught me how to accept real love too, and that’s the best gift you could have given me.”

  “Dade…” She whispered, totally overcome with emotion. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  “Believe it, sweetheart.” I squeezed her hand while popping the box open to reveal a flawless oval-cut solitaire. “I’m tired of fantasizing and I bet you are too.” I winked, referencing all of her teen fantasises about me. The posters on her wall of the man who’d be sharing her bed every ni
ght. Life was crazy sometimes. And if she said yes, it was gonna get crazy-good for both of us.

  “I’m ready to turn all of those fantasies into reality if you’ll agree to be my… forever?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, choking on a sob as I slipped the ring on her trembling finger. She threw her arms around me. “Yes.”

  Everyone applauded as I stood, hauling her up with me. “I love you,” I whispered in her ear. “And your daddy’s probably gonna kick my ass for not clearing this with him first.”

  She laughed and her eyes sparkled when she said, “I don’t care what he thinks. Do you?”

  “Baby, I stopped caring what anyone else thinks,” I whispered in her ear. “From now on the only opinion that matters to me is yours. Every day I’ll try to be a man you’re proud to call your husband.”

  “You don’t have to work at it,” she said, touching my cheek. “I’m already so proud to call you mine.”

  Heaven & Hell - Read on For a Sneak Peek…

  Heaven & Hell



  My hand crawled into her hair as she molded her body to mine. My brain knew we were in the middle of a dance floor, but my body reacted as though we were locked down in my bedroom.

  “How old are you, beautiful?”

  “Old enough.” She licked her lips. “I’m not jailbait, if that’s what you’re worried about, Archer.”

  I wasn’t worried whether she was legal. I didn’t even venture close to that line, much less cross it. But I needed to know she was old enough to know what the hell she was getting into if I took her home tonight.

  “And I’m not a virgin,” she whispered in my ear. “So, don’t think I’m gonna fall in love just cause we do the deed.”

  This girl, Skylar, was sassy and sexy and the biggest turn-on I’d met in a hell of a long time. But she was also dangerous. A body built for a sin with an angel’s face could haunt a man. And I had enough demons dogging me. I didn’t need another.


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